Writing Effective Emails – Travis Sago

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Writing Effective Emails
On this episode with Travis Sago, he shares powerful tips on writing effective emails. The kind of emails that create massive sales and very happy clients. In order to really do email marketing right, Travis emphasizes emails shouldn’t be about selling.

Look at things with relationships because you can’t force love to grow. Writing effective emails can help you build long run relationships.
If you want to get clients or make sales that’s sustaining your life, focus on writing effective emails. And you want to nurture that really frequently.
As we’re going out there and nurturing, we’re more than likely going see some ripe fruit at some point which what they call the low hanging fruit.
If the fruit’s ripe, you want to go ahead and pick it. It doesn’t hurt the trees at all. It doesn’t hurt the people at all and a matter of fact, it actually helps.
If you’re hesitant to pick the fruit that’s already ripe, then your competition is going to come pick it or it’s going to fall to the ground and rot.
People do not really focus on writing effective emails. They think they need to deliver a lot of content which will cause, “braingasm” or information overload.
The insight is what grows. It’s the fertilizer for our subscribers but that insight can be delivered very very quickly.
Your emails or your daily nurturing should give a little bit different shift in perspective about the problems or about a symptom that people have.
The insight goes more to fertilize, grow, and ripen the fruit than like dumping a 45-page PDF report.
Writing effective emails is essential. You could send out an email that just entertains people and engage them. But that would be pointless if there’s no call to action drawing them to the next thing that you want them to do.
Know amazing tips on writing effective emails. Figure out what they’re doing with products you’re selling and what problems they’re trying to solve with those products. With this, your open rates may be less but your sales or a response at the other side is way higher.
The best type of marketing is where we can enter the conversation and enter the life of that person. Writing effective emails can help us enter the lives of our clients and prospects.
Focus more on trying to get a person respond instead of a big open rate by everybody. Writing effective emails will help you achieve this goal.
The words really are more of to give emotional pay off so people open the other emails. But has very little to do with the actual sales success. Writing effective emails can help you initiate your business relationship.
Bringing out what’s happening in the life of our readers and starting out with the symptoms will help immensely with writing effective emails..
Create subject line like labeling a problem better than they can label it. While writing effective emails choose a unique and better subject line.
It’s way more powerful to go with the symptom when writing effective emails.
Writing Effective Emails

Kamala Chambers
Writing effective emails is essential for growing your business. Sometimes, it can be a real pain to get those emails out. But today, we got some powerful tips and tricks on writing effective emails that people will open, people will read, and people will buy from.

Luis Congdon
Today’s guest is Travis Sago. I’m really excited to bring him on the show because we’re going to be talking about writing effective emails.
Travis knows writing effective emails in a way that not too many other people are doing. And some of the future episodes, you’ll see us talk with Ben Settle and Andre Chaperon, where we dive into emails. Travis is just going to really hit it off for us. He teaches us how to do those emails and he does it in multiple niches and does it in a way like no one else.
All right. Thriving Launchers, today, we’re going to be talking about Email Mojo and we’ve brought on Travis.
Travis, are you ready to launch?

Travis Sago
Dude, I am so ready to launch. Let’s do this thing man.

Kamala Chambers
So Travis, what is the best place to start when looking at writing effective emails? It’s a huge topic. I know it seems so basic like, “Oh, I just need to send out my monthly newsletter to my audience.”

Luis Congdon
What a chore.

Kamala Chambers
It’s so much more than that and I’d love to hear about what is the best place to start when writing effective emails. Why do we start there?
The Best Place To Start Writing Effective Emails

Travis Sago
That’s a great question. I could say it’s kind of broad so I’ll try to focus it down.
I think it might be helpful if I share a metaphor that’s been really helpful for my clients and me as well.
There’s a lot of different ways to approach when writing effective emails. A lot of people approach it like, “Okay, so I have livestock here. And we’re going to feed him stuff and then we’re going to take him out to slaughter.” Those are the kind of guys that just pitch and pitch and pitch. They really don’t care about the people. It’s like, just keep giving them offer, offer, and offer.
On the other side of that kind of a metaphor is, “Boy, we have this animals that we’re going to take care.” But then, they almost become like pets and there’s this fear.

Luis Congdon
You can’t slaughter your pets.

Travis Sago
Yeah, absolutely right.
So, I like to step out of that paradigm completely.

Luis Congdon
That’s good because I’m not sure if I like the whole like, “I’m going to slaughter this thing or I’m going to love it.” That seems so extreme.

Travis Sago
Yeah, absolutely.
So, as we get a lot of the confusions like, “Okay, I want to take care of them. But if I go out there and ask for a sale or ask for something, then I’m going to damage my relationship with them somehow.”
The metaphor I like to use and it really answers a lot. I think with the metaphor, this be able to answer a lot of anybody listening to these questions about email marketing is gardening. Like how we grow a garden.
Writing Effective Emails And Building Business Relationships

Travis Sago
I focus a lot on relationships. I made a lot of my money in the relationship arena using email and such. I look at things with relationships but also the garden because you can’t force love to grow.
You can’t go out and put your hands on your hips, wag a finger at your tomato plant and say, “Grow darn you! Grow!” But we can provide it the environment, the nutrients, the sunshine, and the water. We can provide the nurturing that it needs and then it will grow on its own.
What I like to look at it is like let’s pretend for a minute Luis that we’re growing an orange orchard. We go out there. We have our orange orchard and we want to go out on a regular basis. I say “Daily.” It scares some people. They view it as like, “I’m asking too much.”

Travis Sago
If you want to get clients and make sales, nurture your readers with email marketing. –Travis Sago
We go out there. We go on our daily nurturing route where we water and we feed and we pull out weeds. We make sure there are no varmints in the garden.
Here’s the thing, as we’re going out there and nurturing. We’re more than likely going see some ripe fruit at some point which what they call the low hanging fruit.
While we’re out there doing our daily nurturing, we also want to go ahead and pick any of that low hanging fruit that’s already ripe.
Kamala, what’s going to happen if we don’t pick that fruit?
Writing Effective Emails Is All About Adding Value

Kamala Chambers
Well then, it’s just going to rot and drop to the ground.

Travis Sago
It’s going to rot. It’s going to fall to the ground and rot or our neighbors going to come over and steal our competition.
So, we’ve spent all the time nurturing the roots, taking care of the garden, taking care of our tree. And then, if we’re hesitant to pick the fruit that’s already ripe, then our competitions going to come pick it. Or it’s going to fall to the ground.
This opens up a lot of questions where we can direct some of our focus. One of those questions is, “Okay, so what do we need to nurture the orange trees and the orange groves? What about all that fruit up on top that we can’t get too on a regular basis?”
As you go about your daily nurturing of your orange grove and your orange trees. You’re going to see fruit up at the top of the trees you just can’t get to. That’s when we’re going to do a harvest. I call a harvest where we bring out the ladders and the baskets. Maybe some friends to help as what we typically call a campaign. I call it a rain maker campaign.
Once a quarter, once every couple of months, we have a promotion. We go out there and we harvest the fruit at the top of the trees. But most of our daily sustenance will come from that daily nurturing and picking of that right fruit. Let’s put some context to this.
Writing Effective Emails Is Essential

Travis Sago
Let’s say we have a coach who knows writing effective emails. He has a little bit bigger list now. But when he came to me at about 700-person list and he’s like going crazy like, “How can I get more clients?” And trying to do Facebook ads and everything, which is all great. But he had a little garden right there that he wasn’t nurturing.
So, we just started a daily nurturing campaign. Picking of the fruit and it’s really typical that you’ll get one or two people reaching out everyday to talk to with them. You have one or two conversation today just from that little 700 person list.

Kamala Chambers
That’s really incredible. I think a lot of people are scared that if they start reaching out. Then they are going to lose people so they don’t even use their list.

Travis Sago

Kamala Chambers
They don’t want to lose people but then the list just dies.

Luis Congdon
A lot of people are also afraid that if they have a 700-person email list or 200 email list. Then, maybe it’s not useful to email them or that they’re somehow failing.
It really reminds me of our interview that we did with Andre Chaperon who says small email lists are incredibly powerful. They’re his favorite when they’re highly targeted.
So go ahead and continue Travis. It’s just really important to remind all of you that if you have a, “small email list.” Or if you could put me in a room full of 700 people that are all interested buyers or somehow at some point said that they were interested in my stuff, that’s actually a lot of people. When you think about it, a room full of 700 potential buyers.
Writing Effective Emails And Avoiding Braingasm

Travis Sago
Yes. Absolutely.
Let’s move at the nurturing a little bit. Then let’s talk about that being really specific on writing effective emails. And how we make that 700-person list seem like it’s a 7,000-person list.
It could be really really long. Let me just give you the highlights of like what the orange trees need to grow. And what do our subscribers need to grow due to writing effective emails.
I wouldn’t say the most people have it wrong but they’re not really focused in. People think they need to deliver a lot of content to these folks. They usually overlook writing effective emails.
What I would say is, it’s like delivering a set of Encyclopedia Britannica’s to your next door neighbor day after day. This is not going to end up paying you or not going to end up liking you. There’s information overload. I call it a, “braingasm.”
The insight is what grows. It’s the fertilizer for our orange trees or our subscribers but that insight can be delivered very very quickly.
Most of my emails that I do or my daily nurturing takes me about 15-20 minutes a day. When people get started out, it takes them a little bit longer but our looking for is that, “Aha” moment. You give a little bit different shift in perspective about the problems or about a symptom that they have. That would make them go, “Hmm. Man, I didn’t look at that like that. That makes so much sense.”
The insight goes more to fertilize, grow, and ripen the fruit than like dumping a 45-page PDF report. I’m all for a webinar as long as the webinar has lots of insight into it.
Writing Effective Emails And Building Strong Bond

Travis Sago
There’s a lot of other things that kind of go into the relationship and the bonding. But mother nature makes it pretty easy to bond because that’s why it’s supposed to be. You know, this is how babies fall in love with their mothers and mother fall in love with their babies. You have a sister that you end up loving even though you tear each other’s hair out almost.

Luis Congdon
I just want to say something that what you’re saying is really important and it’s special to me. You’re saying that in email doesn’t have to be this long, 300-page document. A document that teaches you step by step, how to crush in in this area, and gives away the whole program. That’s where a lot of us get confused. We’re thinking, “Gosh, I got to provide value.”
So then, there’s this whole dialogue we can have about what value is. You’re really taking us from this high complicated challenging perspective down to the ground. A moment where you’re saying that value can be some sort of small breakthrough.
For example, it could be, “Guys, today, I was realizing that I could automate my social media posts and I highly recommend you guys do it. It’s become really simple. It’s added something really fun. Here’s a link to Postplanner that I enjoy.” Boom! That can be an email.
The next email can be, “Guys, I’ve been really struggling to write emails. So, what I’ve started doing is telling stories about how simple it can be to write an email like my conversation I had with Travis.” And boom! There’s an email, right there. There are two actually.
Are You Struggling With Writing Effective Emails

Travis Sago
Absolutely. You’re so spot on it.
My favorite tool for making this happen is Triangle of Insight. I teach people what I call the Triangle of Insight that makes a framework that makes this happen really easy.
My favorite thing is what I call Meat and Potatoes metaphor. What I mean by meat and potatoes metaphor, it’s metaphors that everybody understands. Any person will understand even if like you’re in an industry.
If you will try to get away from that like, “Oh, we’re going to make it all technical.” But the meat and potatoes metaphor really make things work.
For example, I was working with a client who had some very revolutionary stuff he was doing with lower back pain. Of course, it was really complicated. And that was part of his trouble, getting it across in the emails how complicated it was.
He was telling me a story about his son and everything. The other day, his son had come and the oil was out of his car. It was all smoking but he didn’t know what was wrong with it. His basic thing that he did the spinal calm was that as you get older, you lose a lot of the fluid out of your spinal column. And when you lose that fluid, then your vertebrae and all the discs and everything start rubbing on each other. It’s like out of oil.
Tips On Writing Effective Emails

Travis Sago
We just took that story, it’s like, “Hey Luis, how are you? I hope you had a great weekend. This weekend, something funny happened. My son came over and he said, “Dad, can you take a look at my car? The engine light is on and it’s making this weird smell and weird rattle.” So I go out there and first thing I do is check the oil and it’s like bone dry. Well, what happens when your car ran out of oil? Then all the pistons and the rods and everything all rub together. But before you know it, you’re going to blow your engine out, right? Well, you’re back is like the same thing. You have spinal fluid inside. Once that spinal fluid drains out, then your bones and vertebrae are going to rub together causing you pain, right?”
So I’ve come together and it depends on how far we’re going in the pitch. What we’re going to do there, but there’s that insight. Nobody understands the spinal fluid there. It’s just the real meat and potatoes metaphor.

Luis Congdon
My question here for you is do we pitch in every email when writing effective emails? If we’re emailing everyday, do we offer our services? We tell a story like you were talking about which is the spinal fluid and stuff. And at the end, do we do something?
Ben Settle‘s a real fan of this Kamala. When we had Ben, he talked about pitching on every single email. Essentially telling a story, being entertaining, giving a little bit of information. And then at the end, always finishing off with something like, “And if you’ve enjoyed today’s email and you want to learn more about your spine or you’re having spinal issues, click here and sign up for my 12-week program,” or whatever it might be.
Do you recommend that?
Use Call To Action When Writing Effective Emails

Travis Sago
Great question. Absolutely.
Again, the question goes back to the metaphor. It’s happened to introduce that metaphor.
If you’re going out there and you’re doing that daily nurturing and you see a ripe orange, you want to pick it. So yes, I prefer picking rather pitching.
You want to nurture and pick. Nurture and pick any of the ripe fruit out there that you want to go ahead and pick.
Then a lot of times, I’ll be more smooth.
Here’s another example. I make a lot of money in the relationship advice niche so it’s like the same thing. I’ve used this metaphor in relationships.
I might be telling a young woman or even older woman that you can’t force love to grow. I segway that into what’s going on with my life. “Hey how are you? Hope you’re doing well. I can’t stay very long. I’m helping Jeannie grow some tomatoes outside. We’re growing some tomatoes out there and it’s a funny thing. We can’t like, literally force those tomatoes to grow, right? All we can do is make sure they got the sun, the light, and everything and then the tomatoes will grow all on their own as long as we’re taking care of them.
It’s kind of a same thing as love. There’s actually four things that make love grow. If you’re wondering what those are, it depends on what you’re doing. If you’re a love coach, hey, let’s jump on the phone. We’ll talk about those things. If you’re having a hard time, then you may be missing one of these ingredients. Let’s jump on the phone and find out.”
Writing Effective Emails To Nurture

Travis Sago
If you’re sending them to a VSL, you might say, “That’s in the VSL.” If you’re putting out a webinar, that’s “Let me talk about in the webinar.”
Nurture and pick.
It’s very rare that I send emails out that don’t have some type of response mechanism to it.

Kamala Chambers
A call to action at the very least because you could send out an email that teaches everything. You could send out an email that just entertains people and engage them. But what’s the point if there’s no call to action drawing them to the next thing that you want them to do.
I think that’s a disservice to people if you don’t include that.

Travis Sago
You are so right. Absolutely.
Now, what you do with that response mechanism depends on how big your garden is.
So with my client at the 700 people, I want to make it super simple, “Just reply back.” I’d say, “Hey, if you want to talk about this, please reply back.”
Now, I had a client with bigger a list. It wasn’t huge but we actually filled up all of the sales guys using the nurture and pick. We actually had to stop sending but we had them fill out a strategy session form and we had to get it really detailed. We had to throttle some other response to qualify those guys more.
If you have a 10,000-person email, you could be literally get 50 or 100 responses back or more. So you might have to have a little bit more of a filtering mechanism, but you’re absolutely right. You want to pick.
Writing Effective Emails To Achieve Your Goal

Travis Sago
If the fruit’s ripe, you want to go ahead and pick it. It doesn’t hurt the trees at all. It doesn’t hurt the people at all and a matter of fact, it actually helps.

Kamala Chambers
I’d like to hear from you about how to get people to open your emails. How does writing effective emails helps with that?
Now, the subject line is so important when writing effective emails and there are so many different techniques. I would love to hear from you what you use to get people to open emails.

Travis Sago
I am so happy you ask Kamala.
I have a completely different take on writing effective emails.

Travis Sago
It is how I convert as well like 20-25% of the entire email list overtime.
Let me use another metaphor. The way most people go about like open rates.
Let’s say we’re selling a hammer and they’ll say, “Hey, have you bought our hammer yet?” Or they will come up with some subject line that tries to get everybody to open like, “Hey, this is personal.” Personal about hammers, really? Come on.
So we’ll go into the email and say, “Hey, have you bought our hammer yet? Our hammer’s really awesome. Our hammer’s better because we used an alloy head that never rusts. All these other hammers use a metal that will rust.”
Then the next day, they might come along and say, “Hey, is your hammer too heavy?” and say, “Hey, you should really use our hammer. We use an alloy. It’s lighter.” So on and so forth.
Writing Effective Emails To Close Deals

Travis Sago
You can only get so many of those of emails before you get bored as hell with them. The marketer runs out of things to say and then so therefore, the opening rates go down. Because they’re trying to get everybody to open and it’s not relevant and they run out of things to say and people will get bored with it. But there’s another way.
Here’s how I sell hammers. I figure out what they’re doing with the hammers. What problems they’re trying to solve with those hammers and then I write really specifically to that.
So I might say, “Hey Luis, are you building the birdhouse this weekend?” That might be my subject line. Nothing to do with hammers. Again, I would be a completely off topic here but Luis says, “Holy crap! How did he know? How did he know I’m going to build a birdhouse with this thing?”
So, I may not get the biggest open rate on that, but the people that will open are like, “Holy crap!” They will open that and so, I’ll say, “Hey Luis. If you’re building a bird house this weekend, you needed a kind of special type of hammer because you have really fragile wood and you’ll end up splitting in that wood so you’ll want our little 3-ounce hammer” but you’ll talk about building that bird house.
My very next email maybe, “Hey Luis. Are you remodeling a bathroom?” and you’re like, “Oh my God!”
Writing Effective Emails To Attract More Clients

Luis Congdon
How did Travis know?

Travis Sago
Yeah. Especially if you were like building a birdhouse and then, remodeling but you’re going to be like, “Oh my god. This dude’s amazing.”
But, if you weren’t building that birdhouse, you won’t open that email but if you’re remodeling a bathroom, you might say, “Holy crap.” You’re going to open that with much more enthusiasm. So, our open rates may be less but our sales or a response at the other side is way higher.
But, we can literally do this for a thousands of days because how many things can you do with a hammer?

Kamala Chambers
Yeah writing effective emails really helps with that. This is amazing and I love that you’re really gearing it towards solving the problem. This is something we’ve talked about a lot like what is the problem that you’re trying to solve for people. This even applies when writing effective emails and the email subject lines.
I’d love to hear from you something that there’s been a mix of controversy on.
Do you include someone’s name in the email? It sounds like you do. “Hey Luis, are you building a birdhouse?” Because if someone puts in their name, maybe they use a false name or maybe they use their email address for their name.
What do you do in that situation? Do you always include their name at the top of the email? “Hey, Luis,” or do you actually just leave that out all together like some email marketers do.
Getting Better With Writing Effective Emails

Travis Sago
It’s a great question Kamala.
I think I have this saying, “Hey, it’s the cake in the icing.” I really think it’s more of an icing thing more than the cake. If I have the name I will use it. If I don’t have the name, I won’t use it and it depends on the niche too.
If they’re a bunch of internet marketers, they’re hip to what’s going on. But like in the dating space, for some of the women that I talked to, it’s like, “It’s really nice to get that name.”
I’ll even use like city. If I have it and it makes sense, I’ll use it. I don’t like put a whole lot of greens on that either way.

Luis Congdon
You said something that I really liked because I know that you were saying something that Kamala and I looked at. Whether or not to use the name and I also want to jump into something else.
Like you said, that’s a personal preference thing, maybe the niche could make a difference but it’s not the cake. It’s not the most important piece.
However, what you said earlier is the most important piece. It’s something that’s really making me think about how I email and the small shift that I can make and I’m doing okay with emails. I’m getting better. I’ve gotten into it and into the daily practice sounds a lot of fun and I’m improving a lot and one of the things you just gave to me is entering that conversation.
Writing Effective Emails – The Best Type Of Marketing

Luis Congdon
I don’t know if it was Dan Kennedy who originally said it or who originally said this. But the best type of copy, the best type of marketing is where we can enter the conversation and enter the life of that person. It’s like we actually are there with them.
So, if they’re building a birdhouse and we send them that email about the birdhouse, they’re going, “Oh, cool. You know me.” This is something that I need to do more in my email is to start conversing with a specific person and creating a headline for that specific person. I need to focus more on trying to get that person to have a response rate instead of a big open rate by everybody.

Travis Sago
Absolutely and I would like to add to that. This is a really good point.
A lot of people, part of the reason why they don’t use email or go out into their garden as much is that they feel like they have to be a really great writer. They have to feel like they have to be a really great gardener.
Going back to the mail order days when they had to pay for names and email address. They realized that 60% of sales success was in the list. 30% was the offer that they made in the list and only 10% was the words that they used.
It would be foolhardy for me to say that the words don’t matter. That’s like saying that because your heart only takes up 10% of your body it doesn’t matter.
Writing Effective Emails For Actual Sales Success

Travis Sago
The words really are more of to give emotional pay off so people open the other emails. But have very little to do with the actual sales success.
Let me give your readers a tip on that. A lot of marketers are good about talking about pains and problems but, you can step it up a level. Let me give you an example. It’s a recent email that I’ve sent.
One of the problems that women have when they’re in a relationship is feeling the passion is dying. The passion is fizzling away. If I’m not having the best brain day, I might just start out the subject line “Is the passion fading in your relationship?” But that’s very common and everybody’s saying that.
What’s different and what I found works really well and takes a lot of lifting of off the writing is bringing out what symptoms do they have, what symptoms are they seeing or feeling or hearing in their life? What is he saying? What’s happening in their life and starting out with the symptoms.
Here’s an example and I took it to another level. One of the symptoms of passion fading is maybe they’re not getting passionate kisses anymore. They get those little pecks on the cheek.

Luis Congdon
Kamala does not let me get away with that.

Kamala Chambers
Oh, no way. I did not like those kisses.

Travis Sago
I even took it to another level.
Create a subject line that labels a problem better than they can label it.
My subject line was, “If he kisses you like your grandpa.”

Kamala Chambers
Oh, wow.
Writing Effective Emails And Selling Your Product

Travis Sago
And so, boom. Open it and it started, “When was the last time he took your head in both hands and kissed you for longer than 2 seconds?” My pen name is T Dub. “Hey, it’s T Dub here and I roll into a story about when I was kid.” This is like the bonding that I do. I said, “I remember when my mom sat me down. We watched Gone with the Wind. I was about 8 years old and I couldn’t understand why Scarlett and Rhett kissed for so long. It was just like weird to me. I’m like, “Mom, why did they do that? It’s so gross.” She tried to explain it to me as best as she could to an 8 year old but I label that movie star kisses. That’s why movie stars kiss because nobody else really kisses like that.
Now, I’ve got something else that’s very clear. So I’ve already hit them with the symptom, which is what I call Hell Island, which is grandpa kisses. And so, I set a gap in there to go from grandpa kisses to movie star kisses and here’s what’s involve a girl from grandpa kisses to movie star kisses.

Luis Congdon
Sounds hot.

Kamala Chambers
That’s fantastic. I love it.

Travis Sago
Thank you.
Starting with the symptom is way more powerful than the problem itself. – Travis Sago
I’ll have to admit, some days, I’m just brain dead and I’ll just go with the problem but it’s way more powerful to go with the symptom.
Be Systematic When Writing Effective Emails

Travis Sago
One of my big ones is, “Why does it take him so long to text back?” because that’s like a big frustration. I get not only a huge open rate but I get a very engaged open rate.
Now, if they’re not having that problem, they’re just not going to open and that’s totally cool with me.
It’s not about selling. It’s about selling what are the problems they have in their life because they don’t have your product.
What are the symptoms? What’s popping up?
I think that will really help folks and that’s how I just convert over 6 months or a year 20-25% of the entire list is just by, “What’s the symptom?” On a single product and then just being really symptomatic with that.

Kamala Chambers
It’s like you’re in women’s heads. I’ve heard so many times my single friends, “He never text back. Why isn’t he texting back?” and they get obsessed with their phones and women who are in relationships, if I let Luis get away with that, he’d give me grandpa kisses but I don’t let him get away with it.
This is what the essence of what you’re saying is to understand people on the deepest level, what are they really experiencing. It allows you to create this sense of empathy, the sense of connection with people and you’re creating that sense of connection in the subject line of the email.
This has been really fantastic having you on the show, talking about writing effective emails.
Thank you so much for the metaphors you shared with us today.
Thriving Launchers, I want to see your emails. Please stay engaged. Let us know how your emails are going.

Luis Congdon
Travis, it’s been a real pleasure to have you on the show today. We’ll talk to you soon.

Travis Sago
Thank you. I had a great time.
It’s challenging to find well-informed individuals on this matter, but you seem like you understand what
you’re talking about! Thanks
Happy to share!