Sales Letter Template – Transcript

Kamala Chambers:

Writing a sales letter can be tricky. There’s so much to it.

In this video, I’m going to walk you through a sales letter template.

My name is Kamala Chambers. I’ve been selling online courses for the last six years. I’m an Online Course Launch Strategist, and I know about sales letters.

We’re going to break down the six essentials. There’s more, but in this video, we’re going to break down the six absolute essentials you of a sales letter template.

Get the free training that goes with this video here:

Sales Letter Template – Empathy And Connection

The first step to building a sales letter that connects with people, which that’s what you want to do. You want to reach into the hearts of an audience where people read that, and they feel, “Oh my God. This person is talking directly to me.”

An important aspect of doing this is you build empathy and connection. You tell your story in a way that people understand you.

You build empathy and connection by painting a picture of the struggles you’ve gone through, and now, you’re on the other side. So people see, “Wow! This person knows what I’m going through. They’ve been where I’ve been, and now they’re on the other side.” You’re on the other side because of the solution you’ve found that you’re going to teach them.

Sales Letter Template – Let People Know The Results

You want to let them know the results they’re going to get by working with you. It’s not so much about all of the flashy features or creating the best course or creating the best offer you ever have. It’s about letting them know, “These are the results you’re going to get by working with me.”

Sales Letter Template – Be Clear

You want to be crystal clear on what your offer is.

If you have videos, or doing PDFs or workbooks, or how long is this going to be for if it’s a 6-week program or a 4-week program, make sure it’s clear, so people know what they’re buying.

Sales Letter Template – Answer Any Resistances

Any possible resistances you could see that they would have to buying, you want to make sure you answer this right in the sales letter template.

Big ones are “I don’t have enough time,” or “I don’t have enough money.” These are things that you want to answer right there and then for them in the copy.

You might even have an FAQ right on your sales page that asks the questions that they might have and answers it for them right then and there.

Sales Letter Template – Sense Of Urgency

A crucial piece is that you create a sense of urgency for them to make a purchase right then and there. Maybe the sense of urgency is because it’s a limited time offer or you are only selling 20 of this offer, or there’s an early bird special.

Whatever it is, make sure that people know that if they leave that page, they’re going to miss out, so that they’re motivated to buy as soon as they see it.

Sales Letter Template – Money Back Guarantee

People are going to trust you more if you offer a money back guarantee. This is essential to have on a sales letter template.

Studies show that the longer the guarantee is for, the more likely people are to buy.

Now, if you want a more in-depth training on a sales letter template, just click on the link below. I’ve got a special resource for you.

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