A Sweet Life – Heather Picken

On today’s episode, Heather Picken, a best-selling author and a business coach, walks us through the the steps to living a sweet life and creating more freedom in our business and in our lives.


To live a sweet life, you must first know who you are and what your values are.
Focus on the highest priorities that will get you to the end result of achieving your goal.
We all live by what our top three highest values or priorities.


Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re going to be talking about living a sweet life and creating more freedom in your business and your life.
Our guest today, maybe you’ve seen her on Fox or ABC or on Hay House Radio. She is a best-selling author and a business coach.
We here with Heather Picken to talk about living a sweet life.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, you guys know how I’m always saying “Let’s bring on more powerful, amazing women onto the show.” It’s because women are crushing it, and women still need that acknowledgement in my opinion because they are many incredible women you guys need to know about.
Today, we have none other than Heather Picken. I’ve gotten a chance to personally meet her.
Without further ado, Heather, are you ready to launch?

Heather Picken
I am. Thank you so much.

Luis Congdon
You’ve created this cool lifestyle for yourself. You’re living a great and a sweet life. You were telling us about how you had this big breakthrough while you were in Italy, and how you created this thing, the Dolce Vita.
I’d love to hear from you. Tell us a little bit about your story and what that even means. What is the Dolce Vita?

Heather Picken
Struggles You May Encounter Before Having A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
It all started when I was four years old. I wore metal braces on my legs, and I’m thinking, “Okay, I’m a little bit different.” Then come fourth grade, I knew I was different when I was taken out of my classroom in front of my peers with “Special tutoring.” I was diagnosed with dyslexia at that time. In that moment, I was labeling myself as stupid.
I struggled through high school, and when I was in college, that’s when things started to change because I got this amazing opportunity to experience art and film.
A Sweet Life aka La Dolce Vita

Heather Picken
I was introduced to a film maker Federico Fellini, and he created this film. One of his films he created was called La Dolce Vita, and that means a sweet life. When I was introduced to that genre of film, it totally changed my world.
I had the opportunity to live over in Italy, and I wanted to study the greats like Leonardo Da Vinci, and I was on a quest to be smarter because I felt very stupid. I had this void of not feeling good enough, not feeling worthy.
My business and brand has evolved over time. I got real focused and said, “What is it I love to do?” What is it that I can empower, particularly female entrepreneurs? I set on my path and I started to create it.
Attract Right Relationships To Have A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
Now, here’s where the story gets interesting because I started to attract all the wrong relationships, and anytime you’re unbalanced in one area of life, you tend to attract all those things. This was like the last relationship that had crushed my spirit and my business. I was feeling miserably
I remember at that time when I was in this bad relationship, my aunt was dying of stage-four breast cancer, and her boyfriend at that time was in the room, and he was going to propose to her.
Her boyfriend had already bought an engagement ring like a couple of months ago. He was there, and she was lying unconscious. He slipped the engagement ring on her finger, and it didn’t fit because she was full of fluid at that time. My mom was telling me this story.
All this chaos was going on in my life with a boyfriend. She’s telling me that story and I was crying. Not so much for my aunt because I knew she was going to die but for myself.
The Mission To Live A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
A couple of days later, she passed away, and I made it my mission that I was never going to settle for anything less than myself, and just value myself.
I started to go on a journey. I got rid of that guy, and I said, “I want to be true to myself.” So I started learning from some of the greatest philosophers, and learning how we value ourselves, especially women. Women have a lot of issues when it comes to being in bad relationships, and it does impact their relationships.

Kamala Chambers
It’s true. That happens.

Heather Picken

Kamala Chambers
That’s something amazing that you’re bringing up as part of your point.
I am excited to dive into these three points about living a sweet life. What is the first step to living a sweet life?

Heather Picken
Yeah. It kind of ties into the story I was talking about.
Know Who You Are To Live A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
As I was studying all these great philosophers, it goes back to the Greeks. They talk about knowing yourself and knowing who you are, and telling everyone that, “We live by a set of priorities that are important to us. If you don’t know who you are and your business, you’re going to attract someone or something to make you authentic.”

Heather Picken
You have to identify who you are, and we all live by what our top three highest values or priorities. It’s what we’re taking action on, and it’s not like, “Oh yeah, I’m going to do this.” It’s what your actions are demonstrating.
I want people to know that.
First Step To Living A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
When I’m working with clients, one of the first things I do is a values assessment to determine what that is, because when we determine what is most important to you, then we can birth your brand.
In my case, I loved Italy and fashion. I wanted to be this unique expression of myself that was truly me. That’s one of the first steps I teach my clients to create a sweet life.
Know What Your Values Are To Create A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
Let’s get the essence of who you are and so, we start off with your values, and then we go deeper into that because what you don’t want to do is kind of sound like everyone else. I find a lot of people make those mistakes.
That’s number one; knowing who you are.
Here’s the thing.
Set Up Realistic Goals To Have A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
When you know who you are and you set goals that are aligned with your highest values, then you set bigger goals.
You jump to a new level of awareness in your mind. I see it all the time. You’d never want to set up fantasy goals. I see people do that all the time.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, it’s a big important piece. It’s a never ending journey either. It’s discovering who you are, who you want to be out in the world too and who you want your brand to be as you’re building it.
I’d love to get into that second step of living a sweet life.
Second Step To Living A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
Yes, the first one is to know what your values are and being able to get clear on what I call your fabulous statement of inspiration. It’s like “What do you want to do?”
You want to start creating that in a way where do you see yourself speaking on stages? Do you see yourself putting your courses and programs online? What does that look like?
Be Clear On What You Want To Create A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
You have to be clear because any details left out of your vision. Again, you’re going to find someone or something creating like a loop hole. I like to say it’s like a loop hole.
It’s as if you’re ordering in a restaurant, and when you’re not clear, and you say, “Okay, I want some food,” the waiter brings back snails, and you don’t like snails. That’s what you’re going to encounter.
I just want to give you a quick example.
I was working with a client who came to me and she said, “Heather, I’ve been having a hard time attracting success in my business. I’ve been creating multiple seven-figure businesses for everyone else except for myself. Can you help me?” and I said, “Absolutely.”
How Writing Can Lead You To A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
One of the first things we did, is we started writing this together. We took a full day of getting clear. What is it you want to have for the rest of your life? What does that look like?
We want to get clear. We started creating that, and what was happening is the partners she had in her business were no longer matching her vision. I said, “You’ve got fire those people.” She fired them.’
As soon as she let those people go, she started to materialize the kinds of contracts and elite clients that she wanted to have in her business.
How Affirmations Can Create A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
And so, I make it a practice for people, every single day, you’ve got read that statement. Every single day, I open up my phone, I read it, and then I ask myself, “Do I need to change anything?”
It’s critical. It’s like affirmations on steroids because affirmations in and of themselves don’t work. This is the blueprint to connect what you’re doing, your mission statement, and it’s aligned with your values and who you are.
Again, we’re not creating any kind of fantasy goal.

Luis Congdon
What I love Heather, and it’s something a lot of people aren’t teaching and promoting is the importance of clarity.
Importance Of Clarity To Living A Sweet Life

Luis Congdon
It sounds like step one and two are about creating that clarity; knowing who you are, what you want, and what’s in alignment with you.
What speaks to me the highest of everything you’ve talked about for me is many of us are into these hyped goals and dreams. There many people now, seven-figure coach, eight-figure coach.
And yet, for me, it’s like looking at this iceberg, where they’re talking about what’s up at the top, which is just such a small piece of the puzzle. I don’t feel any weight or density behind it like “Oh, seven-figure. Let’s just make you eight figures.”
Look At What’s Belove The Iceberg To Create A Sweet Life

Luis Congdon
Where’s the rest of it? Where’s the purpose? Where’s the clarity? Where is the full on you that’s everything that will lead you to living a sweet life?
I know you’re a busy lady but I know we have a couple minutes here. Would you like to walk us through step three to living a sweet life in a nutshell?
Guys, this is just a quick overview. I’ve had an opportunity to attend one of Heather’s events. I know she is a lightning bolt. She’s got so much to share but do you want to take us to point three there?

Heather Picken
Yeah, absolutely, and this is the number one thing.
Third Step To Creating A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
After interviewing CEOs and very successful people all over the world, and we’re talking billionaires, what I have found that there is a reoccurring theme that everyone does, and I call it my La Dolce Vita Rituals for Success. You’ve got to be able to plan out. That’s number one. It’s having your vision, mission, and purpose for the rest of your life. Then, what you want to do is break down your goals into the year.
What I do is I have this whole planning template. I call it a dashboard where we look at, “Okay, what is it realistically you want to accomplish for the year?” and that includes revenue goals.
Break Down Your Goals To Achieve A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
Then, what we do is we break it down into quarters. Since there are four quarters in a year, we break down “What are the quarterly goals?”
Because there’s three months in a quarter, what are those goals for each month, and what are the actions steps we need to take? And then, what are we doing every week? And then, what are we doing every day?
You want to focus on the highest priorities that are going to get you to the end result that you have in the second step of your fabulous statement of inspiration.

Accountability is Key To A Sweet Life

Heather Picken
When people do that, they surprise themselves. Having that accountability is key.
If you read the book, The ONE Thing by Gary Keller, he has an interesting statistics. It’s something like 76.7% of people that get someone like a mentor to hold them accountable are more likely to reach their goals. Yet, more people plan for their vacations. Isn’t that interesting?

Luis Congdon
It’s wild and we had Jay Papasan who’s the co-author of The ONE Thing. It’s an incredible book and interview we did, and so spot on.
Have A Mentor Help You Achieve A Sweet Life

Luis Congdon
At one point, Tiger Woods had 21 different coaches. He’s not getting a lot of positive media and press right now, but it’s undeniable. Tiger Woods will nonetheless go down as one of the greatest golfers of all time. He’s accomplished something great. Sadly, because of the bad news, it’s back from being eclipsed, but none the less, 21 coaches all at one time at one point to work on the mentality like short put and long put.
Every part of the game, I personally tend to have four or five coaches at almost all times, and Heather is spot on here.
If you want to create that sweet life, part of that sweetness is having somebody that’s going to be practical with you, somebody who’s going to help you plan out, and there’s this quote that I saw.
Guys, I want to wrap up here Thriving Launchers.
There’s this quote I saw recently, and it said something like, “People have this expectation that they can do a lot in a day, but they don’t know what they can accomplish every single day if they plan it out or in a year.” or “People try to do too much in a day, but don’t realize how much they can do in a year.”
That’s what I love about you, Heather. There’s so much practicality here, and also pushing people to be there greatest and think in some big ways.