How To Write An About Me Page – Hannah Mang

In this interview with Hannah Mang, an About Page expert, she will teach you how to do that. It doesn’t matter if you’re struggling with writing as long as you understand and care about your audience. It’s all about connection and trust.
The Thriving Launch community will get all the needed ingredients on how to write an about me page.


First, you need to establish your connection with your audience so they can trust you. People want to buy from people whom they trust and not from websites.
The most common misconception and the biggest mistake that people make is that they only talk about themselves.
The platinum rule on writing the About Me page is to start with them. Start talking to and about your clients, prospects, and readers.
It’s important you start off by talking about them and showing them that you understand.
In the Sales Page tour, first, you need to show people that you understand how they’re feeling, that you know what they want and need, or have the solution to their problem.
If you can write an About Page that leads people through that psychological process and makes them connect with you, you’re creating a win-win situation.
Most effective call to action
- Have them Opt-in
- Offer something for free
6 things that your About Page has to achieve for you.
- Convert.
- Keep people on your side.
- Make people like you.
- Have them understand what they can get from you.
- Be memorable.
- Establish a sense of trust.
Ingredients for how to write an about me page
- Talk about them.
- Start talking a little bit about yourself but only if I have a great story to share. This is where you connect and gain trust.
- You can talk about your mission, your why, your vision.
- You can tell them how you do it. This also where you can do client weeding.
- You can talk more about you.
When you can show people that you got out of the dip, this is how you convert.
Testimonials are always great but it always has to support your claim.
Social proof is substantial.
If you want to give more details, use a drop down menu.


Kamala Chambers
Your About Page is one of the most read bits of copy on your entire website. So why is there not more of an emphasis paid to it?
In today’s episode, we’re going to learn how to write an About Me Page and how important it is to your website and conversions.
We are here with Hannah Mang. She is the chic to go to when you’re looking to learn how to write an About Me Page that connects and converts.
This Hannah chick is pretty awesome. She speaks seven and a half languages. She’s a lawyer and she’s living out of her suitcase traveling the world as a digital nomad.
Luis and I know what that’s like.

Luis Congdon
Oh yeah! So Hannah, are you ready to launch?

Hannah Mang
Absolutely! I’m ready.

Kamala Chambers
All right! This is a very important and exciting topic. We’re going to talk about how to write an About Me Page and why do we need to talk about About Me Pages? It’s just one other page on the website.
Importance of Learning How To Write An About Me Page

Kamala Chambers
The About Me Page is I think the most important page on a website because it gets one of the highest visits.
So I’d love to hear just a little bit more about how to write an about me page and why you put so much emphasis on it?

Hannah Mang
There are a couple of reasons I think it’s important you learn how to write an about me page. Being a writer myself, I just know that a lot of people are struggling with writing it but not just that.
Learn How To Write An About Me Page To Let People Know You Better

Hannah Mang
Basically, your about me page is one of the most visited pages of your entire site and it can increase the amount of conversions that you get by up to 22%. It’s all about giving people the opportunity to get to know you better as a person.
It hardly ever happens that somebody hits your website for the first time and they would buy from you. That’s just in an ideal world. It doesn’t happen a lot.
Know How To Write An About Me Page To Establish Connection

Hannah Mang
First, you need to establish your connection with your audience that they can trust you. And this is what it’s all about. It’s about connection and trust. People want to buy from people and not from websites.

Kamala Chambers
I tried to get creative. I have one About Me Page on that is trying to be creative and put in more of these pictures and elements of who I am as a person. When I made my first website, I didn’t study or look at how to write an about me page. Now that I know how important it is, well I just had to invite you to teach the Thriving Launch about how to do it.
I’d love to hear what are some essential pieces that you feel are needed in when we’re thinking about how to write an About Me Page.

Hannah Mang
Absolutely! I’m talking about About Me Pages specifically for people who sell online. If you run a business, this is what you got to do to. Even if you have a blog, this is something that you can do if you really want to engage with your audience and get more readers.

Hannah Mang
I always teach that nobody has time to just read about random people on the internet. We only do that if we understand what’s in it for us as the readers.
Platinum Rule On How To Write An About Me Page

Hannah Mang
My platinum rule on how to write an About Me Page is to start with them. Start talking to and about your clients, prospects, and readers.
One thing that makes me cringe just when I see an About Me Page that starts off with “Hello. My name is blah.” I’ll just say “Look. Nobody cares unless they understand why they should care.” And the way you can do that is by giving people something to identify with.
For example, you could just ask them some questions where they would have to say yes to. It could either be “Are you feeling stuck, frustrated?” It could lead with emotion, or you could be like “Are you looking to lose weight?”
How To Write An About Me Page – Show People You Understand Them

Hannah Mang
It’s important that you start off by talking about them and showing them that you understand. Because when you can show people that you understand them, it also proves that you care. And they will only care about you once you show them that you care about them.

Kamala Chambers
I think that this is such an important piece for every bit of copy we’d do.
So, then how do we write an about me page that offers benefits to your readers?

Luis Congdon
For all of you Thriving Launchers, I just want to put it out there that the About Page is the second most visited page of blogs. Sometimes it can be the number one.
What generally happens is either people land on your Home Page or they land on an article then they go to your home page and if they’re still interested, they go to your About Page.
So what I found from my experience is Home Page comes first. That’s the most visited. Number 2 is the About Page.
How To Write An About Me Page That Hooks People Into Who You Are

Luis Congdon
What a lot of people don’t understand and Hannah is capitalizing on it here is that, your About Page isn’t like “I love going outdoors, I love skiing.” You’re trying to talk to your potential customer about what they should want to know or what’s important for them to know about you. You’re essentially hooking them into who you are and what they can expect from you. There’s even a little bit of a sale going on. It’s very light.
This stuff is important and it’s taken me a lot of work to understand how to write an About Me Page that helps my business and blog. Knowing this stuff is important when we’re talking about how to write an about me page. Am I right to say that?
Learn How To Write An About Me Page To Convert Browsers Into Clients

Hannah Mang
Yeah! Absolutely! I was just going to say that. I have a lot of people who ask me like, “Isn’t that almost like a sales page structure?” And I’m like “Duh! Yes!” It’s because if you want your About Page to do something for you, achieve a goal for you, build an email list and an audience then you want people to sign up for your newsletter or whatever it is, you want them to take action so you can stay in touch with them. Which in online language, we would say “You wanted to convert” to convert browsers into subscribers or ideally, clients.
That’s why you need that structure for and it resembles to sales page in the sense that it’s very psychological. Everything we do is strategic and that sounds kind of lame but it’s not. You can still be fun.
I’m happy to later on share my About Page as an example but in the Sales Page tour, first, you need to show people that you understand how they’re feeling, that you know what they want and need that eventually you are, or have the solution to their problem.
Learn How To Write An About Me Page To Help People Take Action

Hannah Mang
It’s always a problem and a solution if you want to settle anything anywhere. Otherwise no one will take action and everybody loses. If you learn how to write your about me page properly it will help people take action and get them excited about you and your products.
If you can write a page that leads people through that psychological process and makes them connect with you, then you’re creating a win-win situation. It’s not even that selfish.

Kamala Chambers
I absolutely agree with that.
I would love to hear from you. What do you find as one of the most effective calls to action you can put on in an About Page? Is it to opt-in, or buy a product, or learn about a product and direct them to a sales page?
How To Write An About Me Page – Have People Opt-In

Hannah Mang
I would say Opt-in. Because the person that reads your About Page most of the time is going to be someone new who hasn’t found you yet online or who hasn’t had any interaction or relationship with you whatsoever. It’s quite unlikely that they’re going to buy from you. If you want to link to some offer, then I would say make sure that it’s not your highest price. 10k platinum offer but maybe less than 50.
Ideally, I would say have them Opt-in because this way, you’re capturing their names and emails. They’re giving you the chance to establish your relationship with them and this is how you continually and organically build trust and that takes away the buying tension.
No one likes to be sold on something that they don’t even need. Especially online, everyone’s skeptical. Everyone’s afraid of being ripped off.
Best Call To Action About How To Write An About Me Page

Hannah Mang
So that’s why I would say “Have them opt-in!” And if your super smart about your business then you could just send up an autoresponder series that then leads them into a sale, if this is your goal. But I would say, the best call to action is offer them to jump onto your list. Ideally offer them something for free as an incentive. That’s the smartest way to go. It’s not the fastest way but if you try to skip some steps you might lose that prospect forever.

Kamala Chambers
I think that’s such an intelligent way to set it up. For anyone who’s listening that wants to make sure that they follow through on the whole process, we also have an episode from Andre Chaperon. On that episode, he was talking about how to set up your autoresponder series which is the next step that you do once people are Opting-in. If you combine this episode with Hannah Mang on how to write an about me page with the Andre episode, you’ll be very strong online.

Luis Congdon
Let’s talk a little bit about the ingredients and the winning recipe for how to write an About Me Page.
How To Write An About Me Page – Share A Bit About Your Likes And Hobbies

Luis Congdon
It’s become very clear that your About Page isn’t going to be a page where you tell people about your hobbies and your likes. Maybe you could sprinkle some of that in. I think it’s good for people to get a little flavor of who you are.
One of the people that I first learned from about how to write an About Me Page was Derek Halpern and he went through and said, “At the very end of your About Me Page, do a few little mentions about you. If you mention, have them loop a little bit into what someone might experience through your newsletter and from you.
What are some of the key elements that you think are important?
How To Write An About Me Page – Bring Up A Problem

Luis Congdon
We talked about bringing up a problem. If I’m a graphic designer and I make my About Page then I might bring up “Hey, there’s a big problem. A lot of people don’t understand graphic design.”
What are some of the other things that I should mention in there? I have the solution but how can I make a good About Page that pops with those elements?

Hannah Mang
Of course it’s kind of individual.
If you’re a relationship coach, then your approach might be a little bit different than if you’re a graphic designer because the people that you’re talking too are in completely different places emotionally.
So someone who’s looking for the love of their lives probably needs more story, connection, more of that than someone who just wants amazing graphics.
Know How To Write An About Me Page To Achieve Six Things

Hannah Mang
In general, I always say that there are six things that your About Page has to achieve for you.
- Convert – That’s your goal. If your About Page doesn’t achieve that for you, then it doesn’t do anything.
- Keep people on your side – You just don’t want them to leave.
- Make people like you – It’s all about connection.
- Have them understand exactly what they can get from you – It’s easier if you’re a graphic designer than maybe some life coaches or everyone in the spiritual industry or even with some marketing people.
- Be memorable – You want to stand out from the crowd.
- Establish a sense of trust – We won’t buy from anyone unless we trust that person.
If you want me to put that into ingredients, I would say,
How To Write An About Me Page – Address People’s Pain Points

Hannah Mang
Step 1. Talk about them.
Address their pain points. Show them that you understand the problem that they’re having. In my case I would say “Are you having a hard time writing great copy? But at the same time you know that you need that like it’s crucial if you want your business to be a successful.”
Step 2. Start talking a little bit about myself but only if I have a great story to share.
For example the relationship coach. “I know that you feel like the way I just explained because I’ve been there too and this in a nutshell what I went through and how I overcame this.” Whatever painful situation, break up, search for love, whatever it is.
How To Write An About Me Page – Establish Trust And Connection

Hannah Mang
This is again, fulfilling a purpose which is trust. I can see that the person has done what I want to do so they know how it works. And it connects because I can relate to that story if I’m in the same position right now. So it does all these things.
Step 3. You can talk about your mission, your why, your vision.
This is also where people are going to be able to connect with you. Definitely, that has to be somewhere in their benefits. People need to understand what’s in it for them. If you’re not telling them that you’re only talking to the people who already know that they want what you have to offer.
So if I’m already looking for life coach, then you don’t have to explain to me why a coach is beneficial for my life but most of the people will not be at that stage. They won’t be aware so they will just be like “My life sucks. I can never achieve my goals.” “Why do I feel empty and frustrated?” And then, you have to show them. Look, I know that you feel this way. Step 1, I’ve been there too. Step 2 and then Step 3.
This is what’s going to change for you. This is what I can do for you. This is important and also you have that on every sales page. It doesn’t even have to be super long. If you can do that in five bullet points or 2 short paragraphs, great! It’s a very crucial step though. Again, it depends on who you are and who you’re selling too.
Step 4. You can tell them how you do it.
So if you’re a graphic designer, probably no one gives a crap about how you design their graphics. They just want the graphics.
How To Write An About Me Page That Takes Away Fear, Doubt, And Tension

Hannah Mang
If you’re a life coach or an energy healer, some people might not know how that does work, they might be scared or turned off by that. They might think “This is not for me. This is something religious.” So you can tell them “This is how I do it. This is how it works.” It’s all about taking away that fear, doubt, and tension.
This also where you can do what I like to call client weeding. You can take the opportunity to tell people who do you love to work with and who do you don’t like to work with. I say that to on my About Page.
How To Write An About Me Page That Attract Your Ideal Clients

Hannah Mang
I like talking to people who they know who they are and what they have to offer but they just can’t find the right words. I don’t want the people who need a lot of hand holding in starting their business or crafting their offerings because that’s more what a business coach would do. I can do that too but that’s not ideally who I would want. I could just be clear and communicate that.
Sometimes, attracting the wrong clients will be a pain in your ass. So you can avoid that right there. When people are looking at how to write an about me page, this is one thing they often times forget.
Step 5. You can talk more about you.
You can at this point already throw in an Opt-in box. You can already give people the opportunity to sign up with you right there or you can also and then show them a little bit more like who you are.
How To Write An About Me Page That Positions Yourself And Your Brand

Hannah Mang
You can just mention some funny things like I do with my 7.5 languages that I speak. Like what I said, you want to be memorable too. You can mention something that is very special about you or what people notice about you. It’s also about who you want to be seen as. This is an opportunity for you to position yourself and your brand.
People love to meet you personally and feel like they know you. This is about the connection and the liking but first, they need to understand why they should even care.

Kamala Chambers
This is so great how you’ve just laid it out and all the steps that you need on how to write an About Me Page. I just want a recap.
Step 1. Address the pain points.
Step 2. Talk about your story.
How To Write An About Me Page – Share Your Story

Kamala Chambers
When we had Michael Hauge on the show, it was so fantastic that he laid out what a story is and this hero’s journey that we go through, where we started the turning point and where we are now that people can relate to.
Step 3. What’s going to change for them.
Step 4. How you do it. How you help them. Who you do and do not want to help.
Step 5. Talk about you.
Then you got your Opt-in right there. Wow! That is fantastic! Are there any other pieces that you feel are important to include?

Hannah Mang
That’s it. Something I might want to add to step 2 which is about the story and the connection part and just called that hero’s story.
How To Write An About Me Page – Share Your Dip Story

Hannah Mang
Lisa Nichols calls it The Dip. So if you’re in a personal industry, it’s great if you share your dip story which is like “I was here then I went down unto my dip, everything sucked and this is how I got out of it.”
When you can show people that you got out of the dip, this is how you convert. And this is mostly true for like business coaches, life coaches, anyone who helps people to grow and achieve their goals.
How To Write An About Me Page – Give People Something

Hannah Mang
Something that you can also do if you want to but I would still have the Opt-in on there is you can give people something. You can have a list of your most popular book post.
Again, this is what I mentioned before, you want to keep them on your sight. Send them to your block post or videos. Of course, you can send them to a sales age if you want to but not instead of the Opt-in, just additionally at the end maybe. Or if you have a resources page where you offer free stuff like you have that amazing podcast that people can listen for free and they get all this value.
Might as well give them a hint like “Hey. If you want to learn about blah blah blah, just click here” and off they go or whatever it is that you want to offer whether that’s free, paid or even a free consultation. I know some coaches like to do that because this how they can sell.
Also, do some research and talk to people. Figure out how you can improve. Anything goes but this is another thing that you can do.
Learning How To Write An About Me Page Is Individual

Hannah Mang
There’s one more thing that I want to add in general. I know it sounds like it’s a lot of steps but I always say that the length is so individual. If you can show them that you understand which is like step 1, the pain points. You know where they’re at right now.
If you can tell them that in 3 sentences, great! Perfect! It does not have to be long if you just follow the recipe. And you can also mix up the steps. You don’t have to go like 1 2 3 4 5. You can mix them up. This is what I’ve used and it works. It’s the test that improve and recipe if you want to but it’s very individual.
How To Write An About Me Page – Be Authentic And Know What Works For You

Hannah Mang
The most important thing is that it’s authentic and that it works for you and your individual brand because anything that’s not authentic, fake, or not real, people can feel it. This is where you got to trust your own gut.

Kamala Chambers
I’m curious if you would include interviews you’ve been on or shows that you’ve been featured on or if you’d include testimonials?
How To Write An About Me Page – Include Testimonials

Hannah Mang
Testimonials are always great. To us, the only case in which testimonials cannot fully fulfil their purpose is, for example if you would put a product related testimonials on your About Page, the testimonial always has to support your claim.
So if you’re talking about how you do it, for example you tell “Actions form people’s lives,” or “I know how to help people to reach 6 figures in their business,” and then you put a testimonial in there that says “I feel so much lighter after working with you.” Okay, that’s nice but if you can put up a testimonial that’s like “Oh my God! I’ve reached 6 figures within half a year.” Perfect! That totally supports your claim. You got it!
How To Write An About Me Page – Include Social Proof

Hannah Mang
But in general, social proof is always great. If you have been featured on some awesome media channels, then you can put that in. Make sure that you lead people through psychological process. And anything that’s too much, just add a drop down. For the people who don’t know what that is, if you have the menu bar and there’s a little box that says About or About Me and you sort of hover it with your mouse, then literally one or two more boxes would drop down.
So for example you could say, “About” and then you could say “About Me” if you want to give people more detail on who you are or you could even say “Professional Bio.” Because I know a lot of people when they get into speaking or they want to be featured in the media or press, then you have to have that third person professional bio too but you don’t want to bore your prospects and readers on your.
About Page with that stuff necessarily. So you can have just a drop down menu and throw that in there. That’s quite an easy solution there.

Hannah Mang
Let’s do it, man.
How To Write An About Me Page – Use A Drop Down Menu

Luis Congdon
Definitely. I think Marie Forleo does that. She has an About Page which is more the type of page that we’re talking about. And then she also has a tab that says “Praised” where then you can see what the people have said about her. She has another tab that says “Work with me.”
She separated those 3 pieces that a lot of times people try to include all into one page. And her site has good conversions. It’s a great website if you want to see an example. There are a lot of websites that are doing this now.
There’s a dating coach and in his About Page he says “Learn more about me.” But he opens up by basically saying “This page is about you and what I’ve done and letting you know a little bit about me. If you want to read my full bio that tells about my marriage, my kids and all that stuff, you can click here.” It’s cool. A lot of people are doing that now.
Different Versions On How To Write An About Me Page

Luis Congdon
They’re realizing that there are 2 different versions of an About page and this where I hope that if you’ve been listening, that has become clear for you that your about page is about your reader and what they’re going to get from you.

Hannah Mang

Kamala Chambers
Is there anything else that you want to share with the audience before we close up about how to write an about me page?

Hannah Mang
Of course. I’m happy to help with that. I have a resource too. It’s a guide that walks you through the steps, additional writing tips, and it’s way more detailed than that. And it’s designed to help you
write that in an hour or less.
Learn How To Make An About Me Page To Make The World A Better Place

Hannah Mang
Other than that, I’m happy. If anyone who wants to chat me on social media or be on my website, just email me if you need help. I’m passionate about this and I believe that the world is a better place with less boring copy and less boring About Pages. I’m here and I guess that’s it.

Kamala Chambers
This has been amazing to have you on the show. We’ve been here with Hannah Mang.