Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook – Cat Howell

On this episode, we talk with Cat Howell, the founder and CEO of Eight Loop Social, which is a Facebook ad agency. Cat shares the reasons why people fail at running Facebook ads and how you can be successful and not waste money.
Facebook marketing is like any other sales or marketing in business. There’s always a chance that your ads might not work, but Cat recommends trying Facebook ads anyway because they are worth they’re weight in gold.


70% of being successful on Facebook is having Facebook in your corner.
You have to view Facebook marketing the same way as any other sales or marketing in your business.
Running Facebook ads has many facets allowing you to hyper-target your ideal customer.
There’s nothing else that can compete with Facebook ads in the marketplace.
Track results and get Facebook to optimize for those results.


Kamala Chambers
Social media training week is continuing. Today, we’re going to talk about how to make money posting ads on Facebook.
Today, we have the founder and CEO of Eight Loop Social, a Facebook ads agency. Her name is Cat Howell. We’re excited to be here with her. She’s been featured on all kinds of places like Entrepreneur, Business magazine. She is an excellent speaker on Facebook ads and the most credible person we could have here today.

Luis Congdon
Hey. Thriving launchers, we’re going to be talking about Facebook, Facebook ads, how to make money posting ads on Facebook, and we’ve brought Cat here on the show.
Without further ado, Cat, are you ready to launch?

Luis Congdon
We’re doing fantastic, and it’s great to have you on the call here because a lot of people are trying to understand Facebook ads and how to make money posting ads on Facebook, and they’re getting confused. It seems complicated and overwhelming at first.
I’m curious. What’s the first way to start tackling how to make money posting ads on Facebook, and is incredibly important to the business? If you want to scale and grow, running ads is critical.
Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook Through Hyper Targeting

Cat Howell
It’s listening to you through messenger. Its ability to target you and to follow you across different devices, which is something that Google struggles with as well.
There’s just so many facets of Facebook ads that allow you to hyper-target your ideal customer based on their demographics, their behaviors, what they’re talking about, what they’re emailing.
There’s just no other marketing platform out there that can compare. When you pull in the tracking, the ability to track those results even through offline tracking, there’s nothing else that can compete with it in the marketplace.
If you’re a business in the online space or a local business where you are brick and mortar trying to drive people into a shop, many things can be done with Facebook ads. That is regarding generating leads right through direct sales, and it’s possible to make money posting ads on Facebook.

Kamala Chambers
I want to be brutally honest that I’ve just taken bucket loads of cash, burned it or flushed it down the toilet with trying to make money posting ads on Facebook and had zero results. I see many people doing this when they’re just starting out. They’re boosting their posts. They’re trying to make a sale ultimately. Maybe they have even a good sales funnel but it’s not converting the ad. It’s not making the leap.
I would love to hear from you. How do you ensure that you’re not just going to be wasting tons of cash when you’re first getting going to make money posting ads on Facebook?
Funnel Is Important To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook

Cat Howell
Typically, there are a couple of big mistakes that new Facebook marketers and entrepreneurs make when they decide to go into the Facebook ad space. The most obvious one is the lack of a sales funnel. That means the process where you can go out there, generate a lead, and then turn that lead into a customer. I think maybe this stems from the radio or television background of marketing style.
But a lot of people are just putting a product ad on Facebook, and then directing traffic to their landing page, and expecting that to convert into sales. That only works when you have kingpin products. Kingpin products are products the market is desperate for, and will almost sell themselves. Those are very rare, so most people need sales funnels.
Different industries have different verticals. Whether you’re a dentist or you’ve got a podcast, or you’ve got an online course you’re trying to sell or e-commerce, or whatever space, they’re all going to require different funnels for that.
Track Results To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook

Cat Howell
It’s optimizing and getting Facebook to optimize for the result that you want. It has one of the most powerful algorithms out there.
If you’re not tracking results correctly and you’re not telling Facebook to optimize for that result, you’re missing out massively.
So that’s one of the big reasons we see a lot of people not finding success with trying to make money posting ads on Facebook or burning money as you said.
Then, beyond that, there are a lot of different things.
Reasons Of Failing To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook

Cat Howell
Your ads are not keeping what we call “keeping the sense.” It makes sense to you. You’re running an ad, and the ad looks pretty, but people are clicking through, and it’s sending them to the home page of your website where everyone just bounces out because the user experience is entirely jolted.
Not spending enough money is a big reason people fail.
They’ll spend $20-30, and forget that when you launch new ads, typically, your cost per conversion is going to come in quite a bit higher for a new funnel than what it will fiddle into once it optimizes.

Luis Congdon
We’ve had interviews with people like Russell Brunson, Kevin Rogers, Ben Settle. We’ve talked to a lot of individuals about funnels and that piece of it.
One of the things I and a lot of individuals are interested in is how do you even get started? How do I just dip my toes in the water with trying to make money posting ads on Facebook? This is something I’ve been doing. I’ve been getting trained, so I’m a little bit beyond that.
That was a question that I was asking a lot when I was getting started. It is just dipping my toes because I felt this hesitancy here around losing money. Kamala, somebody who was telling me, “Hey, this may not work. I’ve lost money doing this.” and I’ve been pushing for it because there are people that are having credible results.
I’m curious from you. How do people just start to make money posting ads on Facebook? How do they started and start testing the water?
Success To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook

Cat Howell
The fastest way to success is finding mentors or coaches who are successful themselves.
If you’re bootstrapping and you’re a DIYing this yourself, there are a lot of free resources out there.
For example, Facebook even has its free course called Facebook Blueprint. There are thousands and hundreds of thousands of YouTube videos.
I think the biggest advice I can give here if that’s the approach you’re using is to make sure you’re consuming content that is relevant to the space or the industry or the type of funnel that you are working with. An e-commerce campaign is fundamentally different to a lead gen campaign or an online course campaign.
Just making sure that whatever content or resources you tap into out there, it’s relevant to the space that you’re in.

Luis Congdon
Something that we’ve done as we’ve hired out and we’ve had people help us. We’ve gotten a lot of support around running Facebook ads, and there are a lot of individuals now. It’s the new hot trend. There are a couple of trends happening in the online business spaces; funnel experts, copywriting experts, and Facebook ad experts.
Trend In Learning How To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook

Luis Congdon
The space of Facebook ad experts is blowing up. I see ads constantly for people that are saying they’re experts in Facebook ads or charging at least $5000-10,000/month to run your ads, and then on top of that, they want you to pay for the ad span. “Hey. Pay me $5,000 or $10,000 to set-up everything in Facebook and track all the stuff on Facebook. Also, I want you to spend for the ad cost like every click, every impression, I want you to pay for that.”
What gets hard when you get into a saturated space is how do I know I’m hiring somebody that’s good?
People are charging a lot, and we tend to think, “Well, if they’re charging a lot, they’re probably pretty good. Maybe they have a few clients.” But there’s a lot of smoke in mirrors.
How do we know if someone is worth what they’re charging?

Cat Howell
There are a lot of discussions around, and it’s been interesting because when I first got started out in Facebook ads, I remember I struggled even to pitch $100. This was maybe four years ago, and the market didn’t value Facebook ads. It wasn’t what it was now.
Retargeting didn’t even exist back then. It wasn’t the platform it is now, and it was hard. I spent many years in my business and even as an agency, completely falling to the market perceptions of the amount of work that is required to run successful ads. It is a very time-intensive activity.
Know The Experts Who Teach To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook

Cat Howell
I think there are some problems with both sides in the sense that it’s a highly saturated market at the market because it’s very sought after. A lot of businesses have of caught none to this marketing channel, and now want a piece of the pie, and this is growing rapidly in the last of two years.
There are one million new advertisers on Facebook every single year, so it’s growing extremely quickly. It was just like the SEO space quite a few years ago. You’re going to get a lot of skilled contractors that hop into that space.
Now, regarding whether or not you are knowing or having the confidence that you’re working with someone that has those skills, I think that’s just like any other recruitment or outsourcing that you’re doing in your business. You do your due diligence, and you try to find out if they’ve worked with other clients and the results that they’ve had. It’s no different to hiring a website builder or an SEO expert or even a salesperson. You have to do due diligence there and make sure that all checks out for you.

Kamala Chambers
I agree. We’ve hired quite a few people that they talk a big talk, but we had no results from that. I want to stress the importance of what you’re saying. I think trying to figure it all out on your own through free YouTube videos is going to do yourself a disservice because you’re going to end up spending more money trying to learn it and you pay for the ads to test and to learn.
I just want to back up what you’re saying because you can waste a lot of money. I know I keep saying that but I just want to stress that point.

Cat Howell
Yeah, it sounds like I should run your ads for you.
Absolutely. There have been a lot of people that have been left burned.
If you’re working as an e-commerce Facebook marketer, you could be the best e-commerce marketer in the space, and there are a couple of things that can happen.
For example, if the freelancer is not charging themselves out correctly, what typically tends to occur in that situation is they’ll take on, or they need to take on quite a few clients to pay for their personal expenses. Anytime that happens, it doesn’t matter if you are Russell Brunson or Jon Loomer or the best damn marketer out there. If you’ve got too much on your plate, you’re going to drop the ball. There’s that on the side of the spectrum.
There’s obviously the other side where there are people pitching services, and they are accepting the payments, and then trying to deliver it and going on learning curves, which is a little bit out of integrity for the clients. That’s why the client doesn’t get results.
To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook Is Never Black And White

Cat Howell
Then, there’s also to add to that, another element where, “Hey, you know what? This is Facebook, and it’s never black and white. And unfortunately, you will always have instances where you could have run 50 dental funnels or e-commerce campaigns, highly successful campaigns, and you’ll have one or two that no matter what you do, it’s just not going to crack it.
There are a lot of elements that go into a campaign; the funnel, the client’s landing page, the product to market fit, the USP, the direct response. Even with all of the right elements, even if you hire the best person on the planet, even those guys will always have failed campaigns up their sleeves because Facebook, unfortunately, relies on a lot of variables, and it’s not always black and white. In many ways, it’s like everything else in the business.
When you pay for radio ads or TV ads or a salesperson, you don’t know if that’s going to work out. There’s always a chance that it may not, that it’s not going to be a right fit.

Kamala Chambers
Fantastic stuff.
Before we close today, is there any last tip you want to recommend the Thriving Launchers to make money posting ads on Facebook?
Just Try To Make Money Posting Ads On Facebook

Kamala Chambers
Make sure you don’t just try Facebook ads willy-nilly, where you’re sending people to your homepage like Cat talked about. Make sure that you have your funnel set-up first.
I just encourage you all to get your processes in place so you can run ads and try to make money posting ads on Facebook.
We’ve been here with Cat Howell today talking about how to make money posting ads on Facebook, and I just encourage you all to go out and keep thriving.