How To Succeed In Life – Kallen Diggs

In this episode with Kallen Diggs, a nomadic entrepreneur, and an international bestseller, he is going to talk about what it takes to reach the finish line.
The finish line varies for different people, but reaching it is about changing yourself and becoming a better You.


A person needs to be conscious of their environment.
The environment is essentially a key element to help a person start reaching that finish line.
The people whom you spend time creates the significant influence on your success.
The finish line varies for different people.
Reaching the finish line is about changing yourself, becoming a better you, and going through a period of transformation.
Typically, goals are set on a pass or fail model, which is the worst way to do it since you’re setting yourselves up for failure and not for success.
The three M metric is consists of your minimum goal, your moderate goal, and your maximum goal.
A lot of times, people put off their goals and dreams into the New Year like it’s the best time to start.
If we want to reach the finish line, the best thing we can do is start today.
You will get to the finish line with persistence and tenacity.
When you’re people who are pessimistic and always complaining, even though you don’t agree with them, it has a gradual, subtle effect on you.
All throughout your life, you’re going to have adversity, but the key is how you respond to that adversity.
Trials are normal, and every successful person has them in different forms.


Luis Congdon
Hey, Thriving Launchers, today, we’re going to talk about how to succeed in life, reach the finish lines, set goals, and figure out what it takes to set those goals, so you reach that finish line.

Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re here with Kallen Diggs, a nomadic entrepreneur. You’ve probably seen him as an international best-seller, or maybe you’ve read his publications in Fox News or Entrepreneur magazine.
We’re excited to dive in with Kallen today to talk about how to succeed in life.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, welcome to the show. We’re here with Kallen Diggs. We’re excited to have him on the show.
Kallen, are you ready to launch?

Kallen Diggs
I’m ready to launch.

Luis Congdon
Hey, you wrote this whole book called Reaching The Finish Line. It’s all about how to succeed in life and reach that finish line, and there are a lot of things that can stop us and barriers that are either made up or actual physical barriers. There are a lot of things that can stop us.
What do you think is one of the first things we need to acknowledge if we have a goal in mind, we know what that finish line looks like and know how to succeed in life, but we’re not there yet?

Kallen Diggs
There’s a popular quote, Luis that says, “Birds of the same feather flock together.” and sometimes, a lot of people are among others who just project negativity. These may be people that we love, our friends, or our family, but they can be the biggest obstacle and preventing us from reaching the finish line.
How To Succeed In Life – Be Conscious On Your Environment

Kallen Diggs
The first thing that a person needs to do is to be conscious of their environment.
Who are they hanging out with? Are they listening to music that empowers them or disempowers them? Are they in a loving, nurturing environment? Or are they in an atmosphere that supports doubt and fear?

Kamala Chambers
I couldn’t agree with that more.
How To Succeed In Life – Be Conscious Of The People You Spend Time With

Kamala Chambers
I’ve found that the people I spend my time with creates the big influence on my success levels. I see this happen with many people.
What is the finish line? That’s the big question that I have coming up for me. What is the finish line?
Is it the big finish line for our life goal or all our smaller goals as well?

Kallen Diggs
That’s a great question, and yes. The finish line varies for different people.
How To Succeed In Life And What Success Means

Kallen Diggs
For one person, the finish line may be financial. For another person’s finish line may be regarding more to their health. It all varies.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
It’s a lot about goal setting too is what I’m hearing. We got to look at where we ultimately want to go.
What are some of the other steps you recommend to get to where we ultimately want to be?

Kallen Diggs
For sure.
As we tell about previously, the environment is first and foremost on how to succeed in life.
How To Succeed In Life – Set Goals

Kallen Diggs
Once a person has created a very supportive, nurturing environment, and have committed to their personal development, the next thing would be goals.
There’s this system I set up called the Three M Metric. Typically, goals are set on a pass or fail model. Someone once said this like “If I do this by this day, I pass. I’m successful, and if I don’t do it, I fail.”
Often, I think that’s the worst way to do it because they’re setting themselves up for failure, and not for success.
How To Succeed In Life – Set Parallel Goals

Kallen Diggs
What I teach is setting parallel goals.
By setting parallel goals, you’re setting yourself up for success because all you have to do is meet one metric.
Going into the three metric, you have your minimum goal, your moderate goal, and your maximum goal.
Let’s have an example.
Weight loss is a popular thing nowadays. Let’s just say a person wants to lose weight. One person says “Okay, I want to lose 30 pounds.”
How To Succeed In Life With Different Types Of Goals

Kallen Diggs
A minimum goal is something you believe you can achieve. For example, a person says “I want to lose 10 pounds in one month. I know I can do that.” That’s the minimum goal. There’s no doubt in your mind. They’re 100% confident they can achieve that goal.
The moderate goal is a step up and is something that you think is a realistic attempt, and you feel like you can accomplish it. You’re not 100% confident, but you’re about 65% – 75% sure, and you think it’s a realistic attempt. That same person may say, “Well, you know what? I want to lose 20 pounds in one month.”
And then, you have the final one, which is the maximum goal. If you achieve that goal, it will surprise you, and it will blow you away.
That person may say, “I want to lose 30 pounds in one month.”
Set Yourself Up On How To Succeed In Life

Kallen Diggs
The thing about parallel goals, Kamala and Luis, is all you have to do is meet one metric to be successful. That’s all you have to do.
The person lost 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 30 pounds with that month, they’re still successful. So they’re setting themselves up to succeed than to fail.

Luis Congdon
That’s important too because when we continually fail at something, it adds this extra burden around finishing that goal or pursuing that goal. We tend just to give up, don’t we?

Kallen Diggs
We do!
I tell people, the last thing you want to do which I hear this all the time, “You know what I’m going to do? I’m just going to wait until the New Year, so I get a fresh start.”
How To Succeed In Life – Start Taking Action Today

Kallen Diggs
You can always start tomorrow. You can start today.
A lot of times, people put off their goals and dreams into the New Year like it’s the best time to start. They don’t realize that year after year they fail, they’re getting the same repetition, “I’ll wait until next year.” and they’re wasting so much time.
We’re all gifted to enjoy this human experience, and we don’t know how long we’re going to be here. It’s in our best interest to make the most of our time.

How To Succeed In Life – Be Persistent And Tenacious

Kallen Diggs
Eventually, with persistence and tenacity, that person will get there.

Luis Congdon
I’m curious. One of the things you repeated a few times was around the environment, which I think is a great place to start.
I’m curious. What are some suggestions that you have to help people change their environment or change the spaces they’re in? So they can have more success or change that one critical factor that then, will just totally stir the ship in a different direction.
How To Succeed In Life – Look At Through Three Different Sides

Kallen Diggs
Okay. We’ll look at it from all through three different sides. As I always say, a coin has three sides. You have two sides of the coin, and you have the middle.
There are introverts, ambiverts, and extroverts.
I’m an introvert. I’m not a person that the life is the party. I don’t go to events where there are thousands of people. I’m typically more or less a home buddy. I like to go out and socialize, but at the same time, I’ve enjoyed my own company.
For a person like an introvert, they’ll probably be likely to listen to a more music a lot or read more books. Again, that person has to understand, “Is this song, is this album, is this book empowering me or is it disempowering me?”
Music And Book Have An Effect On How To Succeed In Life

Kallen Diggs
A lot of them don’t realize that music and books affect us on a subconscious level the more we listen to it and the more we read it. I think it’s essential to take a note of that. The song may have a great melody, a great beat. But if these are promoting fear, anger, disempowerment, negativity, even though it may be a great track or beat, it doesn’t serve our best interest.
If we look at extroverts, they’re very social. They like to go out a lot; bars, parties, and things of that nature. That’s typically what they do. They do other things obviously. It’s crucial that they’d be very conscious of who they’re surrounding themselves with.
If they’re always around people who are complaining, who are pessimistic, who do not see the beauty in life, even though that person does not necessarily agree with them, just being among their presence is having that gradual, subtle effect on that person’s self.
How To Succeed In Life – Find Supportive Groups

Kallen Diggs
That person indefinitely removes themselves from that environment and find groups in where people are like-minded or optimistic. They’re supportive, nurturing, and ambitious.
Find groups that cater to you that are going to help you reach the finish line.
Ambiverts is a combination of the two because ambiverts are not necessarily introverted or extroverted. They take something from both sides.
What I said about introverts and extroverts, the ambiverts just take both of those suggestions and use that to their advantage.

Kamala Chambers
This has all been such great tips and a great way to look at how we can reach our finish lines and on how to succeed in life.
Before we go, is there anything that we haven’t already talked about that you feel some of the essential things we need to know about getting to where we want to go?

Kallen Diggs
A lot of people think that “If I become successful, all of my problems are going to go away. I’m not going to face adversity.” It’s just a more from a disempowering, frustrated life to living in a utopia, and that’s simply not the case.
How To Succeed In Life – Deal With Adversities

Kallen Diggs
There’s a lot of things that come into our lives, and they will continue to.
Myself, I suffer from an autoimmune disease. My house got caught in a fire this year. None of that is comfortable, but the key is how you respond to it. Initially, you may react negatively to it, which is normal.
It is “How long do you bask in that negativity? How long do you stay in that hole? At what point are you going to pull yourself out and know that this is temporal, and better things are ahead?”
How To Succeed In Life – Use The Lessons Learned From Surpassing Trials

Kallen Diggs
These types of trials are normal.

Luis Congdon
That’s all great input.
Thriving Launchers, we’ve been here with Kallen talking about how to succeed in life and reach the finish line.
Some great tips were given out today. If there’s one that I got today, it’s about the power of the environment, the people you associate with, and the influences you allow into your life.
Whatever you got out of it Thriving Launchers, I hope it’s something useful. Take it with you and as always, keep thriving you all.