How To Stay Productive – Nick Snapp



To learn how to stay productive, know what you want to be productive for.

In this episode with Nick Snapp, a productivity and accountability expert, and the host of the Make It Snappy podcast, he shares some tips on how we can become more productive and stay motivated to keep going.

When you have things planned, you avoid decision fatigue, and you can make productive decisions.



arrow-iconTo be more productive, know what you want to be productive for.

arrow-iconProductivity is not about checking these things on your list all day.

arrow-iconAfter knowing what you’re striving for, break that down to what’s the one thing that’s going to make all the other stuff you’re doing easier.

arrow-iconIf you’re doing something just to get it done, it’s not sustainable.

arrow-iconThere’s friction between what you want to get done, and what that other person wants to get done. That other person is someone close to you.

arrow-iconHave a simple weekly review of your life.

arrow-iconWhen you have a partner or wife, you go to get that other person on board.

arrow-iconGo through your calendar and see what things are going to prevent you from getting the things done.

arrow-iconDo planning to avoid decision fatigue.

arrow-iconMake decisions about what you’re going to do for the following day the night before.

arrow-iconThe more you can cut those little decisions out, the more you can focus on what matters.

arrow-iconThere are things you know that are going to move you forward, and there are things you could do to sustain, and just keep living, keep surviving.

arrow-iconWhen working with a partner, clearly define what your roles are.




Kamala Chambers

On this episode, we’re going to be talking about how to stay productive and increase your motivation.


Luis Congdon

Today’s guest is Nicholas Snapp.

He’s been a consultant for Fortune 500, Inc. 5000 companies on the subject on how to stay productive. He’s also the host of the Make It Snappy podcast, and he’s been a personal friend and client of ours as well. It’s a real honor to bring on Nick Snapp to today’s show.

Hey there, Thriving Launchers. Let’s talk about getting things done. Today, we have Nick Snapp, a productivity and accountability expert.

Without further ado, Nick, are you ready to launch?

Nick Snapp

I’m ready to launch.


Luis Congdon

All right. Let’s talk about how to stay productive.

I’m not as productive as I want to be. I’ll admit it. Kamala, on the other hand, she is like a fire hose. She just goes and gets things done. She’s powerful and organized, and I need some help with this area. I know that a lot of you Thriving Launchers do too.

How can we become more productive and less time-consuming and wasteful kinds of people?

How To Stay Productive – Know What You Want To Be Productive For

Nick Snapp How To Stay Productive Thriving Launch Podcast
Nick Snapp How To Stay Productive Thriving Launch Podcast

Nick Snapp

Because we can do that and we can be working on all the wrong things, and won’t move us any further, and we’ll just be in the same little rat cycle that we’ve been in the whole time.

If you have that purpose clearly defined of why you want to be productive and what you’re striving for, that’s the key part. Then, breaking that down to what’s the ONE thing that’s going to make all of that other stuff you’re doing easier or unnecessary  to quote Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.


Kamala Chambers

Yeah, that’s fantastic.

How To Stay Productive And Motivated


Kamala Chambers

I think knowing why you’re doing something has the motivation. It fuels the motivation to keep going, and if we’re just doing something just to get it done, it’s not sustainable.

Nick Snapp How To Stay Productive Thriving Launch Podcast

Nick Snapp



Kamala Chambers

I’d love to hear some of your pro-level tips on how to stay productive.

I know you have a wealth of knowledge but what are some ones you recommend everybody does to be more productive?

Nick Snapp

Oh, for sure.

How To Stay Productive – Know What’s Holding You Back The Most

Nick Snapp

The one I’m going to recommend now is just a little bit out of the box. You’re not going to hear this from the typical productivity type of stuff, but you go back to “What’s the thing?” And once you figure out what that thing you need to do, what’s that thing that’s holding you back the most?

I’ve talked to a lot of different people, entrepreneurs, business owners, and students. Usually, that’s the person that’s the closest to them. That significant other or a family member or something, there’s friction between what you want to get done, and what that other person wants to get done.

How To Stay Productive – Have A Simple Weekly Review Of Your Life

Nick Snapp

The thing that spearheaded my productivity and helped me focus and get the right things done is a simple weekly review of my life.

For me, I’m not a single entrepreneur. I got three kids at home. I’m not doing life alone anymore. When you have a family, especially, you’re not doing this thing by yourself. You gotta get that other person on board.

How To Stay Productive – Work Together With Your Wife/Partner

Nick Snapp

My wife and I, without fail, every single week, during lunch on Wednesdays, we have a video conference together. It’s kind of weird, you and your spouse having a video conference, but we do it, and we go through the calendar. What are those different things on the calendar that’s going to trip us up? What’s going to prevent me from getting the things I thought I was going to get done?

Likewise on her behalf; if she’s expecting me to do something and I have some conflict, we work all that out. We negotiate. If it’s a perfect time, we talk about where are we this month on the finances versus next, and that has been just the ultra like making sure that we’re on the same page, and that hindrance was completely gone now, and I struggled with that for a long time.


Luis Congdon

I love that.


Kamala Chambers

This is something that we both need here, right Luis?

How To Stay Productive – Take Away Any Emotional Edge


Kamala Chambers

Working together is challenging, and I find that we have more productive meetings when we’re apart rather than when we’re together, so I love that you do a video conference because that way it takes any emotional edge that’s there between you and your partner. It takes it away and has a little bit of a removal, and it can be more get down to business. That’s a fantastic tip.

Luis, I know you wanted to say something.


Luis Congdon

No, I was going to let you keep going. You said what I wanted to say, which was I think that you and I can benefit by doing that, and that’s a great piece of advice.

How To Stay Productive – Keep On Point With Your Partner

Nick Snapp

It’s kind of weird at first if you have an agenda, but just like any meeting that you have. Don’t go into meetings just expecting it to flow and get it done. There’s brainstorming sessions and stuff for that to work out.

My wife works full-time, and I have my home business so our time, especially for me, every single minute counts.

If you’re not productive, then it’s an apparent return on your invested time. With her, she could go and hang around, talk to coworkers and still get paid

Keeping each other on point is important, but just go and do the big things. What are those conflicts? What are you trying to do to move your business forward that you need her support on or you just need to take the kids or whatever that type of thing (or he, if you’re a woman)?

How To Stay Productive – Go Through All The Things With Your Partner

Nick Snapp

Let’s say, “Okay. Now, how are we feeling right now about where we are with our budget?” and then, “What actions are we going to take as a family? What investments do we need to make? Do we need a new vehicle or do we need to take the kids to baseball lessons?” or whatever those things are coming out.

And “How are we going to deal with those along the way? What sort of extra time do you need in the week? I know you lost a little bit of time here doing this particular task when you have to take the kids to the doctor. Do you need to make that up?”

We go through all that stuff. It’s just such a good use of time.


Luis Congdon

I love that, and I think it’s a great piece of advice on how to stay productive.

How To Stay Productive – Have Full Support From Your Partner


Luis Congdon

I’m curious, Nick. Before I move on to that piece, Thriving Launchers, I know maybe you’ve heard that saying, “You’re the total sum of the five people you spend the most time with.” Of course, we spend the most time with our spouses and partners. And so, it’s only natural that we’d want to get on board with them and make sure we have the full support of our spouse, and we’re giving full support to each other.

I’m curious. What’s the next thing that you found is a productivity hack or hindrance or a thing that we should be doing to make sure we are as most productive as possible?

Nick Snapp


The next big overarching productivity tip is to have that plan.

How To Stay Productive – Have Plans

Nick Snapp

Plans are going to change. I’ve learned that when you put together a plan, you’ve got to do it the night before. The days that I don’t do that, the night prior, and I’m sitting here, getting to my desk, looking at my laptop, trying to figure out what I’m due for the day, you’re making decisions.

It’s a concept called decision fatigue.

Nick Snapp How To Stay Productive Thriving Launch Podcast

How To Stay Productive – Make Decisions In Advance

Nick Snapp

If you can make the decisions about what you’re going to do for the following day the night before, then that’s going to sit in your subconscious, and it’s going to be working. You’re going to start generating those plans as you sleep. When you wake up, you rip when you’re ready to go.

You know exactly what you’re going to do, how much of time you’re going to allocate to it, and you have the ability to be more flexible as well because you don’t have to worry about those other decisions about what to do.

Now, if something comes up, you’re more focused, you’re more inclined to make a better decision if you need to pivot strategies.

How To Stay Productive To Avoid Decision Fatigue


Kamala Chambers

Dave Asprey and Jay Papasan, when we had them on the show, they both talked about that decision fatigue and how intense that can be. And we have to make decisions all the time every single day.

Nick Snapp



Kamala Chambers

What are we going to have for lunch? What are we going to wear? What are we going to brush our teeth with? And all of these little decisions. The more you can cut that out, the more we can focus on what matters, which is powerful about what you’re saying.

I love what you said about planning out your day the night before because if we don’t, then we have to sit down and drum up, “All right. What is it that I need to get done today?” and maybe you’re not in that creative mindset that you were at the end of your work day before.

Nick Snapp



Kamala Chambers

Before we go, I’m wondering if there’s anything else.

I know you’ve given us some real value bombs. What else do we need to know for more productivity?

Nick Snapp

Well, we’re going back like to your one thing. You said you had Jay Papasan. He’s an awesome guy. He and I have interviewed together as well.

Going to that one thing is going to make it all easier or unnecessary.

That’s the problem that’s typically scary.

How To Stay Productive – Fear Setting

Nick Snapp

I’ve been doing a little bit of research into this concept that Tim Ferriss calls ‘fear setting.’ It’s much more productive than goal setting. Basically, what is that thing out there that you fear, and it’s probably the thing you should be doing. He talks about a process to break that down and figure out, “Okay, what’s the worst thing that could happen if all these different things will blow up?” and then what you would do to recover?

From that perspective of fear and raising the stakes, that for me, is effective accountability, especially if you’re an entrepreneur and you’re trying to do your own thing.

How To Stay Productive – Sustain Things

Nick Snapp

There are things you know that are going to move you forward, and there are things you could do to sustain, and just keep living, keep surviving.

Line dancing is fun, but you’re in the same place like not going anywhere. But then, if you’re walking and moving forward, you’re moving beyond that continuous cycle.

How do you do that if you’re an entrepreneur? Because there are things you should be doing, you know you should be doing, but for some reason, you’re not. There’s inertia there. There’s fear.

How To Stay Productive – Make Things Public

Nick Snapp

The biggest thing I’ve done that’s worked for me is to make those things as public as possible, even if it’s scary like “All right. I’m going to launch my new course,” or whatever it is you’re doing. “I’m going to do it by August 21st.”

Make it public. Make everybody see it, and then you’re on the hook, and regardless of whether they’re paying attention, something psychologically changes your mind.

You’re like, “I put that out there, and I don’t want to be a liar. I don’t want to have to go back and say ‘Yeah, I didn’t do it.’ or make an excuse like you could’ve have worked a lot harder.

I’ve been digging into the psychology behind like “What do you need to do to finish? What sorts of games do you need to play? How do you raise the stakes? How can you make it monetarily hard and arduous?

How To Stay Productive – Raise The Stakes

Nick Snapp

You fear of losing something like money is a lot more of a driver than your fear to gain it, so how can you raise those kinds of stakes? There are a lot of cool things.

I think if you have some important things that you need to get done, and you know you should have done, but you’re not doing it. Reflect on how you can raise the stakes and make them hurt.


Kamala Chambers

This is powerful what you’re saying. I want to make sure that I reiterate this. You put out the accountability.

Nick Snapp

That’s right.


Kamala Chambers

For me, I’m a person that I don’t want to say ‘I’m going to do anything’ without being at least 98% sure that I’m going to be able to follow through on it.

Nick Snapp



Kamala Chambers

That’s raising the stake if you put it out there. Find your community. Find your support system that you can put it out there, so you’re going to follow through.

Because, every time we don’t follow through, we are a liar to ourselves and we don’t want to be a liar to a greater community too. That’s powerful stuff.

How To Stay Productive – Define Roles


Kamala Chambers

The thing I’m taking away on a personal level is mapping out what you want to do and getting the people in your life on board with what you’re doing.

I know that Luis and I, we just worked on a big project. It was an enormous strain on our relationship because we didn’t sit down and map out what the roles were. The roles weren’t defined. It took a toll on us. It created distance, and we forgot, “Hey, we’re partners in love first before we’re partners in business.”

That’s something I’m taking away on a personal level because it’s important that we have those roles laid out ahead of times.

Nick Snapp

It sure is.


Kamala Chambers

Thank you so much for that. Thanks for coming on the show.

Nick Snapp

You’re welcome!


Kamala Chambers

Everyone, I encourage you to find one thing that you can take away from this episode on how to stay productive and apply today.

Keep thriving everyone.

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