Spiritual Wellness – Gabriel Cousens

From the Ayurvedic point of view, diabetes type 2 is a crime against wisdom where we’ve lost contact with the natural laws and the cosmic laws.
Growing business becomes easier when you have a purpose and a deeper intention behind it that comes from spiritual wellness.
People can reconnect to their souls through spiritual wellness if they’re guided in a way that’s called Ayurveda Crimes Against Wisdom.
The principle of Ayurveda can be incorporated for spiritual wellness into our daily lives by focusing in the Essen Sevenfold Peace.
The Sevenfold Peace includes:
- Peace with the Body
- Peace with the Mind
- Peace with the Family
- Peace with the Community
- Peace with the Culture
- Peace with the Ecology
- Peace with God
Taking anything from the Sevenfold Peace would result imbalance in the whole thing.
We’re in a tantric relationship with all of creation and all our interactions are about upgrading the spiritual wellness, the life force, and the spirit.
Meditation and spiritual wellness is essential for many people since people’s lives are so noisy that they need a quiet space to start to reconnect.
When people reconnect through spiritual wellness with who they are, the ball of consciousness begins to expand and it gets rolling.
The process of spiritual wellness and spiritual fasting can get you reconnected to your soul.
Ways to start integrating the Essene Sevenfold Peace
- Make a step you know you can succeed with so you have a positive reinforcement.
- You can have the life food plant-source diet for 3 weeks and after that, you can modify it.
- Incorporate the lifestyle.
When we turn to the natural way and the cosmic ray, everything begins to work for your and that vital life force, which is the real healer begins to be activated.
We have almost unlimited potential in what we can do. Spiritual wellness help us realizing our potential.
That sanctification of all life including my own is the prime way of walking the walk.
How Spiritual Wellness Works

Kamala Chambers
Being healthy extends far beyond what we eat, often we overlook spiritual wellness. It extends into how we live our lives, how we move through the world, how we connect with nature, and how we connect with one another.
In today’s guest, we explore multiple dimensions of how to live the healthiest happiest versions of ourselves.

Luis Congdon
On today’s show, we’ve brought on Dr. Gabriel Cousens who is a spiritual wellness expert. Not only is he an M.D and a certified naturopath, he’s also a certified Rabbi, a holistic healer in the world of Indian medicine. He is truly somebody who’s integrated holistic health and business on a level that I really admire, appreciate, and it’s for that reason we’ve brought on Dr. Gabriel Cousens on today’s episode.
All right. Thriving launchers, it’s such an honor to have Gabriel Cousens on the show. As you already know, he’s somebody that’s really inspired me to take my health to a whole another level through spiritual wellness.
Now, normally on the show we invite our guest by asking them if they’re ready to launch. Gabriel is ready to launch. However, not only that, he wants us to invite us into a special prayer and then, he’s going to break it down for us and let us know why it’s so special and important. So, go ahead Gabriel.

Gabriel Cousens
[Special prayer]
In that prayer is about the merging of the heavens and the earth. We understand that’s about how do we bring the spirits of our awareness, how do we ensure spiritual wellness, which is easy to talk about into the physical plain, which is a little bit more of a challenge. So how is it that we sanctify all of life? How is it that we sanctify all of creation through spiritual wellness? How do we sanctify the food as a love note from God? This prayer sets the intention to indeed do that. It’s the epitome of the attitude of what I call, “Holistic Wellness”. I actually have a school called The Cousens School of Holistic Wellness. Its essence is bringing the spiritual into our everyday walk. Native Americans talk about as walking the great red way. That’s what that prayer’s activated.
In my world and what we do here, no matter what people come from and we do a lot of work with spiritual wellness and healing diabetes naturally but our analysis isn’t about blood sugar. That takes care of itself when you’re doing the right thing.
From the Ayurvedic point of view, diabetes type 2 is a crime against wisdom where we’ve lost contact with the natural laws and the cosmic laws. Our work is around spiritual wellness, is to help people come back in touch with that.
We have a very high success rate, without a doubt. It’s the highest in the world where 61% of the people who come in going on instant dependent heal of their diabetes in 3 weeks.

Luis Congdon
I want to say something here that’s really special to us here at Thriving Launch. I know it’s special to you guys, the thriving launchers. It’s so special when we talk about a full integration.
Kamala and I used to do the show and it was just about business. We educated people on just how to do business stuff and we’re having success with that. We were enjoying it but we didn’t feel that the audience was getting a full, holistic, integrated, just deep dive into all of life because one of the things that I’ve noticed and Kamala, you can talk about this too is when I used to be just focused in our business with money and I was trying to just grow financially, it was hard work.
Then, when I started adding in like I want to eat healthier, I want to give back, and make sure that I’m not just trying to grow the business but I’m also growing a business that has a purpose and has a deeper intention behind it, business became a lot easier. We missed the aspect of spiritual wellness.
Ensure Spiritual Wellness Principles

Gabriel Cousens
That’s exactly right and all healing becomes easier through spiritual wellness. So, people may come and say, “I want to heal my diabetes” and at end, as they go through the process, they’re comment consistently is, “Oh, yes. My diabetes is healed. It’s supposed to incurable and it’s healed in 3 weeks. Okay, that’s great but what’s really great for me is you’ve helped me reconnect to my soul.” That’s really the essence of the work we do here at the Tree of Life Center in U.S. Is helping people reconnect with their soul through spiritual wellness.
They had connection and guides in a way in what I call in Ayurveda Crimes Against Wisdom. That’s the key. So, people are exposed to daily meditations, sunrise, sunset, new moon, any peace, which we call our sweat lodges in reconnecting to the rhythm of life, the own holy rhythm in actually, the earth and itself.

Kamala Chambers
I’d love to ask about incorporating some of these principles of connecting with our own authentic spiritual self and living in harmony.
What are some ways we can incorporate that into our daily lives to ensure spiritual wellness?

Gabriel Cousens
We call the Essene Sevenfold Peace. What is it? Physically, having a body that really works where the energy flows and your mind is actually working. What we see today is, believe it or not, there’s over 100 million people on some sort of drug, whether it’s legal or illegal that is ultimately clouding their minds. So having a clear mind is the second principle.
Then, you have what we call, “Right relationship with your family”, that sacred relationship but also interfacing with your family of origin and then you have a way of interfacing with the community. There’s much chaos in the world today and the question is how do you interface with it in a way that’s not drawn into it?
Then, we have what we call, “OH MITAKUYE OYASIN”, all my relatives. So we’re talking about the rock people which is the soul of the living planet earth, the soul of the sun, soul of the stars. All of those pieces. And then, there’s the plant world. Connecting to the energy of that, connecting to the energy of the animal world, and also, the energy of the human world is community in all cultures is important for spiritual wellness. From all cultures, we’re talking also about the ecology and how do you live and have balance with the ecology and all ultimately, how do you live and have balance with the divine.
Take any of those away and the whole thing comes out of balance.
We’re in a tantric relationship with all of creation and all our interactions are about upgrading the spiritual awareness, the life force, and the spirit in all that’s going on.
So we’re merging with it and since we’re upgrading it, all we’re doing is consciousness.
The Native Americans call it Walking the Great Red Way.
Connect With Nature To Ensure Spiritual Wellness

Kamala Chambers
I’ve been blessed to be a supporter at some sun dance ceremonies and been on that path. So I really appreciate the perspective of blending the red way with tantra, with nutrition, and with connection with the soul, and connection with nature. Connecting with nature is important for spiritual wellness. It’s really beautiful blending that you’ve put together in your body of work and your books as well.
I would love to hear a bit more about what are some of the essential elements that you feel are part of this reconnecting and this re-joining of who we are?

Gabriel Cousens
It’s something that really begins to happen naturally when your focus is on the Sevenfold Peace because it starts with practice. “Okay, I’m going to eat well” and we eat to become a superconductor of the divine. That changes your conscious. “Oh no, I’m also going to meditate so I create a quiet mind which helps me connect.”
Now, I’m focusing on bringing those two pieces in the sacred relationships to ensure spiritual wellness. So relationship becomes a way of enhancing the sacredness of all life. Basically, the tantric relationship, where your heart is opening including the space for the other person and everyone is being elevated spirituality through that relationship.
So, these are basic ways of life that naturally enhancing. I find that the meditation and spiritual wellness is for many people since people’s lives are so noisy that they need a quiet space to start to reconnect. That’s what we try to do here in The Tree of Life is actually create a quiet space and create vitamin, and connecting with nature so that they start to reconnect with who they are.
When that connection happens, then the ball of consciousness begins to expand and it really gets rolling resulting spiritual wellness. It happens naturally and spontaneously. Rather than think, “Oh, I got to reconnect” No, no. We’re just a take away of life and that way of life will then help you more reconnect.

Luis Congdon
I really want to back up everything you’re saying and not only does it make total sense, it’s a very key piece of my life. A key stone moment in my life was when I decided that I was going to do it fast. I didn’t know really what fasting was. I just thought, “I’m going to try fasting for 3 days,” water fast and then, I’m going to try several days of fasting just on juices, primarily green drinks and make them in my own home. I did that and then I thought, “Let’s throw in meditation.”
I’ve heard meditation works really well and ensures spiritual wellness. I started compiling all this different things that I’d heard of, read a bit about, and through that process, I started to experience some of the highest levels of peace that I’ve ever had in my whole life even to this day when I look back.
In some traditions, they talk about a beginner’s mind and being new to something and I think because I was so new, maybe I had very rich soil of not having any expectations.
However, for about a month or 2, I felt completely at peace, the world felt like everything was okay, and the primary things I got out of that time was spending time in quiet, spending a little time to appreciate nature, and spending some time making sure I’m drinking lots of water way more than anyone’s really accustomed to drinking, and eating whole foods.
Retreats for Spiritual Wellness

Gabriel Cousens
You just described our spiritual fast. That’s exactly what we do and that’s exactly the kind of result. You get reconnected to your soul in the process of spiritual wellness. You get reconnected to your holy rhythm and holy rhythm of the living planet. Do as exactly what you described and you just did it on your own.
We have a setting to do exactly that and spiritual fasting is a very big part of our work. We have 4 spiritual fast here a year. It’s part of our diabetes program as well and it really does work exactly the way you’re talking about it.

Luis Congdon
It’s interesting to think about how what we eat could actually impact our relationships and how we choose to spend a little bit of time being quiet could impact our business or our energy levels.
Can you tell me a little bit about some of the results people have when they come to your retreats for spiritual wellness and maybe even some of resistances that people have because I’m thinking about like, maybe a busy CEO and thinking, “Oh God” like, trying to eat raw foods and meditation, all this stuff. What is it like when that kind of person comes and just says, “You know what? I’m going to try it because I’m exhausted and I haven’t found an answer.”
What happens Gabriel?

Gabriel Cousens
Its fun to see because a lot of people come because they know this is a little different. It’s a little bit out of my box and let’s see. They blossom through spiritual wellness because they start to reconnect. It’s not like we’re doing it for them. Yes, obviously, we have meditation, we have all the things you’re talking about, we have spiritual discussion, they’re eating life food and life food himself begins to clear their mind and their consciousness. Suddenly, they become superconductors, the divine and this whole transition that they worry about is like, “Wow. That’s easy” because they’re having such a positive experience due to spiritual wellness.
It happens to a lot of people that way and it’s really beautiful to see the simplicity. The elegant simplicity is what I enjoy the most during the process of spiritual wellness.
So people light up and then, there’s a little catch to it. As you say, it lasted for a month or two. So, what I’ve observed in the big picture is people need to do start with the spiritual fast twice a year so they get that reinforcement.
Reinforcement is part of the whole process. That’s a way of understanding it. Until they’re strong enough, they can get a little bit sucked back into the world. When you repeated enough times and you’re able to hold your awareness and not be sucked into crimes against wisdom and against yourself. So that’s what happens. They love spiritual wellness.
I have lot of people coming back for spiritual wellness. Not everybody’s ready for this. When I speak about diabetes, which is only one little thing that we do, maybe that’s 5% of the population who are willing to actually throw themselves naturally rather than eat whatever they want, take some insulin. Of course, you can never cure anything that way. So, a lot of people just come because they know they want transition in the big picture. That’s the key and they’re ready for it. They don’t know what is but they’re ready for it. That’s the key to spiritual wellness that makes it work.
There has to be a part of you who wants to play. So, we do get people. I’m not talking about people who are into live foods. I’m just talking about 50% of people who come are meat eaters. They’re [endensing] the world. It’s like, “This is not working. I am not feeling good. What’s the point of doing all this?” They come here and they reconnect with their soul, reconnect to their authentic self, reconnect to their holy rhythm, and reconnect to the larger rhythm living planet and suddenly, they’re turned on.
So, it isn’t a lot of work to encourage people to keep going in that direction. That’s how it works.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, and I know your work has attracted the likes of Woody Harrelson, the actor who is in the movie “The Hunger Games. I remember reading an article about him and he said he’s like 80-90% raw food.
When we get into this raw foods, one of the things that happen for me is I went extreme. I did 3 months hard core raw foods. It was a shock to everybody around me. It was a little bit of a shock to me because I’m used to going out with friends and we go out to eat and most restaurants aren’t serving raw foods. It’s just a very big lifestyle change. Then, I brought it back into what’s a little bit more of a way that I can integrate this wisdom but in a way that is isn’t so dramatic for me.
Now, there are people on different scales. There’s 40% raw foods, there’s 30%, there’s 80%. What do you recommend and how would you suggest that we start bringing in some of the wisdom tips you’ve provided in a way that we can do so in the world?
You live in a very special part of the world that you’ve created for yourself. What about some of us that have very busy active lives? We have kids. So, changing everything so dramatically might be too much but creating small changes could snowball. What are some of the ways you suggest we create some of these changes and integrate some of the wisdom we’ve discussed here today?
Take Every Step To Spiritual Wellness

Gabriel Cousens
One of the key things is one step at a time. Now, it isn’t just one step. We actually discuss this with people on either the 7 day fast program or the 21 day program.

Gabriel Cousens
Where are we go with it is that what I see that in 80% life food plant-source only diet does really work as very optimal levels of results once people have gotten through the first steps of it. We’re here, they’re going to be 100% life food for a period of time like 3 weeks and then, they can begin to modify and do that. So, that makes a big difference.
Incorporate the lifestyle. Most people aren’t meditating very often. So, they can do meditating once or twice a day and their lifestyle changes. People have to choose in something they will succeed with. And then, for 1 step, you go two steps, and 3 steps, and it continues.
There’s a story of the man with the candle and somebody sees him walking. It’s a dark night “Where are you going?” “I’m going to the mountain.” “You can’t see the mountain from here.” “Of course I can’t see the mountain from here. I can see one step at a time.” And that’s the point.
We have incredible potential. We can even beyond our dreams.
Last year, we had a lady. She’s 92 years old, comes in a wheelchair, and has 13 different medications. She has high blood pressure and diabetes. You’re not going to have any limitations. At 3 weeks, her diabetes is cured. She’s stopped all 13 medications. She no longer has high blood pressure, and she’s walking out of her wheelchair.
I saw a year later and she’s still walking around happy. All we need to do is connect her to a way of life that works and she was ready to go, 92 years old. We may call these miracles. I don’t call the miracles. I just say,

Kamala Chambers
Before we close out, are there any last closing thoughts, words of wisdom, or practices that you want leave people with to live and inspire life to live in the way you’re speaking?

Gabriel Cousens
The one thought I would say and starts with that prayer is how do we sanctify all of our life? How do we bring the divine into every moment through spiritual wellness? How do we bring the divine into sacred relationship? How do we bring the divine into even your food, doing your exercises? How do we bring the divine in every aspect of the walk to life? Just keeping that one thought mind really begins to take you to where you need to go in a very practical way in the very busy outer world.
My granddaughters live in New York City. I love New York. I have no problem I still keep the same thing on. It really doesn’t matter. And that’s my point, it isn’t just a word on special occasion. That’s a nice way to live. It’s nice not to be in the city. Okay, that’s good. However, I take it wherever I go. It doesn’t really matter anymore. But wherever that happens to be, that presence, that sanctification of all life including my own, is the prime way of walking the walk.

Kamala Chambers
It’s so beautiful. Thank you so much for being here on Thriving Launch, we love the insights about spiritual wellness. Thriving launchers, there’s so much more to explore after listening to this interview.

Luis Congdon
There we have it. Thank you so much for coming on the show today Gabriel Cousens. What is your website Gabriel? Just so people have it.

Gabriel Cousens
It’s just drcousens.com will get you there.

Luis Congdon