Make Money While Traveling

Kamala Chambers
Welcome to this episode with Luis and Kamala. Today, we’re going to talk about how to make money while traveling.
How To Make Money While Traveling

Luis Congdon
Hey guys. Today, I want to talk to you about how to make money while traveling.
What do you need to do to get set-up so you can make money and profit while you’re traveling all over the world and visiting amazing places just like Kamala and I have done? What are some of the pitfalls of traveling and trying to run a business and, what are some of the things we’ve learned from making some of those mistakes?
The first thing I want you to know that if you have this dream to make money while traveling and this vision of being able to travel, you are living in a perfect time now to be able to have that dream for to be real and it’s easier than it’s ever been.

Kamala Chambers
It really is.
When I first started traveling, I didn’t have the ability to shape a business around my lifestyle. It took me quite long to learn how to make money while traveling.
I had to save up all the money I possibly could and work from months on in and then, I would take this big epic journeys. Now, it’s so amazing what we’re doing because just this year, we’ve gone to Thailand, Columbia, all over The United States and we’re actually making more money while we’re traveling and it’s because we have the internet that enables us to make money while traveling.
If you can bring all of your business online and I’ve been working for years to make sure that all my business isn’t location specific and, if you can bring all your business online or find a way to shape your business so you can just have Wi-Fi and laptop and you have to access money. It’s absolutely incredible when you build a business around this and you are able to make money while traveling.
So the first thing is you have to know what you have to offer. What is that unique offer that you want to put out to the world? Maybe this is something that you already have in place and if you don’t have an offer in place, then this is something that you have to have in order to create a business online. You have to know what you want to offer to people.
Now Luis, I’d love to hear what’s the advanced tip here when you already have your offer that helps to make money while traveling?

Luis Congdon
The first thing you’re going to want to do and this is something I had to do and I had to make this shift in my business because when Kamala and I first got together, I had a business where I was coaching couples and working one on one with couples and I was at a strong belief that I had to see people visually. I had to be there physically with them and I felt like this huge hurdle to try to travel and have a coaching business but it can totally be done and it might even feel elementary to a lot of you but we’ll have more advanced tips as we proceed. So, just stay tuned for some of those more advanced tips.
The first thing you can do if you’re doing anything that’s hands on with people is let people know that from now on, you’re only doing Skype sessions, phone sessions, email sessions, anything where it’s online. You can use Zoom if you want or Skype. There’s all sorts of options but you can still make the same amount of income.
So if you’re a coach and you’ve currently been seeing people at 2 – 3 – 4 -500 dollars a session and you’ve been doing them all in person, you can start telling your clients that you have this new way of seeing people. You’ve found that it’s more powerful, which it really can be. It’s more powerful and not only that, it allows people not to have to get dressed, hop in their car, find a parking space, come and see you and then, hop back in their car, be stuck in traffic and then go back home but they can just simply see you from the comfort of wherever they’re at and this is the new way that you’re doing things.
At first, it scared me to switch my clients to that method but what I found is that people were really okay with it. It was just about presentation. So just use the wording that I suggested. It’s more powerful this way. It’s easier because you don’t have to travel. I don’t have to travel. We don’t have to be in some new space. You get to do it from the comfort of your own home and then, have whatever fees that you want and I want you to realize that just because you’re not seeing people physically doesn’t mean you have to lower your prices. It doesn’t mean you have to change your prices and it totally allows you to raise your prices if you want.
That’s the first thing to make money while traveling and start removing yourself out of any location dependent services and make them so now, they’re available online.

Kamala Chambers
If you are really stuck on this idea that you need to see people in person, well, you can always create a special tour where you go to certain cities or locations where you have a lot of clients or you can have VIP days where you fly in and support your client and just charge a higher ticket offer.
Making that shift made all the difference for my businesses, just stop being dependent on the location, and creating offers that I could present purely through the internet and through the phone.
Now Luis, I know that you’re really good at getting people to buy those offers that you put out there and I love to hear a little bit more from you about the way you do that.
Have Strong Social Media Presence To Be Able To Make Money While Traveling

Luis Congdon
When we talk about working, traveling, and to be able to make money while traveling, you don’t have to think about it as just something that is about traveling and leaving your own home. This tip really applies to anybody who has a business.
I’ve made a YouTube video about how to make money while traveling. We’ll include the link for that too where I talked a little bit more about this concept around promoting yourself.
If you’re serious about knowing how to make money while traveling no matter what level you’re at in your business, whether you’re at the $2000 a month or a couple $100 a month or here and there, making money, or millions of dollars a month, one of the key differentiators in your business will be how good you are at letting the world know about your service and offerings.
So if you’re a small business owner, a solo business owner, solopreneur, or you’re just a team of 1 or 2 like Kamala and I are, we have staff but Kamala and I are primarily the two people that run our business. First thing I want to say here is get good at letting the world know what you do if you interested to make money while traveling.
Here’s some ways that you can get good at this.
- Go into social media and start letting people know what you do, what your offerings are, what those offerings look like. This is the first thing.
I have some more tips around how to make money while traveling which I’ll dive deeper in with another episode but right now, the first thing I want you to start doing is start letting people know and if you’ve never offered this service or you have a 9 to 5 or 9 to 8 like I did, you’ve got to start letting people know what you do.
So, go online, tell people, “Hey guys. If you need a coach, you need somebody to help you with X, Y, and Z,” let’s say you’re a health coach, “If you’re struggling with your health and you have stomach problems and digestion issues, I’m a pro at this. I can help you. Private message me if you’re interested.”
If you have a website and you have some emails, start letting people know through your email list. Like recently, I decided to email our list and say, “Hey guys. I want to let you know that I’ve never publicly announced that I do private coaching. I’ve only allowed people to come to me if when I have the time and if and when they actually ask.” People had to find out about my coaching by thinking of it themselves and then, taking the action of emailing me and asking me and then they could only sign up if I decided, first, I’m interested, and second if I have the time.
Recently I decided, “I love coaching. I’m going to open up more time for this.” Well, nobody knows that until I let the world know. Be sure you’re letting the world know what you do, what your services and offerings are and while it might feel a little bit nerve-wracking to this or it might feel like “Wait, I have an amazing service that world should just know,” or “Hey, I’ve been doing this for 10 years. I’ve added this new program,” nobody’s coming through the door for this for the program.
Well, your biggest problem is likely because you’re not letting the world know. So, I want you to start letting people know about your service and offerings because as you do that, people will come and they’ll ask you about it and if you set it up so that they can meet with you on Skype or through email or you have a digital product like Kamala teaches, then you don’t even have to physically be there and that’s the key to all of this.
The key to traveling and making money is that you don’t physically have to be there.
Now, there are other ways to travel and make money but today, we’re talking about being able to pretty much pack up your backpack and leave anytime you want and go somewhere else.
To Make Money While Traveling Is Fun

Kamala Chambers
I want to just bring in another element here because we’re talking about how to make money while traveling and the thing that I see the most people getting stuck on, is the belief that they can’t do that.
Being able to travel the world and just take off seems so far outside of what people can imagine themselves to be able to do that they don’t do it. They put it off as a, “Someday,” or “Oh, that’s a nice dream to have,” but this is something that you absolutely can do and traveling doesn’t take that much money if you know how to do it right. It really doesn’t drain your resources of you know how to set it up right.
Let’s suppose you wanted to go to another country for 6 months or maybe even 1 month and you want to make money while traveling. You could sublet your house. For example when we went to Columbia, it’s half the price to live there than it is to live in Seattle. So, we got a place in Columbia. So you’re actually making money by subletting out your house and living some place cheaper for a month or two.
There are ways to do it. I want to stretch your mind and let you know that it’s possible. I’ve been traveling since I was 15 and traveling without much money. The first trip I went on was 3 months long and I had $300 for those 3 months and I was like, “Wow! This is so much money.” Grand and I didn’t have any money at the end of the trip but I still made it work. Food and shelter still came. I’m not saying you need to live like a vagabond like I used to do but you don’t have to have this extravagant lifestyle to be able to travel in really incredible ways and still make money while traveling.
I hope that you guys have enjoyed this episode that you found a way to expand your minds a little bit more. Luis, what else do you want to tell them about this before we close out?

Luis Congdon
One of the other things I wanted to suggest to you and this is a really great way to start, Kamala and I sometimes leave the country for 4 to 7 months at a time or a couple months at a time or couple of weeks. This year, we’ve travelled at least 6 months out of the year at the same time we are able to make money while traveling.
One of the things I really recommend to you if this is something you’re thinking about is start doing small batches. Start doing tests. Try traveling to another country or another state for a week or 2-3 weeks or something short. So that if you don’t get any business or influx of income, it’s okay. You’re going to come back and go back to what you’re doing and you can re-up but try doing small tests.
That’s one of my first tips is just start trying this out. While you’re gone, start offering your services before you leave and then, while you’re gone, make sure that you’re consistently promoting yourself. Have some clients lined up if you can or try to line them up while you’re there. You’d be surprised. Things can really click.
The next thing I’ll also recommend if you are willing to make money while traveling, is if you travel to another country like we’ve been to The Philippines, we’ve been to Thailand and this is a mistake that we’ve made while traveling to other countries is while you’re in another country, see if you can find like a workforces or people that can work for you in other countries because you can outsource so much of your work.
Now, it might seem like I’m suggesting that you spend more money while you’re traveling but if you have business that’s profiting or making some money and you want to make money while traveling, imagine you can hire a graphic designer, somebody that can do some of the work in your business for cheaper.
If you go to The Philippines, you could write it off as a travel or as a business expense while you’re traveling and you can go over to another country and you can find people to work for you at a cheaper rate and you can meet them and you can be over there and now, it’s a right off for your business and you’ll actually save money doing that and it won’t really be like you’re putting too much expenses because of the write off.

Kamala Chambers
Well everyone, thank you so much for tuning in and I really look forward to hearing your stories as you make money while traveling and we’ll continue to share ours. Keep thriving everyone.