Seeing The Big Picture

On this episode, we’re going to talk about what it’s like to be able to see the big picture.
We’re also going to share some tips on how you can become a big picture person, so you’ll be able to make that big dream of yours come true.


Look first at the result that you want to get, then rewind it and go through the actual steps you’ve taken to get there.
Take a moment and determine what the ultimate goal for your life and business is.
Sit down, write down your goals, look at examples of other people who are thriving, and start emulating them.


Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re going to be talking about seeing the big picture to get to where you want to go ultimately.

Luis Congdon
All right, we’re here to talk about seeing the big picture. Kamala, what does that mean?
Seeing The Big Picture To Get To Where You Want To Go

Kamala Chambers
Well, I’m excited to sit down with you guys to talk about it because I think seeing the big picture in your life is one of the main things to help you to get to where you want to go.
If you have an envision like the big goal you have in your life, then it’s a lot easier to get to where you want to go.
Shortcomings On Seeing The Big Picture
One thing I find can be a shortcoming is if you only look at the big picture and you don’t see the steps to get there.
I think what can happen is you look first at your end result that you want to get to with any project or any dream you have. Then, you can rewind it and start to go through what the actual steps are to get there.

Luis Congdon
I love that.
The Person Who Is Always Seeing The Big Picture
Kamala, earlier when we were talking about this episode, and what we were going to talk about, one of the things Kamala asked me is, “Well, Luis, tell me about seeing the big picture.” I thought it was funny she asked me that question because I always look at you as the big picture person.
Because I’d get honed in on this idea of “We’re going to launch a five-day/week podcast,” but then you go, “Well, what’s the bigger picture, Luis? What’s the goal after that?” and I go, “I don’t know. It sounds fun” or “We’re going to go travel and speak here.” And you, “Well, what’s the bigger goal? What’s the bigger picture?”
I look at you as the big picture person.

Kamala Chambers
I think you’re always generating these ideas. You’re reaching out and looking at where we can go next.
Seeing The Big Picture And Knowing The Fundamental Goal
I think the thing about seeing the big picture is ”What is it all leading towards? What is the primary goal? What is the deep desire that we have underneath that is going to lead us to where we ultimately want to be?”
I want to give an example here.
A lot of times, people, maybe want to put out a product, and they want to do it so they can make sales online. They want to make some passive income but what does that product lead to? Is the product the end game? Is the product going to lead another towards another product and ultimately lead towards working with you one on one or an event?
Take A Moment Seeing The Big Picture
I encourage you to take a moment and look at what is the ultimate goal for your life and business. Where is it you want to get to? And start to work backward from there.
If you know what you ultimately want to be doing, then what is going to be some of the steps to get to where you want to go?
This is my end game, like where I’m at right now. It’s hard because I feel like we’re already living my dream life. We get to travel the world. We get to work as much or as a little as we want to. We live in a beautiful eco home when we’re not traveling. For me, that’s the end game, but there’s always something more. What is that big dream?
Seeing The Big Picture And Setting Little Milestones
I knew if I wanted to have the life and the freedom that I’m wanting, I had to set these little milestones. I knew I wanted to live in an eco home and so, the first step was to build the home, and that had to be broken down into smaller projects too.
Luis, what do you think about seeing the big picture? How does that play into your success?

Luis Congdon
I like where you’re going with all of this because I see myself as getting an idea, but I don’t see the bigger picture of the whole idea; like of the wheels working, the things that make that stuff work and make all of the process and some steps happen.
Seeing The Big Picture And Asking Questions
And so, I want to leave this one to you, Kamala because you’re seeing the big picture where you start asking, “Okay, you want to do a show. What comes after that?” “Okay, you want to interview that person. What comes after that?” “You want to go speak. What comes after that?” or “What are the steps to get there? Why do you want to get there?”
You’re the person I look at that can see the bigger picture.

Kamala Chambers
Well, I remember when I was 19, and I was thinking about my dream life. I wanted to be a speaker, an author, and be able to travel the world. Then, I also wanted to have my home base, a beautiful place that I live close to the earth, and I have those things now.
Seeing The Big Picture And Working Backwards
For the example of building the home, one of the steps was I needed to get the home made. From there, it’s like you have to work backward. If I wanted to get the home built, now, I got to get the money together. I have a goal there to raise the money to build the home. Then, I have to get my team on board to help me build the house. Then, I have to get the materials and the design. All of that led from one step to the next.
I also knew the big picture of my life was that I had more freedom.
Seeing The Big Picture Of Having More Freedom
I wanted to have the most amount of freedom I possibly could. I didn’t know how that was going to look when I was 19 because honestly, I hated the internet when I was 19. I was living on the earth, and I hated being online. I never thought I would have an online business, but I saw that having an online business was the thing that was going to award me the most freedom because I could work from wherever I was.
As soon as I realized that, I started working towards that goal by creating and growing a business online.
Luis, what else would you want to share here? I want to hear from you. What is the one thing you would say that you would tell people to go out and apply some of this today?

Luis Congdon
I would tell people, create a vision, sit down, write down your goals, look at examples of other people that are thriving, start emulating them, start reading their books, watch their videos, get excited, and generate the excitement.
Kamala, take us out here because you are the big picture person.

Kamala Chambers
All right, those are some great tips.
I just encourage you to look at what the ultimate goal is for your life or business, and then start breaking it down into steps and systems to get to where you want to go.
Keep thriving, everyone.