Women In Business – Kendrick Shope

On this episode, Kendrick Shope, the creator of Sell Like A Woman, helps us understand how and why men and women are different when it comes to selling.
She also shares a formula that everyone can use to make selling easy.


Men like to control the conversation, while women sell through relationships.
The ways men and women sell both work. One is not better than the other.
Women tend to be more intuitive.
Women tend to be more receptive to body language and energy than men.
When you’re engaging, you’re selling.
You are in sales if you’re trying to convince anyone to do something.
Selling is helping, especially in the health field.


Luis Congdon
On today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about selling for women, and the differences between men and women in business and sales.
Today’s guest is Kendrick Shope. She’s the creator of Sell Like A Woman. She’s been featured on Steve Harvey Show. She’s also been on a multitude of major publications, podcasts, and major media. It’s awesome to have her on the show today to take about selling like a woman, and the differences between men and women in sales.

Kamala Chambers
It’s great to have you on Thriving Launch.
Are you ready to launch?

Kendrick Shope
I’m ready!

Kamala Chambers
All right.
This is a great topic because it’s something I see all the time in business and I co-own the company with Luis, which we have various ways of approaching clients and making sales.
What do you find are some of the significant differences between men and women in business and sales?

Kendrick Shope
It’s such a great question, and it’s almost a taboo topic.
Research Shows There Are Differences Between Men And Women In Business

Kendrick Shope
Women want to have every opportunity that men have, and of course, we deserve that, but it’s not popular to talk about some differences.
I get a lot of pushback from people sometimes saying, “I’m stuck in an old-fashioned way of doing business.” but the research is there to support it that men and women are different. It’s not rocket science.
Neurotransmitters That Are Fired In The Brains Of Men And Women In Business

Kendrick Shope
I think some of the most common ways we sell differently are not surprising to people. Neuro research shows that when men are in a confrontation or discussion, and they can push back with somebody that they are in almost like a zone of genius. In their brains, the neurotransmitters that fire are some of the same ones that fire when you’re having an orgasm. They’re in their prime and zone.
In contrast, that doesn’t happen to women in business.

Luis Congdon
Orgasmic selling sounds fantastic to me.

Kendrick Shope
Yeah! All of a sudden it looks amazing.
But, when women, when we’re in this place where we’re feeling like we’re being tested or being pushed a little bit, those same neurotransmitters don’t fire at our brain.
Neurotransmitters In The Brains Of Women In Business During Long Conversations

Kendrick Shope
Those neurotransmitters fire in the minds of women in business when they are engaging or having long conversations with people or when we are selling through relationships.
The difference between the way men and women in business and sales are pretty much what you would think it would be. Women sell through relationships. Men like to get there. They like to get there quick. They’ll push back and like control the conversation.
Both Ways Of Men And Women In Business Work

Kamala Chambers
I wonder about this because Luis loves to talk. He could just talk to people all day.
When he gets someone who understands him and makes him talk a lot, I think he’s more enrolled where I’m like, “Just give me the freaking bullet points. I don’t want to talk about it.”

Kendrick Shope
Yeah. I understand that.

Kamala Chambers
It’s an interesting topic because we all have these complex parts of ourselves.
What are some of the things you would say you’d want to adjust if you’re making a pitch to a woman in business versus a man?

Kendrick Shope
That’s a great question.
I’d love to touch on what you said about “I just want the bullet points.”
Men And Women In Business And Their Different Personalities

Kendrick Shope
I’m kind of the same way like “Just give me the bullet points.” That is what would be called in authentic selling, a red personality.
Personalities are broken down into colors; red, yellow, green, and blue. Red is that “Just give me the bullets, let’s get it done.” You typically sell to that person through fear of missing out or they like short compact sales. That is not a gender specific thing. That is both men and women. I’m willing to bet, you’ve got some red in your personality.
In contrast, when you are having conversations or when you like just to talk and have conversations, that’s a yellow personality. That’s that social butterfly.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, Luis is a yellow.

Kendrick Shope
Yeah. Luis is the social butterfly.
What’s interesting is, even though that’s the way your personality is when you’re selling, when it comes right down to the close or making the offer, genetically, we are wired to make that offer in a way that maybe different from the way we function, perhaps different from your dominant color. That’s following up on your question.
But then, the real question was “How do we sell the men and women in business differently?” This is where I get a lot of pushback.
Selling The Men And Women In Business

Kendrick Shope
Over a decade, I sold lumber to a male dominated industry. You can think of every stereotype about me you want to think of, and it’s going to be true. I was in Valentino shoes, walking through lumber yards in skirts and dresses, and those people I’m sure were thinking, “Oh dear God. This woman is going to talk to me about building products?”
Every stereotype you can think of was pretty much right about me, and it worked. It wasn’t an act. That’s who I happened to be.
As a person, I’m extremely feminine. I knew my stuff. I knew when I got the opportunity to go in and talk to those men. I knew about lumber and building products, but my way in wasn’t through the science. It wasn’t through the product’s knowledge. My way in was looking prettier than the guy who was trying to get in. You may not like it, but it worked.
I transitioned from selling lumber to pharmaceutical sales, and that’s when I sold the women.

Kamala Chambers
And, did you have to look less feminine?

Kendrick Shope
Yeah, exactly.
I didn’t change who I was. I’m still wearing Valentino shoes and my dresses, but my way in there is absofreakinlutely through the science, and through the education. I’m not just another pretty face trying to hit on all the male doctors. I know my stuff.
For women, I feel like there’s a little bit of a double-edged sword here. Men, I’m sorry, but I’ve been selling for 20+ years, I don’t see you having this problem. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman, but I don’t see you have to “Let me not be too smart, so I can get back and talk to this person,” or “Let me show my smart so I can get back and talk to this female.” It’s unique.

Kamala Chambers
What are some other things you would suggest kind of tweaking depending on what gender you’re talking with?
Differences Between Men And Women In Business Biologically

Kendrick Shope
One of the things that are interesting about just the differences between men and women when you’re looking at biology. There are some drastic differences.
For example, women have verbal communication on both sides of their brain, and men do not.
Dr. Louise Brisbane has a lot of research about the differences in the way men and women thrive in life.
One of those is that even at a very young age, female infants are more receptive to body language and energy. When things get tensed in a room, they tend to react more than male babies. We tend to be more intuitive. Let me tell you what that means specifically in a sales conversation.
Women In Business Are More Intuitive Than Men

Kendrick Shope
I can remember going into an office with my district manager in pharmaceutical sales. He said, “We need to get a commitment for Dr. X to write 14 whatever today for the right patient.” I went into that office, and it was wild. The nurses, the MAs, and the gatekeeper were stressed. I thought there is no way I’m going to push doctor whoever on getting 14 new scripts today. It’s just not going to happen even though my boss wanted me to do that. I could pick up on the energy. I could tell not my time to close.

Kendrick Shope
Men, if your boss says “Let’s go in. Let’s get the close,” luckily, you’re going to go in, and you’re going to get the close because of you like that environment which is a pressure cooker kind of environment.
How Women In Business Can Have Success

Kendrick Shope
Those are ways that men and women in business sell differently. Using different parts of your brains, and biology can help you succeed.

Luis Congdon
Listening to you talk, I’m curious. What are some of your recommendations when it comes to helping women in business to make sales?
What are some of the things you recommend to women in business they should do or consider as they’re going into sales?
All Of Us Are Men And Women In Business

Luis Congdon
As I say that, I’m thinking about all of you Thriving Launchers, I know a lot of you are coaches, experts, consultants, or people who help in the health industry. Maybe you don’t think of yourself as a sales person.
However, I believe if you’re interacting with you humans, you are in sales. If you’re talking to your son, you got to sell them on something. You’re talking to the principal at the school or a co-worker or your boss or your husband or boyfriend, girlfriend, or whatever it might be. I believe we are always in state of sales if we’re trying to convince anyone to do something we want them to do.
With that being said, what are some of the things you recommend to women in business to help become better of selling?

Kendrick Shope
I love this. You hit the area I like.
Women Who Engage With Other Human Beings Are Women In Business

Kendrick Shope
First of all, I think you’re right. We’re all in sales. If you are engaging with other people on the planet, you’re in sales. I was on the Steve Harvey Show recently, and he said to me, “Prove to me that we’re all in sales. I’m going to let people in the audience to ask you a question who are not women in business, and you solve their problem with selling.”
The exact example you gave here Luis about if a woman said, “How do I sell my night owl on going to bed at a decent hour? How do I sell my husband on helping with the laundry?”

Kendrick Shope
Sales get a bad rap, and then you transition into launching. You transition into the online world that is full of people who just want to make a difference, and do good, and live an amazing life. Selling even becomes a little bit sleazier, and a little bit harder to do but here is the biggest takeaway.
Definition Of Women In Business And Sales

Kendrick Shope
The black and white definition of the word “selling” is the exchange of money for a product or service. It’s the exchange of money for a product or service.
If you’re running a business and if you don’t have sales, your business is broke. If it feels icky, sleazy, slimy, pushy, you got to reconcile that fast. That’s step number one, man, woman, whatever.
If it’s an activity that is making you feel, “I don’t want to do it. It feels gross. I don’t want to be that person,” we got to reconcile that, and approach selling from helping.
How Women In Business Help Others

Kendrick Shope
Selling is helping, especially in the health field.
If you don’t tell people about your offers, somebody may miss the opportunity to live a longer life and to spend more time with their kids. It is the definition of why people get into this industry.
The first step is realizing that selling is helping and you got to believe that.

Kamala Chambers
And, I do. I think this is pertinent and fantastic.
Before we close out, what are some last tips or gems you want to share with the Thriving Launchers?

Kendrick Shope
Launching is one of my favorite things to do. All my colleagues say “You launch with such intensity” and I do. I freaking love it.
The Formula For Men And Women In Business

Kendrick Shope
Here are a quick few tips to keep in mind.
- When you’re launching and before you do anything, use this formula. It’s called your sales math. Pain point + Feature = Benefit
Your pain points are simple. It’s all the problems and all the things that are going wrong in your potential customer’s life that they want your help with.
For health coaches, it may be, “I eat a pizza every night,” or “I’m feeling sluggish, and don’t have the energy.” or, “I can’t walk around the block with my daughter anymore.”
The features, those are easy. That’s just your offer. Whatever you’re launching, your product, your program, your book, the benefits are where people mess up. Benefits, when you get this right, selling becomes so easy.
Know The Benefits Of Your Offer To Be Successful Women In Business

Kendrick Shope
A benefit is not the reversal of the pain point.
In the example, we used where we said: “I eat a pizza every night, and feel like crap, and don’t have the energy.” Then I come through this fantastic program.
What happens is not just that I don’t eat a pizza anymore. It’s what I’m able to do because I don’t eat that pizza. It’s that I wake up every day, and I feel a little bit better about myself, and my pants fit a little bit less tight. I cannot only walk around the block with my daughter one time, but we’re learning to run together. It’s all the things you’re able to because of the program.
Successful Men And Women In Business Always Start With A Sales Equation

Kendrick Shope
I’ve worked multi-million launches, and anytime I start a launch with somebody, we always do sales math. It’s funny because people will be like, “Oh dear God. I don’t need to do this. I’ve launched it 12 times.” I’m like, “But, you do need to do this.”
Every piece of communication you get should stand from that pain points plus features equals benefit.
Then, your social media, your emails, your Facebook live, and your webinar are all consistently on message. Consistency equals trust. Trust equals people paying you money. They’re more likely to give you their money if they trust you. Number one reason they don’t buy is that they don’t trust.
Before doing anything, start with this sale’s equation: pain points + features = benefits

Kamala Chambers
Love it.
Thank you so much, Kendrick, for coming on and sharing so much about sales, and the difference between men and women in business and selling, and helping us understand that deeper.
I just encourage all you Thriving Launchers to take some of these things, extract what you can, and see what you can apply to your business today.
Keep thriving everyone.