Thoughts Create Reality – Isaac Lidsky

On today’s episode, we are here with Isaac Lidsky. He’s been on NBC’s “Saved by the Bell,” and he’s an NYC best-selling author.
Isaac helps us realize that we are the creator of our reality. For us to master that reality, we must hold ourselves accountable for every moment and see beyond our fears.


The starting point for shaping the life you want is to ask yourself the big questions with awareness, purpose, and intention.
- What’s important to you?
- How do you want to be spending your time at home and work?
- What kind of boss, employee, or colleague do you want to be?
Take accountability for framing the reality you want to live for yourself.
We are responsible for doing the things that we need to do and to confront the circumstances in our lives.
Know what precisely your problem is and what you can do about it rather than ‘awfulizing.’
It’s not the circumstances that we confront in our lives that dictate the reality we experience. It is how those conditions manifest themselves.


Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re going to be talking about how your thoughts create reality for yourself.
Today, we’re here with Isaac Lidsky. He’s been on NBC’s “Saved by the Bell,” and he’s an NYC best-selling author.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, here we are.
Isaac, are you ready to launch?

Isaac Lidsky

Luis Congdon
Isaac, one of the things that you like to focus on is how the thoughts create reality. You’ve talked about this on various platforms, and especially with your book, it was a fantastic read, and in your life story.
I’m just curious to dive in with you about shaping who you want to be, creating the person that you want to be, and what thoughts create reality means.

Isaac Lidsky
I slowly lost my sight from age 13 to 25, and that experience while initially terrifying, and obviously challenging ultimately, turned out to be a real blessing.
How Thoughts Create Reality – View Challenges as Blessings

Isaac Lidsky
The insights that I gained, sort of the peek behind the curtain I got, is the way that we shape and create the realities we experience in our minds.
That insight was tremendous for me, and I’ve learned that I’ve seen firsthand. In every moment, we get to choose who we are and how we want to live our lives. That is how our thoughts create reality.

Kamala Chambers
It’s such an empowering way to move through the world. It takes practice. It takes awareness and consciousness.
What are some tips that you have to shape the life that we want?

Isaac Lidsky
Sure, absolutely.
As you said, it’s a discipline. It takes practice and effort. I work hard for it every day.
How Thoughts Create Reality – Ask Yourself Big Questions

Isaac Lidsky
For me, the key starting point on how thoughts create reality has got to be answering some pretty big questions.
- What’s important to you?
- How do you want to be spending your time at home and work?
- What kind of boss, employee, or colleague do you want to be? What kind of spouse, parent, or child do you want to be?
It’s easy to roll our eyes at those questions but the truth is whether we like or not, we’re answering those questions every moment we’re here.
We’re answering it in our thoughts, actions, and words. So to me, you might as well do so with awareness, purpose, and intention. That’s the starting point on how to control reality with your mind.

Luis Congdon
What do you think is the biggest challenge for people when they come across these questions?

Isaac Lidsky
I talk a lot about this in the book. I love to read about and write about a lot of the neuroscience.
Wired Brain And Thoughts Create Reality

Isaac Lidsky
We’re wired to predict, infer, assume, and construct a reality for ourselves based off of our past experiences. And it’s beneficial in many ways. It’s been critical to our survival as a species, but it also can be very damaging.
We make self-limiting assumptions about ourselves, fear the worst, and have these terrible fears that we perceive as real. We misperceive the force of luck in our lives. We misperceive things like success, value, and on and on.
How Thoughts Create Reality – Be Aware Of Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

Isaac Lidsky
For me, overcoming some of these challenges with ourselves begins with being aware of them, thinking about them, and being conscious about them. Also, taking accountability for framing the reality you want to live for yourself.
Overcoming the challenges with ourselves begin with being aware of our self-limiting assumptions.

Kamala Chambers
What is something that you find in your research to be one of the most beneficial things that we can do every single day to practice this?

Isaac Lidsky
In my life, when I’m confronting things like fear, whether it’s fear of the unknown, or change, or fear of failure, fear in times of crisis, I try to focus on two pretty simple questions that I find myself asking myself frequently.
How Thoughts Create Reality – Questions To Ask When In Fear

Isaac Lidsky
- What precisely is my problem right now at this moment?
I broke into a discrete, manageable component, something that I can do about, something that I’m confronting today. Not sort of doom and gloom off in the future and foreboding, and all that stuff.
- What can I do about it?
We manifest these heroes and villains for ourselves in our lives and we’re tempted to credit others or blame others for things that are going on in our lives.
The Power Is Ours Because Our Thoughts Create Reality

Isaac Lidsky
We are responsible for doing the things that we need to do and to confront the circumstances in our lives.
What precisely is my problem, and what can I do about it? Those two questions are my mantra.

Luis Congdon
How did these questions helped guide your life?

Isaac Lidsky
They were central to a lot of the work I did to overcome my fears of going blind and being blind, and to take control. And instead make proactive steps on a daily basis to accept the challenges one at a time; to learn to use a cane, to navigate more safely, and to learn to use screen reading software so I could interact with my computer and with other gadgets using my ears instead of my eyes.
How Thoughts Create Reality – Focus On The Specific Challenges

Isaac Lidsky
Focus on the here, the now, the specific challenges you face as opposed to ‘awfulizing’ that we tend to do.

Kamala Chambers
Some people argue against being able to shape your reality and change what the outcome of your life is. I know a lot of it is about perspective.
Some people say “You went blind. You weren’t able to shape that reality” What do you say to that?

Isaac Lidsky
There’s apparently a physical world out there, and we’re pretty much stuck with gravity, and things like that but indeed, to the extent that there are folks who are tempted to take us to the more passive or submissive perspective on life.
Perspective, Choice, And Thoughts Create Reality

Isaac Lidsky
I think they’re demonstrably wrong. You can see in life examples of people who confront virtually identical circumstances or obstacles or challenges. In the one case, it’s the beginning of thriving and transcending. In the other scenario, it’s the beginning of one’s demise.
The difference is I think perspective, and more than it, choice. It’s the choice that people make.
On the flip side, we see people who overcome unspeakable, unimaginable challenges in life; prisoners of war who endured torture and incarceration for years, veterans who lost limbs in wars, and on and on.
Thoughts Create Reality That Shape Your Life

Isaac Lidsky
Again, we find examples of people who transcend to find meaning and purpose, and who recognize their role in shaping the lives they’re going to live.

Luis Congdon
What I think is cool is that you’ve managed to overcome what I think a lot of people would consider being a big challenge. You took it and created something inspiring out of it.
Thoughts Create Reality So Don’t Let Blindness Be An Obstacle

Luis Congdon
I’m curious. When you wrote this book, Eyes Wide Open, did you write it in braille?

Isaac Lidsky
I used screen reading software as I said to interact with my computer.
I typed on a keyboard as anyone else would, and the software echoes back to me what I’m typing, that I can listen to it as a document, and edit it.
Mainly, I do everything you would do with the computer except I do it using my ears. That’s how I wrote the book.

Kamala Chambers
It’s inspiring to see how many levels of success that you’ve achieved. I think we all have our obstacles we need to overcome in life.
What would you say to anyone that is going through a big struggle right now, and trying to overcome a significant obstacle?

Isaac Lidsky
Again, it’s not the circumstances that we confront in our lives that dictate the reality we experience.
Thought Create Reality – How Circumstances Manifest Themselves Can Be Controlled

Isaac Lidsky
How those circumstances manifest themselves in the lives we experience, that’s within our control.
And again, we’re wired. It is not necessarily seen that way, and we’re wired in ways that make it hard to believe that or to feel that that’s true. But if you’re willing to put the time, effort, and intention in to live your life committed to that idea as I was to do, the rewards are innumerable and profound.
Thoughts Create Reality – Being Blind Can Give You Vision

Isaac Lidsky
In many ways, going blind wound up being one of the best things that ever happened to me. It’s a real blessing because it gave me this vision, and it’s one I’m very passionate about, and one that I’m eager to share with as many people as I can. This is proof that our thoughts create reality.

Kamala Chambers
I love that, and I find that everything we have and all the most significant challenges we have in life, that it’s a double-edged sword. It also has the gift that comes with it, and we have to be willing to embrace the gift, and not be trampled over by the challenge. The story is very inspiring and uplifting.
Before we go, is there any last gem you want to leave the Thriving Launchers?

Isaac Lidsky
I encourage you to see what I see and how my thoughts become a reality.
Thoughts Create Reality And Your Life As The Master of Your Reality

Isaac Lidsky
It’s because time’s going to go by either way, and you certainly might make the most of it.

Luis Congdon
There you have it, Thriving Launchers, create the life that you want, and we’ll see you in the next episode at Thriving Launch.