In this article, we’re going to look at podcast ideas that will make you money. We’re going to explore:
- What to talk about on a podcast and how to easily come up with podcast episode ideas
- How to come up with good podcast topic ideas that will set your show up to be profitable
- And the big money-maker podcast ideas
We host the Thriving Launch Podcast that’s had over 300 amazing interviews including with people like Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Russell Brunson, JP Sears, and the list goes on and on.
Our podcast earns five-figures a month. And in this article, we’re going to show you how to make money with a podcast through your:
- Podcast topic ideas
- Podcast episode ideas
- And big-picture podcast ideas
Want To Start A Podcast? Here’s Our FREE Podcast Training Bundle
Good Podcast Topic Ideas For Creating A Profitable Podcast
When choosing a podcast topic idea, you want to choose a subject that positions you to make money.
Choose a topic for your show that sets your podcast up to be a success right from the start and ensures that you will be attracting the perfect potential clients.
How To Choose A Good Podcast Topic Idea That Will Make You Money
- A Good Podcast Topic Idea Is Related To Your Business
- Solves One Specific Problem
- Is A Topic You’re Passionate About
- Already Has An Audience
- Has A Unique Angle
1) A Good Podcast Topic Idea Is Related To Your Business

The best podcast topic idea is:
- Related to your current business
- Or is about a topic you want to build a business around
Think of your podcast as a lead generation tool for something bigger. Think beyond the podcast.
Your podcast isn’t the end of the line. It’s the beginning.
A podcast is a way to build a loyal audience and lead that audience to something you have to offer.
For example, we have a relationship podcast Lasting Love Connection. We started that podcast because we love talking to relationship experts.
However, The Lasting Love Connection podcast is not just something we love doing.
That podcast is a great way to build followers for our Online Marriage Counseling sessions, relationship book and products.
So when you’re choosing a good podcast topic idea, make sure that’s on a subject that interests your ideal clients.
A podcast will help you Get Your Message Out Worldwide and if you choose the right topic you will Attract An Audience Who Want To become clients – and be able to help more people
If you don’t have a business, product or offer to sell yet, not to worry. Choose a topic that you could create a business or offer around later.
Health And Wellness Related Podcast Topic Ideas That Can Make You Money
- Digestive health
- Weight-loss
- Mental health
- Emotional Eating
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Heart-disease
- Hormone health
- Addiction
- Child development
- Transgender transitioning
- Sound therapy
- Grief
- 12 step
- Light therapy
- Autoimmune disease
- New Age
- Angels
- Menopause
- Autism
- Alzheimer’s
- Food allergies
- Raw vegan diet
- Eco-living
- Nutrition
- Keto Diet
- Nursing
- Environmental illness
- Stress and anxiety
- Meditation
- Men’s health
- Psychology
- Dreams
- Mindfulness
- Astral projection
- Bodywork
- Fitness
- Psychics
- Paleo Diet
- Yoga
- Corporate wellness
- Eldercare
- Biohacking
- Reviews of health products
- Supplements
- Crystal healing
- Women’s health
- Spirituality
- Bodybuilding
Business Related Podcast Topic Ideas That Can Make You Money
- Copywriting
- Automation
- Productivity
- Systems and operations
- Project management
- Business failures
- Stories of business success
- Managing finances
- Stocks
- Investing
- Human Resources
- Scaling
- Content marketing
- Digital marketing
- Selling with social media
- Traffic and lead generation
- Career training
- Work at home
- Adulting
- Entrepreneurship
- Graphic design
- Innovation
- E-commerce
- Photography
- Online education
- Developing
- Software review
- Branding
- Website optimization
- Affiliate marketing
- Writing
- Ethics
- SaaS
- Startups
- Real estate
- House flipping
- Accounting
- Digital nomads
- Social media
- Email marketing
- Advertising
- Sales
- Coaching and mentoring
- Leadership
Education Related Podcast Topic Ideas That Can Make You Money
- Language training
- Math
- Science
- Ways to learn
- Book reviews
- Literature
- Documentaries
- Politics
- Economics
- History
- Current events
- Animals
- How to
- Trying new things
- Crimes
- Government
- Gun violence
- Trades
- Women’s studies
- Dance
- Commentary
- Technology
- Wine or coffee
- Fashion
- Makeup and hair
- Celebrities
- Movie reviews
- Music reviews
- Pets and pet care
- Homecare
- Tools and hardware
- Feng Shui
- Global news
- Storys
- Travel
- Education and universities
- Homeschooling
- Gender gap
- Scavenger hunts
- Environmental issues
- Comedy
- Culture
- Food
- Cooking
- Shopping
- Climate change
- Health care
- Product reviews
- Just for kids
- Outdoors
- Sports
- Elections
- Plants and gardening
- Computer repair
- Myth-busting
- Treasure hunting
- English language
- Learning to play an instrument
- Quantum physics
- Cars
- Mechanics
- Retirement
- Franchising
- Farming and agriculture
- Law
- Gaming
- Race
- Mysteries
- Lies and scandals
- Investigations
Relationship Related Podcast Topic Ideas That Can Make You Money
- Sex and intimacy
- Dating
- Communication
- Parenting
- Planning for the future
- How to handle conflict
- Love languages
- Money issues
- Breakups
- Divorce
- Sex and love addiction
- Monogamy
- Emotional abuse
- Coming out
- Adultery and cheating stories
- Sex work
- Father and daughter relationship
- Sexual assault survivors
- Death and dying
- Friendship
- Loss
- Love styles
- Gender roles
- Long distance relationships
- Weddings
- Sex education
- Keeping love alive
- Boundary setting and consent
- Alternative relationship styles
- Religion
- Tantra
- Relationship advice
- Matchmaking
- Pregnancy
- Online dating
2) A Good Podcast Topic Ideas Solves One Specific Problem
Your podcast shouldn’t be general. It should seek to solve a specific problem because your business solves a specific problem. And you want to attract people who will want the solution your business solves.
By honing your podcast into one specific solution and niche, you start to attract an audience that will want to become clients.
And more importantly….
Solving one specific problem, allows you to be heard by people on every corner of the globe. Because people will know you’re the go-to expert for that solution.
You will finally have a way to get your message out there and help more people than you ever thought possible.
So if you’re in the business of losing weight – your show should be about weight loss and not just overall fitness in general. Your niche is weight loss so it’s good to stay focused on that.
Or if you work in website development, your show should give away information on what it takes to have a thriving website and how having a website can help you get business.
3) A Great Podcast Topic Idea Is A Topic You’re Passionate About
If you choose a topic you actually like talking about, your enthusiasm will shine through.
Believe me, if you’re not interested in the podcast topic you choose, you’ll probably lose steam fast and stop releasing episodes.
The best podcast topic should be about:
- Something that you’d love to talk about at a dinner party
- Something you’re really curious about
- Or an area you already have a lot of knowledge in
4) A Good Podcast Topic Idea Already Has An Audience
When finding a great podcast topic idea, make sure that:
- There is a big-enough audience to attract a large body of listeners
- Or that the topic hasn’t been so overdone, there’s too much competition
Once you find some great podcast topic ideas, I encourage you to go into Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts, and see what podcasts are already out there on the subject.
This is just a quick search by typing in the subject into the search bar wherever you listen to podcasting.
1. Go To iTunes Apple Podcast and search for a podcast topic idea you have

2. If there are no other podcasts on the podcast topic you’re interested in, it’s not a good topic

3. Make sure there isn’t too much competition for your podcast topic idea

5) A Good Podcast Topic Idea Has A Unique Angle
What are you going to bring to your show that no other podcast has?
Making sure that your podcast is unique, may require some time listening to other podcasts on the topic and looking for what’s not being done.
Also, you have our permission to bring whatever is uniquely you to the podcast.
This is your show.
Guests will come and go, but what will keep people coming back is you and all your weirdness, playfulness, or uniqueness. You don’t have to hold back on your show.
Bring Your Uniqueness To Your Podcast
Instead of trying to follow what someone else is doing, we encourage you to look for what people aren’t doing. Look for ways you can bring all the skill sets you have to the show.
If you’re a poker player for fun, and you have a business as a health coach, then start a show that uses gambling metaphors for how to live a healthy lifestyle.
If you’re a dancer, and you have a business about teaching graphic design – Start a show about how to dance your way to discover your brand.
Whatever it is that is special, unique and strange about you – bring it all together to create a viral and unforgettable podcast.
We have backgrounds in health, relationships counseling, and spirituality. And our podcast Thriving Launch doesn’t just teach entrepreneurs business skills. It teaches mission-driven entrepreneurs how to have success in every facet of life. We interview leading experts in health, relationships, and business.
We recognize that we are all holistic beings. And that having success in your business and with your podcast isn’t just about strategy, it’s about having fulfillment in every area of your life.
So be creative and use your podcast as a platform to express all of who you are.
Podcast Episode Ideas That Make It Easy To Produce Profitable Content

One of the things you might be worried about is “What am I going to say?” or “Am I going to have enough content to share with the world?”
This is a common thing with people when they start their podcast.
I’m going to share some great podcast ideas on how to overcome the fear of starting a podcast because you’re worried you don’t have enough content.
I’m going to show you how to have so much content, and make it so you don’t even have to create it and be the one that’s generating the information.
I’m going to show you how easy it is to leverage someone else for content and use that as your own content.
You Never Have To Wonder What You’re Going To Talk About
We all know that content is king and that you need to have content to share, but with a podcast, maybe you’re worried about what you’re going to say.
Don’t worry.
It’s going to be a lot easier than you think because we’re going to show you how to get amazing guests on your show. And your guests are going to provide content!
Related Article: 9 Ways To Make Money Podcasting
When we had Marianne Williamson, Jack Canfield, JP Sears, and Russell Brunson on our podcast, we didn’t have to create content. We just ask them questions.
We say, “Hey, Russell, how do you create a funnel?”
“Hey JP, how do you get a million viewers right away on YouTube? How are you using video?”
Or to a podcaster, “Hey, how do you create an awesome podcast? How do you get listens? How do you get views?”
So you don’t have to worry about coming up with content ideas because we’re going to let your guests do that for you.
Step One – Podcast Episode Ideas –
Have Guests On The Show To Generate Content

When you have guest on your podcast, they provide the content. It’s super easy.
I’m going to give you three podcast ideas for landing amazing interviews, and it’s not very hard. It doesn’t even matter if people know who you are, or you’re famous or any of that.
These steps are guaranteed to work. They’ve worked for me and for thousands of other podcasters we’ve helped.
Related: Get The Podcast Launch Guide – Launch A Podcast In Just 7 Days
Let me go into those three podcast ideas.
Step Two – Go To The Person’s Website
Go to the person’s website who you want as a guest.
Find the person’s website and go to their Contact page.
It doesn’t matter if you’re Marianne Williamson, or Jack Canfield, or Robert Kiyosaki, it doesn’t matter. On the Contact page, everyone has some way you can reach out to them.
So go to the person’s contact page. And write them a message.
Step Three – Write An Awesome Message
Write an awesome message.
One of the key things to writing a great message is ask the person to come on your show.
“Hey, my name is Luis. I’m the host of Thriving Launch, and I would love to have you on my podcast. You’d be a fantastic guest because –” And tell why you want them on your show and thank them.
Then, watch, the emails will start coming in.
Step Four – Write Messages To More People
Write lots of messages.
When you’re first getting started, you can’t expect that everyone’s going to respond to you in one day, or two days, or three days. It might take a week or two or three weeks before someone responds.
One of my guests, Dr. Harville Hendrix, has been on Oprah 19x, more than anyone else. It took me almost six months before I got a response from his team.
While I was waiting for his response, I wrote a bunch of other emails. During that time, I started accruing more connections and a better network, and you can do the same thing.
Start writing messages, get out there, find the Contact page, write people, and then write more people. That’s it. Those are the three podcast ideas to help you get started right now.
If you’re interested in making money podcasting, but sure to pick up the Paid To Podcast Guide.

Podcast Ideas Summary
Making a great show that moves the needle in your business is possible.
All of these podcast ideas can help you generate an endless supply of content that will engage your audience.
If there’s one main takeaway from today’s article it’s this:
Whatever your podcast ideas focus on – make sure they’re relevant to your business.
Podcasting, like any other content marketing tool can help you showcase your skills, wisdom, and be a leverage tool for increasing sales. Use it wisely and it’ll help you be a prominent voice in your market, and be the leader in your industry.
Before you ever record an episode, be sure it’s aligned with how you’d like to serve. Too many business owners create content on the fly and don’t ask themselves how their podcast ideas will serve to move things forward. Fortunately, you’ve now read this whole article and won’t make that mistake.
If you’re ready to go and record your podcast, we invite you to check out our FREE Podcast Bundle + Video Training.
Thank Luis and Kamala. Incredible helpful info
Thanks for all the great information!