Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude – Dean Graziosi

New York Times bestselling author Dean Graziosi shares what his book, Millionaire Success Habits, is all about and how different successful people have different habits than people who struggle.
On this episode, Dean also shares a hack that could change your life and make you successful both in your personal life and in business.


One of the millionaire success habits that stand out is a vision and clarity.
We don’t realize we’re in a hypnotic rhythm of focusing on what we don’t want.
Take what serves you. Put it into play today, and throw the rest away.
Technology is allowing us to do ten times as much in the same amount of time.
It doesn’t matter where you are. It’s always about where you want to go.
If we live in the present, we’re the best we can be.
If we’re worried about tomorrow, we’re usually stressed and anxious.
The entrepreneurial journey is the greatest adventure in the history of the world.
Entrepreneurs are selfless and always give back.


Kamala Chambers
This episode is all about millionaire success habits and having success through a positive mental attitude.
We are here with Dean Graziosi, a New York Times best-selling author. He’s been on TV for 16 years every day as one of the most watched real estate and success trainers of our generation, and he’s generated nearly 1 billion dollars in revenue with his brand and business.

Luis Congdon
All right. Thriving launchers, are you guys ready for some inspiration? But not only that, but also some mindset hacks to get you guys jacked up, have success through a positive mental attitude, and help you make millions.
Without further ado, are you ready to launch, Dean?

Dean Graziosi
I’m ready to go, man.

Luis Congdon
All right.
You wrote this book, Millionaire Success Habits, which I think is cool about reaching success through a positive mental attitude. We had T. Harv Eker on the show. He talked about the mindset of the millionaires, and now, it would be interesting to talk to you about the achieving success through a positive mental attitude and other success habits of millionaires.
When I think about millionaires and billionaires or somebody who’s in super great shape, I believe they have different habits than someone who isn’t like them. They were able to attain success through a positive mental attitude.
What do you think is one of the most important habits that we should try to cultivate if we want to be awesome with money?

Dean Graziosi
The book, Millionaire Success Habits could be life habits on how to have success through a positive mental attitude, but millionaire gives it this mystique.
Different Habits On Reaching Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
The fact of the matter is I’ve had such an incredible journey going from broken and broken, living in a bathroom with my dad to 100 million dollar plus companies.
During that journey, you realize the people who struggle and who don’t get to that next level life had different habits than I would see, and obsess over when I see someone happy, making more money, and reached success through a positive mental attitude.
Habits were different, and when I adopted that, again, I didn’t know I was going to write a book 25 years ago about it. When I adopted, I just saw how fast it went. As much value as we can deliver today in the short period, let’s do it.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, Vision, And Clarity

Dean Graziosi
One of the millionaire success habits is a having vision and clarity.

Dean Graziosi
I challenge everybody to do this because I’ve done it with thousands of people.
If you ask people what they don’t want out of life, and who’s ever listening, people will rant that off as fast as humanly possible. “I don’t want the money I’m making.” “I don’t want the minimal amount of clients.” “I don’t want my boss.” “I don’t want — I don’t want — I don’t want –“
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude and Know What You Want In Life

Dean Graziosi
If you stop them immediately and say “I realize what you don’t want out of life, so what would it be that you do want out of life? Where do you want to go?”

Luis Congdon
That question you’re asking is such a harder question too because most of us are in touch with what we don’t like about our lives and what we’re fed up with.

Dean Graziosi

Luis Congdon
There’s this conversation happens that we have other people, “Oh God! This happens, and that happens,” and we’re complaining a lot.
To me, it starts to feel draining when I’m around people that talk a lot about what they don’t want.

Dean Graziosi
That’s without a doubt. You hit the nail on the head.
Realize We’re Going Fast To Have Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
When you stop somebody in the middle of saying all the things they don’t want or what’s not working, and you ask them what they do want, they will say, “That’s a good question.” or, “Let me think about that.”
If you take a moment, that’s like we’re running on a treadmill, and we just go from five to seven, or we’re in a Ferrari with no GPS. We’re going fast. We just don’t know where we’re going.
I have a story that anchored this in for me.
I have a partner in one of my companies, and he, with a church group, about five dads took 16 to 18-year-old boys, white water rafting in Utah or Colorado. They get there, and the rapids are a five out of five.
I don’t go white water rafting, but I heard 0-5 is the rating. These are fours and fives. All the dads are nervous. They’re watching after these kids.
This guy comes out. He’s been doing it for 25 years. He looks at the dads. He goes, “Dads, don’t get nervous. Kids, get in the boat. I want to share something with you. I’ve been doing this for 25 years. I’m not going to lose anybody if you listen to me.”
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Positive Points

Dean Graziosi
He said, “You see my finger?” and he held up one finger. “This is called the positive point.” He goes, “Whenever I point, you just all watch me, and you paddle your guts out in the direction that I point, and we will be fine always.” He said, “I’ll never point to the rock, I’ll never point to the down tree or the rapid that could flip us over because you’ll stare at it, you’ll go right into it, and we will flip over. So remember the positive point.” That’s the same way how life goes.
The Millionaire Success Habit, one of the biggest habits I know to attaining success through a positive mental attitude. When you talk to somebody thriving, their business, life, health, relationships are on another level. They know what they want in a minute. They know where the positive point is.
Many of us don’t realize we’ve become conditioned. We’re in a hypnotic rhythm of focusing on what we don’t want, and we just continue to run in it.
We’re pointing at the rock, and we’re driving our boat right into it.

Kamala Chambers
Love that positive point. It’s such a great visual and image.
One thing I see people struggling with is discovering what they want. I’m a huge believer in the fact that if we know what we want, that’s the biggest part of getting it.
Do you have any tips on how to discover what you want?

Dean Graziosi
Yeah. That’s a great question. I’ve worked on this forever.
Topic On Having Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude Isn’t Brand New

Dean Graziosi
Some of the things I’m sharing today aren’t brand new for your listeners. It’s awesome that you’re here and spending this time together. What I hope and why I think I’ve been blessed to sell millions of books is not that what I’m sharing is brand new, and breakthrough and no one’s ever said it before, but I hope I share it in a way that it sticks.

Achieve Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Applying What You’ve Learned

Dean Graziosi
That’s why I know you guys are so awesome at getting such great hosts and guests on the show because you just want to give people the tools, and sometimes, it’s just like different languages. I hope this language resonates with those of you listening.
Let me answer that question in a way that just changed my life. You remember the Road Runner?

Kamala Chambers
Oh, yeah.

Dean Graziosi
Do you remember the Tazmanian Devil?

Kamala Chambers
Oh, yeah.

Dean Graziosi
He’d spin so fast. There was dust around him, and he couldn’t see.
I believe in our lives with social media, and Facebook, and all these credible technologies, it’s allowing us to do 10x as much in the same amount of time.
We’re doing voice memos in the car, texting at street lights, and all this crazy stuff. We’re like the Tazmanian Devil with dust around us.
Then, someone says, “Hey. Try to figure out where you want to go in life.” And they’re like, “I can’t even see a foot in front of me. How am I going to set this goal?”
The Hack To Have Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
Here’s the hack that changed it for me and gave me success through a positive mental attitude.
Pretend that it’s one year from today. Pick one thing. It could be any area of your life like if you want to make more money if you want to get your speaking business to another level. Whatever it is, it’s a year from now, we’re back here, and it was the best year of your life like it’s just amazing.
You wake up in the morning feeling alive. You can’t wait to jump out of bed. There’s no stress, regrets, and worries. It’s like you were crushing it.
Achieve Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Writing Down What Is the Best Year Of Your Life Look Like

Dean Graziosi
Then, just start writing down what it is that the best year of your life will look like. How much money are you making? How do you feel? What’s your confidence level? When you walk through the door, what is your husband see in you? Your husband, your wife, your friend, your girlfriend, your significant others, your kids, what do they see in you?
You just start writing all this down. Then, go back and circle some of them, and realize that where it is you want to go. You want to go to that money, that feeling, that emotional state you’d be in, that winning state of mind or whatever it is. Then, what you have to realize is another thing that people who have success through a positive mental attitude do well say “No.”
Attain Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Saying “No.”

Dean Graziosi
Entrepreneurs, to get where we are, and to all the things you do, we’ve said “Yes” more than most people. We say “Yes” to working more, to taking on new adventures, to staying up at night, and getting shit done. We do all that stuff.
“Yes” got you here and “No” will take you to the next level.
“Yes” got you out of Egypt, as one of my mentors says, and “No” will get you to the promised land.
When you want vision, pretend it’s a year from now, and it’s the greatest year of your life. Write down what the heck it is that would make the greatest year of your life ever.
Have Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Focusing More On Things That Match Your Vision

Dean Graziosi
Then, the things that don’t fit that vision, sometime, should be on your not-to-do list. It’s time to start saying “No” so more focus can be on the things that match your vision, your bigger purpose, your full potential, or your next level.
Once you have that vision of what the greatest year of your life looks like, start saying “No” to things that don’t fit that vision.

Kamala Chambers
When you’re going through that practice, I was joining along with you. What I’m sinking into my life is already there.
In one year, I just want more of what is. And for me, it’s about getting in touch with that gratitude for what I have.
Is that part of what you practice?

Dean Graziosi

Live In The Present, Know Where It Is You’re Going And Have Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
If we live in the present, we’re the best we can be.
If we take our past, this research and development, take what serves us, and burn the rest down, throw the rest away, and live in this moment just with some things in the past that help us, we know that’s better. We are aware if we’re worried about tomorrow, we’re usually stressed and anxious.
We want to live in the present, but I believe, as we’re in the present, we need just to know exactly where it is we’re going today, and whether that’s more gratitude or next level of freedom or helping others.
How Entrepreneurs Attain Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
I think most entrepreneurs evolve to get themselves out of crap. Then, they take care of the people they love, and then they start taking care of the world.

Dean Graziosi
Every entrepreneur I know who has reached success through a positive mental attitude gives back more than anyone would ever realize. It’s rare you find a selfish self-me person who’s an entrepreneur that’s not giving. I could see that evolution for sure.
There are a lot of great morning routines out there. Everybody has a different strategy. Again, this one might resonate and stick with everybody listening.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Confidence

Dean Graziosi
I believe as people who want to go to another level, one of the greatest things we can do for ourselves, the people we love, and the world, is to protect our confidence.
Without confidence, we don’t make smart decisions. We don’t go for what we want out of life. We don’t go for the relationship, for the business, and for the next level. We don’t jump out on stage. We don’t launch our product.
Confidence can be the killer and make you play small. It gets you to stand on the sidelines your whole lives, and watch everybody play big, and you just think “Someday, I’ll jump in,” and that someday never comes.
I’m always looking for hacks and habits to protect my confidence to have success through a positive mental attitude.
One is to set my day up to that way.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Meditation

Dean Graziosi
I’m going to share my routine. Please listen, take it, and beat it up any way you want. But I know we don’t have an hour to get ready, some people do, to meditate and get the perfect space. If you do, that’s great. If you don’t, here’s what I do.
At night, I always put my phone on airplane mode. That’s something I learned from Arianna Huffington who started Huffington Post. I spent a day with her once, and she said she’d wake up, and her emotions would always be tethered to what was on her phone.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Putting Your Phone To Airplane Mode Until Morning Routine Is Done

Dean Graziosi
If a text came through that was good, it might put her in a good state. If a text came that was concerned or a business thing, it would immediately put her in a state of mind, and either maybe to play defense for the day or offense or, less confidence or more confidence. She just decided airplane mode until that morning routine is over. I stole that from her.
Then, when I wake in the morning, the first thing I try to do is I’ve lowered the bar of gratitude.
If you’re listening right now, you probably accomplished many incredible things in your life more than you probably give yourself credit for.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Being Grateful

Dean Graziosi
Subconsciously, we find gratitude by thinking these big things like I’d be grateful or ungrateful for my next level of business, and sometimes, it’s hard to see that. Again, back to the Tazmanian Devil, the dust around us is hard to acknowledge.
When I open my eyes, I try to find gratitude at the moment.
I’ve said, “These sheets feel amazing today. I am grateful for having this bed, and these sheets.” 150,000 people died today, or 150,000 will die tomorrow. If you Google it, that’s the number. It’s like, you wake up, you can lower it so much to say, “My eyes opened.” and I just find a way to flood myself literally, for minutes. I’m not talking about a 10-minute routine. I’m talking minutes to find something I can find gratitude for. I feel like I’ve fed my soul, and then I immediately feed my body.
Feed Your Soul And Body To Have Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
I just feel like if I can nourish my body so, I’ll go a green drink with lemons, some MCT oil, and a couple of natural stuff. Then I feel like I fed my body, and then I move.
I don’t know about anybody listening, but for me, as a busy entrepreneur, a dad, and a fan of baseball, softball, and dance, if I don’t exercise or move in the morning, I know it doesn’t get done. I’ll get sucked into my day and my routine. I just want to keep the momentum, so I feed my soul and my body, and then I move.
Adding The Word “Get” To Your To-Do List To Attain Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
When I get back, I have a little routine I do with my kids, and then one word I’ve added to a to-do list for the day is what I get to do. When I added the word “get,” it changed everything for me.
I don’t like Tuesdays. A lot of times, I do conference calls and meet with my accountants and CFO. I feel it’s like “Ugh!” It was always frustrating, and then I said, “I couldn’t serve people, sell millions of books, touch people’s lives, or do any of that if I didn’t do all of it.”
Now, when I say, “Oh, I don’t have to do that conference,” I get to do that. I get to meet with my accountant because all of it adds up to the life I love and the dad I am.
Set Your Day Up To Reach Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
I love the man I’ve become. I love the leader I’ve hoped to be. I love the books I write. If all of that wasn’t a part of it, I couldn’t do any of it. When I changed “what I get to do” instead of “what I have to do” on my to-do list, that sets my day up.
I told you all that just because that helps me protect my confidence when I do that right, and I still screwed up. But if I do that right, my day is set. I’m on fire and ready to attack anything. There’s nothing that could put me on defense. I get to play offense all day.

Luis Congdon
It’s powerful to create small shifts like that of changing “have to’s” into “get to’s” or “choose to.”
I know that overall, we’ve been taught to speak in this way of almost like we were enslaved or forced to do something, “I have to go to work.” “I have to see my wife.” “I have to take care of the kids.” “I have to eat.” “I have to drink water.”
A Choice To Achieve Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Luis Congdon
We forget that we can make the decision and that choice, and it can be something we get to do.
Just making that small change can be such a positive shift because the way we are picturing things, and speak about things in our life impacts the results, and the relationship we have to it.

Dean Graziosi
It impacts all of it.
With all the things you guys have accomplished in your life, and things I have no idea, but you did to be where you are.
We attack and approach things differently when we have the confidence, or we feel like we want to do it.
How Thoughts Can Affect How We Reach Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
Our thoughts can mess with us so much. Your confidence is off just 5%, and you attack it in the wrong way, or you don’t at all.
You’re saying about that vision and clarity of knowing where you want to go. I got this from Arianna Huffington about creating a not-to-do list and things that shouldn’t be there. She said, “Some of the best ways to finish a project is to quit doing it for the rest of your life.”
You find those things out when you know where it is you want to go, and you know what you want out of life, and what invigorates you, gives you enthusiasm, excitement for life.
Momentum To Attain Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
When you start saying “No,” there are things we think we need to do or have to do. We can just say “You know what? I’m never repeating it. It robs my confidence. It doesn’t fill my soul. It doesn’t bring me towards my bigger future. It’s gone forever.”
All of sudden, that space opens up, and that’s where people who have success through a positive mental attitude get momentum.
When you start saying “No,” there are blocks of times, energy, and enthusiasm that can be driving you towards that next level.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Spending Less Time On Social Media

Luis Congdon
A small thing I’ve done as far as the “No” is I realized I was spending a lot of time on social media. Social media, I know I talk a lot about it on the show guys. It’s something I think is great for business, and we should all do it, but too much of it can be a time suck.
Therefore, I said, “I’m not going to be using social media on my phone anymore.” I deleted nearly all the social media on my phone. I just use Facebook messages. If somebody needs to reach out or contact me, I have that, but I don’t use Facebook on there. I don’t use the other social media channels, and I’ve outsourced some it so people can do some of that other stuff for me.
If I’m on my computer, I can do the social media time, but usually, that’s not something I’m doing that much there anyways.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Shifting Your Attention To More Important Things

Luis Congdon
It was a simple decision to say “I’m not going to be doing using my phone for this.”

Dean Graziosi

Luis Congdon
“I’m not going to be doing it when I’m hanging out with people. I’m not going to be doing it when I’m at the gym.”
It brought back a lot of energy back into my life and attention that I could give elsewhere.

Dean Graziosi
I love it.
I just saw a statistic where adults right now are spending four and half hours a week on average on social media. Think of that four and half hours, and people in our business probably do more because it’s attached to us. It’s seeing and forgetting momentum.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
Where else could that four and half hours go or even your attention? When you’re looking at social media, and you’re with a friend, they’re not getting all of you. They are just getting a piece of you, and what parts of your life are you missing out?
I commend you for that. That’s awesome.

Kamala Chambers
Before we go, are there any last tips or gems you want to leave the Thriving Launchers with regarding attaining success through a positive mental attitude?

Dean Graziosi
I would just dig in to see why you want it all.
I know everybody talks about “Why?” It’s a buzzword.
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude And Knowing Your “Why.”

Dean Graziosi
It’s about getting to your heart of why you want to do anything that you’re doing, why you’re listening now, why you want to start your business, why you want to go to the next level. It’s always deeper than what you think.
We want freedom, gratitude, and all the things we want. Keep asking yourself, “Why do I want that?” and “Why do I want that?”
The deeper we go, the more we get out of our head, and we start getting into our heart why we want what we’re doing.
When you attached a “why,” write it on your computer. Put it in your wallet or refrigerator because days get tough, business goes wrong, life goes wrong, and when you think you just want to do it for financial freedom, sometimes, you can give up on your dreams.
Get Through The Tough Days To Reach Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Dean Graziosi
Whether it’s to be the best you, to be the best father, parent, to be in control of your life, to help other people, to change the world, when you have that “Why” and remind yourself, it can get you through the tough days.

Luis Congdon
There you have it, Thriving Launchers.
Dean is echoing the words of one of my favorite philosophers of all time, Friedrich Nietzsche, who said, “When you know your “why” you will figure out the how.” It’s one of the things I live by, and we espouse here at Thriving Launch.
Having The Steps To Attain Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

Luis Congdon
If you have a dream or vision, you start with your “why” and with passion and trust that there will be a lot of steps provided for you magically.
Just like when I started podcasting. Magically, the right kinds of people that could give me the education started showing up. Money began to come.
I want to leave you with that today, Thriving Launchers.
We’ve been here with Dean Graziosi talking about success through a positive mental attitude. It’s such a pleasure to have you on the show.
Thriving Launchers, make sure to go out there. Take this advice to heart on how to reach success through a positive mental attitude. Write down your “whys” for why you’re doing something or why you want something, and try to take something else from the show, and apply it to your life today.
Keep on thriving everyone you all.