Kamala What’s Possible



In this episode, Kamala shares the experience she had when she first started having an online business. Despite the struggles she had in the first couple of years, she continues to put much of her time, effort, and focus to build her business because she knows that having an online business makes it possible for her to be able to travel the world and get paid to do it which is the life she wanted. She also shares some things she wished she would’ve done in the very beginning of starting a business.




Kamala Chambers

In this episode, I want to talk with you about what’s possible. This is Kamala Chambers.

We have just gotten back from Columbia. We spent 2 months there reconnecting with Luis’s biological family. We basically spent 2 months taking that time off. We did a few interviews. We had some mastermind days and now, I’m sitting in the mountains of Washington State, looking out over the snowy top mountains in a pine tree forest, and we’re about to fly to Thailand.

Now, this kind of lifestyle isn’t for everyone, the life of being able to travel the world, and work from wherever you are. And, if it’s something that inspires you or if you just are inspired by more freedom, well, I want to talk to you about possibilities because this is something I set out.

I have an idea that when I was 19 when I first became an entrepreneur. I had an idea that I wanted to be able to travel the world. I wanted to be an author. I wanted to be a speaker, and I wanted to travel the world and get paid to do it. And, all of that has come to fruition and it couldn’t be possible without having an online business because now, we have all these systems in place that have basically automated our business. We have an outsource team who’s incredible that supports us in fulfilling tasks for our high-end clients.

It’s possible because we’ve had the tenacity and the foresight to continue. I got to tell you guys, when I first started my online business, I didn’t make any money for the first couple of years. I put so much time and energy and focus into building a business and the first thing I tried to do is talk people out of starting an online business.

Now, we have business based off of people helping them grow their online business but it’s not for everyone. It does take a lot of time, energy, focus, and there’s not always the reward right away.

So, here are some things that I wished I would have done in the very beginning.

I wished that I would have hired a team. It’s hard to say “I’m going to hire a team” when I’m not making any money in my business but the thing is when you have a team around or you have other people that have skills and gifts that are different from yours, you just have more of a chance.

The thing is I have the DYI syndrome. I can do everything myself or at least, I used too. But when I made that one change, when I started outsourcing and building a team around me, that’s when things really changed. I went from being a workhorse to being able to take months off at a time.

Now, another thing that’s really important is finding the systems and the software to be able to automate things. We wake up in the morning. We have new money in our bank accounts. We’re making passive income because we put the time and then, the investment into building funnels, building systems that sell our courses and sell our products for us.

Another thing that I wished I would have known in the very beginning of starting my business is that, you can’t be perfect. Perfection just isn’t going to happen. So, the sooner you can let go of the idea of being perfect in your business, the more success you’re going to have because sometimes, it’s just about putting it out there and testing and testing and testing and seeing if people are interested and seeing if people want it and seeing if the market is ready for it. And if they are, then you can invest more time, more energy, and more money into making it better.

If you put something out there that people don’t want, then you’re going to end up spending a lot of energy into it. It’s not about creating the perfect product or the very perfect funnel. It’s about making sure people want it and part of that is just testing instead of needing to be perfect.

I just wanted to share a few of those tips about what I wished I would have known in the beginning of starting a business and the next time we talk, maybe I’ll reach out to you from Thailand. Thanks for tuning in.


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