How to Create a Podcast

How To Create a Podcast For Your Business

Kamala Chambers
In this episode, Luis and I are going to be talking about how to create a podcast.
I did not want to start a podcast because I had no idea how to create a podcast. I have to admit that Luis convinced me to do it. I was kicking and screaming.
In this episode, we’re going to be talking about how to create a podcast and why it’s important because I was in business for myself for many years before we put out a podcast. I got to tell you, it was a game changer. It really made all the world of difference because all of a sudden, I had consistent content. I was connecting with all the people that I wanted to connect with.
More than anything in the world, I wanted to connect with this high level people but I didn’t know how to make a connection with them because if you call someone up who’s a New York Times best-selling author and you say, “Hey, will you chat with me for 20 to 30 minutes?” Most likely they’re not going to do it but if you give them a platform to promote themselves, they’re going to be on-board. So, I’m really excited for us to talk about how to create a podcast.
As you guys all know, Luis is the podcast guy. He’s a podcast genius here so, really excited to talk with you Luis about how to create a podcast.
How To Create A Podcast Even If You Don’t Like Your Own Voice

Luis Congdon
Yeah, definitely.
When we first started, Kamala did not want to start a podcast. She was adamantly against the idea of having to listen to our own voice, the work that it might go into it, the difficulty of what to talk about, how to talk about it, will it be entertaining, will it be engaging, why should I do it, all this stuff and the really common things that everybody deals with like, “Oh, I don’t like the sound of my own voice.”
Honestly, I feel the same way even though this is my third show that I’ve now hosted. I think we’re at 17,000 members right now. So yeah, the Facebook group of podcasters is going very quickly, people really like podcasting. It’s really blowing up, it’s growing and everyone in there is learning how to create a podcast.
Podcasting Is Growing Exponentially

Luis Congdon
This is really special to talk about how to create a podcast and why it’s important. The first thing that I want to say to you is creating a podcast doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be difficult and it’s normal to have some worries or concerns about how to create a podcast or fears around it and that’s completely okay. I can help you get over that stuff but the bigger thing is understanding that podcast is really going to help you become well known. It’s going to help you have a message and a platform to share or rather, if you have a message, it’s helping you share that message on a platform.
Podcasting is growing exponentially. When we look at how fast podcasting is growing, it’s huge. There are people that are becoming multi-millionaires because of podcast. We know that this platform is only going to get bigger and bigger. We know that Apple has this huge goal of having cars come out podcast ready right on the dashboard. Everybody right now too with smart phones, tablets, computers, and all the other kinds of software is all coming podcast ready. It’s podcast-enabled.
Podcasting is only going to get bigger and I really predicted that it’s going to start really becoming a very serious rival to radio but the cool thing is that the regular person can do it right from their own home and it can really change your life. Therefore everyone should know how to create a podcast.
Before we dive deeper into how to create a podcast, Kamala, how has podcasting changed your life? What have been some of the benefits and why do you think other people should get into podcasting?
How To Create A Podcast And Connect With Influencers

Kamala Chambers
In other Monday episode, we’re going to talk about how to make passive income and the thing about making passive income is that you need an audience around you. You need people who are engaged with you and excited about what you have to offer.
Another thing that really helps is you have people who are there to help promote your products and your services for you. When you do an interview-based show like we do, we talk to some huge names. The people we talk to is incredible. The connections that we’ve been able to make, and we create these friendships and these bonds with our guests which is really special to us.
It’s enriching to our lives because we are obviously been reached by the experience of connecting with people that inspire us. It’s said that we’re most like the 5 people that we spend the most amount of time with so, it’s important to spend time around people that inspire you.
Another aspect of it is also having people who want us to win. People who are also playing big and they want to help us win as well and we want to help them win. It’s really a game of generosity having a podcast. That’s something that’s so powerful to me and it really is something that we can do from anywhere.
Set Up A Sound Studio From Anywhere

Kamala Chambers
Some of you who follow us on Facebook and Instagram, you see that we’ve created some pretty incredible sound forts wherever we are. You can have your sound studio anywhere you are, wherever you are. We’ve done recordings from Bali, Thailand, and Colombia. Wherever we are in the world, we’re able to connect with this incredible people and get our message out there.
We all have such an incredible message to share. Even if you don’t know what your message is yet, I know that you have something incredible to share with the world and a podcast is such an amazing platform to be able to do that.
Learning How To Create A Podcast Helps You Connect With Amazing People

Luis Congdon
So, maybe now, we have you convinced that starting a podcast is a brilliant idea that it’s going to help you create connections with people. It’s going to help you have content that is very easy to make and share with the world. It’s going to help you change the people that are in your life and connect with the types of people are just like you.
They’re motivated and excited. They’ve got dreams and passions. They’re living their passions and their dreams. That’s what really changed for Kamala and I is that we now spend more time around people who are playing bigger than us than we do with people that are playing smaller or people who have smaller aspirations. We get to hangout and talk to people who have big dreams and big goals.
Hopefully, that all convinces you or gets your head wrap around this idea that podcast could be really exceptional way for you to build a tribe, a community, a content, influence, and authority, and do so very quickly.
How To Create A Podcast With A Few Simple Recording Tools

Luis Congdon
Now, when we start talking about how to create a podcast, one of the first things I want you to know is that you can create a podcast if you have a phone so you could record from your phone if you wanted. Not my recommended strategy but I know some very successful shows that that’s what they’re doing.
You can do it with a laptop. My recommended ways, a desktop or a laptop or you can use something like an H Zoom thing. It’s one of this like portable recording things. I don’t really use it. I’ve used it once or twice but there are some very big shows that are primarily run off of that but if you have a laptop, perfect.
Now, if you want to do an interview-based show, you can use something like Ecamm, Garageband, or Audacity. Main thing that I want to get across here is use free software. Free recording software will get the job done and it will work fantastic.
Use some kind of free recording software. Use Skype if you have an interview-based show and you can record your calls with a low plug-in called Pamela for PCs or Ecamm for MacBook people and you can start recording interviews. Just start playing around. Try downloading some the free software. Ecamm or Pamela is going to cost you anywhere from 20 -40 bucks. It is not very expensive. So, you’re going to start using some free software.
How To Create A Podcast With A Few Simple Tools

Luis Congdon
Connect with some family members, some friends or some people in your life and see if you can do some interviews with them. You don’t have to go after big names or any of that complicated difficult stuff.
When we talk about to create a podcast, the first thing I suggest to people is get the free software and do some either mock interviews or real interviews but don’t take it too seriously at first. Just start with something simple, something basic and don’t go all out and buy an expensive microphone. You can use the headset that comes with the smartphone. That’ll work at first. You can buy a microphone like the one we got by Audio-Technica.
You can go over to our website at Thriving Launch and I’ll some of these resources plugged-in there for you but you can use this microphone. I think it’s like 35 – 45 dollars. Boom! You’ve got it.
So you either use the headset that comes with the smart phone. That’s what I used when I first started and those episodes were with people that have been on Oprah, people that have been featured like in New York Times magazine and New York Times best-sellers.
Always Start Small When Learning How To Create A Podcast

Luis Congdon
You don’t have to go all out. You don’t have to get complicated. Even people that are multi-millionaires that are running big shows are using very basic stuff. So, when we talk about how to create a podcast, simplicity is the key.
The other thing about starting and knowing how to create a podcast is that you don’t have to go all out. You don’t need to buy a fancy website. You don’t need to do all that stuff. You can use a simple website to start. I highly recommend you use something like WordPress but, the main thing here that I’m really trying to get across is stay simple.
The other thing that I want you to know is that, you can join a Facebook group full of podcasters and Podcaster Secret Weapon is the group that I run which I talked about earlier. It has about 17,000 members as I speak today and the group is growing very quickly. I would love to have you in there. Pretty soon, we’re making it paid only membership but right now, as of today, you can access it for free.
I don’t know when that’s going to change, so you going to want to jump on that and join the Podcaster Secret Weapon as soon as possible. If you’re thinking about creating, growing, and having a podcast, you going to want to join that group.
Learn How To Create A Podcast And Skyrocket Your Business

Luis Congdon
Today, we’ve covered so much about how to create a podcast. The biggest thing that I and Kamala really wanted to get across is podcasting can really change the game for you if you’re in business, if you’re an influencer, if you have a message to share.
We have people who are running non-profits that have podcasts. We have people who are veterans that are running podcast, therapists who run podcast, and counselors. You don’t have to be in business is what I’m saying to have a show. If you have a message, you want to impact the world.
One of my friends Jason Stapleton, he has a show. It’s a huge show now. He’s getting like 20,000 – 40,000 downloads a day for his podcast but with him, he’s not part of a business at all. He’s a politically minded guy so he has a politically-based show, so that he can share a political message that he really stands behind.
When we talk about how to create a podcast, you can do it for business purposes. You can do it for personal purposes. It’s up to you but the main thing is that today, we really got this idea across for people that it can be really exciting, it can be simple, and it can help you share message and it can even help you grow a business.
Get The How To Create A Podcast Guide

Kamala Chambers
We’ve downloaded you guys with so much information. Thank you for that Luis, and we want to make sure that guys have all those resources at your fingertips.
We have The Podcast Launch Guide for you. We sell it for super cheap at
We want you guys to be successful. If you really have a show that you want to put out there to the world, come join the Facebook group, we want to make sure that we’re connected with you and we help you do it.
We can hardly wait to subscribe to your show and keep thriving everyone.