The Power of Belief – Bruce Lipton

The power of belief determines the power of your personality. Today’s world is very stressful and filled with negativities created by most people because of having unattained goals or having unwanted things. It is very common to hear people blaming their genes for everything that are happening to them. In this interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton, he clarifies that genes don’t control anything yet the power of belief system does. It is our mind that controls our behavior, the power of belief is massive. He also shares that for the last 20 years, he has been living in a completely different world. It has become a heaven on earth for him since he reprogrammed himself. He explains clearly how reprogramming is all about and how this can transform not only you but everything around you.

The Honeymoon Effect by Dr. Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton – Website
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- First, the chemical that comes out from love is dopamine. When a person is in love, the body feels pleasure and the power of belief is strengthened because the mind interprets loves as a perception and then love is correlated with the release of dopamine which is pleasure.
- Another chemical is oxytocin is a chemical released that will create a behavior that will make the person attached to the one who’s giving him/her the love. So that’s called bonding which is strengthened by the power of belief.
- In addition, vasopressin is released by the brain when you’re in love. It’s is a chemical that makes us more attractive to keep your partner present.
- Lastly, growth hormone comes out when the person’s in love. It’s the reason why people are healthier when they’re healthier.

- If something scares a person, stress hormones and inflammatory agents are being released.
- The chemicals released by the brain in fear shut down the growth of the body and shut down the immune system.

- One cause of illness is stress hormones inhibiting the replacement of cells. The other cause is the immune system using a lot of energy. Both are not good keeping in view the power of belief system
- Stress hormones conserve energy from the immune system by inhibiting the immune system function.
- 90% of illness on this planet is directly tied to stress, that becomes powerful in the long run while building the power of belief system, because you’ve interfered with keeping the body alive by replacing the cells and you’ve shut down the immune system
- The consequence of stress is sickness because you’re not maintaining yourself. Your immune system is shutdown.
- The doctors give the patients stress hormones before an organ transplant so that when the foreign tissue is transplanted, the immune system is being inhibited and will not attack it. That’s how powerful stress hormones are in shutting off your immune system.
- Whether the stress is real or not, it’s not relevant, its harmful when it turns into the belief making the power of belief stronger. It’s your perception of it. Your cells couldn’t see if your world is safe even if it is. They’re getting the information from the nervous system.

- 10% of the brain
- The newest part is the mind associated with imagination and the power of belief system. It’s the creative mind.
- It’s the mind connected to your personal identity and your spirit.
- It can create whatever kind of response at once.
- This is what makes human so powerful in the world while building the power of belief system in strongest way possible.
- Wishes and desires
- 90% of the brain
- Always in the present moment.
- The Habit mind
- This takes in control when you’re thinking

- For the first 7 years, put your earphones on and play a program or behavior that you want to procreate as you’re going to bed every night.
- For programming after age 7, practice the behavior. Repeat it over and over again. Make a habit out of it.
- Super learning


Luis Congdon
What does it take to change your beliefs, and realize the power of belief and is there a faster and better way to change your unconscious mind so you can have a life that you truly want and get there much faster?
Well, today, we’re going to be talking about the power of the unconscious mind, the power of belief and how some little hidden secrets help you change your unconscious mind and live the life that you really want.

Kamala Chambers
You guys are in for a real treat. We are here with one of my greatest heroes, Dr. Bruce Lipton who will share his views about the power of belief.
Dr. Bruce Lipton started out as a biologist and he was doing research telling people how cells function that changes according to the power of belief, and what he found in his research with a team of other specialists was something that changed how we perceive the world forever that cells were not affected by the DNA as everybody thought. DNA was not the powerhouse of the cell but it’s actually the outside environment and the power of belief that affects cells. The implications of this are enormous.
So, we’re going to dive into how our belief, how our perception, how our environment affect everything.
Welcome! This is the most exciting episode I could possibly think of. We are here with Bruce Lipton.
Bruce, are you ready to launch?

Bruce Lipton
I am so excited that I got pre-launched things going on here right now because we have such a wonderful opportunity to talk about the power of belief that can make all of our lives so happy, beautiful, healthy, and I love that.

Kamala Chambers
You’re after my own heart. This is amazing, so excited to learn more about the power of belief.
Well, I know you do such an incredible work in biology and looking at how we can use the brain to its full capacity that I know that your real passion is helping us live more fulfilling, richer, and deeper lives.
I know you have this book out called The Honeymoon Effect and how that can help improve our lives.
I’d love to hear a little bit more about that.

Bruce Lipton
I use the Honeymoon Effect as a term related to people who just fall in love and I say to those people who have just fall in love, head over heels, they’re in it, and I say, “Are you healthy?” They’re very healthy. As a matter of fact, you can say, “Oh. Look how they’re in love. See how they glow.” There’s a healthy glow. The power of belief in health makes you healthier.
Did you have a lot of energy when you fell in love? The power of belief and faith in love is incredible. That’s always a joke because people made love for days without stopping for sleep or food and the real important understanding is this; was it like heaven on earth? Was life so beautiful at that time of falling in love that when you look around you go, “Oh my god? It’s so exciting to be here. Everything is so wonderful.” The power of belief and expectation is incredible. No matter how crappy it may have been up to the day before you met this person. All of a sudden you meet this person and your life takes on a completely different attitude. Now it’s like happy, love, and joy. Even things you didn’t like before are acceptable and okay. Your whole life has changed.
Now, a question is what happened that took a life from a not too great everyday life and all of a sudden, thrust you into, “Oh my god, this is heaven on earth.” What’s really important about this is that the heaven on earth part just seems to show up and yet here’s a simple reality, we created that. We created a new life experience from whatever was happening before you fell in love up to that moment. You just fell in love and all of a sudden, everything was different. I adore reading the power of belief in love quotes sometimes.
There was a profound revolutionary change in your whole life and this is the first time that individuals become mindful and understand the power of belief. Mindful means keeping your mind present at the present moment.
The average person uses the subconscious mind about 95% of the day to run their life and only use the conscious mind approximately 5%.
We once said, the mind and everyone thought the mind a single thing called the mind but there are two minds that are interdependent that are associated with the power of belief. They work together but they have different functions and they learn in different ways and this becomes very important.
Mindset And The Power Of Belief Control The Chemistry Of Body

Bruce Lipton
My research in biology and cloning stem cells reveal how the mind controls the chemistry of the blood so as the power of belief and that the chemistry of the blood in turn controls the genetics and the behaviors of the cells. As you change your mind about life, you change the chemistry of the blood which then in turn leads to a change in your biology. This is a very important concept since most people believe their life is controlled by their genes and by the power of belief.
When they believe that their life isn’t controlled by the power of belief, that’s an unfortunate situation because that’s basically saying, “I’m a powerless individual” because genes presumably for most people, the public’s point of view, control the characteristics of our physical body and are also controlling emotion and behavior. And I say, “These genes are controlling these characteristics, did you pick the genes you came with?” And most people, “No. As far as we know, we didn’t pick the genes.” And then I go, “Well, if you don’t like the traits that you have now, can you go change the genes?” And the answer is “No, no. You can’t really change the genes.” And all of sudden I say, “Oh my god. What does that mean? Your life if being controlled by genes, would you neither pick nor can you change?” All of a sudden he says, “Then some way my life is apparently predetermined by my genetics.” This is the power of belief that the public has been programed with. This belief is disempowering because it makes you a victim of your heredity.
Meaning, if you got cancer running in your family, you go, “Oh my god, I got those genes for cancer. Oh my god, I’m going to get cancer.” Somebody is beautiful as Angelina Jolie finds out she has a breast cancer gene and then the fear of that, “This gene is going to give her breast cancer then has a double mastectomy” as a preventative measure because she was so sure the genes were going to give her the cancer because of, “Yeah, genes cause cancer and genes cause all the problems.” And I’m like, “Stop! New biology.” This negative approach and then the power of belief in negativity makes your life harder.
Genes are blueprints. They provide instructions on how the make the building blocks of the body. The building blocks are called proteins. So there are about 100,000 different types of proteins. They are no way forming the power of belief system.
So imagine a Lego kit, a Lego kit with a 100,000 different parts that you’re going to assemble in different ways. Well, in a biological Lego kit, there are 100,000 proteins. I can assemble some proteins to make a muscle cell or I can assemble different proteins to make a nerve cell or like a recipe mixed some different proteins, make a skin cell. This is chemistry and is not associated with the power of belief and faith.
The building blocks are the proteins, they have nothing to do with the power of belief. The genes are blueprints to make the proteins because they’re very complex molecules.
Somewhere along the line, actually starting around 1953 when the DNA double helix was discovered, we bought into the belief that genes control the characteristics. They turn on and off. That’s what people had been living by since 1953 that genes make decisions. We didn’t pick and change them and their decisions control our lives. That’s make us victims because we have no power.
Genes Are Blueprint, The Power Of Belief Is Not

Luis Congdon
Bruce I just want to comment real quickly so you must have learned how to change the genes because you’re one of the happiest people I’ve met. Do you mean, we can change the mindset and the power of belief, but not the genes?

Bruce Lipton
Well, I sure found out that the program was not in my genes and this was the most important part because if we go about trying to say, “Well, I can fix my life if I change my genes.” That’s what everybody’s trying to do, “Oh genetic engineering. Let me engineer a new gene for you and your life will change.” And it goes like this, first thing is, genes control nothing yet it’s the power of belief.
That’s an absolute fact of science. Right now, I’m telling people, genes do not turn on and genes do not turn off and genes do not control anything. Genes are blueprint. It’s exactly what they are. The power of belief and your mindset does everything.
To give you an emphasis of that, I’ll say we go into an architect’s office. She’s working on a blueprint. You lean over her shoulder and you ask the architect. You say, “Excuse me, is your blueprint on and off?” And she’ll turn around look at you like, “What are you crazy? It’s a blueprint. There’s no on and off.” Precisely! Genes are blueprints. There is no on and off despite all that you heard throughout school that genes turn on and turn off and genes control something. That was a misperception. It’s a belief that’s not true.
A gene is a blueprint but the power of belief is not, and then I go well then, “How our genes control us, how our blueprints control us.” There’s a contractor and the contractor calls up the blueprints and then builds according to the blueprints. The contractor can also change the blueprints too.
In your body, the cells have genes. The genes are blueprints but which blueprint should be read? There are different set of blueprints for skin cells, for bone cells, for muscle cell, or whatever. The environment which is the environment inside under your skin, inside your body, the environment which is one with the fluids arrived from the blood or what the cells live in.
So cells are like fish. They live in an aquarium. When you cut yourself open, fluids leak out and the fluids live in that. When I grow cells in a tissue called laboratory, I put them in a plastic dish but I have to provide them with the environment that they live in, the equivalent of blood.
If I grow mouse cells, what I do is I go look at mouse blood, its chemical composition. Try to synthesize a version of it which we call culture medium from mouse cells. If I grow human cells, then I look at human blood composition and synthesize a growth medium, a culture medium for growing human cells. So the cells are growing in a liquid environment similar to the environment they came from within the body.
What I found in my research was when I would clone a cell, just pick one cell and put it in a petri dish all by itself that after about 10 hours, the cell would divide. So first, there’s this one cell and after 10 hours, there are 2 cells, and after 20 hours, there are 4 cells, and after 30 hours, there are 8. What happens is every 10 hours, my population is doubling. After a week, I get like 50,000 cells in the petri dish. And I go, “Okay. This is really cool.” What’s unique is they’re all genetically identical because they came from the same parent. It’s like 50,000 twins in the sense they’re all genetically the same. So I have 50,000 genetically identified cells.
Here’s what I do and this is the part that blew my mind and that is I split the genetically identical cells in the 3 petri dishes and remember I grow them in an environment call culture medium which is equivalent to blood that I synthesized. But since I synthesized so I could change some of the composition so I create 3 similar but different versions of culture medium changing the chemical composition a little bit. Each of the 3 dishes has genetically identical cells but a slightly different culture medium. The chemistry’s a little different. The power of belief system and the chemistry of human vary from one another the same way.
In one dish, the cells formed muscle. In a different environment culture medium composition, the cells formed bone and yet in a third environment with a different composition, the same genetically identical cells formed fat cells. So what’s responsible for the expressional development of the cells? Why did some become muscles, some become bones, some become fat cells? And the answer is it wasn’t the genes because they all have the same genes. The only thing that was different was the chemical composition of the culture medium. The same way genes do not affect the power of belief system in humans.
So this back in 1968 blew my mind because I’m teaching in the medical school class about genes are turning on and off and genes are controlling the characteristics. And then I go into my laboratory and the cells are revealing, “No!” The genes had nothing to do with that. It was the environment that was changing. If I change the environment, I change the fate of the cells.
So I was really in a conundrum because I’m teaching one thing to students and when I come in the lab, the cells are teaching me a completely different thing. In a similar pattern if we change the environment as human we can have different mindset and the power of belief system.
Well, we now know that the cells were right and I was incorrectly teaching students because genes don’t turn on and off and genes don’t control anything. It’s the environment. You change the chemistry of the environment.
So I say, “Okay but Bruce, you’re talking about cells built into a plastic petri dish. What about cells in the human body?” Here’s the jokey part Luis. I’m going to tell you why it’s the jokey part because when you look in the mirror and you see, there’s Luis, one single, a human looking back, a single organism. I go, “Misperception!” because the fact is you’re made out of 50 trillion cells. The cells are the living entity. So you, by actual real definition, you are community of 50 trillion cells. When I say, “Bruce, I am not a single thing.” The living elements are cells and Bruce is by definition a community of 50 trillion cells.

Luis Congdon
Bruce Lipton is a community. He is a country where the power of belief is highly valued.
The Power Of Belief System Is Not Controlled By Genes

Bruce Lipton
A globe! 50 trillion! We are made 8 billion. 50 trillion is a little bit larger than that and is stronger as the power of belief.
A human body is a skin covered petri dish with 50 trillion cells inside and has got culture medium. The culture medium is the blood.
Does it make any difference to the fate of the cell if it’s in the skin covered culture dish or the plastic culture dish? No. It really is based on the culture medium and the plastic dish is the version I make but the skin version is the one you make all blood.
The fate of your cells is controlled by the chemical composition of your blood, not the genes. The brain is the chemist that adds elements or takes away elements and coordinates the chemistry of the blood. So it’s controlling the information that’s going to the 50 trillion cells. If the power of belief system is strong in your brain, all else happens perfectly.
Most important question, so what chemicals should the brain release into the blood which in turn we know what controls the genetics? It’s based on the mind. The mind interprets the world and the brain converts that interpretation into chemistry which then is sent through the blood to the body to coordinate 50 trillion cells so that their collective community supports your life in the world that you’re experiencing.
So as you experience the world and you perceive the world, your perceptions are turned into chemistry which in turn controls your biology. If your perception is strong, then the power of belief system you have will be stronger.
The simplest one looks like this. Let’s say, you walk outside your house and it is cold out. The environment temperature cold is picked up by the nervous system. The nervous system says, “Oh! If it’s cold out, then I’m going to change the chemistry in the brain.” It’s going to release chemistry to cause your body to increase the metabolism and heat up and keep your temperature at 98.6 degrees no matter what the temperature is outside. Well, what controls that activity? It’s not the genes. It was the outside temperature. Cold out, I raised my body temperature. This is how you develop the power of belief.
In contrast, if I walk out the door and it’s a sizzling hot in summer day, I don’t raise my body temperature. A hot temperature is perceived by the brain and then the brain releases chemistry to cause us to perspire which causes us to cool off.
Well, then the biology of warming and cooling had nothing to do with genes but with the environment. Your belief system and the power of belief operates in a similar pattern. This is true for every function in the human body. It has nothing to do with the genes because genes are just the building blocks to make a cell fit in the environment but the environment is interpreted by the brain and specifically the mind. So it’s all about your mindset and the power of belief system.
Therefore, the mind’s interpretation of life or what’s going on in your life releases chemistry that matches what’s going on in your life into the blood via the brain and that chemistry goes to the 50 trillion cells in your skin covered petri dish and that chemistry controls the genetic activity. This is a new science called Epigenetics.

Luis Congdon
Hold on one second Bruce because for everybody here listening, how powerful what Bruce is sharing right now about the power of belief. He is essentially saying debunking this whole study and this whole, the power of belief system that we have. It could lead to our belief system around cancer, AIDs, you name it or even being cold that there’s a degree of which your mind is creating an atmosphere for the rest of the cells and the rest of the community. That just kind of blows me away and I’m thinking, “Oh my gosh, I’m responsible for these trillion beings then. This mind is capable of love.”
When we’re in total love, now the brain is sending a very different message to the rest of the system and “Oh my gosh, walking that street, I never noticed the flowers and it’s so sunny.”
It really brings me to Kahlil Gibran in this poem where he talks about love with a variety of people and everybody has a very different sharing of how they view things based on their experience with love. Again this is the power of belief and not your genetic system.
I want to let you continue but that’s so astounding what you’re saying.
Mind Is Doing An Interpretation While Helping Build the Power of Belief System

Bruce Lipton
A globe! 50 trillion! We are made 8 billion. 50 trillion is a little bit larger than that and is stronger as the power of belief.
A human body is a skin covered petri dish with 50 trillion cells inside and has got culture medium. The culture medium is the blood.
Does it make any difference to the fate of the cell if it’s in the skin covered culture dish or the plastic culture dish? No. It really is based on the culture medium and the plastic dish is the version I make but the skin version is the one you make all blood.
The fate of your cells is controlled by the chemical composition of your blood, not the genes. The brain is the chemist that adds elements or takes away elements and coordinates the chemistry of the blood. So it’s controlling the information that’s going to the 50 trillion cells. If the power of belief system is strong in your brain, all else happens perfectly.
Most important question, so what chemicals should the brain release into the blood which in turn we know what controls the genetics? It’s based on the mind. The mind interprets the world and the brain converts that interpretation into chemistry which then is sent through the blood to the body to coordinate 50 trillion cells so that their collective community supports your life in the world that you’re experiencing.
So as you experience the world and you perceive the world, your perceptions are turned into chemistry which in turn controls your biology. If your perception is strong, then the power of belief system you have will be stronger.
The simplest one looks like this. Let’s say, you walk outside your house and it is cold out. The environment temperature cold is picked up by the nervous system. The nervous system says, “Oh! If it’s cold out, then I’m going to change the chemistry in the brain.” It’s going to release chemistry to cause your body to increase the metabolism and heat up and keep your temperature at 98.6 degrees no matter what the temperature is outside. Well, what controls that activity? It’s not the genes. It was the outside temperature. Cold out, I raised my body temperature. This is how you develop the power of belief.
In contrast, if I walk out the door and it’s a sizzling hot in summer day, I don’t raise my body temperature. A hot temperature is perceived by the brain and then the brain releases chemistry to cause us to perspire which causes us to cool off.
Well, then the biology of warming and cooling had nothing to do with genes but with the environment. Your belief system and the power of belief operates in a similar pattern. This is true for every function in the human body. It has nothing to do with the genes because genes are just the building blocks to make a cell fit in the environment but the environment is interpreted by the brain and specifically the mind. So it’s all about your mindset and the power of belief system.
Therefore, the mind’s interpretation of life or what’s going on in your life releases chemistry that matches what’s going on in your life into the blood via the brain and that chemistry goes to the 50 trillion cells in your skin covered petri dish and that chemistry controls the genetic activity. This is a new science called Epigenetics.

Luis Congdon
I’m committed to survival here, Bruce. A hundred percent!

Bruce Lipton
The body was using energy for things like growth. You say, “Well, I’m an adult.” This is very important. Your body is made out of 50 trillion cells and every day, EVERY DAY, your body losses hundreds of billions of cells, normal attrition die. Red cells are dying by billions. By the second, you’re losing billions of cells. How can I stay alive if I don’t replace the cells? You have stem cells and they’re the equivalent of embryonic cells. So every day, while you’re losing hundreds of billions of cells, your stem cells are dividing and creating hundreds of billions of replacements. Every day, you’re growing. It’s your mindset and the power of belief system that affects your life.
The Power of Belief About The Outer World Changes Your Inner World

Bruce Lipton
But what happens is, you’re being chased by a saber-toothed tiger, you have energy to replace those hundreds of billions cells and you have a lot of energy. But how much do you want to run away from the tiger? And Luis, you said all of it. What about growth? Stress hormones shut down the growth of the body to conserve energy, to run away from the threat. So the moment you’re in stress, you stop replacing the body cells. That sounds like a very negative thing if I need these body cells to live and I’m under stress.
But wait, go back to when the system was developed, hundred thousand years ago, two hundred thousand, a million years ago. What stress did you have? Run away from the saber toothed tiger! That’s a big stress.

Luis Congdon
I want to get back to Kamala.

Kamala Chambers
That’s a huge thing what you’re talking about is really comes down to stress and how when we’re in a state of stress, we can’t have that state of optimal health, optimal mental function because all of our energy is going into protecting our bodies to be able to run away from that saber toothed tiger. The power of belief works in every case.

Bruce Lipton
When the system was designed that long time period ago, what are the stress did you have? Running away from the tiger. Does that happen every day all day? No! It’s a rare event but you run away from the tiger. You escape the tiger, there’s no more stress and I then I go back in the growth again.
So stress, originally, was only used for short intervals. Run away from the tiger, get away, I’m free, I don’t have stress anymore and I’m back to the power of belief growth mindset.
Today’s world is quite obvious. It’s 24/7 365 stress. Every day the world is creating a stressful environment for us. You’re going to keep your job. You’re going to have enough money for food and pay the rent. You’re going to have friends around or you’re going to lose your friends. Every day, you’re in a stress issues. However if you believe that there is no stress, you won’t have any this is how the power of belief works.
In today’s world, every day, you’re releasing stress hormones and you’re inhibiting the health of your cells that are being replaced. They’re not being replaced very quickly. In fact, that’s one of the causes of illness. The 2nd cause of illness is also from stress and that is the immune system which uses a lot of energy.
You know that because if you’ve ever been sick, you didn’t have enough energy to get out of bed. That’s how much the immune system is using. It uses a lot.
So we go back to the situation. I say, “Okay. You happen to have a bacterial infection. Bad case of diarrhea happens to be brewing right now but you’re also being chased by a saber-toothed tiger. How much of your energy do you want to fight the diarrhea, bacterial infection, and how much do you run away from the tiger? I think Luis has already got the answer. You see it’s all about your perception and the power of belief system.
The Power of Belief System Can Be Destructive or Constructive Depending Upon Your Perception

Bruce Lipton
So the issue is stress hormones conserve energy from the immune system by inhibiting the immune system function. When you’re stressed, you don’t want to use all that energy to be in bed and recover. You want to run away from that tiger.
You got this bacterial infection and a tiger chasing you, who cares about the infection? Simple reason. As Luis said if the tiger catches you, the bacterial infection is not your problem anymore.
So the significance is stress has done two things:
- It stops down the growth of the body to conserve energy so that you could run away from that tiger.
- It shuts down or inhibits the immune system which is protecting you from threat but internal threat.

The Power Of Belief Growth Mindset Is Huge

Bruce Lipton
This is really critical because the cells are supposed to be adjusting to the environment but because they’re contained inside the skin, they can only adjust to your perception of the environment which is releasing chemistry which is controlling their genetics. The power of belief can be destructive or constructive.
The issue that we come down to now is:
a. You’re not controlled by your genes, but the power of belief system. The genes are simply blueprints that are controlled by the environment and in this case of humans, very much influenced by your perception of the environments. Separating environment from perception because our perceptions could be right but our perceptions could be wrong. To the cells, they just see the perceptions right or wrong. They’re going to read whatever the perception is. So wrong perceptions will mislead your biology and take you away from health. The power of belief system is incredible

Luis Congdon
Yeah. One of the things that you’re really touching on for me really powerfully and some of the audience, you guys know some of my story that I was homeless as a child. I grew up in a third world country. My mother was murdered and I was adopted. There was a whole belief system that I had formed around that. The power of belief system was so influential.
Well, first as a child, I didn’t have a belief system. I was just so young, I was 8 years old. I feel like to some degree because people told me I was bad what happened and stuff. I began to perceive it that way and then when I went through a whole process of changing my perceptions about what happened, my relationship and emotions around it shifted and that’s a huge overhaul to do that. I feel that’s naturally where you’re leading us. The power of belief growth mindset is huge.
If we can control these trillions of cells and it’s not like this stranglehold kind of control because there’s this kind of co-creation almost that you could say is happening. There’s so many things happening but I am hearing from you or my mind wants to go there. You’ve got me excited because I feel I could somehow impact my community being my body and everything but how do I do that?
Aligning The Power of Belief System And Perception

Kamala Chambers
How you perceive the past, how you perceive the future, how you perceive the present. Is your perception and the power of belief system in alignment?

Bruce Lipton
Well, yes, all of these because it’s your perceptions. In fact the power of belief system is built around your perception.
Some of your perceptions are accurate and some are not. This is relevant because the cells cannot distinguish an accurate from inaccurate perception. They just see the perception.

Bruce Lipton
That’s why the new science is called epigenetics vs. genetics. When I say genetic control, it simply means controlled by genes. When I say epigenetic control, the first thing is epi means above.
So when I say, epigenetic control, I am literally saying control above the genes. The new science takes the control out of the genes and puts it into the nervous system because the action of the chemistry from the nervous system is above and controls the genes. The power of belief system is ahead of your genetic composition.
Well then, the mind is the device that controls not just your genetics and behaviors on the inside, but it also controls your behavior and how you interact on the outside. Mind is the powerhouse that controls the power of belief system.
Your mind is controlling genes and behavior through the chemistry released by the brain.
This is now where the conflict comes from because if I ask people out there, “Well, what do you want in your mind?” “Well, I want to be healthy. I want to have a great loving relationship and a great job wouldn’t be a bad thing either. I would love all these things.” How come you don’t have these things and that’s what you want? And you reply, “Well, I don’t know because these are my wishes and desires but I’m having trouble manifesting them so maybe the universe is not supporting me.” To achieve this all the power of belief system needs to be stronger than usual.
The personal responsibility thing is coming to us now. When I say the mind, there are actually two minds. There are two different minds that have different functions and they learn in different ways and this is where the problems in our life come from. The two minds are the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, the power of belief of each varies from the other.
The Power Of Belief System And Conscious Mind

Bruce Lipton
The conscious mind is the latest edition of the brain that constitutes about 10% of the brain. 90% of the brain is dealing with the subconscious. So I have two minds. Their functions are different and what’s profound is they work together while building the power of belief system that’s stronger.
Conscious mind, the newest part is the mind associated with imagination. It’s the creative mind. It’s the mind connected to your personal identity and your spirit. That’s located in the front part of your brain, right behind your forehead called the prefrontal cortex. So your spirit location and who you are as a unique individual is pretty much associated with that frontal piece, the prefrontal cortex.
The conscious mind, the newest evolution, 10% of the brain is related to creativity and imagination and this is where humans excel above lower organisms because lower organisms’ lives are stimulus-response and yet we have a conscious mind. Somewhere between the stimulus and creating the response, the conscious mind can create whatever kind of response at once. It doesn’t always have to be the same response. It’s creative. So the conscious mind is this great opportunity to expand on our behavior and all these things. This is what makes humans so powerful in the world because our imagination and our ability to put things together. We can create things like computers and rocket ships and frogs don’t do that. The power of belief system strengthens your conscious mind.
Conscious mind is creative. It’s about wishes and desires because that’s the creative part.
I say, “Luis, tell me what you want from your life?”
Whatever answer you give me is going to come from the conscious mind because that’s the creative mind. It’s thinking about something that hasn’t happened yet. It’s creating a future.
The subconscious mind does not live in the past or the future. The subconscious mind, 90% of the brain is always in the present moment.
If I could talk to your subconscious mind, I say, “When I did I learn how to walk?” No matter how old you are, the conscious mind will say, “Today! Why?” It doesn’t see time. Everything is always at the same present moment. So whatever you learned as an infant, today, that’s when I learned it.
Here’s where the problem comes from. The subconscious mind is called the Habit Mind. Conscious mind is creative. I can imagine things that don’t exist and I can create things from that. The subconscious mind is a Habit mind. It learns a program and once the program is in there, you push the button and it plays the program. It’s the same forever and ever until you rewrite the program.
I learned how to walk when I was an infant. Do I have to learn how to walk again? No. It’s a program. It’s so built into the system. I don’t even have to say to myself, “Okay, start walking.” All I have to do is an intention to go over there and my program of walking will engage itself. So, it’s automatic at that point. It’s a habit.
So there are two minds; conscious – creative, imagination and subconscious – habit.
Now here’s the issue. When you’re thinking, that’s conscious mind creative. I’m thinking.
Kamala, let me ask you. What are you doing on a Monday at 2pm? You got something going?

Bruce Lipton
Okay yes. And where’s that schedule right? Is it in your head? The whole point about that question is where the answer is coming from. The answer is not coming from outside. It’s coming from inside. You have to think about it.
If your conscious mind is driving the vehicle, let’s say you’re controlling your nervous system, controlling your behavior. You got the hands on the wheel. You’re driving the car with your wishes and desires. “I want to go here. I’m going to go do that.” Great, wishes and desires.
Let’s say you’re walking down the street and then all of a sudden, you have a thought. Is the conscious mind at this moment paying attention to the walking on the street or did it go inside your head and look for the answer?

Kamala Chambers
Yes. It goes inside of your head and looks for the answer.

Bruce Lipton
Now, here’s the next piece that you going to add this;
But I’m walking down the streets. So if I have a thought, does that mean I freeze until the thought’s finished and then start walking again? I don’t know. When my conscious mind is in thought, my subconscious by default becomes autopilot. In other words, if I’m walking down the street and I have a thought, I continue walking down the street and my walking is managed by my subconscious. I’m not going to walk into the building or hit a pole. I’m going to walk perfectly well toward my destination because it’s an automatic program. Walk to here.
When I am thinking and my conscious mind is engaged in creative imagination, by definition, it’s not paying attention and whatever behavior I’m engaged with at that moment is now going to be run by subconscious program, autopilot.
- When you’re thinking, autopilot subconscious is in control.
- About 95% or more of the time we are thinking.

Luis Congdon
I’m trying to get to that clear clean slate that Eckhart Tolle has been talking about the power of belief system.

Bruce Lipton
Well, you did and we’ll get back to when you did because you changed your world when you got to that. But the point was this, the average person, 95% of the day, has a thought going on. Ninety-five percent of the behavior during the day is programmed and managed by the subconscious. The point is You are the conscious mind that also forms the power of belief system.
If your conscious mind is inside your head looking for what’s happening at 2 o’clock on Monday, then the subconscious is running a show but the conscious mind is not watching what’s the show is doing.
In other words, when you default to the subconscious, the reason you’re doing this is the conscious is not paying attention. So whatever behavior is being played by the subconscious, at that moment, you’re the one who can’t see it because your head is in thought. That’s number 2.
Now, we have:
- Two minds – conscious and subconscious, conscious-creative, subconscious-habitual
- Conscious mind being pilot and subconscious autopilot. They interchange with each other based on how much of the time you’re thinking. When you’re thinking, you default automatically the subconscious programming.
- When I’m playing the subconscious program, what are programs are they?

Kamala Chambers
For that first 7 years of life.

Bruce Lipton
For 7 years of life.
Well then after that, 95% of your life is going to come from those programs because 95% of your life, you’re going to be thinking and defaulting to the subconscious and the programs you’re playing, subconscious, the predominant ones are the ones you got in the first 7 years. So 95% of your life is not coming from your conscious mind, wishes, desires, aspirations, 95% of your life by default is coming from the subconscious. But the programs in the subconscious were installed in the first 7 years. Therefore, 95% of your life is coming from them.

Controlling Your Life Is Possible Through Controlling The Power Of Belief System

Bruce Lipton
This idea is not new at all. This awareness has been known for 400 years, since then the power of belief system is valued.
The Jesuits have had a saying for 400 years, “Give me a child until it’s 7 and I will show you the man.” What do they mean by that? They’re so proud they boast that. If you give them the first 7 years, they’ll control your life through the power of belief and by the program they put in there. Exactly, what they were telling. They knew that. That fact about controlling your life for the first 7 years of programming did not get lost in 400 years. It’s just been passed onto other authorities who are influencing our lives by programming us in those first 7 years.
And as the Jesuit said, controlling our lives.

Luis Congdon
Bruce, I went to a Jesuit university and I just feel like you just validated how smart I am.

Kamala Chambers
I really want to jump in for a moment. Take Luis for example, first 8 years of his life. Well, most people in America can’t fathom the kind of suffering he experienced and so an experience like that, our work now is to become more conscious, to be more mindful, and more aware so we’re not operating from those old programs.
Is that what I am hearing? Then the fundamental programs in the subconscious came from observing other people’s behavior.
Is that what you’re getting to?

Bruce Lipton
Yeah. Exactly.
I want to help people on this for a moment because what we have concluded at this moment is your life is not controlled by the conscious mind which is wishes and desires. It’s controlled by the subconscious which has been programmed by observing other people and then your life becomes an expression of their behaviors and the power of belief system develops.
Children adopted at a very young age into families where there’s cancer running in that family, it turns out an adopted child put into that family will end up with a same family cancer with the same probabilities any of the natural genetics siblings of that family except for this fact the adopted child came from totally different genetics. This is just a mindset and the power of belief system builds around your mindset.
Cancer runs in the family not because of genes but because of the power of belief system. Cancer runs in the family because of programs that take us out of harmony. It’s because of disharmony as where the cause of the disease comes from.
If we have programs that are not supporting our harmony, then we will manifest illnesses related to those programs specifically. Now, the issue about this is very clear to us that my life as suggested by the Jesuits is really coming from my programs and not from my wishes and desires. That’s the problem. That’s why you wake up with great wishes and desires of love, health, happiness, and all that stuff and then at the end of the day, it’s like it didn’t happen. Then we think we’re victims at this point and the power of belief system is build around that.
Let’s put this all back in the perspective at this point. For 7 years, you have to download programs just to get started but you download them from other people so the subconscious primary programs of others and if they’re not very good programs, it doesn’t make a difference. You download them anyway. You got them. Ninety-five percent of the day because your mind is in thought, thoughts that will merge as the power of belief system, those are the programs you’re going to be manifesting.
The programming of your subconscious started in the last trimester of pregnancy and was intensified from 00, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and by 7 starts the programming as last. So the first 7 years of programming. But how do I know that the programs are? Then I say, “Well, I could go to a psychologist or psychiatrist and then review my life experiences.” And I say, “Wow, what a waste of time and also it doesn’t help on a lot of cases.” Here’s why:
- You can’t consciously identify the programs for simple reason.

Bruce Lipton
No. You weren’t there. Your conscious mind wasn’t there. So all of a sudden it sounds, “Jesus! I don’t know. I mean I got my fundamental programs especially before 3 and I can’t really go back and tell you what my programs are.” And I say, “Well, go to a psychiatrist or psychologist.” Yeah. But you’re still trying to do what? Take your conscious mind and try to look in your subconscious and tell you what the programs are. You can’ do that.
Imagine your subconscious mind as a library of Congress and your conscious mind is You. I say, “Walk in the library of Congress and tell me everything that’s in there.” There’s too much information and I can’t do it.
So your conscious mind doesn’t really have a database about the programming. So now we’re in a stuck situation. “Jesus! These programs are controlling my life and I don’t remember what the programs are because I wasn’t there” and for fun and ease here it is. 95% of your life comes from the subconscious.

Bruce Lipton
So you don’t need to go back in your life to find out “who did what the who” to create the life that you have. All you have to do is look at the life you have because it’s an expression of your programs. The things that you like that come into your life easily are there because you have programs to encourage and support that.

Luis Congdon
I knew eventually we would come out of this inception thing that you were doing. I was like you’re this whole community of a trillion cells then there’s you and then you go to go in the library and check yourself out but you’re not there and I’m like “Oh gosh Bruce, I’m lost.” You worked my mind into this inception.

Bruce Lipton
Luis, you’ve already done that. You looked at your life and you say the things that worked are good. I have programs to support them. So it’s all about the power of belief system.
Anything you work hard at, anything you put a lot of effort into, anything you sweat over to make it happen, the question is, why are you working so hard? Your programs and your subconscious don’t support that. All of a sudden life is easy.
I’m looking for relationship. I’m not having any luck with relationship. All the issue then is you don’t have to go back and find out who caused your problem. Your problem is an issue with relationships. Now, you can start to reprogram your mind, to build the power of belief on the basis of relationship vs. it’s a health issue. That’s a different thing. Relationship changing will not affect that maybe. They’re all interconnected but the point about that is this, let’s save time and recognize that your life is a printout so that you can see your subconscious programs because 95% of your life is coming from those subconscious programs and then I go about, “You really don’t see those programs when they’re engaged.”
And then I give this story in my lectures and people laugh which encourage me to tell the same story because so many people experienced and it goes like this;
I’m pretty sure you probably had a friend you grew up with. You were close to and you knew your friend’s behavior very well. You happen to know your friend’s parent. One day, you see that your friend has the exact same behavior as her parent. For you, this is a very exciting moment. You can’t wait, “Hey Bill! You’re just like your dad!” And then you back away from Bill. Bill goes totally ballistic. “How the hell can you compare me to my Dad?” And everyone laughed because they’ve had some personal experience like that. This is the most profound story that we’ve have been talking about today Luis. This is the most profound story. What is it? Everybody else can see that Bill behaves like his dad. The only one who can’t see is Bill.
Bill acquired his behavior in a download period by observing his father so the fundamental programs and the subconscious related to that particular behavior are his father’s. When does he play it? Well, when his conscious mind is busy, when he’s thinking, he’ll play by default, the father’s one. He doesn’t see it because he’s playing it and his conscious mind is busy. It’s not observing it.
The issue is 95% of our behavior is rarely even observed by us but observed by others and engaged with by others. If we have a negative behavior going out and we don’t see it, then a person who’s responding to our behavior is going to respond with a negative behavior as well. Then we’re going to figure why people do that to me.
Well, you didn’t see that your behavior was offsetting or wasn’t really helpful or supportive or in any way encouraging. You didn’t see it because you played that behavior by default when your mind was busy. So then, we’re not living the lives that we want. We’re living the lives of the program and the power of belief systems that are built around these programs.
Back to the Jesuits again and then we go back to the opening line if you can remember when we started this a long time ago was about being in love. I say what’s unique about love? And here’s what science has found. It is the one time in your life where you don’t process so much thinking. Processing thinking is essential to have the power of belief system. You stay present. You keep our conscious mind in the front and in control. You stop thinking. I say, “Why would being in love stop you from thinking?” The answer is well, everything you wanted that you were looking for your dream is now in front of your face. Why would you not pay attention to that and go into thought? Because everything you wanted is here. You stay conscious. You stay mindful. That means the one time in your life that you’re not playing the programs 95% of the time. You’re actually running your life 90% of the time with your conscious wishes and desires not default subconscious.
Consequences Of Conscious Vs Subconscious Mind And The Power Of Belief System

Bruce Lipton
What is the consequence of running your life with your conscious mind vs. your subconscious?
How do you think you created the honeymoon? The honeymoon was an expression of wishes and desires. You created your life with your conscious mind. You got out of the program and you manifested heaven on earth. It’s the damn program that keeps us from experiencing that everyday all the time with everyone.
So conclusion, what we’re talking about is the movie The Matrix.

Luis Congdon
I knew you were going to come to the Matrix. I was thinking that and I was like, “Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Bruce might not want me mentioning more movies”.

Bruce Lipton
It is. Well that’s it because what is The Matrix. You say it’s a science fiction movie and I go, “No!” The Matrix is a documentary. We have all been programmed to have the power of belief system. That is the fact of life. Everybody through age 7 has been programmed. And then in the movie, we say we could take the red pill or the blue pill. What’s the difference? Well, if you take the blue pill, when you wake up you’re back into the program and life is just the way it’s always been. Every day the life just the way as it is. If you take the red pill, you get out of the program but they never really say what the consequence was. I will not tell you the consequence because you’ve already experienced it.
What happened when you fell in love and for that moment, stop playing the program? No matter how crappy your life was up to that moment, from that moment on for the next period of time, the honeymoon, you have a whole new life. It’s wonderful, healthy, happy, joyous, fun-filled, love, exciting, all that. Honeymoon is really great but it doesn’t last because this is a period of time where you stay mindful, because you’re in love. The honeymoon means now, every decision I make is based on wishes and desires and aspirations. So I’m making all the decisions to create beauty, happy, and love in my life and I’m doing it. It is beautiful! It is a way of life that’s so beautiful except at some point, you really have to start thinking again.
You got a life. Well, you still got a job. You got chores. You got a rent to pay. You got to fix the car. You got to do these things either just normal life and I go, “What’s the consequence?” The moment I start thinking about the chores, the job, whatever I have to do, all of a sudden, I’ve been mindful, it’s called honeymoon, I’ve been running on conscious creativity wishes and desires manifesting heaven on earth. Life all of a sudden gets busy and I start thinking about the job.
What behavior is now going to come out of my mouth? Is it my wishes and desires or my program?

Kamala Chambers

Bruce Lipton
Yes, program. And all of a sudden I say it’s a problem because the program has the disempowering, self-sabotaging, and limiting beliefs that influence and misdirect our lives. What’s the significance? Well, look. You’ve been in a relationship with your partner. All of the behavior you have played in this beginning part is essentially behavior that you would like to be, wishes and desires. Here’s who I am. I am the most lovable, wonderful partner you could ever imagine and I’m going demonstrate it and you’re going to love me. And that’s really great. And then you have all this love.
Wishes and desires manifest from you but all of a sudden you start to get busy. Your partner comes up and asks you a simple loving question and you turn around and go “Blah! Blah! Blah!” And your partner looks at you in total shock thinking “Who are you?! Where did that come from?! Now, this is where the honeymoon starts to come to the end. My partner up until this moment has never seen the negative bad side but now she comes up ask me a question and my conscious mind is engaged in thoughts. So I’m not operating from wishes and desires. I’m defaulting to the program. I now play my father’s behavior which was probably not amenable to a great relationship. And she sees not me.
The behavior that is now coming out because my conscious mind is preoccupied in thought, I’m playing my father. That was never part of the honeymoon and she looks at me thinking, “Woah! That’s really crappy behavior.” Now she has a choice. She just saw me do this behavior. She looks at me and goes, “What kind of behavior is that?”
Now, let’s put in the position of me saying that, “What did I just say? Well, I don’t know what I just said.” My conscious mind was thinking about the job so what came out was automatic. It came from the subconscious. It was your father’s program that you downloaded so you just interacted with your loving partner the way your father behaves which is not supportive of you. And yet, you didn’t see it because you were thinking.
So now, you’re standing there. You partner comes up and goes, “What kind of behavior is that?” And you’re thinking, “I don’t know what the hell she is talking about. I’m the same person but I didn’t understand. What’s the problem here?” And the reason was my response did not come into my conscious mind. It was played by my subconscious and therefore, I didn’t see it and I’m sabotaging a relationship without even knowing I did it and getting flacked from my partner for something I didn’t even think I did. This is not making honeymoon right here. This is garbage now.
Every time a new behavior shows up from the repertoire bad behaviors which psychologists tell 70% or more of those subconscious programs are limiting and disempowering. Every time a new one of those bad behaviors shows up, I’m breaking the honeymoon link piece by piece, compromises. So my partner says, “Well, I guess sometimes you act like a jerk.” But the rest of the times are pretty cool and then more acting like a jerk and more acting like a jerk as new behaviors that were hidden in the subconscious start manifesting.
My partner has to reconsider the relationship to build the power of belief system around that. At some point, maybe there are too many compromises. All of a sudden, all these negative behaviors showing up all of a sudden completely washed out the relationship and a couple that was formerly so super in love, separates. Each of them is thinking, “What the hell happened here?” Not recognizing that they themselves were participating when they were playing the negative programs from their subconscious and not seeing or hearing themselves doing it.
It’s not always invisible. Sometimes, you do see yourself playing one of these programs and it’s an embarrassing moment while learning the power of belief. It’s like, “Oh my god. I was just acting like my mother,” “Oh God, I just did my father. Oh God!” And yet the reality is you might catch it every now and then but it’s actually 95% of your behavior.
So the issue is our lives are not being run by our conscious creative minds because by default, our lives are run by subconscious programming which by definition primarily came from other people in expressing their behaviors which are usually misbehaviors and we download them and become them. And then, we walk forward thinking, how did all this stuff happen in my life when I had just positive thoughts about health, happiness, love, and all that? How did I end up with this? Why? Because you’re the one that didn’t even see it happening and then it happened. All you see is the consequences. You didn’t see your own participation.
We are personally responsible and so this becomes very important for this; what happens if I change or rewrite my subconscious? First, the most important thing is of course you can do it.
What is the consequence? Think about it this way. What if you took all the negative behaviors that are interfering with your life and rewrote them with very positive behaviors, with wishes and desires that are the same as the conscious mind so that either the conscious mind or the subconscious mind are both operating from wishes and desires, that helps in building the power of belief positively. What’s the relevance? Whether you’re paying attention or not, you’re still playing wishes and desires. In other words, you can have a honeymoon life the rest of your every day. The only reason you lost the honeymoon is because you went back and got caught up in playing the old tapes and sacrificing and sabotaging yourself without even you seeing it. Then the honeymoon ends.
If you had rewritten the subconscious programs so that they can form and align with your wishes and desires, then it wouldn’t make any difference if you’re thinking or not thinking. Your behavior on both situations would always lead you to the full happiness of a honeymoon experience as the way of life every day of your life. And this is important because most people have touched the honeymoon experience. This is why I directed that book toward that because if you touched that once, you can refer back. It wasn’t a coincidence. It was an actual fundamental reality that created that.
So, we look at our lives. We have wishes and desires conscious mind. We have subconscious program as psychologists tell as running 95% of the time, downloaded from other people, and sabotaging our lives. Now, we can identify the progress by just looking at your life and saying, where’s the part that you want to happen that’s not working and then test your subconscious for whether it supports those beliefs or doesn’t support those beliefs. And if it doesn’t support what you want, then you can rewrite it. This is the bigger monkey wrench in the system. And that is, we had started off with the fundamental belief that the conscious and the subconscious were just the unity of a single mind. So if the conscious mind became aware of something, then the subconscious mind should of course follow along because they’re both together. You’re like “Ah! Mistake!” .

Bruce Lipton
They’re two separate minds but they learn in different ways. Conscious mind being creative can learn in a creative fashion. Conscious mind can read a self-help book and after one reading go, “Oh yeah. I’ve been educated. I should do it this way and my life could be really good if I understood this.” Then you say, “Well, I just read the book and I understand how it all works and yet my life is still exactly the same.”

Luis Congdon
Or you can listen to the Thriving Launch Podcast with Bruce Lipton, who master the power of belief system.

Bruce Lipton
Well, that’s what we’re looking forward to hear the change part because you can go to the lecture, you can read the book, you can watch the video, you can even just go “Aha!” and the conscious mind being creative can learn. Just from simple as that. Read the book and learn. What about subconscious? Here’s your problem. It’s a habit mind. Well, how do you create a habit? Reading the book once is not a habit. So what’s the point? The self-help book you read was picked up information wise, educated, and enhanced your conscious awareness and yet, didn’t touch any of your subconscious programs. You have the same behavior you had before you read the book, after you read the book because conscious mind learns by reading the book. Subconscious-habit, you don’t learn from that one reading of the book.
So the conscious mind and subconscious mind learn in different ways. How can I teach the subconscious mind?
Many of us talk to ourselves. I love donuts. Margareth my partner calls them circles of death but I love those guys and of course my health wasn’t that great at this time. So my programming is “Don’t eat donuts. Don’t eat donuts.” Like I keep talking to myself “Don’t eat the donut. Don’t eat the donut.” And then sure, no 5 minutes later, there’s a donut in my hand and it’s about halfway finished when my mind catches on “Oh my God! You’re eating the donut!” Well now, being so upset, I decided to finish it and then I eat the donut. I kept talking to myself not to eat the donut, why did I eat the donut? Here’s the fun answer. The conscious mind, yes. You’re in it. That’s the seat of your identity, your spirit and consciousness. That’s where you are.
Then who’s in the subconscious mind? Nobody. There’s nobody in there. It’s a machine like a cd recorder.
Why is it relevant? Well, let’s say, I record a program on the cd. Put in the machine. Push play and it plays the program. And if I don’t like the program, I say, “CD player, change the program. Make something more fun and something I would like better than this program.” And of course the program continues to play just as it was and you get a little more upset. “Come on! Please change the program. I asked you to change the program.” “Don’t eat the donuts. Don’t you remember I said that?” Still you ate the donut. I get very frustrated and upset with myself and then I really almost give up because how many times do I have to tell myself not to eat the donut but still end up eating donut and realized it’s not making any difference at all.
The point about it is when your conscious mind is telling your subconscious not to eat the donut, who were you expecting to hear that message and then you realized there’s nobody in the subconscious. It’s a machine. So I say, “Go talk to the cd player. It’s playing a track on an album. Tell it to play something different. Just talk to it.” And the answer is it’s not going to change. They’ll never change.
There’s your problem. Trying to talk yourself in a change is not going to work because the subconscious mind has nobody to listen to your story.
So how does that change? How does that learn?
Three things to rewrite your subconscious:
- How did it learn in the first 7 years, the programmable period? The brain was in a low vibrational frequency called theta which is hypnosis. So if I use hypnosis, I can download a program. That’s how you could do it.
- What about programming after age 7? The conscious mind is working so how do I put a new program in? You practice. You repeat something over and over again, making a habit out of it.
- Doing hypnosis for 7 years.
- Repetition of a practice or pattern which occurs after age 7.
Rewiring Your Mind And The Power of Belief System

Bruce Lipton Well, whether you just stop and consciously say, “God, I’m so happy I’m in love” or just walking down the street, “I’m in love.” Why? Because that’s what my subconscious mind says. I live that. So, those are the two fundamental ways. I have the last one and this is really important because you can find it on my website which is simple, Under resources, there’s a whole listing of belief change modifications and these belief change modalities all involved something called super learning. You can find much resources regarding the power of belief system. What’s relevant about them is these are practices where you can rewrite a subconscious belief in about somewhere between 5-10 minutes. A belief you may have 40 years affect your life, the power of belief is strengthened, using some of this technologies, you can rewrite that belief, make a positive belief out of it in anywhere between 5 and 10 minutes. This is really necessary and cool because human behaviors causing the grossest experience of this planet. We’re going extinct. Human behaviors are undermining the web of life. Sciences already acknowledged we are now into the 6th mass extinction of life that’s driven by human behavior. The only way out is to change human behavior. Therefore, there’s an old saying that fits us that is, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” We have a necessity to learn fast, for that we need to change our mindset real fast and the the power of belief system changes. These new energy modalities called energy psychology as a group name and a whole variety of different ones are opportunities to rewrite your subconscious beliefs. Which one are you rewriting? The answer is simple. Look at your life, see how the power of belief system shifts your life entirely. What’s not working? Turn that into a statement that you wanted to be as a positive present tense statement whatever is not working. “I have cancer” then a positive present statement is “I am healthy.” If you’re looking for relationships and you’re not finding a relationship, then a statement is “I am lovable.” And if that becomes programmed, then love is now open to you. Most of us and I’ve seen this in our belief courses, 80-90% of every audience doesn’t love themselves, they don’t actually have faith in the power of belief. They don’t have self-love. According to psychologists, it is because 70% programs in the child’s mind for the first 7 years are negative, redundant, disempowering, self-sabotaging. How did they get there? Here’s the primary reason; parents act like coaches. Here’s a team player who’s not performing, who’s not putting out the effort. So the coach goes “Come on! You don’t deserve to be on this team! Who do you think you are? You are not that good.” Why is the coach saying that? Just to piss off the player? No. The player is now thinking, “Oh my god. I got to perform better. I’m going to work harder. I’m going to do better because I want to show the coach that I am deserving of this.” So the consciousness of the player is understanding what the coach meant because the coach said you’re not good enough and the consciousness is an interpretation, “I am not good enough because I’m not performing well therefore I will perform well.” I go, “Yeah. But that’s when the student or whoever it is, is conscious.” What about a child before 7? They’re not conscious. They’re recording. If a parent is acting like a coach, what did the child just record particularly in regard to the power of belief? “Not good enough, not deserving, who do you think you are? You’re not that good at this. You’re not lovable. “These are things that parents say because they wanted to be the coach. And you say, “Come on. You could do better.” It only works if the child is conscious enough to understand the meaning, he will surely have the power of belief that’s strong. If the child is under 7, they’re just recording the words. The words recorded in this child’s mind are,“Not good enough, not deserving, not lovable, not worthy.” These are the programs of the subconscious mind. What happens if that mind plays 95% of the time? Again, the function of the mind is to take the program and create behavior that will make coherence between the resulting life and the program. The program is, “Not good enough, not worthy, not deserving” Then guess what the behavior is going to come from the mind? Any behavior that will show outside people that I’m not good enough, not worthy, or deserving because my behavior will be coherent with the program and this is why between 80-90% of the people in our workshops will not test positive to, “I love myself” because the fundamental programs are self-critical. The power of belief system will then be tilted towards negativity. Why is that relevant? Program – “I’m not lovable” Issue – A partner shows up who says they love you. They say they love you. What is your mind thinking at that moment? What is your subconscious mind thinking?

Kamala Chambers
It can’t possibly be true.

Bruce Lipton
“It can’t be true. I know I’m not lovable so how the hell can I say that?” What will you do? You will push away love because you can’t accept it for yourself. So when somebody else says it, that it can’t be true. Therefore, you will always be seeking love and never find it.
Conscious mind – wishes and desires. Yes! I want that love. It runs 5% of the day. 95% of the time, you’re not worthy, you don’t deserve this, who do you think you are? Of course, if that’s running 95% of the day, I will never be successful. I worried about it because that 95% of the day is not visible to me.
So if I’m sabotaging myself 95% of the day with programs that will push away everyone who loves me and at the end of the day, come home and say, “I can’t find a mate. No one loves me.” So it’s like, no. It didn’t start there. It started with you. You didn’t love yourself. No one else can love you.
If we put all this together, we’ll recognize the absolute truth is we’ll go back to the Matrix, and consider that we all are programed and need to go through the power of the belief system.
We have been programmed and a vast majority of the programs are negative and disempowering so the vast majority of people on this planet are having that negative experience as well.
The next most important thing now is to recognize that if I’m not getting what I want, it’s not because the universe is not giving to you but it’s your own program that’s invisible and operating 95% of the day that’s keeping it away from you. The power of your mindset and the power of belief is huge.

Kamala Chambers
Wow. That is spectacular in every way, shape, and form Bruce. It’s amazing the way that you just laid it all out there for us.

Bruce Lipton
It’s amazing for me because my life for 40+ years was operating from these very negative, disempowering subconscious programs. I was seeking all the time love and that thing I wanted and pushing it away unconsciously end up rewriting the program.
I’m going to be seriously honest, if there’s a heaven, I’ve really come to my own personal conclusion.
You don’t die and go to heaven. You’re born to be in heaven. This is heaven because this is where you came to create.
But if you look at the creations of most people, sure as heck doesn’t look like heaven, looks more like hell but they’re not creating from their own wishes and desires until they take that red pill.
Falling in love is the red pill because that’s the first time to have an opportunity to put your hands on the wheel and drive this vehicle and see where it took you. It’s like “Oh my god, what a strange, strange trip it’s been.”

Bruce Lipton
Yes. That’s the whole issue. When you stop thinking and just start responding to the world, that’s when you make the decision. The power of belief system directs you to take instant action. I can make any decision I want with this response but when your mind is preoccupied, the decision is already made based on the power of belief. Your behavior is already programmed and you’re not even going to see it happen as it’s being undone. And this is why being mindful is the whole secret and then rewriting the ones that have kept you away from your destination. And then that process, by rewriting it, you’ve changed the outcome.
I can say that for a guy who had all these personal trouble for 40+ years for the last 20 years, I’ve been living a honeymoon. Really! Every day, I experience the joy and excitement of waking up in this beautiful planet. That’s why I think heaven is here because when I changed my creative character from the negative one that was programmed with to the current one, the doors have opened, the pass have always been opened, I’m surrounded by most loving people and wonderful world and everything. I live in a completely different world, same planet but through different consciousness. The power of belief system is massive.

Luis Congdon
I just want to hang out with you more.
Bruce, it’s so incredible to have you here and particularly your thoughts about law of attraction and the power of belief.

Kamala Chambers
I wanted to say from the deepest part of my heart, thank you so much for coming on the show and for blessing all of our listeners with this incredible information and transformation. Your views about the power of belief system are incredible.

Bruce Lipton
I really want to thank you Luis and Kamala for providing this opportunities to talk to your audience about the power of belief system.
I then want also want to especially thank your audience because they represent the cultural creative in this world. There are the people that are looking for answers outside of the conventional box. These are the people that are seeking the new evolution. Every one of you listening is a participant in a new evolution and what we’ve been trying to talk about is how to reprogram ourselves to merge into a world where not just surviving but a world that we’re thriving into.
Thank you for listening. This information especially the power of belief system, if you use it when you create heaven around you, it also makes heaven around me. So I encourage that and I appreciate it. Thank you all.

The Honeymoon Effect by Dr. Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton – Website
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