Make Money Podcasting – Part Two



Creating an offer that supports a business that you already have is an excellent way to make money podcasting. But even if you don’t have a business yet, it’s still possible to make money with a podcast.

A podcast can help you generate ideas on what kind of business you want to have or offers you want to create.

On this episode,  Make Money Podcasting – Part Two, we’re going to share four things that you can do to start making money with your podcast.



arrow-iconYour business needs fresh and real content, which a podcast can provide.

arrow-iconCreating a podcast can help you generate ideas on what kind of business you want to have and what kind of offer you want to put out there.

arrow-iconThe first step to making money with your podcast is to create a show that complements your business.

arrow-iconGive away value on your podcast episodes that are related to your offer.

arrow-iconDon’t be afraid to give away lots of value on your episodes.

arrow-iconCreate an offer related to your show, to your audience, and to your business.

arrow-iconCreate a commercial on your show to highlight your products.




Luis Congdon

Hey, que pasa, Thriving Launchers. Today, we’re going to be talking about how to make money podcasting part two, and we’re going to be talking about part three next week, so be sure to tune into this one.


Kamala Chambers

Welcome to how to make money podcasting – part two. If you haven’t listened to the first episode we did on Make Money Podcasting that we put out last week, I highly encourage you to go back and take a listen just to give you an overview of some different ways you can make money podcasting.

Now, this episode does stand alone because what we’re going to talk about is how you can use a podcast to create an offer in a way that supports a business you already have.

If you don’t have a business yet, and you’re just starting out podcasting, it’s okay.

Make Money Podcasting – A Podcast Can Help You Generate What Kind Of Business You Want To Have

Creating a podcast can help you generate ideas on what kind of business that you want to have, and what kind of offer you want to put out there.

In the next episode of make money podcasting – part three, we’re going to talk more about how to leverage that and sell it online.

First Step On How To Make Money Podcasting

But for now, the first step is you want to make sure you create a show that complements your business.

An example of this is if you’re a relationship coach, you don’t want to create a show that is on weight loss for longevity. You want a show that supports your business. Maybe you do interviews with relationship experts, or you have your clients come on, and you interview them.

There are a lot of ways you can use your business to position your show and put it out there.

Make Money Podcasting – Creating Fresh And Real Content

Your business needs content. It needs fresh and real content, so people start to know, like, and trust for who you are and what you have to offer.

Luis Congdon Make Money Podcasting Thriving Launch Podcast


Luis Congdon

Make Money Podcasting – Talk Things You Already Know

As a business expert and podcasting expert, I do a lot of episodes. You guys know this. I do a lot of episodes about podcasting, using social media to make money, using a podcast to leverage it and make money for your business and attract visits to your website.

The key thing, which I think Kamala said it well, is if you want to make money from your podcast, regardless of all the methods involved, you still want your podcast to complement your business. It needs to be congruent.

Make Money Podcasting – Create A Show That Is Congruent To Your Business

If you guys are listening to show, you are like, “Wait. I know Luis knows about podcasting. I know he’s an expert on social media. You know what? I could use some help with social media podcasting.” Who are you going to think? You guys think of Luis. Of course, you do.

Second Step On How To Make Money Podcasting

Now, let me dive into the second thing though with your podcast and how to make money podcasting.

The cool thing here guys is this isn’t about being a podcaster. This is about being a business person who happens to have a podcast and is using it as an arm of their business. I want to make that clear.

A lot of people might be thinking, “Hey. You’re like a radio show host, and so, you’re a disc jockey.” No, you’re not like a podcaster. You’re a business owner or an entrepreneur who has a show, and your show complements your business.

Make Money Podcasting – Create An Offer Related To The Show, To Your Audience, And Business

One of the things you can do on your podcast is to create an offer related to the show, to your audience, and business.

For example, here at Thriving Launch, we have Paid2Podcast. We have a webinar. It’s amazing. It has over 60 minutes of jam-packed information. It’s the best teaching I’ve ever found on podcasting. We have a free webinar that teaches you how to five times your audience with a podcast.

Make Money Podcasting Through Webinars

You guys have probably seen this at that we offer this or maybe you’ve gone to, and you’ve signed up for the webinar.

The point is that it’s very relevant to show and audience.

If you’re a relationship expert, and you have a relationship-based show, kudos! That’s amazing.

If you’re thinking about doing that, that’s a perfect line up. It’s perfect synergy, but now, your offer or the thing you’re going to give away to your audience should be the five key ways to find lasting love or something like that.

Luis Congdon Make Money Podcasting Thriving Launch Podcast


Kamala Chambers

Third Step On How To Make Money Podcasting

The third thing we want to get into is to give away value on your episodes that are related to your offer.

You could go out there and pitch your offer all day long, pitch what you have to sell, and try to get people interested.

But here’s the thing.

Kamala Chambers Make Money Podcasting Thriving Launch Podcast

That’s what we’re here to do.

At the core of it, we want to help people. We want to get our message out there, and the people that want more support will become clients.

Make Money Podcasting – Attract People Who Need Deeper Levels Of Support

You might have thousands of people that you’re helping, and only hundreds of individuals are clients, and that’s okay. Because you only want to attract people that need the deeper levels of support.

Don’t be afraid to give away a lot of value on your episodes. We have the Paid2Podcast course, but the thing is we want to teach you how to get paid to podcast on this episode and give you as much value as we can here now.

Make Money Podcasting – Be Clear On What Problem You Want To Solve For Your Audience

One thing you should think about is “What is the main problem that you helped to solve for your audience? What is the one thing you want to help people with?”
It’s because when you’re clear on that one problem that you’re going to solve for your audience, you can position your podcast and offers around that. Everything revolves around that.


Luis Congdon

What’s cool too is I know you might be thinking “Wait. I’m going to give away my best stuff on my podcast. I’m going to give away on Facebook post or YouTube videos.”

Make Money Podcasting – Give Away Your Best Stuff

Yes, I want you to give away your best stuff. Give away some of the highest value content you possibly can. I’ve dove into this stuff about podcasting with you guys several times. This isn’t the first time, and I’m going to continue to do it. I’m going to continue to tell you guys, “Hey. Get guests on your show. Get them to email your list. Get them to share on social media, and here are some of the strategies to do that.”

Make Money Podcasting – Make People Feel They Want To Pay You

I want to give that to you. At the end of the day, I want you to have success from every single episode you listen to, and I want you to have so much success or feel like you’ve got much value that you want to pay me. That’s the same thing I want for you and your audience.

People listen to your show, read your blog, look at you, and they’re like, “Wow! That person is amazing! They’ve added much value. How can I pay them?”

One of my clients recently had somebody write them and say, “I sent you $60 because you’re Facebook post have added so much value to my life.” That’s wild. Somebody’s making a donation because of a Facebook post. That is what I want for you.

Now, let’s talk about the fourth thing here though, Kamala. What is the fourth thing that is going to help people make money with their podcast, and make money podcasting?


Kamala Chambers

Fourth Thing To Make Money Podcasting

The fourth thing is about making a commercial on your episode.

Now, a commercial spot is typically highlighted for sponsors, which we talked about in part one but the thing is sponsorships can be hard to get. They can be hard to keep. You have to keep proving your worth, your value, and your download numbers, and all of that.

Make Money Podcasting – Create A Commercial On Your Show About Your Products

If you create a commercial on your show about your products just like you heard at the beginning of this episode, that’s going to let people know what you have to offer. It’s going to be super relevant because you have your business positioned, and your offers positioned in a way that aims to solve that one particular problem.

Luis and I, we help people grow their business online. That’s what our show is for entrepreneurs who want more support in building their business online. And so, here we have a commercial that helps with just that.

Make Money Podcasting – Create A Commercial That’s Relevant To Your Show

I see a lot of people, and different podcasters have a mattress company that is a sponsor for them. I see some podcasters, they try to make it relevant to their show, but for the most part, it’s not relevant.

And so, you want to have a commercial that has an offer your audience is going to be more likely to buy because they’re coming in wanting help with that anyway.

Kamala Chambers Make Money Podcasting Thriving Launch Podcast

On Part Three, next week, we’re going to get into how you can create an offer, and sell it online. So we’re going to talk about more about creating the offer itself and how to position that so you can sell it online.

We’ll look forward to sharing that with you. Stay tuned for that.

The Ultimate Podcast Guidebook Bundle

The Ultimate Podcast Guidebook Bundle: How To Start A Podcast That Attracts Ideal Clients And Gets Your Message Heard

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