Strength Through Adversity – Dan Millman

On this episode, Dan Millman, a former world champion gymnast and the best-selling author of the book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, talks about what it means to be a peaceful warrior and how we can live as peaceful warriors every day.
Dan’s book helps open people up to the possibilities since each one of us has a yearning to understand life’s bigger picture.


We learn in different layers.
Every adversity has hidden gifts: greater strength and perspective, wisdom, and compassion.
We grow through adversity.
We’re not here just to live comfortably.
Daily life is a form of spiritual weight training.
Starting small is one of the greatest secrets and tips for turning what we know into what we do.
Dream big, but start small and then connect the dots.


Luis Congdon
Hey, we’ve got a special guest for you today, author Dan Millman of the Peaceful Warrior.

Kamala Chambers
I’m thrilled that today we have here with us, Dan Millman. He’s a former world champion gymnast, coach, martial arts teacher, college professor, and the best-selling author of the book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, I know I’ve talked about Dan before or The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior. It was a book that impacted me. As a child, it was a book my mom had me read, and I love the book.
Without further ado, let’s bring Dan Millman to the show to talk about strength through adversity.
Dan, are you ready to launch?

Dan Millman
Luis, I was born ready to launch.

Luis Congdon
One of the things I want to ask you is what inspired you to write a new book to continue the story?
Because for me, I read the Way of the Peaceful Warrior, and it was a complete story unto itself, and I never imagined you were going to keep the story going, especially now.

Dan Millman
Well, for those who are familiar with Peaceful Warrior, who have read it or perhaps seen the movie based on it with Nick Nolte, then, this will make a little more sense.
For those who aren’t familiar with my book, I did write it in 1980, and it’s still being passed generation to generation today, and the book seems complete. It certainly does, and yet it wasn’t.
How The Way of The Peaceful Warrior Is About Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
Just before the final chapter of that book where I confront death, rebirth, and awakening of sorts and the reader with me, I referred to a time that my old mentor, Socrates, played by Nolte in the film. He sends me away out into the world to learn the lessons of my life experience and attain strength through adversity.
I married. We parent a child. I coached gymnastics at Stanford University. Four years later, I go on to become a college professor at Oberlin. I get a grant to travel around the world, and I refer to those travels in about one page. It was a significant time of finding strength through adversity.
Eight years went by from that whole experience. I had to complete the book even though it seemed complete.
Reason Why Another Book Was Written On Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
I didn’t write another book for ten years after Way of the Peaceful Warrior. I felt I’d said what needs to be said about strength through adversity, and I felt complete too. But then, many new experiences and insights entered my life, and I was excited sharing about my experiences on finding strength through adversity, and so I wrote a second book and the trilogy, and that was ten years later.
I wrote Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior. It’s about the adventures in a Hawaiian rainforest, where he found strength through adversity, with a Hawaiian teacher, a kahuna.
I had to wait 37 years. This was my 17th book. I wrote various books on different topics, some self-help guides like the Four Purposes of Life and those kinds of titles to inspire strength through adversity.
Thirty-seven years after writing the first book, I was finally ready to articulate and complete the Way of the Peaceful Warrior to inspire strength through adversity.
How The Other Books Inspire Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
In other words, those two books, Sacred Journey, and the Hidden School aren’t sequels. They don’t happen after that. They are an essential part of Way of the Peaceful Warrior because they explained what prepared me for that awakening, and marked my transition from a young adolescent type student at Berkeley in the first book to someone who was a teacher and became a writer over the years.
The Hidden School is an adventure on finding strength through adversity like my first book. It’s a narrative, and story has to be king, and I hope it’s a compelling story that people find engaging and funny in parts. That puts it in context.
The new book, the Hidden School, completes the Way of the Peaceful Warrior revealing what happened on all of those travels around the world.

Luis Congdon
I love you decided to write another book to inspire strength through adversity
Unfolding Of Lessons And Finding Strength Through Adversity

Luis Congdon
One thing I’ve discovered in my spiritual path and my own experience is that there’s just always more unfolding and finding strength through adversity. There’s always something new we’re learning or relearning. That’s what I got from this new book, is this unfolding of lessons I had already been learned.

Dan Millman
We think we learned things. We read something or take a class or a seminar, and we go, “Oh, I got it. It’s in my notes. I understand it intellectually.” And yet, then, we can be hard on ourselves because we don’t embody it right away.
Learning Basic Lessons Of Life And Attaining Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
We learn in different layers. We learn deeper and then deeper, and then deeper. If we realize that and start to find strength through adversity, we’re a bit more patient with our self until it penetrates us. And then our actions change, our perspectives change.
As you probably know, the subtitle of Way of the Peaceful Warrior is “A Book That Changes Lives.” It’s because many people said, “This book changed my life.”
I always want to ask, what do you mean by that when you say it?
How The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior Inspires Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
I think what I’ve come to is it helps open people’s perspectives about expanded views, about the possibilities and potential of all our lives.
Peaceful Warrior touched upon the transcendent because most of us spend appropriately. We spend 99% or more of our everyday life on the conventional level and that’s not letting us find strength through adversity.
Finding Strength Through Adversity In The Conventional World

Dan Millman
We are dealing with our kids or school or work, challenges in relationships, finances, decision making, or about our next steps. This is the conventional world, and we ought to be in touch with that.
And yet, there’s a yearning I believe in each person to understand life’s bigger picture which leads people to religious worship, spiritual practices or studying of the cosmos.
Understand Life’s Bigger Picture To Find Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
What are we doing here? What are we here to do as human beings? What’s going on? Are we just stuck in a TV drama like The Truman Show?
Is there something going on that’s maybe deeper and more profound? That is what I need to write The Hidden School to convey that we can find strength through adversity.

Luis Congdon
One of the things you just said is recognizing or acknowledging what’s happening around us which is the miracle, or in Buddhism, “thusness” or the “suchness” of life. I don’t feel like that was right term.
Strength Through Adversity And Suchness Of Life

Luis Congdon
What I’m trying to aim at is there’s a scene in the Peaceful Warrior movie where Nick Nolte touches your character. He touches him while he was out in the park, and all of a sudden, he takes in everything he sees; the dogs, he hears the color, he sees the flower and bees. He sees the people kissing. He can listen to the sound of a kiss. He can notice the saliva, the sun, the greenery on everything.
As I was reading through your newest book, that’s what I started to get out of it. It’s like how do we start doing that on a daily basis to find strength through adversity?

Kamala Chambers
What amazing scene that is too.

Dan Millman
Well, thanks, Kamala. Yeah, I agree, and I think you did use the right terms. I believe that they’re related closely because in the Buddhist terminology, “thusness” or suchness is reality simply as it is.
Find Strength Through Adversity And Realize That Troubles Are Subjective In Mind

Dan Millman
Barbara Rasp, a writer, said, “The lesson is simple, but the student is complicated.” And as Mark Twain put it, “I’ve had many troubles in my life, most of which never happened.”
Most of our troubles are subjective in our whirling mind, and we don’t see reality as it is. We perceive it as we are through a filter of our perceptions, beliefs, associations, and projections. We complicate reality.
Find Strength Through Adversity And Don’t Complicate Reality

Dan Millman
Reality rises without problems. It just changes.
Something I often remind my students and my readers is that life comes at us in waves of change, sometimes frequent and sometimes rare. We can’t predict or control these changes, but we can learn to surf these waves and face our lives with more resilience, perspective, and grace.
Accept Reality And Face The Changes To Find Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
Accepting reality as it is, is part of our reality. Whether we happened to like it or not, we roll up our sleeves, and we make the best of it, and that is a life skill that sometimes takes a lifetime to develop.
Rather than resisting, wondering, and feeling self-pity, and so on, just face the changes. Sometimes we like them; sometimes we don’t.
Having Free Attention And Find Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
But you’re referring to something of a more numinous or transcendent nature that they did very well in the film to show that the doors of perception opening wide when attention is free, and I convey that in the book, of course, as well. That’s something a bit different. It’s about free attention rather than subliminally muttering to ourselves, “What am I going to do about my relationship? What am I going to do about this problem or that?”
If someone said, “What is the main thing you wanted to give readers who complete The Hidden School?” It is just what you’ve raised astutely which is for us to refresh our appreciation at the incredible opportunity just to be born a human being on planet earth.
Meditation Inspires Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
I convey near the end of the book through a journey through death. I experienced a meditation near the end of the book, and I’m going to be teaching that at my various seminars and retreats. It’s a four-minute meditation in the process of dying. It has several powerful and positive uses. It’s not a morbid activity.
In fact, I do this meditation on the subways here in New York City. It’s one of my favorite places to meditate because of the challenges involved.
This meditation reminds us of all that we relinquish, and let go of as we go through the process of dying.
Appreciate Being In The Moment To Find Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
And then, after the meditation, all of it floods back, and we realized all we’re given because it’s easy to take that for granted. But every day, what an opportunity it is.
I don’t mean to sound like Pollyanna or Rara-type person but it’s penetrated me, and I hope my readers get a taste of that.
As you say, with all our issues in physical or otherwise, it’s just appreciating the gift of being here in this lifetime and this moment.

Kamala Chambers
It is truly a gift.
Every single moment is a new one, isn’t it?
One thing I want to hear from you is about a peaceful warrior. Could you tell us a little bit more about what it means to be a peaceful warrior and live as a peaceful warrior every day?
A Peaceful Warrior Means Found Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
Sure, Kamala. Yeah, especially for people who aren’t familiar with my work, the term peaceful warrior can seem like an oxymoron, like a contradiction or a paradox, and I discuss mystery a lot in The Hidden School, and it’s a key to understanding and building a bridge between worlds. The term is about all of us.
I’ll share a personal anecdote of how I came up with that term.
How A TV Series Inspired Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
I was a big fan of the old Kung Fu TV series. You may be both too young to appreciate it.

Kamala Chambers
Oh, I remember.

Dan Millman
Kwai Chang Caine, David Carradine played this peaceful Shaolin monk searching for his half-brother in the early American West. He was a man of peace, but he was trained in Kung Fu or Shaolin temple boxing. I guess it was in his contract to kick some butt ones a week because that was part of the show, how he avoided conflict whenever possible, and he was healer.
I used to watch that show when I was professor at Oberlin College. I’d have to break away from a seminar I was teaching, a symposium and say, “Look, I’ve got to get home for Kung Fu.” That was the old days where if you’ve missed it, you missed it until reruns.
Naming A Book By Finding Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
I was teaching a martial arts class. It was aikido and tai chi, and the basics of these internal arts. I was going to call the class the Way of the Warrior, which makes sense but I said, “That doesn’t quite fit.”
Then, the idea pop into my mind, “How about the way of the peaceful warrior?” and when I finally wrote the book some years later, I named it that. That’s how the term came about.
How All Of Us Can Find Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
What it means and the reason it applies to all of us is that every single one of us, every day is seeking ways to live with a more peaceful heart, more serenity, less stress. But at the same time, we all acknowledge that there are times we need a warrior’s spirit. Not to fight necessarily, except those inner demons of self-doubt, insecurity, and second guessing ourselves all the time.
There is a battle internally, but what it’s about is marching into life and facing the natural challenges we meet every day, small, and sometimes very large. That’s why we need a warrior’s spirit.
Attaining Other Gifts And Strength From Adversity

Dan Millman
We’ve all been through challenges, but we can look back and go “Yeah. I’m a little stronger and a little wiser now.”
Every adversity has hidden gifts. In fact, it is daily life as I see it and reality or being very realistic.
Spiritual Training To Achieve Strength Through Adversity

Kamala Chambers
That is true.
I’d love to hear what are some other forms of spiritual weight training or some tips you would give that we can implement in our daily lives to live more as peaceful warriors?

Dan Millman
I occasionally give tips, but it’s a more matter of reminders and perspectives.
Here’s a tip since you asked for it Kamala.
Strength Through Adversity As The Secret For Turning What We Know Into What We Do

Dan Millman
I recommend to people, by all means, dream big but start small, and then connect the dots.

Dan Millman
Most of us over reach.
Overreaching Stops Us From Having Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
When I was little, my parents and I would go to a cafeteria, and I’d take too much food. I could never eat it. They’d say this old saying, “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” and I was over reaching, and most of us do that.
We resolve to go the gym an hour and half a day or do some heavy-duty weight training or an hour and a half yoga class three times a week, but often, we don’t maintain that for an extended period.
A little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing.
A Peaceful Warrior Workout To Attain Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
That is why for over 30 years, I begin my day with a four-minute peaceful warrior workout. That’s four minutes of gentle movement, deep breathing, and stretching. It gets every part of the body, balance, strength, flexibility, relaxation, coordination, and rhythm timing.
I’ve taught this workout. Anybody can go to my website and click on online courses, and learn this four-minute workout. I’m also going to be teaching a four-minute meditation based on what I write in The Hidden School. This is a meditation on death, which helps us to live truly.
Key Tip To Find Strength Through Adversity

Dan Millman
This is I think a key tip I would give if you want to call it that about dream big, but start small. We’re more likely to work it into our lives. Get our foot in the door of self-discipline rather than over reach.
But regarding perspectives, all of us intuitively appreciate that we grow through adversity.
I would love to start a whole new school of spiritual growth based on watching our favorite videos and eating ice cream, but I haven’t found that to be terribly useful in the long run. It’s more through a challenge that life develops what it demands.
Strength Through Adversity That Is Done Voluntarily

Dan Millman
There’s a term that maybe I invented or coined called “voluntary adversity.”
I ask people at some of my seminars “How many of you have engaged in a sport or fitness training or learn a musical instrument or learn a new language or how to play chess or those sorts of things? The fact is those are all forms of voluntary adversity.
Life is easier if we don’t take on those challenges. Life is easier if we don’t form any intimate relationships. Life is easier if we don’t take any responsibility for anything. But I don’t think we’re here ultimately just to live easy.
Gaining Strength Through Adversity And Hardships

Dan Millman
We, human beings and peaceful warriors in training are here to get a grip on our lives, and take on the challenges willingly even though we don’t pretend always to like it.
Exertion is hard sometimes. Get a good rest, and then play hard, work hard.
Intimate relationships and raising children are voluntary adversities.
I’ve been married for 43 years. My wife Joana is my guardian angel and best friend, but we bump heads sometimes. You know about relationships.

Luis Congdon
No way, Dan. No way.

Dan Millman
Raising kids is not easy. We love our daughters and grandkids, but not easy.
Find Strength Through Adversity And Its Different Forms

Dan Millman
Being engaged in the world of business and striving to thrive are forms of voluntary adversity that are going to build strength and wisdom.
That’s why we’re all peaceful warriors.

Luis Congdon
Dan, I had two different thoughts as you’re talking.
One, I was curious why four minutes. I’ve noticed there’s a pattern with the four minutes. I was very curious about why you’ve chosen four minutes. For me, it seems very doable, and it’s enticing for most people.
Spend Four-Minutes To Attain Strength Through Adversity

Luis Congdon
If you don’t have four minutes, you got something going on in your life that shouldn’t be happening because all of us could have a couple of minutes to relax, center, and ground ourselves.
The other thing I was thinking too while I was talking is I wouldn’t be surprised if Socrates legacy goes into Dan and Dan eventually meets someone like him and teaches that to someone else. It’s kind of this loop that these teachings get passed on, but that’s just another thought there. I know it’s a little bit of tangled up, but I felt that like, “I think there’s going to be another one.”

Dan Millman
In brief, yes.
It just worked out four minutes. I don’t know why I did, but that’s how long the workout takes generally. It could be three for somebody and five for someone else, and the meditation ended up about four minutes. It wasn’t deliberate. I didn’t have to try to make that happen.
People Who Teach How To Find Strength Through Adversity Are Everywhere

Dan Millman
As far as the loop goes, people have written to me saying “I’m sad after reading peaceful warrior. I wished I’d had a teacher like Socrates.” I write them back and say, “You do have a teacher like Socrates. That’s why I wrote the book, so my teacher could become yours.” and our teachers are everywhere.

Luis Congdon
That’s beautiful by the way because I know when I was reading a lot of this spirituality books like Yogananda and different teachers, I kept thinking “I want this teacher.” I remember just searching for it and wanting it, and then eventually I had this sentiment like, “Wait. Every moment is my teacher. Every moment I have this teacher teaching me.

Dan Millman
Exactly. You’ve realized that, and not everyone has.
Pay Attention To Achieve Strength

Dan Millman
You know that old saying “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” But, many people are waiting for that teacher like Socrates to appear, but I think there’s a deeper meaning in that saying.
The teacher appears everywhere every day when we’re paying attention.
That’s the key to notice that.
There’s a video clip at my website or will be by tomorrow in which I relate the story.
True story, I was working as an administrator in a small school. I could feel I was getting tensed. It was a Friday afternoon. I wanted to finish all these things. I had to make phone calls, fill out some forms, and the time was ticking by.
Anything Could Be Your Teacher

Dan Millman
I happen to look out the window for a moment, and I took a deep breath because I saw this cloud drifting by the window. It wasn’t racing the wind. It was just going with the flow. Somehow, that cloud at that moment became my teacher.
I took a deep breath, relaxed, made the calls, and finished the paper work and got everything done without all that stress and tension. That cloud was my teacher at the moment I was paying attention.

Kamala Chambers
I love that, and I have learned some amazing lessons from the clouds, trees, and flowers.
Lessons Are Everywhere

Kamala Chambers
The experiences are everywhere. It’s like these moments that are always calling us back into ourselves and into that sense of connection.

Luis Congdon
Dan, it’s been a pleasure to have you here.
Thriving Launchers, what an honor it’s been here to sit here with you, with Dan, with Kamala, and just to receive this wisdom and information but Dan, more than anything, to be gifted by your work.
Again, back to my childhood, I used to get in a lot of fights. Thriving Launchers, you guys know this. I come from a different country, I grew up in the streets, and then I was adopted. I came here, and I got into a lot of fights, and my mom gave me your book.
How The Book Way Of The Peaceful Warrior Can Impact Children

Luis Congdon
At one point, she would read it to me as a kid, and it started programming me with this idea that you could be a peaceful warrior. Not a warrior who has to smash and hit other people. It changed me as a kid.
I hope you guys, Thriving Launchers, had some more seeds set in you and your life, and that something has begun to change inside of you even if you don’t know it already.
It’s been a real pleasure and honor to be here with you, Dan, and Thriving Launchers, make sure to take some nugget.
If for me, my nugget today out of this interview is just to try to appreciate each moment, a little bit more notice, “Oh, I’m sitting here. This is what it feels like to feel this blanket against my leg. This is what it feels like to breathe in this breath, and I’m very thankful for that.” Just to notice that for me is a real gift.
Take Away Something

Luis Congdon
I don’t know what you guys took away, but I want you to take something away and don’t just, “Oh, I listened to that interview,” but maybe go and share that with someone else. Say, “I listened to this interview. There’s this podcast I enjoy,” and tell them what you took away from it because then, you make that seed grow.
Socrates taught Dan. Dan is teaching it to his children and us, and now, you go and show it to someone else.
Thriving Launchers, it’s been a blast to here with you guys, and keep thriving.