Social Media As A Marketing Tool


Entrepreneurs can gain traction by using social media to show your audience the amazing events as well as the struggles in your daily life. Revealing your personality can make networking easier and allow potential customers to feel a connection to you.
On this episode, we’re going to share tips on how to use social media as a marketing tool to get your brand out there and make your presence known.


Kamala Chambers
This episode is going to kick off the special week that we have that’s all about social media tips. Every single day, we’re going to be talking about a new tip on growing your social media.
Today, we’re going to talk about social media as a marketing tool.

Luis Congdon
Hey, Thriving Launchers, today, I want to speak to you about using social media as a marketing tool for your business, to get your brand out there, to make your presence known.
Start Using Social Media As A Marketing Tool And Choose One Platform

Luis Congdon
Now, in this day and age, if you’re not utilizing social media as a marketing tool, if you’re not getting traction through it, something is wrong. I’m not saying you have to be everywhere in every single place possible. That takes time. It’s difficult, and it’s not the first thing Kamala, and I will recommend.
But if you’re not on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Snapchat or LinkedIn, you should at least be there to start it. At least have your business page, or your personal page has some profile visible there to start and then, pick one place you want to be at.
Because social media is something, lots of companies are using nowadays. Huge contracts are being signed by companies and individuals to help them learn how to use social media as a marketing tool, and there’s a reason for this. There’s a big reason why social media is important.
Social Media As A Marketing Tool Is Powerful

Kamala Chambers
The real reason behind why social media as a marketing tool is powerful is because it’s an opportunity for people to connect with who you are as a human being and as an individual.
I encourage people with social media to not just post any old thing that you find funny or weird. I know that Luis, we’ve talked about this before on past episodes.
We can utilize social media by sharing what is going on with us, the most amazing things about our lives, and our struggles as well so people see that we are real people.

Use Social Media As A Marketing Tool By Posting Relevant Things

Kamala Chambers
Luis, when I first got connected with you, your social media just had a bunch of weird stuff on there. I was like “Wait for a second, we need to change this up so you’re showing people your presence and you’re posting things that are relevant to your brand and business.”
Now, I love how you were talking about using social media as a marketing tool by dominating one space first and then, branching out to the other things.
The question I want to propose to you is what the one thing you want people to know you? What do you want to be seen as? Do you want to be seen as the healthy gut expert? Do you want to be seen as the love expert? Do you want to be seen as a marketing guru?
Whatever it is you want to be seen as, those are the things you need to be posting about.

Luis Congdon
When we talk about utilizing social media as a marketing tool for your business, one of the first things people ask is “How do I use it to market my business?” Kamala and I are answering that question for you right now, but we’re not answering in the most direct way that you’d expect.
Most people think, “How do I get my brand out there? How do I get my business out there? How do we use social media to sell?” That’s not the way social media works. It’s not the first way that social media naturally wants to work because social media is about engagement.
Social Media As A Marketing Tool Is About Engagement

Luis Congdon
If you ask me that question, the very first thing I’m going to say is have some personality. Be you. Add some flavor. Let people know who you are or what your brand is up to, what you guys are up to. Be people, be individuals, be corky, be silly, be a variety of things.
Let’s say you are inside of Twitter and you’re always tweeting something, “Hey, buy my product.” or, “Hey, here’s my new book. Here’s my new product. Here’s my new service.” It doesn’t work very well. If you do it on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, it doesn’t work very well to be that way.
Utilizing Social Media As A Marketing Tool Is Like Being At A Networking Event

Luis Congdon
The first thing I want you to think about when it comes to using social media as a marketing tool for your business, to grow your business, to make sales for your business, is to imagine it like being at a large networking event.
That large networking event a huge party and you show up. Other people are turning up. Somebody comes to the party, and they have their business card. They go up to everybody, and they’re handing out their business card, but this is a party. People are there to hang out, to chat, to eat, to gather, to get to know each other. There is an opportunity for business.
But let me ask you. Do you want to connect with that one person that comes to the party and is immediately handing either business card and telling you about their business and their opportunities?
Or do you want to buy from the person that comes and has a fascinating story, asks you questions, engages with you, shows personality, shows some uniqueness? Do you want to engage with that person? Maybe they hinted the fact that they do certain things or they tell you some story related to life, and it also mentions their business and what they’re up to. Do you get more curious?
Have Personality When Using Social Media As A Marketing Tool

Luis Congdon
I want you to think of social media as a marketing tool for business in the same fashion. If you do this right and you take our advice, you will start having people write you messages, posting and asking you questions.
People see you as the expert, and that’s what you want, but you don’t do that by yelling your products to everybody and getting so overly enthusiastic about your business. With that, people don’t see you as a person or don’t see you as a brand instead, they just see you as a company trying to make sales.

Kamala Chambers
Luis, what this makes me think about is gearing your content to the platform you’re using. I think, before we get into that, we should talk about finding where your audience hangs out.
Find Where Your Audience Hangs Out When Utilizing Social Media As A Marketing Tool

Kamala Chambers
If your audience is a younger generation, then where are they more likely to be? Are they more likely to be on Snapchat and Periscope? Are they more likely to be on MySpace? That is where the oldest generation might be because that’s an old platform.
What I just encourage to find is where your audience is going to hang out, and then, posting content that’s relevant to that platform.
An example of this is if I were to post all of our podcast episodes on my personal Facebook page every single day, it wouldn’t get many likes because people don’t care about just getting a bunch of content there.
Us Social Media As A Marketing Tool And Know What’s Appropriate For Each Platform

Kamala Chambers
On Facebook, if I post more personal images of me doing things in my life, I share vulnerable stories, about struggles I’m going through, that’s the stuff that gets engagement. You have to think about what the platform is that you’re working on.
Now, if you are a fitness guru, then posting photos of you working out every day on Facebook, probably isn’t going to get that as much engagement. But if you take that over to Instagram, and you have this sexy pictures of you working out and doing squats or whatever it is you do, that’s going to get more engagement because it’s relevant to that platform. It’s the same thing with Twitter.
On Twitter, you can post every five minutes there, and that’s appropriate to that platform. You wouldn’t want to do that on most platforms.
Think about what kind of information your audience wants and show up for them in that space in a way that’s appropriate for the platform.

Luis Congdon
Those are fantastic tips about being native and thinking about the platform. This is one of the reasons why when we talk about using social media as a marketing tool for business to consider the platform, the people, and how it’s utilized.
Here’s one of the big reasons why I don’t suggest to people to do a Facebook live, download that video, and upload it to YouTube or everywhere else. The way YouTube users engage and utilize YouTube is not the same way people use Facebook.
Be Consistent When Using Social Media As A Marketing Tool

Luis Congdon
The biggest thing I can say to you is to find one platform, and then start being consistent. Consistently think about who you’re speaking with, and talk to those people in a very personalize way. Trust me. That will gain you tons of traction.
There’s other software we recommend like PostPlanner that will help you post and automate some of your postings. So as you’re building your presence in one area, you can still post in other places. You can post to Twitter, and you can post to LinkedIn and Instagram. Maybe you’re not leveraging those platforms yet, but at least you’re there, and you have a little bit of a presence.
Pick one place first and use the application natively.
If it’s Facebook, open up the Facebook app. Start liking and commenting on things. Start sharing and don’t just automate everything. Personalize your experience with it so that people see that and they want to connect with that. That’s the end of my tips for you as far as using social media as a marketing tool.
What we have for you this week is we’re going to be diving deep so we can learn about Facebook and other ways that we’re not covering today. We can talk about YouTube. We can speak about a variety of different platforms because we want to help you dial in your social media experience.

Kamala Chambers
So we are going to get into the specifics for this entire week, but one thing you’re going to hear over and over again that I want to share on this episode is to be consistent.
I know it’s something we hear a lot on the show from all of the experts that you want to be consistent wherever you’re showing up on whatever platform. If it’s Instagram, and you want to post once a day, do it every single day.
Those are our tips for today on growing your social media and utilizing social media as a marketing tool.
I encourage you guys to go out and start applying some of the things we talked about today. Take one thing that we’ve talked about and start applying it.
Keep thriving everyone.
calm mind