Why Use Instagram – Ross Johnson and Rachel Bell

On this episode, Ross Johnson and Rachel Bell, Instagram influencers and founders of Trill Media, explain why entrepreneurs should be using Instagram. The also share some marketing growth strategies to help grow our Instagram organically.
Everyone who is using Instagram right now can leverage it and use it to grow their business as long as they take Instagram seriously.


Instagram is the king of engagement.
Organic growth is promoted on Instagram.
Consistency creates trust, and when people trust you, they follow you on Instagram and become leads, customers, and advocates for your brand.
Treat Instagram like a part of your business and do the upfront research it requires.
Take Instagram seriously to leverage it and use it to grow your business.
If you are running a product-based brand, you could be killing it on Instagram.


Luis Congdon
Why use Instagram to grow your following and profit? Be sure to tune into today’s episode.
Today’s guests on Thriving Launch are Ross and Rachel. They’re Instagram influencers, founders of Trrill Media. They’ve helped create a network of over five million users. They’ve developed a personal following that’s growing and blowing up.
It’s exciting to have them today to talk about Instagram growth strategies and reasons why use Instagram.
Hey, Thriving Launchers, we’re here with Ross and Rachel, the Instagram couple of Trill Media. It’s exciting to have them on the show here because Kamala and I have been focusing on social media.
Earlier today, we did an interview about Twitter. We got a lot of fantastic tips on Twitter. We’ve had several people talked about Instagram, and we want to bring you more information about reasons why use Instagram.
Without further ado, welcome to the show, Ross, and Rachel, are you guys ready to launch?

Rachel Bell
We’re ready.

Ross Johnson
We’re ready.

Luis Congdon
Should we be on Instagram and why? I think that should be the first question. Why use Instagram? Should we be using it? Is it all that useful? It might sound like a rhetorical question to some people, but for some of us, we’re trying to do many things at once that we have to figure out the things to do and not to do.
So, why use Instagram?

Rachel Bell
Yeah, you made a good point just now which is saying “No” to certain platforms that you can focus and grow on the ones that matter.
Why Use Instagram – Instagram Is One Of The Platforms That Matter Most

Rachel Bell
Right now, I feel like Instagram is one of the things that matter most. I have three reasons why use Instagram, why it’s killing the game right now, why everyone should be taking this seriously, especially in this period we’re in, which is a fantastic opportunity.
- It was acquired by Facebook.
If that doesn’t say something to you about the potential that Instagram has to grow, then I don’t know what will because Instagram is acquired obviously by Mark Zuckerberg, who is one of the most innovative people in the social space right, and probably forever. We don’t know if he’s an alien or human or whatever, but he’s doing some crazy things to innovate that space.
Why Use Instagram – It’s The Number One Photo Sharing App

Rachel Bell
We know Instagram is not going to go away anytime soon. It’s still the number one photo-sharing app in the world right now.
I think he’s just going to continue to optimize that platform and make it more accessible, user-friendly, and engagement friendly than you’ve ever seen before.
Why Use Instagram – It’s The King Of Engagement

Rachel Bell
You know if you have a business page on Facebook, things have changed a lot with the algorithm. Things have changed a lot with organic reach.
Luis, I know you’re a pro with having organic reach on Facebook, and I know you’ve taught me a lot of things with that as well. You understand the value of organic reach as that continues to diminish, and as it continues to be a little bit higher barrier to reach because they want you to pay. They want influencers and people like us to pay to have reach to our audiences, and that’s cool. But, if you know how to utilize the organic reach, then that’s amazing too.
Why Use Instagram – Instagram Has Higher Engagement Rate Than Any Other Platform

Rachel Bell
Right now, the reason why use Instagram and it’s the king of engagement is because it has 58x higher engagement than Facebook, and 120x higher than on Twitter. That per-follower engagement rate is 4.21%. That’s significantly higher than any other social platform we see right now.
I just read an article a couple of hours earlier today, and they did an independent study that said that Instagram had 70% higher engagement rate than Facebook.
Right now, the organic potential for Instagram is insane, and that brings me to my third point to why use Instagram.
Why Use Instagram – Organic Growth Is Still Promoted On Instagram

Rachel Bell
3. Organic growth is still promoted on Instagram.
The Instagram algorithm has changed apparently a lot since Facebook picked it up and people are complaining about,”Oh no, I’m not getting as much reach,” or “Things are changing, and I don’t know how it works.”
To that, I say, that’s going to be a problem for you if you’ve been using black hat techniques to grow your account.
A lot of people have been using automation like Instagress, Massplanner, FollowLiker, LeadFriend. We all know about this automation software that had been successful to use, but Instagram is cracking down on that. They’re sending letters to these companies asking them to shut down.
Why Use Instagram – Instagram Is Cracking Down Spam And Automated Accounts

Rachel Bell
And so, everything is changing on Instagram. They’re cracking down on spam accounts, automated accounts, accounts that are buying followers and likes, and fake engagement. They’re bringing back the organic magic of Instagram that we started with.
I’m a pro for it because Ross and I all along have been using white hat techniques to grow this. We are 100% organic. We’ve never used a bot. We’ve never bought anything shady, and so we’re excited about it because it’s going just to boost our engagement, growth, and reach on the platform. That’s another reason why use Instagram.

Kamala Chambers
I love to start talking about some of those techniques that keep you above board on Instagram that help you to grow organically.

Ross Johnson
Yeah, absolutely.
Why Use Instagram – Instagram Rewards You For Being Social

Ross Johnson
One of the best techniques and it seems so obvious right out of the gate is that to be social on the platform. That’s super important. That’s the exact reason why people have been using bots and automation and buying likes, comments, followers. It’s because they’re trying to trick the Instagram algorithm and to think that they are very social and when you are very social, you get rewarded for that type of behavior.
We’ve been doing everything organically. We work a lot on Instagram. We do a lot. We spend a lot of hours on it, and because of that, we’re able to get rewarded.
Why Use Instagram – Reaching Other’s Audience Through Your Network

Ross Johnson
One of the number one tips I would say to anyone who’s trying to start or grow their Instagram account is you have to build a network on the platform. You have to connect with influencers or people in your niche and collaborate with them, exchange engagement. What that does is it allows you to reach their audience.
For example, if you have a car account and you connect with 40 other car accounts, then, exchange engagement, it’s going to make easier for each other’s audiences to see your content. That’s huge on Instagram and another reason why use Instagram.

Rachel Bell
Yeah, definitely.
Why Use Instagram – Get Power As An Influencer From Your Network

Rachel Bell
I would say our network is one of the biggest things that have helped us grow fast and form relationships that we can cross promote and cross pollinate with. That’s where you’re going to get most of your power on Instagram as just an Instagram influencer.
To become an Instagram influencer, your power comes from your network.
It’s just like in business, your network is your net worth, so you want to make sure you’re reaching out to people who have a similar following or similar engagement as you want, and just becoming their buddies, giving themselves engagement, and making sure they’re exchanging that with you as well.
There are tons of tactics we use. I can’t staple one thing and say that’s the one thing you need to do because it’s such a holistic practice that we have as organic Instagram growth experts.
Why Use Instagram – Getting Ranked With The Use Of Right Hashtags

Rachel Bell
We would recommend utilizing the right hashtags. That doesn’t mean just hashtagging fitness because look at how many people are using that hashtag. You have no chance of ranking in a hashtag. You got to be smart about what hashtag you use, and if that’s going to allow you to rank in that hashtag or not, and what that means is getting you to the top.
We use hashtags, our network, and great content. That’s one of the things that’s going to make people follow you instead of just like your content.
Why Use Instagram – Earn Loyal Customers

Rachel Bell
You want people to become followers that can become leads so that eventually, they can become loyal clients who love you and follow your brand.
Your content is going to be one of the main things you want to pay attention to and pour your energy into as well.

Ross Johnson
Also, I would just add one more thing, which is consistency.

Rachel Bell

Ross Johnson
You have to be super consistent.
Why Use Instagram – Create Trust Through Consistency

Kamala Chambers
Those are all such great points and fantastic tips.
What do you think is a thing maybe people aren’t seeing that they should be doing on Instagram and they overlook most commonly?

Rachel Bell
That’s a good question.

Ross Johnson
There’s like this whole underground world that people have no idea about on Instagram like third party apps like Telegram, Whatsapp. There are some other ones, but mainly, they’re just messaging platforms where people create those big group chats that are like 3,000 people. Then, they’ll all decide to like and comment on each other’s stuff at a specific time on specific days.
Why Use Instagram – Utilize Group Chats To Have People Like And Comment On Your Post

Ross Johnson
For example, every day at 3 o’clock ET, everyone joins that group and everyone posts immediately at that same time, and then everyone likes and comments on each other’s stuff.
That is an effective way to grow. That’s one thing people don’t know about, and it’s just like a growth hack.
Who cares if they follow you? That’s not the point of it. The point of it is to get a lot of engagement on your content fast so that you’re either able to rank for the hashtags you’re using.
Why Use Instagram – Get The Most Engagement Or Most Engagement For People To See Your Content

Ross Johnson
Like Rachel said earlier just so everyone’s clear on that is ranking in the top nine famous photos for that hashtag, which means you got the most engagement or the fastest engagement. That’s going to help people see your content.
Another way you can get followers is by landing on the explore page. If you hit that little magnifying glass on Instagram, you’ll just see a bunch of content that Instagram thinks you might like. You’re going to land there on a couple 100,000 people’s Instagram account. You’ll get thousands of followers in a day.

Rachel Bell
And, you’ll know when you hit the explore page.
Why Use Instagram – Get Discovered Through The Explore Page

Rachel Bell
If you have the business settings activated on your account, you can see how many impressions you’re getting, and if you get a million impressions like we did just last week, you’ll gain thousands of followers in a day.

Ross Johnson
Yeah. We get around 3,000 followers in 30 hours just from hitting the explore page because we got there and we were so discoverable on that platform.
Why Use Instagram – Instagram Promotes You Organically

Ross Johnson
We did that by using great content, manufacturing engagement at first, but once you get the ball rolling fast enough, Instagram picks it up. They promote you organically, and then you got tons of followers who have never seen your content before. They don’t know who you are, and they’re new people who can see your stuff.

Rachel Bell
Then, just one of the things about taking Instagram to the next level and what people should be focusing on these days is just taking it seriously.
Why Use Instagram – Get Results When You Take It Seriously

Rachel Bell
There are many businesses and business owners I talked to now who are like “Yeah, we have an Instagram.” But I look at their Instagram, and they have around 200 followers. They’re posting once a year or something like that.

Ross Johnson
They’re following 8,000 people.

Rachel Bell
They’re following 8,000 people, and we just look at this, and we’re like, “You have so much potential to reach a 700 million-follower network that you’re just underutilizing like crazy.”
People don’t take it seriously for a lot of different reasons. But even when businesses do take it somewhat seriously, and they try to create a presence on Instagram, they’re not doing fundamental things. They’re not putting a customized link in their bios so that they can track clicks, and track conversions to see if they’re making sales or to gathering leads from Instagram. They’re not treating it as a traffic source, and the qualified traffic source that there is.
Why Use Instagram – You Can Make Changes If Needed For Improvement

Rachel Bell
If you are to planning on using Instagram for your business, make sure you have all the tracking on there, and that you’re tracking your success. Make sure you can measure everything you’re doing so you can improve and make pivots if needed.

Luis Congdon
One of the buzz words I’ve been hearing a lot or for me, it seems like a buzz word because it’s something I hear a lot from Instagram experts.
One of the key things I keep hearing is curated content. I’m curious what that means.

Rachel Bell
When you start an account basically, there are two different types of accounts.
You have a personal account, which is an account that follows the life of you, what you do on a daily basis. It’s more like about a public figure.
Why Use Instagram – Curated Content

Rachel Bell
Then, there’s an account that you can make called the branded account, which is just a curated profile that either reposts content, or it creates content that’s according to a particular aesthetic and theme.
You’ll see a lot of car themed accounts or luxury themed accounts like we have one.

Ross Johnson
Like fashion.

Rachel Bell
Fashion, make up. You’ll see business accounts, quote accounts, motivation. These are all huge on Instagram.
Why Use Instagram And Create Curated Content

Rachel Bell
Now, here are the reasons why use Instagram, and everyone’s creating curated content account:
- It’s easy.
It’s a lot easier than creating a lot of your original content every single day that has to be high quality.
- You know how it can perform.
If you’re repurposing content from other accounts as a branded account, you can go to different accounts and see what photos are performing way better than the other ones. You can take those pictures and post them on your profile so that you know every single photo that you post will perform better than 99% of the other content on Instagram.’
Why Use Instagram – Grow Your Account By Using Best Performing Content

Rachel Bell
A lot of people are kind of growth hacking their Instagrams by using best performing content and posting that on theirs.
The advantage of using a curated content profile is the fact you know what’s going to perform, and what’s not going to perform, and you’re able to skyrocket your growth from there.
Why Use Instagram – You Can Grow And Have High Quality Of Followers

Rachel Bell
When we’re managing accounts for brands and businesses, we’re saying, “Okay. Do we have your permission to leverage our content? It’s because if we can, we can grow you like crazy.”
If someone wants to grow with their original content, that’s cool too. It just has to be stellar and high quality. You’re going to grow a little bit slower, but you still will grow, and the quality of your followers will still be very high.

Ross Johnson
And it’s just untested.
Why Use Instagram – You Can Use Tested And Proven Content

Ross Johnson
If you want to post your content, it’s untested. All these other content that you can find on Instagram is established and tested. We know it’s viral. We’ve seen it go viral on multiple accounts, on multiple occasions.
For some reason, that piece of content gets 10x more engagement every single time, and then you would know if you posted that and did a similar strategy, you would able to get very high engagement with that also.

Rachel Bell
Yeah, exactly.

Kamala Chambers
Let’s talk about hashtags.
It’s a big topic I know. What do you recommend in how we use our hashtags?

Rachel Bell
We both recommend research.
Why Use Instagram And Research Hashtags

Ross Johnson
Content research.

Rachel Bell
You have no idea. Ross spent 20-30 hours of ongoing research doing our hashtags because it’s like a constant practice.
Whenever we set-up with a client, we say, “You know what? This is going to be a regular practice. You’re going to outgrow certain hashtags. You’re going to want to expand out of certain hashtags, and you want to test them, obviously.”
The thing I would recommend with your hashtags is not just choosing them willy-nilly. Don’t just pick the obvious ones like #fitness, #fitfam. Don’t just do the obvious ones. Those are going to be important so that you can train Instagram’s algorithm to associate you with other fitness related accounts as well.
But, you have 30 hashtags that you’re allowed to use per post.
Why Use Instagram – Rank In The Top Nine By Using Targeted Hashtags

Rachel Bell
Make sure you’re utilizing those 30 hashtags in all different ways which means you can use those by having either big hashtags in there like #fitness and then you can have smaller ones like #coloradofitness. That’s more niched down. It’s a little bit more targeted, and you’re still able to rank in those top nine, which will eventually attract more followers from that type of community.

Ross Johnson
Why Use Instagram – Local Business Can Connect With People Within Their City Through Hashtags

Ross Johnson
If you’re running a local business, you can use local hashtags to make sure you’re connecting with individuals in that city.
For example, we just moved to San Diego from Boulder. But if we were in Boulder, Colorado, everyone knows there are mountains right there in town called the Flatirons. They’re super iconic.
If we were working with a business in Boulder, we want to attract people in Boulder. Flatirons might be a hashtag we’d use because the only individuals who are going to be tagging that are people in that city probably.

Rachel Bell
Why Use Instagram And Do Research To Get Leads

Rachel Bell
The key to grow your Instagram is to treat your Instagram account like an entire business. We don’t just start an Instagram account for fun anymore. We used too, and that was incredible. That taught us a lot, but now, we invest the hours and hours of research into competitors, influencers, niche, hashtags, and how we can reach our target audience. We do it so we’re not just doing it, wasting our time, spinning our wheels, and wondering why we’re not getting leads from Instagram.
If you’re business-focused when it comes to Instagram, you need to treat it like a part of your business and do the upfront research it requires.

Kamala Chambers
Before we go, is there any last supercharged tip you want to give the Thriving Launchers on why use Instagram?

Why Use Instagram – Product-Based Brands Made Millions From Sales In Instagram

Ross Johnson
There are a few companies that have done $20million+ in Instagram only. Frank Body is a face scrub. They did $20 million their first year in business all because of Instagram. MVMT Watches did $40 million last year from sales. Two-thirds of their sales were directly from Instagram.
If anyone has a brand or has business that has a product like that, you need to be using Instagram. It’s going to be huge, especially for connecting with the younger demographic. As time goes on, it’s going to be pivotable to your business.

Rachel Bell
Exactly, pivotable, because that’s an awesome word.

Kamala Chambers
We make up words all the time here.

Rachel Bell
It’s better than using regular words.

Luis Congdon
Create your words. That’s fantastic.

Rachel Bell
Create your words. That’s fantastic.

Luis Congdon
Be original. I love it.
We’ve been here with Ross and Rachel talking about Instagram marketing secrets, how to leverage Instagram, and why use Instagram for business.
Thank you so much for joining the show. It’s been a real pleasure.
Remember, keep thriving.