Sales Methodology – David Anderson

In this episode, David Anderson, a sales expert and consultant, gives you a step-by-step process on how you can add more value and have a higher close rate.
It’s not just about closing a deal, but connecting with your customers and creating a sense of urgency.


To create urgency, offer discounts for a limited time.
Communicating the scarcity of your time or your product is another way to create a sense of urgency.
Be yourself, have fun, and find a way to connect with your ideal customers.
Listen more, talk less, and ask engaging questions.


Luis Congdon
Today, we’re bringing on someone who has helped dive into sales methodology and understand how to close the deal with much more ease. Stay tuned for today’s episode as we continue the week of sales training.
Today, we’re going to be talking about sales and I’ve brought none other than David Anderson. He’s my personal coach who’s worked with me and has been helping me turn the knob, dial in on my sales.
David Anderson runs Nitroworks. He’s a sales consultant. He’s helped build teams, motivate them, and push them to high levels.
He took one group of sales team from $2,000 a month to over $20,000 a month. He can put a jet pack on you. He’s done that for me. He’s helped me in my business.
Welcome to the show, David.

David Anderson
What an intro, Luis. I appreciate it. I’m excited to be here today.

Kamala Chambers
Are you ready to launch?

David Anderson
I’m ready to launch.

Kamala Chambers
All right! I’m excited about sales because a lot of our audience are pretty amazing heart-centered people and maybe it’s hard to get into a sales conversation. When we hear those words, we’re like “Ooh, god! Sales! Creepy!”

David Anderson

Kamala Chambers
And it’s important for us to put ourselves out there and be able to have people connect with our message.
People Having Bad Thought Process About Sales Methodology

Kamala Chambers
I would just love to hear how would you approach talking about sales with someone who has this negative thinking towards it?

David Anderson
I understand totally what you’re saying, Kamala.
A lot of people have this bad connotation and bad thought process when it comes to sales. For some reason they think of the sales guy as pushy or too persistent versus when you dive into what sales means, to what it means to be, and what I think it means to a lot of great salespeople, entrepreneurs, and business owners in this world is —
What Sales Methodology Means To Great Salespeople

David Anderson
Sales is just properly communicating your value. It’s all about being the go-giver rather than trying to be the go-getter.
For me, that’s my first take on sales.
Your whole life, you have to sell yourself whether you’re going into a job interview, trying to get a date, or you’re trying to close a client.
How Sales Methodology Is Needed In Our Whole Life

David Anderson
Sales is just something you need for the rest of your life and I think if you find balance, you can properly communicate that value and show the world what you have to offer them.

Kamala Chambers
How do you recommend we start properly communicating that value in sales methodology?

David Anderson
That’s a great question.
Sales Methodology – How To Properly Communicate Your Value

David Anderson
Listen. Listen more talk less. Ask engaging questions.
More specifically, if you’re an online business owner and you have a perfect client. Let’s say, you target podcasters and you want to help podcasters grow their podcast and monetize their podcast.
Luis, we’ve had some awesome conversations regarding sales methodology. I believe we’ve been working together for almost 2 months now.

Luis Congdon
That’s right.
Sales Methodology – Asking Engaging Questions

David Anderson
In 2 months, a lot of it is, “Hey, let’s dive in deep. Let’s ask very engaging questions and truly get to know your perfect customer.” In your case, those are podcasters and people who want to get to that next level.
If you’re a podcaster and you want to grow, you might want to be asked:
- What are your goals this year?
- Why did you start your podcast?
- What kind of revenue would you like to see?
- How big of an audience do you want?
Those are just four questions right there that can initiate a 30-minute conversation if you let the other person talk.
Sales Methodology – Listen More, Talk Less

David Anderson
In short, listen more, talk less and ask engaging questions, that’s one of the best sales methodology.

Luis Congdon
Let’s talk a little bit about asking the questions, which is a major aspect of sales methodology that help you figure if this person is going to be a buyer or has the product you want.
Then next, I want to go into the process of closing the sale because these are two fairly different structured parts of a conversation.
Sales Methodology – Dealing With Intimidations

Luis Congdon
In our work together, I’ve had to come across my own intimidation in the process of closing somebody or letting them know I have something that would help them and making that sale. This is big deterrent for a lot of people because we’ve built up this mentality around sales methodology, around closing, around what value means and thinking closing a sale is somehow not part of the value that we’re providing.
What are some of the questions that we might ask? I know this is fairly generic but I think it’s good for people to get this idea that there are some questions you can ask that help or things you’re looking for that will dramatically shift your ability to have a sales conversation.

David Anderson
There are definitely different parts of the sale.
First Level Conversation Of A Sales Methodology

David Anderson
- Usually in the beginning you want to build rapport.
Rapport is just asking questions, maybe small talk. Just get in the person to like you, get more casual of a conversation rather than getting all salesy and only talking business.
Then you dive in a little bit deeper and;
- You’re going to start finding a need. You’re going to start finding interest.
Questions Asked On A Business-To-Business Type Of Conversations Of A Sales Methodology

David Anderson
The way to do that is asking those engaging questions.
- What are your goals this year?
- How much more revenue would you like to see?
These are good questions to ask on a business-to-business type of conversations or ask someone that’s very business oriented.
What you’re saying, Luis is basically how to qualify a lead and I go through four qualifications that everyone should know. I put that first thing on my website; the four questions you have to ask on every single sales call or else you’re wasting your time.
I don’t make people people sign up to get the free video but since you ask me right here and then, I’ll just give the good content right now. How’s that sound?

Luis Congdon
Sounds awesome! Perhaps this is one of the best sales methodology.

David Anderson
It’s important.
Sales Methodology – How To Avoid Wasting Your Time

David Anderson
The reason I say this, Kamala is because I’ve consulted many business owners that talked to someone else. They get into sales meeting and they’re like, “Oh, yeah. I think I might get this is a buyer.” I’m like “Did you qualify him? Did you go through the four qualifications?” They’re like, “Uh, no?”
They literally just wasted an hour of their time and the other person’s time just because they didn’t know this process of sales methodology.
It’s literally one of the first things I learned when I got my first corporate job out of college. I had a hardcore sales guy who master the best sales methodology, literally throw me out into the wolves and teach me these four things so I’ll share it to you guys.

Luis Congdon
Go for it.
Sales Methodology – Talk To The Decision-Maker

David Anderson
- Make sure you have the decision-maker.
If you’re talking to an assistant or maybe someone that has to talk to their investor or has a business partner or even for example, you’re talking to someone and they have to talk to their wife.
You need to always make sure you have the decision-maker on the phone. How do you ask that? Simply just say it. “Are you the one to make the decision on this?” “Is it your call or do you have to consult with someone else?”
Let’s just say I’m doing business-to-business sales for my web design company that I run back in Denver, Colorado.
Sales Methodology – How To Know If You Have The Decision-Maker

David Anderson
I would ask a small mom and pop business,”Can you make a decision on this?” He says, “Well, I have to talk to my wife about it.”
How I would respond to that?
I literally say, “Well, if I was your wife, what would you tell me?” It usually gets them to open up and laugh. Then, they’ll respond, “I 100% want to do this. This sounds great but I have to talk to my wife about it,” or you’ll hear some hesitation in their voice and that same guy would say, “Oh, you know. I’m not sure about the price,” or whatever objection they throw at you.
Sales Methodology – How To Continue The Sales Conversation

David Anderson
What that question does is it blows the smoke screen. It gets you to continue that sales conversation.
If he was still unsure and needed to consult with his wife, then I would say “Is there any way we can get your wife on the phone so all three of us can talk together and I can help answer any questions, any hesitations, any concerns you have so you make sure it’s the absolute best decision for both you, your wife, and your business.”
Sales Methodology – Make Sure You Talk To Someone Who Can Make The Decisions

David Anderson
That’s the first one, the decision maker. While applying sales methodology, you always want to make sure whoever you’re talking to can make the decisions.

Kamala Chambers
The reason that’s fantastic is because oftentimes, you get to the end of a conversation and that someone’s out of the conversation. They say,”Well, I got to talk to someone about this. I’ll call you back or I’ll let you know.”
I know that if someone gets off the phone with you, there’s such a small chance they’re ever going to come back.

David Anderson

Kamala Chambers
If you don’t close it while they’re on the phone, they’re probably never going to come back and you got to just know that. This is fantastic. That’s what you lead with. It’s great.
Sales Methodology – Do Follow Ups

David Anderson
Exactly we need to apply the best sales methodology. Obviously, you always want to go for the close but realistically, I believe it’s 80% of sales, calls are made after the 5th follow up call averagely. You have to follow up people.
If you’re not setting up a follow up appointment and you feel good about the call and not like a pity follow up but, “Hey! I’m really interested and we got to continue this conversation. Let’s follow up later this week.” Set up a date and time, that’s different.
Ultimately, you don’t want to just get someone off the phone that sounds not interested. Such sales methodology do not work. You can just tell in your gut this person is very hesitant.
Sales Methodology – Overcome Objections

David Anderson
In that case, what we’re talking about more specifically is overcoming objections.

David Anderson
Going back to that same example where I’m talking to the business owner and he throws up that objection, “Well, I got to talk to my wife.” The person that’s new in sales and doesn’t have the experience would say something along the lines of, “Oh, okay. Go talk to your wife about it. We’ll talk later,” and then hang up, get off the phone immediately versus the tailored sales person.
Sales Methodology Of A Person New In Sales Vs. Tailored Salesperson

David Anderson
That tailored salesperson who understands human behavior, psychology, and how to properly communicate their value would see that objection as an opportunity and leverage it to their advantage and say something more along the lines of, “Oh! You need to consult your wife? I would love to include her in this. I mean, I didn’t understand. Thanks for bringing that up to me. I didn’t understand she plays such an important role in your business. Why don’t we all reschedule a meeting where we all get on the phone together and discuss more of this opportunity?”
Do you see how that response is much different? Best sales methodology require best communication skills.

Kamala Chambers
That’s fantastic. Love the way you master sales methodology.

David Anderson
Sales Methodology – Find The Need

David Anderson
- Finding that need and interest.
You got to make sure they actually need it. Finding interest of customer is an important aspect of sales methodology.
If you’re trying to sell suits, you’re a suit salesman and you’re trying to sell to someone that never has worn any suit in his entire life, would rather wear shorts and tank tops all day and flip flops, and hang out the beach all day or whatever their lifestyle is, you’re probably not going to be able to sell them a suit.
In order to figure out if you can get a sale, you need to see that person has a need or an interest.
How do you figure that out?
That goes back to what we’re talking before, asking those engaging questions.
Again, going back to that podcaster example where you’re trying to help your business-to business. You’re helping other podcasters expand their podcast. You need to see if they need what you have. Knowing their interest is one of the best-sales methodology.
Sales Methodology – Discover Pain Points

David Anderson
You need to figure out if that person is out in the middle of the ocean and if you can sit through a lifesaver and rail them back in the boat. When you can get to that level, we can find those pain points or the things that keep that person up at night.
Let’s just say, that podcaster, their audience has just plateaued. Over the past year, they cannot grow. They cannot get new guests. They just experience this funk and the podcaster can’t go to sleep at night.
Sales Methodology – Make People Pay You At A Premium Level

David Anderson
If you’re a good sales person and you’re good at asking questions, you’ll slowly discover those pain points. Once you can discover those pain points, that’s when you can throw that lifesaver out into the ocean, rail them back in the boat and when you can do that, people will pay you for it.
People will pay you at a much higher premium level than you can ever ask for because you’re literally saving their life. You’re literally solving that problem.
That’s number 2. It’s finding that need and interest.

Luis Congdon
That’s great. I’ve become good at finding the need, the interest, and the decision-makers.
I don’t what you have here in your 3 and 4 but, “I don’t have the money” is something that comes up or “Oh, let me think about it,” “Oh, I didn’t expect to talking about a sale right now so I’m not sure if I want to buy it.”
That’s definitely something to look out for and will jump into it. If you’re tuning in, before this call is over I want to answer those last few questions as well.

David Anderson
I got to commend you. I’ve seen a big difference in your sales methodology and the way you treat your clients. It’s literally flipped on a switch and just became this go-giver like someone who’s trying to give your value on a much deeper level. It’s amazing.
You’re right on point, Luis.
Sales Methodology – Issues On Budget

David Anderson
- Budget.
You got to make sure the person can afford what you have to offer and if they can’t afford it, can they pull out a credit card? Can they take out a loan? Can they borrow money from someone?
There are very rare scenarios where you’re talking to someone who’s literally down to their last dollar, they’re broke, or they have no credit. You’re going to get those people but most of the time “I don’t have the budget,” is never a real objection.
Sales Methodology – Not Having The Budget Is Never A Real Objection

David Anderson
For example, what you have to offer is worth $2 compared to their $1. If someone truly sees the value, they’re going to figure out a way to come up with a budget even if they don’t have it.
A perfect example, especially for internet marketers out there is having a MacBook. I’ve met a couple with PCs but they eventually make the switch at some point. We all love our MacBooks and I’m sure the first time you discovered how great a MacBook was, you couldn’t afford it. You’re looking at 1500-2,000 bucks, depending on which brand or model you get but you wanted it. You wanted it more than anything.
I know that’s what I did. I wanted a MacBook and it took me some time to get there, same with anyone else. You don’t have that couple grand just to drop right there and then.
Sales Methodology – Make People Understand The Real Value Of What You Have To Offer

David Anderson
What you do is you consciously think about it. You’re like “I need to have that MacBook because if I have that MacBook, I’m going to be just able to work more efficiently. I’m going to have the Ferrari of computers, and I’m going to be able to take my business to the next level.” There are all these benefits of having that top brand, the MacBook.
You’re going to do whatever it takes to save up those pennies to be able to afford it as soon as possible.
In that sales conversation, that’s why it’s all right to follow-up with people because you might get someone who might not be able afford it right then and there but give them a couple of weeks or maybe a month, depending on how high your price is or whatever you’re charging.
Sales Methodology – Give The Person Time To Save Up

David Anderson
Give that person some time but make them understand that value and if you can make them realize that value, they’re going to buy from you. They’re going to find the budget.

Luis Congdon
That’s great. I was told at various points in this work that I’ve done in trying to understand sales methodology is when people say they need more time to think about it or they don’t have the money, a lot of times what that has to with is I didn’t build enough value by the time I got to the point of trying to create the sale.

David Anderson
Yes, exactly.
Sales Methodology – Properly Showing Value Can Overcome Objections About Budget

David Anderson
If they saw there’s a return on an investment, return on money, or they saw whatever basic human need that was fulfilled from your service and product offers, any objection about budget can be overcome as long as the value is properly shown.

Luis Congdon
One more thing too to say to the listeners because I think this is important especially if you come from my background of being incredibly heart-centered. I’ve been in the non-profit prior to launching my business online and becoming an entrepreneur.
Sales Methodology – Dealing With People Who Can’t See The Value Of What You Have To Offer

Luis Congdon
Ten years of experience in the nonprofit world made me hesitant to have the money conversation. It made me want to be very value-focused and never talk or discuss money. It did not contribute in improving my sales methodology.
I went into the entrepreneurial field and consistently I learnt sales methodology, I came across people that said they didn’t have the money.
A big lesson here; this person told me they didn’t have the money and then, about a week later, I see them spending $500 on something that was super frivolous like going to a concert and buying back passes. But when I was offering a quality service that helped them and their family, when I was incredibly focused on the relationship and family field, they didn’t have money to work on their family. And so I did some volunteer work for them because I related to them and wanted to help their child out.
Sales Methodology – Stop Doing Volunteer Stuff

Luis Congdon
About a week later, after we had the money conversation because I need to break the volunteer stuff off, “It’s cool. Okay, I can’t continue to volunteer. I’ve given your son a few sessions but I have a full business that I need to run.” “Yeah, Luis, we understand. We don’t have the money.” It was very hard for me to say, “I get it. I understand. It’s been excellent to help you and your family but I do have a business to run.”
A week later I’ve found out they went to a backstage pass concert show; took the family and kids. When I did the math, that’s close $500-700 being spent one day at something that’s completely frivolous.
Sales Methodology – It’s Never About Not Having The Money

Luis Congdon
The biggest learning curve for me was, it was almost never about not having money. It’s about me being clear that there’s a cost and me being strong and confident enough to hold that value in place.
If they don’t have the money and that’s what they’re saying, either they don’t have the money, which is rare or I didn’t build up enough value or it’s just not their priority at this time.
It’s not personal. It wasn’t personal they went to the concert. That was a priority for them. They had some family time and had fun, which I’m totally happy for them but I got clear in my head that it wasn’t about the money and that it wasn’t a priority.
Sales Methodology – Understand That People Have Different Priorities

Luis Congdon
I, volunteering and working for them was just like, it was working for them because it was free and then, they didn’t have to prioritize it.

David Anderson
That’s a great story because it’s a perfect example of when people say, “I don’t have the money”, it’s that they value something a little bit differently. Maybe you dove in a little bit deeper and were able to figure out that than having family experiences, going to a concert and doing things like that. It’s something very valuable to them. That’s an essential part of sales methodology. I’m sure whatever service you had to offer, if you could tie that in somehow, depending on exactly what you’re selling them.

Kamala Chambers
Just coming back to the budget piece, one thing I found helpful is when people are excited and you prime them right.
Sales Methodology – Use Scarcity

Kamala Chambers
If I’m selling a coaching package, I only have a limited amount of people that I will take on and would work with. I let them know that. Best-sales methodology includes clear communication of the details.
There’s only many people I can work with and I only have these many slots left. If you are serious about this and you don’t have the money all of it up front, you can put down and deposit today and I’ll hold that spot for you.

David Anderson
You’re talking about scarcity. You only want to work with a certain number of people and a certain type of person. If they qualify for that perfect spot, you can at least hold that spot. That’s perfect.

Kamala Chambers

David Anderson
Yeah, that’s great. That’s perfect.

Kamala Chambers
Well, let’s go to number four if you want.
Sales Methodology – Urgency

David Anderson
Yeah, definitely.
4. Urgency.
Urgency is again another essential part of sales methodology. Because there’s nothing worse than getting on a call, get the decision maker, you’re building rapport, you find a strong need and interest, this person is dying what you have to offer, they even have the budget. They have plenty of budget. This is not going to break their bank account but number 4, “I’m not in a rush to do this,” “I don’t need to do this right now,” or “Yeah, get it started,” but they never follow back up with you.

David Anderson
For example, Kamala, you gave a perfect example of having that urgency saying, “I literally am one person. I can only consult so many people at a time. I can’t scale this. I can’t make multiple Kamala’s and help you down the road. Right now, I literally only have one more consulting spot available. If you cannot afford that now but are interested in working sooner than later, you can put the deposit and I’ll hold that spot for you. I’d love to work with you once you can create a bigger budget and be able to afford that.”
Various Sales Methodology To Create Urgency

David Anderson
There’s multiple ways to create urgency.
- You can offer discounts.
For me, it’s hooking people up and making them feel good. There’s nothing better than getting something on sale, getting a special, or getting them some discount. Have limited time discounts or seasonal discounts. This is one of the sales methodology I have experienced.
- Offering only so many available.
There are many different ways to create urgency.
Sales Methodology – Get Creative To Get People Act Quicker And Out Of Their Comfort Zone

David Anderson
Every business is different but if you can get creative and figure out a legitimate way to throw this into your pitch or into your sales meeting, you’re going to have a much higher close rate and you’re going to be able to get people to act quicker.
We’re all human. We all want to stay on our comfort zones and if you have something great to offer someone no matter how awesome it is, it’s still a step they got to take out of their comfort zone.
That urgency helps them tip over the fence and make that extra jump.

Kamala Chambers
I find that to be true again and again and again.
Sales Methodology – Add More Value Instead Of Giving A Discount

Kamala Chambers
One thing one of my mentors told me early on regarding sales methodology, which helped me is instead of giving a discount, look at ways you can add in more value. That helped me because I want to help everyone in knowing sales methodology. I want everyone to have what they want and so people don’t often find things as valuable when you knock down the price. People find the value of what they put in and that’s what they end up getting out, which is kind of crazy.
I find like, “Okay, I will give you this digital product that I have,” or throwing in other things that may don’t take up more of your own personal time but add more value to their lives.

David Anderson
I love that. Instead of offering a discount and undervaluing yourself, you can add in more value, this is one of the best-sales methodology.
Consultants and coaches, they all have their different sales methodology. Some people are totally against discounts and some are totally for them. Either way, that’s a perfect way to just put that one away all together.
Sales Methodology – Go Out Of Your Way

David Anderson
It’s just saying, “Hey! For a limited time offer for this month, I’m offering this extra bonus. I’m going to over deliver from what I’m promising.” That’s another great way to create some type of urgency because you’re going out of your way. You’re doing something special for that client you wouldn’t normally do.

Kamala Chambers
You’ve just given us so much value. You packed this program full of information on how to have that sales conversation with someone and these four crucial steps.
Are there any last points you want to make sure the audience walks away with regarding sales methodology?
Sales Methodology – Be Yourself And Have Fun

David Anderson
Anyone who’s listening, I understand how difficult it can be, especially for someone not so sales-oriented or never has had the experience. The best advice I can offer to give you is just be yourself no matter whichever sales methodology you are using. Find a way to get on these calls and have fun.
One thing I do before a sales call is I’ll blast music and just get excited or I’ll do some jumping jacks. Go for a run, get your blood flowing before you could apply all your sales methodology.
Sales Methodology – Be Excited And Have Enthusiasm About What You Have To Offer

David Anderson
Get excited about a call because excitement and enthusiasm is contagious and if you’re not excited, happy, and enthusiastic about your product and service, how is that other person going to be happier, enthusiastic, or excited about your product?

Kamala Chambers
This is fantastic and I think I just caught your contagious excitement. You master sales methodology.
One thing I find to be helpful is look at ways you can make someone laugh or make them feel something because people will relax if you help them to feel like you’re human connecting with them, having a human experience. You can teach them some amazing sales methodology. It’s not just about going in there and closing a deal.
This has been great to discuss sales methodology. We’ve been here with David Anderson.