Thriving Launch Show – Top Ranked Leadership Podcast

The Thriving Launch Leadership Podcast is here to inspire you to have freedom in every area of your life. We sit down with industry leaders and uncover what it means to be mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially free.

Thriving Launch is the top leadership podcast online today. The Thriving Launch Leadership Podcast is the only podcast that helps you start and grow a business online without neglecting your health, relationships, and happiness.

Your hosts, Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers, run a successful international business, travel the world, and teach others to do the same.

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Leadership Podcast Wisdom From Today’s Top Experts

Jack Canfield Thriving Launch Leadership Podcast

Jack Canfield

Founder, Bestselling Author

Dr. Venus

CEO of Defy Impossible, Inc.

Marianne Williamson On Thriving Launch Leadership Podcast

Marianne Williamson

NY Bestselling Author

Bruce Lipton

Ph.D., Author

Don Miguel Ruiz

NY Bestselling Author

John Grey Thriving Launch Leadership Podcast

Dr. John Gray

Bestselling Author

Lindsey Graves

COO of Inc. 100 listed

JP Sears Thriving Launch Leadership Podcast

JP Sears

YouTube Sensation

Oz Pearlman

Mentalist, Marathon Winner

Shep Gordon

Hollywood Film Agent & Producer

T Harv Eker Thriving Launch Leadership podcast

T. Harv Eker

NY Bestselling Author

Vicki Irvin

Owner, TV Host

Bas Rutten

Actor, Heavy Weight Campaign

Srini Rao

Founder, Podcast Host

Russell Brunson

Owner Of ClickFunnels

gretchen rubin Thriving Launch Leadership podcast

Gretchen Rubin

NY Bestselling Author

Clayton Morris

News Anchor

Gabby Bernstein

NY Bestselling Author

Dan Millman

Gold Medal Gymnast

Ben Settle

Email Marketing Expert

Leadership Podcast Business Training Tuesdays 

Once a week, Thriving Launch Leadership Podcast brings you a training to expand your online business. Every Tuesday, we interview an industry expert to give you the most innovative and proven systems to grow your online business. On this leadership podcast day, you’ll get clear action plans to build your following, gain influence and make money online.

Top Thriving Launch Leadership Podcast Business Training Episodes:


Concept Testing

Concept Testing

Concept testing can save you time and money before you put your product out there.

Well-known mentors say that if you have an idea and want to create a product, don’t do all the work building the product and getting the sales funnel in place, and then try to make people buy it. Instead, you can pre-sell your idea first.

On this episode, I’m going to talk to you about how you can use social media to make sales and get paid before you do the work. You can use these steps on any platform you choose to test the market and make money before doing all of the work.

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Selling Techniques – Bob Burg

Selling Techniques – Bob Burg

Successful selling techniques place the focus on customers and on bringing value to them.

On this episode, sales trainer and best-selling author, Bob Burg, shares useful tips he has learned over the years while working in sales.

Bob learned that if you want to become successful in sales, money shouldn’t be your goal. Instead, your goal should be serving others, and money is your reward for hitting the target.

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Find Yourself – Kute Blackson

Find Yourself – Kute Blackson

It takes courage to find yourself and live an authentic life. Being aligned with your goals and visions allows you to be who you are, and that is the best gift you can give to the world.

Many people don’t speak their truth because they’re afraid of what they imagine the consequences will be.

On this episode, Kute Blackson, a best-selling author, helps us find our true self and our authentic message, which is the only measure of real success.

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How To Be A Successful Artist – Jeff Goins

How To Be A Successful Artist – Jeff Goins

We’ve all heard the story of the starving artist, but if you have chosen to do creative work, you need to learn how to be a successful artist. Embracing the importance of skill, you can choose to thrive as an artist rather than starve.

On this episode, Jeff Goins, author of the national bestseller book, The Art of Work, breaks down the myth of the starving artist. He cites beliefs held by starving artists that stop them from living a prosperous life.

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How To Get Noticed As A Writer – Nicolas Cole

How To Get Noticed As A Writer – Nicolas Cole

If you want to know how to get noticed as a writer in Quora, the key is not just answering people’s questions, but also weaving in your personal story.

Nicolas Cole is a writer and always gets his answers in Quora picked up by major publications.

On this episode, he is going to share valuable tips on how he was able to get the attention of the readers. The real value in getting noticed in Quora is not just about the PR, but that you are being seen as a thought leader.

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How To Monetize A Podcast

How To Monetize A Podcast

Many entrepreneurs want to learn how to monetize a podcast.

On this episode, I share with you some strategies for making money from your show.

The best way to monetize a podcast is by selling your own products and services.

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Art of Storytelling – Michael Hauge

Art of Storytelling – Michael Hauge

The art of storytelling is a powerful way to make sales and let people know what you have to offer.

On this episode, Story Consultant and Script Writer, Michael Hauge, shares some useful tips on how to tell a great story. The art of storytelling is about creating an emotional response, which will elicit behavior like buying your product or service.

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How to create a podcast and how to make a passive income online

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