Stop Pain – Steve Ozanich

On this episode with Steve Ozanich, author of The Great Pain Deception, he talks about the real cause of pain and how we can recover from it. If you’re in pain, make sure you listen to this episode.

Chronic pain has nothing to do with the physical body. It’s an unconscious emotional process.
If the pain or disease is chronic, take a look at the unconscious process happening.
Anger is from separation.
There’s no one cookie-cutter method to get healed because everybody is unique.
To stop pain get more physically active.
Healing begins when you get into the mind.
The key to getting healed is to do whatever you want to do in your life with no fear.
As long as people are afraid to do anything physical, then they’re doomed to have reoccurrences of pain.
The brain is opportunistic and attaches itself to injuries.
The brain gives you physical symptoms, so you’ll divert your awareness on the physical pain and away from what’s causing the problem.
The brain thinks that emotional pain is worse than the physical pain.
Start writing things out. Ask yourself what could be irritating you.
Forgiveness is necessary for healing.
Get a good physical exam to rule out malignant diseases. Make sure your life is not in any danger first before you try the stop pain methods.
Acute injury pain is a gift from nature to let us know we’re in danger.
By nature’s design, the body heals itself. It cannot stay in chronic pain forever unless there’s an emotional process keeping the pain around.

Luis Congdon
Do you have any back or body pain and want to stop pain? Are you sitting in front of your desk or computer for long periods of time? Or do you just walk around and you have some pain happening, and you don’t know the answer?
On today’s episode, we’re going to help you get some answers and show you how to stop pain and record time.
On today’s episode, we have Steve Ozanich talking about how to stop pain. He’s the author of The Great Pain Deception. It’s a fantastic read for anyone who has any physical pain or ailments that are physical in the body, and how to recover from them.
Steve joins us today to share some breakthrough methodologies and insights around pain, how to stop pain, and the pain deception.

Kamala Chambers
Welcome to the show, Steve.
Are you ready to launch into how to stop pain?

Steve Ozanich
I am. Yes. Let’s talk about how to stop pain.

Kamala Chambers
It’s exciting to have you here. This topic is so important for all of us because we all have pain in some form or another and want to know how to stop pain.
I would love to hear your overview of where you approach pain from.

Steve Ozanich
Sure. I guess let’s start with what happened to me.
I was in pain for 30 straight years, and I tried everything. I didn’t know how to stop pain I mean absolutely everything. Just a few weeks short of surgery, I found this Dr. John Sarno at the NY University. His book, Healing Back Pain, is talking about how it’s not coming from the structure of the spine. It’s not the herniated disk. It’s not the stenosis. It’s not the crookedness of it. It’s not the degeneration. It’s none of those things. It is oxygen loss from the autonomic nervous system.
Address The Emotions To Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
When I read that book, and I did the work, I healed. I’ve been free now for 17 years. Of course, this has to do with all parts of the body whether it’s knees, shoulders, feet, or hands. He called this thing “TMS” for Tension Myoneural Syndrome. He changed the world forever, but the world doesn’t know it yet.
A film just came out about him last December called All the Rage. He’s turned the entire medical paradigm upside down on its head. Of course, there’s significant resistance to it. But, I’ve been working with people for 17 years now. I have three books out there.
People heal virtually every single time once they understand there’s nothing wrong with their physical body in chronic pain.
Chronic pain has nothing to do with the physical body. It’s an unconscious emotional process, and the unconscious emotion is primarily anger.

Luis Congdon
That’s fascinating.
I know several people who have healed using your work. It resonates with me because when we have a lot of emotions locked in our bodies, we’re holding this tension and walking around with that, right?

Steve Ozanich
The highest hurdle is that it’s unconscious.
When I read his work at first, I didn’t understand it either. I didn’t quite get the notion of the unconscious. I kept saying, “Okay. But I don’t feel any anger. I don’t feel the anxiety. I don’t feel that.”
You never will. You will never feel these things. They are unconscious. They’re outside of your awareness, and they’re coming through the body in what’s called somatizing, or the body’s expressing it.
Look At The Unconscious To Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
The proof all of these structural changes in the body are not causing the pain is that almost everyone heals, and they’re still there. So it could not have been the cause.
My books have helped tens of thousands to heal right now, and Dr. Sarno is in the millions by now. It is a very amazing and elegant process because, by nature’s design, the body knows how to heal itself.
Whether it’s a disease or pain, if it’s ongoing and you can’t stop it, you have to take a look at an unconscious process happening.

Kamala Chambers
One thing I want to get into here is how to stop pain.
Do you say that most pain is unexpressed anger and it’s not about feeling the anger or expressing it in certain ways? Because we can’t ever know it’s there because it’s unconscious. So if we get rid of anger can we stop pain?
What method do you take people through to start to unwind and stop pain that’s living in the body?

Steve Ozanich
The primary method is the knowledge of what’s going on between mind and body.
The usual course of events is you have a pain in your back, and you go to a physician. You will take an MRI, and they’ll see a herniated disk right there. They go “Right there. That’s it. There’s the cause.” That’s been proven wrong so many decades ago back in the 1970’s.
You have to reject or repudiate that the structural changes would be the cause of your pain. You begin to gather this knowledge. You read about what is happening between the mind and the body in this whole process of TMS.
Sometimes, people will heal after the books are read. I have quite a few individuals who have read my book and recovered.
It Takes Courage To Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
Now, most of the people don’t need more work. They don’t need to dig into their lives a little bit deeper, their relationships, how much fun or how much fear are they having in their lives.
There’s even a smaller percentage that will need intense therapy because they were severely abandoned as children. That’s where all of the anger comes from by the way. Anger is from separation. When we have no control of the people separating from us in our life, this is where the anger comes in.
If we can control everything we wanted throughout our day, we would never be angry. It’s the things we don’t have power that cause the anger.
There’s no one cookie-cutter method because everybody is unique. Although we are all the same in many ways, everybody is also unique.
Some people are just amazingly can read it. I’ve had people with severe fibromyalgia do Skype consultations with me. By the time we were done talking, their pain was gone. They were able to stop pain. It’s the same with back pain or knee pain sometimes, but the usual course of events is to dig deeper. Do more work.
If you’re asking about a process, one of the things is to become more physical to stop pain.
Dr. Sarno said, “The most important aspect that you have to do to stop pain is to get more aggressive physically.” Now, that’s scary for most people because they feel like they’re doing damage to the body.

A Paradigm Shift To Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
I began running, and I was scared to do it because I had lost 54 pounds at one point. It worked. It took me a while, but I was in serious shape. I had a paralyzed left leg. My left leg was paralyzed for nine months. I drag my drop foot around the house for nine months. The whole time, the neurosurgeon was saying, “You’ve got a pinched nerve.” Well, that wasn’t true at all. It wasn’t getting any oxygen.
This way to stop pain is all a complete paradigm shift. It is an amazing discovery and worthy of a Nobel Prize in medicine.
Each person’s individual, when I consult with them, I listen to their words. What are their greatest fears? What do they understand about the process?
I’m, in essence, an educator. I just teach people about this process, and they’re healing in amazingly high rate especially when great people like you two let us get this message out there because it gets blocked at every turn.
The medical industry blocks this message to stop pain at every single turn. No matter what articles I put in in newspapers or magazines, they always have all of their advertising around it.

Luis Congdon
Steve, something that you’re saying that is powerful especially for us as entrepreneurs, coaches for entrepreneurs, and then just for myself as someone who’s into sports and movements.
Recently, we did an interview with Brandon Lucero. This is how I found your work here Steve. It’s because of a friend of mine as well as a coach and entrepreneur, Brandon Lucero.
How Brandon Learned To Stop Pain

Luis Congdon
He was doing a big launch. He’s launching a digital product and putting it out there. He was working hard to get all the content out, and everything that he had to do to launch a product and get it into the hands of a lot of people.
Towards the end of his launch, his back went out, and he was bedridden. He couldn’t get up and move around. He was not sure what to do, and he reached out to one of his other friends, James Wedmore.
James said he was in so much pain as well that he couldn’t stand or do anything. He ended up ordering your book, and within 24 hours, he was moving around, shooting hoops, walking around the block, and completely changed, and has never had that issue come back.
Brandon reached out to me. About two days after he told me about his back pain, I reached out to him, and I said, “Hey. How’s it going?” He goes, “Man, I’m like 80 – 90% better.” I said “Wow. Well, what changed?” He said, “I got this book. James suggested it, and I’m good now.” “Woah! What did you do? Did you go to a chiropractor? What kind of medicine did you take? What did you do?”
He said, “I read the book, and one of the key things this book by Steve said is that the physical pains are a lot of times manifestations of anger.” I thought, “Woah! What kind of therapy do you do in 24 hours to get in touch with that anger and release it so you can move?”
Move More To Stop Pain

Luis Congdon
It’s fascinating because if you’re an entrepreneur and sitting at your desk all the time, you’re getting neck pains, back pains, and stiff hips. We want to stop pain. All of us who work on our computers a lot experience that.
This is the current day and age where we sit on our computers a lot.
Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks who was also on our show said, “Sitting is the new cancer.”
That’s something I hear you talking about too. If you want to stop pain, the antidote is action, getting in touch with what anger is there.”
I’m curious from you. Are there particular movements you recommend? What kind of therapy are we talking about here in regards to getting in touch with that anger?

Steve Ozanich
There are fine lines in everything that we do here, and that’s one of them.
Anything that you do actionable is going to cause the pain to stay longer.
That’s why you have to stop everything that you’re doing. No surgeries, no injections, no chiropractic manipulations, no acupuncture, and no physical therapy. You have to stop all of that and get into the mind. This is where the healing begins.
Of course, your friend there, it’s his pushing himself to get that launch out there.
When we’re being pushed hard, all the unconscious anger arises. The magnitude is off the charts. It happens a lot when people are getting married or when they’re in college or whatever.
I remember Dr. Sarno in 20/20 talking about that. These people push themselves hard, and it’s deeply enraging. The child inside of us does not like that at all.
So as far as the physical aspects of it, you don’t want to do anything specifically physical ever to reduce pain because that’s nothing but physical therapy.
Get Physical To Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
By becoming physical, we mean get out there and do what you want to do with your life. Just live your life the way you want to do it. If you want to play tennis, if you want to golf, if you want to run marathons, whatever, just do it with no fear. That’s the key.
He created this word called Physical Phobia. As long as people are afraid to do anything physical, then they’re doomed to have recurrences of pain. That’s a quote from his great book.
Go start living again. Forget about your body. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
No matter what your physician has said, no matter what you’ve seen on those MRIs, that is not the cause of the pain.
The brain just happens to be using that at that time in the body. Sometimes, it will use a herniation. Sometimes, it will use a narrowing.

Luis Congdon
This is where I like. I want to interject here because I hear you say, “Get out there and do stuff. When you’re having some herniation or your back is out, or your neck is hurting badly you can barely move, just get out there and do something. Live your life, and it’s all in mind.” It helps to stop pain
When I hear you say that, I go immediately, “Man. The medical community must hate you.” What you’re saying sounds you could potentially be dangerous when it comes to how to stop pain.
And so, what are the fine lines with what you’re saying about how to stop pain? Because to me, it sounds potentially dangerous, what you’re saying as well.

Steve Ozanich
People have to get checked out medically because there are things that are not this of course.
Driven People Can Easily Use This Stop Pain Method

Steve Ozanich
I ran across a guy who had an aneurysm in his spine. That’s not what we’re talking about here. There have been people with tumors in their spine. That’s not what we’re talking about here either. We’re talking about the common herniation, the scoliosis, degenerative disc, and other common things.
One of those fine lines is that if you start going out to reduce the pain physically, then you’re doing nothing but physical therapy again. It’s the obsession with the body. That’s what the brain wants.
The brain is creating a symptom, hoping you obsess because the people by a large have OCD personalities. They’re anxious.
By the way, there’s a certain personality that fits this pain syndrome better than anything that we call the “Type T” which is T for Tension. They’re usually warriors, independent, hard driven, somewhat anxious, very responsible, and best. Dr. Sarno talked about that.
These people are good, and it’s easier for them to stop pain in this way. They always want to keep everybody happy around them. But perfectionism is the main word that would encompass everything that we see in them. They’re perfectionists.

Luis Congdon
I don’t qualify for that.

Steve Ozanich
It’s about being perfectionistic in the things you like. Not everything. There are certain things I could care less about. There are other things I’m a perfectionist in.
The process is just mind blowing how much it works to stop pain.

Kamala Chambers
This is something that when we spoke with Brandon about his miraculous recovery from reading your book, he said he was up and dancing. Within 20 minutes, he had forgotten about the pain. What he was talking about when he learned from your book was that he was re-shifting his focus away from the pain and distracting himself from focusing so heavily on the pain. He was able to stop pain.
Using The Brain To Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich

Kamala Chambers
Can you talk a little bit about that process to stop pain? and what we can do to stop pain?

Steve Ozanich
The brain wants you to obsess on your body.

Steve Ozanich
So it’s about shifting your conscious awareness away from what your physical body sensations are giving you, and into your unconscious to try to figure out “All right. What is going on here? Why am I so stressed and angry right now? What’s going on in my life?”
The main question I ask everybody is, “What’s going on in your life right now?” Everybody can pick it up. I had a guy in a local restaurant here. He was hobbling over to me and holding his back. He says “That guy over there tells me you wrote a book on back pain.” And I said, “Yes. When’s your divorce?” And he looked at me, and he goes “How could you know that my wife and I are getting a divorce because we’ve not told anybody?”
This is part of the process. Something is going on in your life. It’s usually death, or somebody is sick in the family, or you’re fighting with someone, or you’re pushing to get a project out like your friend.
These people are nice people, but at the same time, the deeper self just hates being pushed like that. It just hates it. It despises it, and it throws a fit in psychological conflict. It creates to do you a favor. Your brain is doing you a favor here because you’re about to be overwhelmed by all of these powerful emotions.
Stop Pain That Is Emotional

Steve Ozanich
The brain gives you physical symptoms, so you’ll divert your conscious awareness on the physical symptom and away from what’s causing the problem.
For some reason, the brain is deemed that emotional pain is worse than physical pain in our evolution somewhere.

Luis Congdon
So what do we have to do? What do I have to do to get in touch with that frustration?
For example, I’m sitting on my computer, and my back or neck is starting to hurt, or I’m just taking out the garbage and all of a sudden, I feel like I can barely move.
What do I need to do to get in touch with that emotional anger I’m holding onto and is it going to be a hard process? Is it going to be like talking about your childhood with somebody? What is that process?

Steve Ozanich
Now, we’re getting into the heart of it, but this gets complex.
Healing doesn’t have to be complex, but psychology behind it can be
Dr. Sarno had a patient named Helen. She was bedridden for a couple of years of severe pain and her family heard about him in New York, and got her up there. Under psychoanalysis, she remembered being molested by her father when she was five years old.
She was in late 40’s at this point. He sent her to incest support group, and her pain got worst and worst. She wanted to know how to stop pain. So she called him back. Her husband called Dr. Sarno back and said, “We believe you, Dr. Sarno. We believe that this is the cause, but I’m getting worst.” And the lady’s husband said, “You’re talking about 42 years of repression.” When he said that to her, she lost it. She melted it down. She started shaking it. She was going to have a heart attack.
The Truth Will Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
She was yelling “I want to die! I want to die! Let me die!!” and she was shaking. She saw her life flashing before her eyes, and within minutes, the pain disappeared. She was able to stop pain.
Dr. Sarno said, “I see what’s going on here. It’s a protective barrier between these unwanted emotions. It’s blocking things just to help you so you can cope with your daily life.”
Now, everybody that came in to see Dr. Sarno wanted to do that. They want to reach in and rip those emotions out and just be free, but it doesn’t work that way. He said that’s the only time he’d ever seen that happen in 50 years that he was practicing medicine where the unconscious burst through to consciousness
And so, we have to do it through the conscious mind. We have to start thinking about things like journaling. Start writing things out. What could be irritating me right now? Sometimes, the people write this list out, and they were horrified about it because they’re 30 – 50 pages long.
There’s something about it. It’s the awareness of what’s going on and that there’s nothing wrong with my physical body at all. This is an unconscious process that’s causing this. I should not fear. I should go back to living. There’s something about that that sets the person free of the pain.
Of course, it’s been said: “And the truth will set you free.” This is what’s happening. The truth is here to stop pain.

Luis Congdon
Steve, you said something that stuck me about how to stop pain. It was great, and I made a little comment there when you were talking about perfectionism, and I said, “Oh, that’s not me.” And then you responded by saying, “Well, in other areas sometimes we’re perfectionists in.” So I might not be an overall perfectionist but maybe in certain areas.
Letting Go To Stop Pain

Luis Congdon
Right before this interview, I was looking for certain chords and trying to set-up a great microphone. You guys here at Thriving Launch know that I have about three or four of those, but I have one I like to use when I’m not traveling.
I’m visiting family right now so I’m staying put for a little bit, and I couldn’t find a chord. Then, I get on the call with you guys, and I felt little frustrated because I didn’t have the perfect music so I could set up the perfect sound system. And so, I’m not getting the sound that I want.
As a podcaster and as a business person who hosts the shows, it’s crucial to me. Then you said something about the perfectionist thing, and I kind of like “I noticed that” and I went, “Oh, yeah. My back is hurting a little bit, and I’m going just to let go of the fact that I don’t have to have the perfect chord. Podcast listeners are fairly forgiving. I don’t have to have the perfect sound. It’s not about that. We’re not producing a gold album here. We’re just trying to get some fantastic content out with Steve here that could change our listener’s lives.”
I noticed there’s this flood of energy opened up in my body, and I didn’t feel that tension as much anymore. When I let go I was able to stop pain.

Steve Ozanich
That’s right.
Letting go is one of the biggest things that we can do. That’s one of the last chapters in my book The Great Pain Deception. It’s called letting go. Sometimes, letting go is one of the hardest things that we can do, though. Forgiveness is also in this formula of healing.
Knowledge To Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
There’s an excellent psychiatrist named Gerald Jampolsky that I cited in my first book. He had lifelong back pain. He said there was this voice in his head one day that said, “You were holding grievances against this people. He said he forgave those people and his back pain went away and never came back. He was able to stop pain. It’s not a cookie-cutter thing. I can’t say do X, Y, and Z, and you will heal.
Ways to get healed can be different because the human brain is so complex that working with each person is an art form. You have to get a feeling for what they’re afraid of, what they don’t understand.
Knowledge is the first thing in this process. You need to have the knowledge.
I guess the first step is always getting a good physical exam. You want to make sure there’s no malignant process happening there. Make sure your life is not in any danger first. That’s the most important thing to do. But once the doctor clears you of danger, disregard all that other stuff that he tells you about this arthritis or that arthritis.
I’ve seen people with the most amazing arthritis heal from this, and it’s just amazing. Even my left hip that looks like a candle worked over. There’s no hip joint left in it. And yet, the pain disappeared from there because my brain was only using those arthritic changes. It was opportunistic.
And so, what we have here is a spurious correlation. The medical industry has created spurious correlations which mean false correlations between what’s seen on the imaging and the sensations of pain. That was the brilliant discovery of Dr. Sarno, and he’s helped a lot of people.

Luis Congdon
There’s something that you remind me of and Kamala, feel free to chime in. You have a lot of input and great wealth of knowledge in this area just as far as health and stuff.
Decrease Stess To Stop Pain

Luis Congdon
I was reading the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, and in one of his chapters, he cites a study of people who had a history of repeated heart attacks. They spoke with the doctor. They did some experimental treatment with individuals who had heart attacks. They had them do some deep breathing exercises and some meditation, and no one else had a stroke again.
When Daniel Goleman interviewed the doctor, the doctor said, “If I could teach people how to be less stressed, I feel like my job as a physician would be pretty much done for 80% – 90% of my clients.” Decreasing stress helps to stop pain.

Steve Ozanich
That’s true.
I’ve seen that book. Amazon’s always suggesting that to me. I might pick that book up.
But yeah, that is true.
A heart attack is your heart attacking you because you’re driving it crazy.
It can’t take it anymore. It has nothing to do with genes. There’s no genetics involved in this TMS process at all. It doesn’t matter whether your dad and mom had back pain, and their mother and father had back pain but can heal. The people recover. It has nothing to with that.
A physical symptom is a strategy by the brain to help you cope and to protect you from things that you do not want to know. And so, they’re outside of your awareness. You’ll never know them.

Kamala Chambers
One thing about what you’re saying is it’s such empowering information even if we’re listening right now and we’re not in chronic pain just to take this information in and use it for later.
Making The Choice To Stop Pain

Kamala Chambers
I know that with what you’re saying about most of the pain is from anger, and then that anger comes from abandonment that we’ve had some time in our life. I’ve been thinking a lot about our friend Brandon Lucero talking about his experience with this.
I’m out in the woods right now in my cabin. Luis is out in the mountains with his family, and I’m out on an island, so I’m alone out in the woods. I was climbing my very steep stairs, and the power went out. While I was on the stairs and I slipped and fell pretty far.
Just like I was lying there alone in the wood in so much pain, I felt alone at that moment. I didn’t know how to stop pain. I know that at that moment, there was a choice. I could have driven that pain deeper into my body or I thought about what Brandon shared and I thought I just need to get up and keep moving.
I think I may have sprained or broken my toe, but I haven’t been stopped. I’ve been walking still, and I am going skiing in a few days. I kept going to stop pain.
It’s not about ignoring it even though my toe’s black and blue. For me, it’s not about putting the pain away altogether or hurting myself or just checking out, but it’s becoming more present by moving through it. Is that like a little bit about the process you’re talking about?

Steve Ozanich
Yeah, a little bit. But of course, we can injure ourselves. That’s called an acute injury.
Acute injury pain is a gift from nature to let us know we’re in danger. Whether you’ve touched something too hot or you’ve cut yourself, or you have an infection. Acute injuries help us to inform us.
Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
The problem is if you’re in a TMS state, and you’re pushing yourself hard at that time. There are all kinds of relationship things going on in your life, and then, you fall as you did, the brain will become opportunistic, and it will attach itself to that injury, and it won’t heal. Months will go by and sometimes, years will go by, and this person can’t get over it. That’s the brain using it at that point.
Yes. You can hurt yourself like it sounds like you did but the body would heal in very quick fashion in days, weeks, or months if you’ve injured yourself terribly.

Kamala Chambers
I feel that healing is much more rapid than it would have been if I would have focused on how in pain or how alone I am. how will I stop pain. And focused on how to stop pain.

Steve Ozanich
Right. Exactly. The knowledge right there helped you stop pain. The knowledge of what was going on. The knowledge of what could happen.
This is not just chronic pain either. We’re talking about ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, Lyme diseases. The doctors are creating epidemics all over with this Lyme thing.
These people have chronic TMS. It’s TMS pain, but when they go in, they’ll do blood work, and they’ll see that that the Lyme antibody titers are in there. And so, they’ll blame it on Lyme when it is not Lyme. Just because their antibodies are in the body does not mean it’s causing the pain and so these non-stop false associations with the testing and symptom.
How Can We Stop Pain That’s Chronic?

Steve Ozanich
The TMS physicians are the elite doctors in the world. They know the difference real. I don’t want to call this. This is not an unreal pain. This is a real physical pain like your friend Brandon knows he was in severe pain.
The TMS physicians will talk to the person for like an hour and a half. “Okay. What’s going on in your life now? What was your relationship like with your parents? Do you need to push yourself hard? Do you need to win?”
A lot of the times, this personality needs to win. We have to do it right. We have to be first. It can be complex, but sometimes, this drive people crazy when they’re told what’s going on, and the pain disappears. That drives most people crazy because they’re able to uproot the old paradigm in their mind quickly and just flip it up and then, boom! They’re on with their lives again.
Mine started when I was a little boy. My pain started when I was 14 years old. There was a lot of tension around. I was pushing myself to be an athlete all-star in many sports. It just got to me. I didn’t know how to stop pain.
Then, I went to the physicians, and they made it last for 30 years constantly doing things to it, and the more I did to it, the longer it lasted. I couldn’t seem to stop pain.
The key, as Dr. Sarno proved, is to stop all that stuff. Go out and live your life again. You’re okay. I am so thrilled to be telling people this work because each one of these shows that I do, somebody contacts me and they heal.
Get More Support To Stop Pain

Steve Ozanich
Hopefully, if somebody is listening here who has something like it could be a skin problem. It goes into your teeth. Sometimes, people get their teeth pulled, which they don’t need and then, it moves to the next tooth because the brain just keeps shifting the strategy.
For example, with Tiger Woods right now, he pulled out of the new golf tournament again. He gets his disk operated on, and it just moves to the next disc. That’s the way brain does it. The brain just shifts its strategy. It’ll just keep shifting until you deal with what’s going on behind the scenes in your life.
I hope some of your listeners will benefit from this because it’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

Luis Congdon
Thank you so much for joining us here today talking about how to stop pain, Steve.
We’re just skimming the surface with the points he made today about how to stop pain. His book, The Great Pain Deception has got a lot more in depth stuff. Like I said before, it’s helped somebody like James Wedmore go within 24 hours from having a herniated back and not being able to move to 24 hours later. He’s out there playing basketball, throwing Frisbee, walking around, and working. Brandon Lucero has the same story.
I’m enthralled by the work on how to stop pain and today’s interview.
Thank you, Steve. It’s a pleasure to have you here on the show today talking about how to stop pain.

Steve Ozanich
Thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about how to stop pain.
Thank you for the info in this podcast! Regarding the story at min 19, there is actually a scientific explanation and somatic method of engaging the body’s natural shaking mechanism to restore itself back to homeostasis. It is called TRE ( Tension & Trauma Releading Exercises) pioneered by Dr.David Berceli and it is a dyi process of engaging the automatic nervous system via exercises and breath in a safe way to release tension & trauma stored in the body. More info on Dr.Berceli’s site
Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks for sharing more insight on Trauma healing. It’s very important information.
Hmm it seems like your website ate my first comment (it was extremely long) so I guess I’ll just sum
it up what I submitted and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog.
I too am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to the whole thing.
Do you have any helpful hints for inexperienced blog writers?
I’d really appreciate it.
We’ve got some great episodes coming up about that so stay tuned!