Stay Motivated – Transcript

Kamala Chambers:

If you’re struggling to stay motivated, this video is for you.

My name is Kamala Chambers. I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 19 years old. I built a six-figure business, I travel the world, and I have to say, I’m a highly motivated individual.

Here’s the deal.

If you want to keep yourself motivated, it’s not about pushing yourself to the limit and making yourself do things. I don’t agree with that.

Stay Motivated By Not Forcing Yourself To Do Something

I try to do what I feel like doing when I feel like doing it, and if you try to force yourself to do something, you’re probably going to end up procrastinating, or self-sabotaging, or just avoiding doing it all together.

This may seem entirely backwards.

If you only spend time doing what you love, then you’re going to stay motivated.

I’m sure that little alarm in your head is going off saying, “Wait a second. I can’t only do the things that I want to do. I have to do the things that I have to do.”

But bear with me. Let’s try this.

Stay Motivated By Listing All Things You Need To Get Done That Are A Top Priority

Make a list of all the things that are a top priority that you need to get done. I encourage you to do this every day. Once you make that list, sit down, and look at the things that you’re most inspired to do.

If you only want to do one thing like check your email, then do that thing first.

I encourage you to follow your inspiration.

After you’ve done that one thing, now look at the list again and see, “What is the thing I’m most motivated to do next? What is the thing that inspires me most next?” and do that thing.

Stay Motivated By Doing What You Love

It’s interesting because when we do what we love, we have more energy to stay motivated. And somehow, those other things either become less important, or you’d come around, and you become inspired to do those things.

Maybe you’re like me, the kind of person that thinks you can do everything. “I can do everything myself.” But if you take the things that you don’t like doing, and you outsource them to someone else, then you’re always going to be inspired in doing what you love, and in your zone of genius.

I’ve got some great resources for you. Make sure you scroll down and click on the link below because I’ve got some great resources for you on how to stay motivated!

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