True Fitness – Sergei Boutenko

On this episode, Sergei Boutenko, an author, filmmaker, entrepreneur, and adventurer, explains that true, functional fitness is not only about working out to have a good physique. True fitness keeps you healthy for life.
He shares valuable tips on how we can incorporate healthier habits to attain functional and true fitness.


As humans, we have to question everything and experiment on ourselves.
Getting in shape is finding a program that works for you. Do something you enjoy.
Whether it’s diet or fitness, you have to be a bit careful because, in this age of information, there’s a lot of misinformation.
When you engage in true functional fitness, the goal is to exercise every single muscle in your body.
Kettlebells are great for achieving functional fitness. When you start swinging it, it engages all the micro muscles in your body.


Luis Congdon
On today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about functional and true fitness and also how to overcome our desire to be extreme in health.

Kamala Chambers
We are here with Sergei Boutenko, an author, filmmaker, entrepreneur, and adventurer.

Luis Congdon
All right.
Thriving Launchers, we’re here with Sergei Boutenko. I’m excited to have him on the show.
Are you ready to launch?

Sergei Boutenko
I am ready to launch. Thanks for having me.

Luis Congdon
One of the first things I want to start off with is I know you’ve gone through this cool process.
I’ve been someone who’s tuned into you for quite a while, and as you Thriving Launchers may already know, I’ve been going through Sergei’s 30-day free Green Juice Course. Experiencing some of the changes in my diet has been awesome.
One of the things I know about you is you’re into true fitness, and you’ve gone through quite a process, and you’ve made some shifts in your life, yeah?

Sergei Boutenko
That is a huge understatement. Yes, indeed.

Luis Congdon
One of the things you had said before the interview is you’re talking about working out in more functional ways, and I’m interested what you mean by that.

Sergei Boutenko
Those of you who have followed me before know my family has been into raw food, and healthy eating was at the top of the list.
Stress may Cause You To Make Poor Food Decisions

Sergei Boutenko
But in 2014, after a couple of years of just having a ton of stress in my life, I’m not making the best food decisions for myself and just indulging a little too hard. I found myself starting to gain weight rapidly, just feeling down in the pits, and self-esteem was at an all-time low.
I was going through before and after pictures on Pinterest or somewhere on the internet. What shocked me the most was not even the physical transformation but this twinkle in their eyes that people would have once they’ve achieved their fitness goals.
I started becoming envious of these people that I was seeing online and thought “Hmm. I wonder if I can do that.”
Have Hope That You Can Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Sergei Boutenko
We’ve all seen those infomercials with the man with ripped abs who’s using the latest greatest abs machine. We all know better than to think he got it using that machine, but still, I had this idea of hope.
I embarked on a fitness journey and made myself a guinea pig for my fitness experiment. I hired a film crew to shadow me. I just jumped right in, stripped down to my speedo, had a professional photographer take my “before” pictures, and then gave myself three months where I said, “I’m going to do whatever it takes. I’m going to get to the bottom of what it takes, and is it possible?”
What Functional And True Fitness Means

Sergei Boutenko
Through that, I found the genre of fitness called functional fitness, which is a pretty broad term, but it essentially means fitness that mimics everyday life. It’s not just going to the gym and doing bench presses or just working out on machines, though I do a little bit of that
Functional fitness is like doing movements that replicate life everything from digging holes to lifting stuff overhead. It’s essentially fitness that prepares you and keeps you healthy for life. That’s what I’m juiced on right now.

Kamala Chambers
All right.
What are some of the principles of functional and true fitness? How can we start applying it?

Sergei Boutenko
You have to be a little bit careful as with anything.
Misinformation About True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
Whether it’s diet or fitness, be a bit careful because, in this age of information, there’s a lot of misinformation.
I don’t believe that any one recipe works for anybody.
I presume today as we continue having this discussion, you guys ask me questions, periodically, I’ll just turn those questions back to you.
Start Questioning Yourself To Achieve True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
What works for me may not necessarily work for you. That’s my little preface.

Sergei Boutenko
For me, functional fitness included kettlebells. If you don’t know what those are, they’re huge cast iron weights that are in the shape of a ball with the handle on them. It’s a very oddly shaped weight, and when you start swinging this around, it starts engaging all of the micro muscles in your body. Not just the big muscles, but all of the stabilizing muscles, and it just works the entire core.
What Core In True Fitness Means

Sergei Boutenko
Now, before this project, I had no idea what core meant. I thought the core was just your abs, but as it turns out, your core is from your ankles up to your neck. That’s the core of your body.

Sergei Boutenko
I do that through kettle bells, BOSU balls, and yoga balls mainly.

Luis Congdon
Kettlebells are fantastic. It’s something I love, and something interesting about that is Tim Ferriss, in his book The 4 Hour Body, espouse kettle bells, especially for people who are interested in getting more toned and losing weight.
He said, “If you want the simplest recipe for that, start using kettlebells.”

Sergei Boutenko
A funny thing about Tim Ferriss, I’m a fan of his, and sometimes, I feel like we’re the same person. Apparently, more people know about him than me, but when he talks about stuff, he’s like, “And then I’d started salsa dancing.” I’m like, “But wait a minute. I’ve been salsa dancing for ten years.” Then his like, “And then I started doing functional fitness.” It’s fun to listen to his stuff because it affirms what I’m doing.

Luis Congdon
What’s interesting about functional and true fitness to me, and something a lot of Thriving Launchers and you guys may not know is I’m very into fitness and working out. I have a history of wrestling for five years, doing kung fu for a couple of years, doing jiu-jitsu for several years.
True Fitness Allows You To Connect With Others

Luis Congdon
How I found out about you and your mom, Sergei is through my diet experimentation, and I decided to become a raw vegan food person for several months. I did that. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life as far as “How do you hang out with people?” How do you live a normal life when you’re incredibly abnormal? Your eating habits are one of the most primary ways that we sit down, and we connect with other people.
After that, I lost so much weight that my partner at that time, she said, “Hey. I don’t like you being skinny. I don’t like you weigh less than me, and it feels awkward that you’re just so thin.” I was like, “Okay. Well, I’m going to try something else.”
True Fitness Is Not Only About The Physique

Luis Congdon
I went into bodybuilding, and one of the things about bodybuilding I found is that my joints started to hurt. I began to feel like my range of movement changed. I just did not feel functional so to speak, even though I had this incredible physique that a lot of people thought “Wow. That’s incredible! You must be healthy. You must be in shape,” but I felt out of shape.”

Sergei Boutenko
Keep preaching, Luis. Keep going. I’m right there with you.

Luis Congdon
It sounds like that was part of your process too. You went through this process of “I want to get the six pack. I want to change my physique. I’m tired of having a gut.” It sounds like you went through a similar process, yes?

Sergei Boutenko
Absolutely, man.
The Formula To Achieving True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
I learned that getting in shape is a basic formula. Getting in shape is you find a program that works for you, and first and foremost that means something you enjoy doing.
I advocate that people go out and they try dance classes and kettle bells. Just find something that is exciting for you.
That’s why I chose kettlebells because when I’m swinging these suckers, snatching, and clinging them, I forget I’m doing exercise, and I trick myself. If you stick with it, the results are guaranteed
Sticking With Your Exercise Program Guarantee True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
Going into the project of attaining true fitness, I thought, “I’m going to have to work out for six hours a day, seven days a week.” What I learned is it’s substantially less. It’s 50 minutes a day, three to five times per week. That’s a lot of time I guess, but it is so much less than I initially thought.
There’s No Magic Pill To Achieve True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
Just to give you some stats, I’d set out to do it in three months. I found that it took a little bit longer. This is not a magic pill. I got my results in four months, but I lost almost 20 pounds of weight. I went from 20%+ body fat down to less than 9 and gained 11 and a half pounds of muscle.
I felt/feel better than I ever have before just from exercising 50 minutes a day, eating five to seven small meals a day. The best part about it is unlike being a devout raw foodist, being super strict about everything, I still had a lot of joy in my life. I still get to eat out with my friends.
There’s a chapter in my new eBook called How To Cheat Like A Pro.
Having a cheat day is essential for increasing your gains, for burning fat, and just for enjoying your life.
Moderation As One Of The Key To True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
This process has opened my mind to so much, and one of those things is moderation. We, humans, have this tendency to want to get extreme about stuff. I don’t yet know why this is, but certainly, in my life, this has materialized itself like this.
We immigrated to the US from Russia in 1990. We came to this country, and it blew our mind. There was just much abundance and availability. There is much interesting food that we just all freaked out and thought, “Oh my goodness! The Americans can’t do it wrong. We’re just going to eat all of their food, and it’s going to be amazing!”
In Russia back then, we didn’t have hardly anything. We had cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and vodka.
Veganism Can’t Sustain True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
Apparently, the standard American diet led us to sickness, and it didn’t work. Then, we went to the complete opposite extreme, and we were like no cooked food, only fresh fruits, vegetables, and veganism only. We did that religiously for 23 years.
The veganism diet worked for a little while but also, in the end, led us to signs of less than perfect health, and is not sustainable in the long run.
Walking In The Middle Ground Can Lead You To True Fitness And A Happy Life

Sergei Boutenko
Then, there’s this crazy revolutionary idea that I’m only now recognizing in my 30’s. It’s that if you pick a little point somewhere in the middle, somewhere between both of those extremes, not only can you live a happy, fun life full of interactions with other people, loved ones, sharing meals, but your health, well-being will just benefit immensely from that as well.
Picking a point somewhere between both extremes will not only give you a happy and fun life full of interactions with other people and loved ones, but also, your well-being will benefit immensely.

Kamala Chambers
One thing I like about what you’re saying is we have to find what works for us as individuals and to walk that middle ground. Not swing this pendulum of extreme behavior, extreme diets, or extreme fitness.
I’d love to hear. What are one to two top tips you could say that if everybody made this change for their health today, they are going to be a step closer to true fitness and it would make all the difference?

Sergei Boutenko
That’s easy. I have three just from the top of my head.
Cut Out Junk Food To Have True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
- Cut out junk food and substitute it with fresh whole food ingredients.
Everybody has a good sense of what junk food is.
At one point in my life, I went with the camera down the street, and I just wanted to figure out if people knew what they should and shouldn’t be eating. Every single person I interviewed whether they were a 10-year old kid to a 75-year old lady, they all knew things like, “I should probably eat less salt in my diet,” and “Maybe I shouldn’t eat as much meat,” or “I should eat more fruits and vegetables.”
Most people understand what junk food is. I define junk food as anything that’s over packaged and can last on a shelf for months or years without going bad. That’s junk food.
Fresh whole food is just stuff that perishes like fresh vegetables, nuts seeds, grains, that kind of thing.
Eat 5-7 Small Meals Per Day To Achieve True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
2. Eat 5 to 7 small meals per day instead of two or three large ones.
That in this process that I’ve been on for the last two years has been invaluable to me. What I found is that insulin will spike throughout the day and crash. It’ll spike and crash.
As I did it before, I’d wake up in the morning, skip breakfast because I didn’t think breakfast was substantial. By the time lunch rolled around, I was just ravenous. I was like “I don’t care what I eat but I need food now.” My insulin was low.
Then, I would gorge my face, eat two or three huge plates of food until I was stuffed. Now, my insulin is spiked, and I’m like in a coma. People say food coma for a reason.
How Weight Gain And Low Energy Happen Which Don’t Lead To True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
Once I’m stuffed, again, take a large break, until I’m again ravenous. Then, eat three or four more servings. In this manner, low energy and weight gain are just absolutely going to happen.
The other way to do it is to wake up in the morning, eat a large breakfast, and then eat every few hours after that until after dinner. Then basically, fast for seven hours, and that’s number three.
Fasting For 12 Hours To Attain True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
3. Consume your meal pretty early on in the evening.
I’d choose 7PM and then fast for 12 hours until you wake up the next morning.

Luis Congdon
One of the things you talked about here was extremism, and I smiled at Kamala when you were talking about that because I’m an extremist. I have been for most of my life and made me chuckle when you talked about your process. It was very similar.
Extremism Not Promoting True Fitness

Luis Congdon
I thought “Raw foods look exciting.” So I went into the raw foods thing and went 100% raw, raw vegan for three months. Not super long but long enough that I went down to I think 5% body fat. At 5”5, I went down to like 125 pounds. I had a low body fat percentage and was incredibly skinny. I think I lost over 30 pounds in that time. It was very extreme, and I’ve done that with many aspects of my life.
I’m curious from you. What is helping you not go back into that tendency? Because I know for me, I just go back into that tendency, and I don’t even know I’m doing it.

Sergei Boutenko
The good news is you’re not alone. I think the human tendency is to do that.
Growing up in the extremist raw food field, I got to know that desire very well. Then, I have since as an adult. My eyes are open to it, and I see it in almost anything. I see it in the running community, where people are like “You know what? I’m going to run 150 miles through Death Valley in July.” It’s like, seriously? Why don’t you just try running a marathon in the forest first?
Remind Yourself Your Goal Is True Fitness

Sergei Boutenko
What helps me to stay away from that, it’s not easy. First of all, I have to say if I’m honest, I’d catch myself always wanting to revert to that, but sticky notes help. My sister helps, talking with loved ones, and just sharing ideas.
I joke about it, but I’m serious. I write sticky notes all over my house. If you go to my website, you’ll see that I just have reminders, and it’s just simple as that.
You just write “moderation,” and then every time you sit in front of your computer, you see that and you’re like, “Uh! I get it.

Kamala Chambers
There we have it, from Sergei.
Thank you so much Thriving Launchers for tuning in. We’ve been talking about functional and true fitness but so much more.
We’ve also been talking about how to incorporate more healthy foods, healthier lifestyle habits into our lives to attain true fitness.
I just encourage you to take one thing from this episode today and apply it.
Keep thriving everyone.