When Panic Attacks

In this episode, Kamala is going to share some of her experiences with panic attacks and what she did to overcome it. This situation is not easy to deal with and takes an incredible amount of effort to admit.
With these experiences and challenges she had been through, she found something beautiful, and that is knowing the people who love her and will be there for her through difficult times.


Panic attacks are common, but they’re not normal.
Panic attacks would manifest in difficulty in breathing, being inundated with terrible thoughts, and feeling like the whole world was crushing on you.
Being with people who believe that their views are right and would impose those views on you can be a trigger for a panic attack.
With every challenging experience, there is always a silver lining.


Kamala Chambers
In this episode, I’m going to be sharing with you some of my experiences when panic attacks happen, what causes them, and one thing that I did to overcome them.

Luis Congdon
Hey, Thriving Launchers.
Kamala and I, we’re talking before the show, and Kamala decided she wants to talk about her experience when panic attacks. It’s something that she’s struggled with in the past. It’s something I’ve seen her move through, and why am I kicking this off?
It’s because Kamala’s having a little bit of a panic thinking and talking about this subject, and I’m here to push her into that space so she can connect with you guys more. I know some of you guys maybe have some fears or worries or panics.
So Kamala, what exactly is a panic attack? What do you experience when panic attacks happen? Why did you decide you wanted to talk about this today?
It’s Not Normal When Panic Attacks Happen

Kamala Chambers
It’s because anxiety, overwhelm, and stress is prevalent in our culture that it’s almost become normal. It’s what people consider normal, and it’s not normal.
I think it’s an important topic. It doesn’t always manifest for people in full blown panic attacks or anxiety attacks, but I think there’s just this undercurrent of anxiety that can linger in the majority of society right now.

Luis Congdon
What made you want to share this with the Thriving Launch community?
What is it that made you think “This is something I should open up about even though it’s difficult for me to admit I have panic attacks,” or agree that it is hard to move through that process? What is it about this subject for you personally that you felt it was time to open up about it?

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, the experience I have when panic attacks are not something I am proud of.
Feeling Shamed When Panic Attacks Happen
It’s not something I have gotten to a place where I’m like, “Yeah, I’m used to that feeling when panic attacks.” I haven’t publicly come out about it, and part of the reason is that I feel like there’s some shame around how bad it got.
I had weekly anxiety attacks for about a year, and sometimes, it would be less than that, but on average it’s about once a week, I’d be having an anxiety or a panic attack.
It’s hard to even talk about now, but I feel like it’s an important thing to bring to the forefront.
Manifestation When Panic Attacks Happen
For me, it would manifest in difficulty in breathing, being inundated with terrible thoughts about myself, and feeling like the whole world was crashing in on me. When panic attacks happen, it seems I’m far from who I thought I was.
I feel like I’ve always been a pretty grounded person, not focused on worry or focused on problems. I’ve always been a pretty confident person, but I feel like I went through a series of somewhat traumatic events that made it, so I didn’t know how to cope with my anxiety anymore. My tolerance level for stress boiled down to nothing.
You watched me go through that process, Luis. You were there with me when panic attacks happen, and I know that’s kind of uneasy to see.
The Experience When Panic Attacks Happen And Getting Out Of That Space

Luis Congdon
What for me is more interesting about this conversation and then, my experience is watching you move out of that space and into where you are now where you’ve focused on making sure the people you’re surrounded with, love you, and you love them, and that you feel safe with them.
You’ve come to a place where you feel a lot more secure in yourself, or you’re a lot more attentive to your needs. You have a different way of being, and a different way of taking care of yourself that’s a lot better.
I’m curious about some of those things you’ve changed, the mindset shifts, and some ways maybe you can share with the community about your experience about how you’ve moved through that to where you now.
Different Way Of Being When Panic Attacks Happen
It’s because I don’t see you having a panic attack anymore. It’s been a long since you’ve had one, and when you get to a place where it’s starting to look edgy, you’ve become a lot better about taking care of yourself.
I’d love to hear about some of the shifts that you had so we can learn from that.

Kamala Chambers
It’s such an important thing to share. It’s an important topic to open up about because if anyone else is struggling with that and whatever your journey is, is going to be what works for you.
Each Has His Struggles When Panic Attacks Strike
For me, I can only share about my own experience.
What I found is that what was leading up to the fact that I had panic attacks, and the thing that was leading up to. It was that I around people I felt were constantly trying to impose their views onto me and that their opinion was the right way. I was kind of in a cult in a way.
For me, being around with people who had very different views of me and they felt that their opinion should be my opinion was a big trigger for me. There was like a break up from a whole group of people for me. I felt like my reality was broken.
What’s Going In My Mind When Panic Attacks Happen
What I thought to myself was “If I couldn’t conform or get this whole group of people to love me like they said they did, then there must be something fundamentally wrong with me.”
I felt terrible about who I was as a human being. Knowing that was my trigger for going into the panic attacks, I knew I had to strengthen my discernment for the kind of people I spend my time with.
Why And When Panic Attacks Happen And How To Avoid It
That means I can only choose to be around individuals who can be there for my wins, celebrate my successes with me, and are happy for me when I succeed where I didn’t feel that in that particular community. I choose to be with people who also can be there to be with whatever darkness I’m with, and whom I feel safe with, and that I trust. Those are important discerning factors, and I feel like we should always have that in life.
But, having those panic attacks strengthen my discernments so much that I just don’t want ever to compromise that again. It’s become part of my core foundation that being around people that can be there for me, and that I feel safe with and I trust has been such an important part of my growth, and in our success too, Luis.
I feel like I had to get to a place of being around the right kind of people to have the kind of success that we do, right Luis?

Luis Congdon
I love every piece of advice or thing you share in regards to your experience and what happened to you.
Silver Lining When Panic Attacks Happen
Thriving Launchers, I want to wrap up here with a takeaway that’s something close to my heart. That is with every difficult experience, there’s always a silver lining.
Those are the experiences where a lot of times a diamond is being created. Something beautiful and wonderful vibrant gift is being given to us through those challenges.
When Panic Attacks Strike, You’ll Know Who Loves You
Wherever you’re at, if you’re having a difficult time, one of the things I got from Kamala’s story is that through those challenges, Kamala figured out, what does family look like? What does good friendship look like? What does love feel like? What does connection look like for her? What is necessary for her to feel safe, loved, and connected?
You know what? A lot of us don’t ever figure out what that is, but Kamala, through those challenges, you found that. You have an incredible community of friends and people that love you, and you connected with, and that is my take away from today’s episode.
Thriving Launchers, I hope you got something too. I hope you were able to take from this story of Kamala’s vulnerability, something that you can take with your life, and take into today for yourself and your friends as well. With that, I leave you to have an awesome day and keep thriving you all.