Social Media Branding – Cherie Aimée




- Corporate branding
- Product branding
- Personal branding
Grant Cardone says social media branding is more like just burning the name of your brand into the minds of you market.
The term branding was misunderstood for a long time, so as social media branding.
Becoming unforgettable is another aspect of branding aside from associating the colors and fonts used in your website and book. It means staying in the forefront of your audience’s minds constantly.
One of the biggest problems entrepreneurs have is nobody know who they are because you couldn’t market nor sell your product no matter how good it is.
One of the biggest mistakes people do is they don’t do enough.
Burning your brand into the minds of your audience
First, get out social media and get on as many platforms as you can. Use the Know, Like, and Trust. Do enough with force and momentum to begin to get attention.
Second, be consistent in social media branding.
Third, be authentic.
Next is engagement. It will help you be seen and noticed by other people’s audiences.
Then position yourself and start generating buzz around you.
- Author content online
- Create blogs
- TV shows
- Podcasting
Lastly, creating graphics and promotions that will help you social media branding. You may interview key players on your podcast to expose you to other people.


Kamala Chambers
In the world of social media, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd.
Well, in this episode, we’re going to talk about how to build your personal brand through social media branding so that when people look at your profile then they instantly want to follow you and connect with you.

Luis Congdon
Using social media branding to create a six-figure business in a quick span of time and doing it completely organically.
Cherie Aimée is the master of social media branding. You’re going to want to tune in because Cherie Aimée is going to teach us how to dial in social media and use it the way she’s done it to build a highly profitable online business.

Kamala Chambers
Let’s talk about getting attention online with a branding strategist who’s going to help us with social media branding in an even bigger way to get the attention that we want online.

Cherie Aimée
I am so ready. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you both so much.

Luis Congdon
Okay, branding is such a big thing. You we’re going to say something.

Luis Congdon
Beautiful name.

Kamala Chambers
I know.

Luis Congdon
I love it.

Kamala Chambers
It’s amazing to have you here. I know you’ve been doing this for over 15 years.

Luis Congdon
She works with our friend Chris Duncan, who runs another podcast. Freedom Fast Lane, is that the name of the show?

Cherie Aimée
Total Freedom TV.
Three major types of social media branding

Cherie Aimée
Specifically, there are different types of social media branding.
You can have like a corporate brand, you can have a product brand, and you can have a personal brand.
Those are the 3 core types of brandings you can have.
- Corporate branding
- Product branding
- Personal branding
I specialize in personal social media branding and when I talk about branding, I picture what the term branding came from which is like branding a cow, burning that symbol on a side the side of a cow and I got this from one of my other mentors Grant Cardone. He is the number one New York Times best-selling author and also known as the godfather of sales.
Grant Cardone talks about branding more like just burning the name of your brand into the minds of your market or your audience. It’s funny because for somebody like me that’s been in marketing and advertising for 15 years, I really realize when he said that think for such a long time, the term Branding was misunderstood. It used to be that people would just either market their business or they would advertise their business and all of sudden, this word came around called Branding.
I associated it more with the colors of your website or the colors of a book or the font you used and while that’s all part of the personality of your brand, there’s a whole other aspect of branding which is becoming unforgettable. You want the audience to be so enthralled by you and also to never forget about you. So you never want to come off of the top of their mind, out of sight, and out of mind, this is the current state of branding, called social media branding.

Cherie Aimée
So, this is why the term, “Busting out of obscurity” came into play because obscurity is remaining in the unknown where people don’t know who you are.
One of the biggest problems entrepreneurs have is they have this incredible product, this incredible message, and this incredible heart that they want to share with the world and the problem is, nobody knows who they are. They’re just unknown, and social media branding can help them to be known from unknown.
Staying unknown ends up becoming the biggest problem because no matter how good your product is if you don’t have an audience to market or to sell to, you couldn’t make a living out of it. You couldn’t make money to be able to reinvest that back into your company and go bigger.

Cherie Aimée
Yes, yes, yes! There’s several ways you could do it. I’ll run through seven ways that I like to talk about and some of the biggest mistakes people make when they try to do it themselves is they don’t do enough.
So the first thing you really want to do is you want to get out there on social media and you want to get out there on as many platforms as you can. I usually like stick with 3 or 4 of the core ones for social media branding. For me, that’s Periscope. Periscope live streaming helped launch my brand. That’s a live streaming app that you can download in the iTunes store. So there’s Periscope, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
You want to be able to get out there and share who you are with the world and I like to talk about the Know, Like, and Trust factor in social media branding. I always say to my tribe, “When it comes to Know, Like, and Trust, I’m a triple threat.” And that’s whenever it comes down to sales, it’s never very hard for me because by the time I throw any kind of product or service in front of you, you’re already begging me for it. And that’s because I build up a relationship with my tribe. They get to know me, get to like me, and certainly get to trust me.
So one of the things that you really have to do is you have to do enough to even build that relationship with others online and connect with other people in social media branding. You need to be able to get out there, do enough, do enough with force and do enough with momentum in order to even begin to get attention.
The second thing that you really need to do is consistency. Consistency is essential for success in social media branding.

Luis Congdon
I want to jump in really quick because you said something really special there and it’s so important for any entrepreneur because I realize this is something that I even do sometimes. I just want to go straight for the sale. Someone who likes me would say, “Hey Luis, how do I do X, Y, and Z?” I’m like, “Here’s my program. The answer is there.” That’s so much effective social media branding is.
When starting with social media branding, start with one only

Luis Congdon
In my dream world though it’s like, let’s make the shortcut. Cut the learning curve shorter for you and the conversation quicker for both of us and here’s the program that’s going to do all of that. However what I’ve learned and it’s just sometimes I get reminded over and over again is that if you don’t have that likeability and that trust, then it’s important to really to know and identify what people are up to and what their goals are and have that conversation in things like social media branding and Periscope have been incredible at cutting down the time.
Now, people write to me and they say, “Hey Luis, I was looking at your course,” or “Hey Luis, I went to your website, I saw you were doing this and that. What program of yours should I buy?” And so, by the time they actually approach me with a buyer’s question, I don’t really need ask them the all the other questions. I just say, “Well, you look at these courses. What are you trying to accomplish?” and then, they just go and buy.
The other day, I had a client. Hopped on the call with me and within 10 minutes, he made a $3000 purchase from me, which is wild, to think of only talking to someone within 10 minutes they’re purchasing and that’s because I created the likeability and the trust and so social media is so powerful. I mean, some people would scoff at it. They’re like, “Oh God, it’s time consuming.” They are actually unaware of power of social media.
I just want to add one little tip too because Cherie is adding some great stuff here. One thing to tell you guys as a listener is don’t try to do it all because there’s Instagram, Meercat, Periscope, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etcetera. What I tell people is start with one medium that you enjoy and move on the social media branding gradually.
Right now, I’m releasing a course called Profit from Facebook without Spending a Penny and the reason why it’s titled that is because you can make money in social media without even buying ads but just through the conversation, the likes, the comments, the tweets and retweets or whatever medium you’re using.
Just choose one for social media branding. Start with one and start building that likeability and that trust with one instead of doing 10 at once.
That’s all I wanted to be because that really plays into your next piece, which is being consistent. But you’re only going to be consistent if you’re using 1 or 2 things. If you’re using 10, it’s going to be impossible.
Consistency is the essential in social media branding

Cherie Aimée
Yeah, absolutely this is so much important in social media branding. I completely agree with that and social media branding can get very overwhelming. So, picking one is great and like I said, mine was Periscope. So that literally was the one that I did and I did it solely on its own. So, I solely agree with that.
I definitely exploded first on Periscope and then I was able to transition my tribe over into Twitter and in Facebook. And yes, consistency is everything in social media branding.
I always hear again from my mentor Grant Cardone, “You got to show up to blow up,” and there’s just certain things in my success journey that I’ve just made all the difference with my success and that is one of them. I cannot say enough the power of showing up consistently every single day.
Even when you think nobody is liking on your post or even when you think you’re not contributing value or even when you’re having a bad day.
If you continue to show up with consistency, eventually, the people will come. They will appreciate somebody that is showing up every single day. They grow to count on you and then they grow to support you. Consistency absolutely is a big game changer when it comes to getting noticed online.
Number 3 is being authentic. This is my favorite. This for me is really the core of the type of social media branding I teach. Specifically, when I work with people, it’s really about helping them to explode their personal brands authentically.
I believe that is through sharing our stories and our authentic selves that we actually can explode faster because we’re tapping into the heart and into that energetic connection.
I just believe there’s so much power in that heart connection between you and your audience or your hidden market. That when you share from your heart, ahead of your service, ahead of what your product is, ahead of what you’re offering them.
When you just tap into your heart, the right people that vibe with you are going to be drawn to you and that is exactly how I exploded my brand. I came on first and before I sold a thing, I shared my heart. I shared my heart and my audience turned into a raving fan base and my whole tribe will tell you that not only do they love, they will fight for me.

Luis Congdon
Here’s a question for you because this is something I get asked quite often and I think it’s good to have a little breakout session in this moment. One of my clients is like, “Hey Luis, I’m a tech guy and I help people with tech questions around their podcasting and stuff and I’m wondering if inside of Twitter, I should share things like some of my political beliefs or some of my likes and dislikes that will clearly make people maybe not like me.”
He was scared. And he said, “Maybe I should start a different one where I’ll talk about the fact that I drink beer, that I’m a democrat, that I like this movie, and etcetera.” And my suggestion to him was, “Be that guy. Be full on that guy in your personal branding because people that will agree with it, will buy or maybe they won’t and people that disagree or agree with you, maybe they’ll buy maybe they won’t. Most likely, what you’ll get is the people that are more aligned to you, that will purchase from you but the thing is that at the end of the day you’re a tech guy, you’re doing tech stuff and if the proof is in the putting, I don’t really care at who you voted for. I care about what you can do for my podcast and how you’re going to make the sound work. But still, that stuff is going to make me either adore you, which going to make me follow and listen to you more, share and tell people about you or it’s going to make me, “Oh, I don’t know about that guy” and then now, your name is still stuck in my head.”

Cherie Aimée
Right. Exactly. I love it. I mean, I’m all about being your full on self and this is where it aligns a lot with Chris Duncan’s message of total freedom.
At the end of the day, I’m all about creating heaven on earth. I’m all about creating freedom like a freedom lifestyle and part of creating freedom is feeling free to be yourself, being free to enjoy the people that you’re working with and I just feel that when you are completely aligned with yourself and then you are aligning with your ideal audience and clientele, which maybe if you are sharing that you like to drink beer or whatever and then you’re audience happens to have a passion for that as well and you guys vibe. It creates a lot of happiness with your clients when you’re aligned with them. So, I’m just all about alignment in general.

Kamala Chambers
The most common question I get with my clients around this branding thing and really coming into their market and their niche that drives me crazy as well is, “But I just want to help everyone. I want to be just out there being able to serve everyone”, which is amazing because it really speaks to their heart and how much they want to serve. But it really is like shooting a bunch of random bullets in the dark hoping to hit your target.
You might have some fatalities in a way if you do that. You really want to make sure that you’re on target. So, I love this being authentic piece.
What’s next in your social media branding and getting the attention?
Engagement is the key in social media branding

Cherie Aimée
The next thing is engagement. Engagement is so key in the world of social media branding. It’s very obvious to your audience when you are actively engaging with them or they feel like you see them. As human beings, we all just want to be heard and seen like why we’re all on social media. We want to connect, we want to be seen, and we want to be heard.
And so, engagement has really helped explode my brand. It has helped me be seen through social media branding. It has helped me be noticed by other people’s audiences. A lot of my tribe actually came from everybody seeing me contributing and engaging on Grant Cardone’s post or Grant Cardone’s Periscopes.
I don’t know that everybody understands the reach it can have just by you saying “Hello”. Like on Chris’s post is going to expose you to somebody that’s following him. And so, in part of getting attention and getting noticed and getting out there, it’s about being seen. So go where the people are. If you want to expand your audience, go to somebody else’s audience and start contributing. Start saying “Hello” and start supporting that other person on their post and providing value to the conversation. And then, you’re going to find that all of the sudden, other people are going to see you and they’re going to connect with you.
I get labelled a lot as being omnipresent on social media. The reason I’m omnipresent is because I engage so much that at this point, even if I’m not on social media, people think I’m on there.

Luis Congdon
Today, for example, Ben Settle, who we had on the show, very well-known copy marketer and email marketer. He has a podcast. It’s incredible and one of his fans is also a fan of mine and really nice woman, posted inside of Facebook saying, “Oh my God! I’m listening to my favorite show and my favorite guy email marketers giving a shout-out to one of my favorite other person,” which was me, which is cool. It’s inside of Facebook. She was promoting someone’s show and promoting me and it was really cool to see that and it’s because I’ve been so active that now, even if I’m not around, my name is starting to pop-up in other mediums and people then go to where I tend to be at and go, “Oh my God. Check this out, Luis being shout-out.”
That is the power of social media branding. People don’t realize that social media, up front is probably quite a bit of work if you consider time but after a while, that time is compound interest. I’m not really even doing anything on Facebook today or yesterday and yet people are now going, “Hey, oh my God. Check this out,” and that’s what’s happening.

Cherie Aimée
Absolutely and that’s part of why it’s so nice that I was able to prove that I, myself was able to bust out of obscurity in 90 days because that’s how exactly how I package up my own program. So I’m telling people, “If you give me 90 days of working with me or I strategically take you step by step on every move you need to make.” I literally walk my mentorship training through every single move like a chess game.

Kamala Chambers
This is so fantastic. We know how important is social media branding and you’ve been walking us through all of these steps. I know that in your mentorship program, you’ll dive a lot deeper.
- Getting out there on social media.
- Being consistent.
- Being authentic.
- Engagement
What’s next after engagement?
Positioning yourself within social media branding

Cherie Aimée
It’s almost like creating your own micro-celebrity bubble around you and being your own media circuit. So, you’re launching your own TV shows, your own podcasts, and then you are creating graphics and promotions and you’re interviewing key players on your podcast. That’s going to expose you to other people from their audience and you’re positioning yourself and you’re packing yourself even graphic wise as the person, like the latest It person.
So, you’re no longer idolizing the celebrities out in the real world like the Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. You’re creating that for yourself online and it’s fun. That’s the thing I love about it. It’s fun and when I work with people, my clients have so much fun doing all this and I would say business doesn’t have to be a huge struggle. You can have fun with your social media branding.

Luis Congdon
It’s cool to talk about social media branding because the more you’re out there, the more you’re sharing, the more people see you. If you’re doing it in the right methods, you’re doing it consistently and you have some sort of program or product that you’re selling and you’re building even just inside of social media if you’re building this brand.
A lot of people have been trained that email is the method but with the Profit From Facebook course for example, people are seeing that you can do this organically just through social media branding without even paying for ads or an email list.
And it’s funny because I have this experience almost every single month where someone reaches out to me and they’re like, “Hey men, I really want to work with you. What do I need to do to start working with you?” and I’m like, “Huh?” I understand what they’re saying but sometimes this people out of the blue reaching out to me that haven’t really engaged with me and, “Well, I’ve been seeing your post and it just looks like you’re having so much fun in what you’re up to.”
Quick story is this guy reaches out to me, says he wants to do some work for me, offers it to do completely free and I’m like, “Why do you want to do all this stuff for free? Like, there’s a lot of work?” and the response was, “Well, you have so much media attraction happening for you now that I know if I please you and you ever do any shout-outs for me or get associated with you, it’s going to totally catapult my business and it has.
The guy has quadrupled his prices in the first month of working with me because simply through the association with someone being that busy in social media, people started noticing him and then went to him, bought his services and then I just said, “Hey, why don’t you change your prices to this?” and he did and that was 4x the normal price he was charging.
It’s just been wild to watch and I realize now this is one of the reasons why I’m starting to get hit up so often of people trying to give me free stuff because there’s value in it.
This is a true story Cherie. You posted on Facebook today and several people who are your friends friend requested me and I went in and looked at their friends and I said, “One friend mutual” and that was just you and I was like, “Oh, okay. Clearly that one post.”
That is the power of social media branding.

Cherie Aimée
Absolutely. It’s very powerful and it can happen very quick.
This is the other key thing I want to point out in busting out of obscurity in this way, this exact way I’m describing is that what you will find is, like if you were to picture a graph, you’ll get this gradual incline of getting noticed and it’s just rising and you’ll start to get the Facebook requests like you’re just referring to based off of one post here, a shout-out there and it starts to go uphill. For a good amount of time and then, and again, we’re talking 90 day duration. And then, there hits this point. On this ramp upwards, where it just goes straight up 90 degree angle vertical up and it explodes and I will never forget the day it happened with my brand. I think I called up Chris. It was like, “What just happened?”
My inbox and Facebook exploded. The Periscope exploded more. My Facebook friend request exploded and it just hit this point where it didn’t even matter if I was posting anymore. Everything just exploded. It was like one day and then from there on in, everything exploded.
And that comes just to talking about the patience level and the consistency. You got to show up to blow up. If you do it long enough and you do these activities, it does work. I often say like, I can’t imagine a scenario that it doesn’t work. When you apply literally everything, it’s fail proof. It’s fail proof because it’s the human heart. People are going to fall in love with you. It’s impossible for them not too.
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