What Is A Sales Funnel And How It Will Make You Money? – Todd Brown


We bring on Sales Funnel expert, Todd Brown, to answer that question and he shares steps on how you can design a winning homerun marketing funnel.
Remember, sales funnel is an important factor in business and knowing how to utilize it gives you an edge to the market.


Luis Congdon
On today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about what it takes to stand out online and what it takes to drive conversions so your funnel and website make you sales.

Kamala Chambers
Today, we are here with Todd Brown, the founder of Marketing Funnel Automation. He’s considered the foremost authority on engineering high conversion customer acquisition marketing funnels and he has won awards from Russell Brunson.
Welcome to the Thriving Launch Podcast. You’re here with your host Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers.
Today is a topic that Luis and I are wildly passionate about. It is the strategic side of funnels. We’ll be talking about what is a sales funnel.
We can create a sales page and maybe we wonder what is a sales funnel, and what is the best kind of funnel to use. If we don’t have our marketing message on place, if that’s not clear, and not solid then we can lose our audience and that’s what our guest is going to get into today.
Fleshing Out What Is A Sales Funnel

Luis Congdon
If you’re new to the show be sure to check out our interview with Russell Brunson because he also dives into what is a sales funnel, but today we’re going to flesh it out for you because with Russell we touched on each body of it but we didn’t flesh it out.
It’s my honor to welcome Todd Brown. He’s a true technician with funnels and is the best person I can think of to answer the question — what is a sales funnel?. He truly understands what a sales funnel is.
He comes highly recommended by our other guests; Ben Settle, Ryan Levesque, and Andre Chaperon. And it’s just exciting to have you here today.
Todd Brown, welcome to the show.

Todd Brown
Thanks. I’m super excited to be here and I love answering the question what is a sales funnel.
And oddly enough Russell is a good friend of mine. He is a brilliant marketer and a sharp dude. I’ve learned a tremendous amount from him and so, I’m looking forward to going in listening to that interview and seeing how he answers the question what is a sales funnel.

Kamala Chambers
That’s awesome. Russell did a great job unpacking the question “what is a sales funnel.”
I just am thrilled to dive into the subject of what is a sales funnel with you because I know you have this unique take on it that is valuable.
So what do you think is the most important thing to look at when we are going to create our sales funnel or hone our funnels even more?

Todd Brown
Your questions are great and deep about what is a sales funnel. Understanding what is a sales funnel is very important.
I think first of all, in your intro you were spot on. I don’t want it to kind of cruise over everybody’s head. I want all the marketers and entrepreneurs listening to get what you said.
What Is A Sales Funnel And Where To Begin

Todd Brown
You said it’s one thing to be able to set up and opt-in page or to say, “Hey, you know what? My sales funnel is going to have an opt-in page, then a sales page, then an order form, then a series of upsells or downsells,” or “You know what? I’m going to go with a launch funnel” or “I’m going to go with a trip wire funnel.” “I’m going to go with this funnel model or that funnel model.” What is a sales funnel is such a deep question.
I think that way too many marketers focus their attention there and they place way too much stake in the marketing model itself, but they don’t know the answer to the question ‘what is a sales funnel’. Not enough on the actual underlying strategy of the funnel, the actual underlying idea behind what is a sales funnel and the underlying argument that they are presenting in the funnel. And so that’s where we begin.
I’ll tell you the first couple of steps in just a second but here’s my big premise, my personal thesis if you will, with this topic.
Know What Is A Sales Funnel And Your Message Behind It

Todd Brown
When you the nail the right idea, know what is a sales funnel is, and know the idea or message behind your funnel for your market, for your prospects, the model is insignificant. You can know what a sales funnel is, but if you don’t have all the elements then you’re missing some key pieces.
That means you could take the same idea, the same hook, the same marketing funnel message, the same marketing funnel argument, the same author, all of those things. You could roll it out in the form of an evergreen webinar. You could roll it out in a form of a VSL. You could roll it out in a form of a long form sales letter. You could roll it out in a form of printed direct mail piece and all of those are going to convert.
They may convert with some. Some might convert a little bit more, some might convert a little bit less but when the underlying message is nailed, the actual model is far less significant.
And so, what is a sales funnel and where do we begin?
What Is A Sales Funnel And Marketplace Sophistication

Todd Brown
This is one of my favorite topics as it relates to the strategic engineering of a funnel. We begin always by understanding what is typically referred to as marketplace sophistication.
Marketplace sophistication was first popularized by a guy name Eugene Schwartz, author of what I believe to be the absolute best marketing book ever published.
If you read Eugene’s book, you’ll also know very clearly what is a sales funnel and how to use it. It is called Breakthrough Advertising. Every single individual that’s listening to this should own a copy, read it at least once a year.

Luis Congdon
Can you say the name of that book again one more time. Not only do I want to write it down, I want our audience members to hear that one more time, so what is it?

Todd Brown
Yes, it’s Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz.

Luis Congdon
If my computer didn’t make a noise, I’d be typing that down. I already know it’s a key book to understanding what a sales funnel is and how to use it. Sorry to interrupt one more time.
If my computer didn’t make a noise Todd, I’d be logging on to Amazon right now and buying it to read about what is a sales funnel. It’s just someone like you, when you say something like you should have this book, I feel like I need to stop the recording and buy it. You were the first person I learned about what a sales funnel is.

Todd Brown
Yeah, and let me just say something about that book for one second.
There was a period of time where Eugene Schwartz is one of the legends of advertising copy and looking at what is a sales funnel. He wrote for Boardroom. He made tons of millions of dollar for clients, for himself, with his advertising copy. There was a period of time where that book was out of print and you could find copies of that book being sold on Ebay for $900 and up.
That’s how valuable that book was and how much it highlighted what is a sales funnel. I have a second copy. I have a gigantic library and out of all of my books, that’s the only book that I have a second copy just in case something would happen to the one that I would go through every year. It’s like I have a back-up. It’s one of those things where I grab that before I get pictures of kids, God forbid, something was going down.

Luis Congdon
I hope your wife isn’t listening.
Book On Breakthrough Advertising And What Is A Sales Funnel

Luis Congdon
Grab that book by Eugene Schwartz, read about what is a sales funnel, and go ahead and continue Todd.

Todd Brown
Yeah, and let me just say something about that book for one second.
There was a period of time where Eugene Schwartz is one of the legends of advertising copy and looking at what is a sales funnel. He wrote for Boardroom. He made tons of millions of dollar for clients, for himself, with his advertising copy. There was a period of time where that book was out of print and you could find copies of that book being sold on Ebay for $900 and up.
That’s how valuable that book was and how much it highlighted what is a sales funnel. I have a second copy. I have a gigantic library and out of all of my books, that’s the only book that I have a second copy just in case something would happen to the one that I would go through every year. It’s like I have a back-up. It’s one of those things where I grab that before I get pictures of kids, God forbid, something was going down.

Luis Congdon
I hope your wife isn’t listening.
What Is A Sales Funnel And What It Means To Your Business

Todd Brown
I was going to say, “I could say that because my wife is not listening.” In the book, Eugene Schwartz talked about this idea of marketplace sophistication, what is a sales funnel, and when you get this one little point alone, it should radically change the way you approach marketing and what is a sales funnel and what it means to your business.
Eugene Schwartz talked about marketplace sophistication. It’s about this idea that prospects and the market go through an evolution as they are exposed to more and more marketing messages. As people learn, and more sales funnels come onto the market, they become more immune.

What Is A Sales Funnel And Market Sophistication

Todd Brown
A great example of this is when the first fat-burner was released. Those are the pills you can take to speed up your metabolism. The first fat-burner that was ever released whenever that was, the first company, the first entrepreneur to release that all they needed to say to sell that fat-burner was “take these pills and you’ll lose weight”.
That was it. Take these pills and you’ll lose weight. Because the market never heard that pitch before, they responded. They never heard it before. It was new, different, and exciting, right?
Over time, competitors came along, like they always do in every market, every successful product, and every successful pitch.
These marketers saw what is a sales funnel, they knew what the sales funnel was and they mimicked each other. They knock off and over time the market no longer responded to “take these pills and you’ll lose weight”. That’s when the market evolves to second level of marketplace sophistication.
At the second level, it’s about expanding the claim. It’s “Take these pills and you’ll lose seven pounds.” “Take these pills and you’ll lose 10 pounds.” “Take these pills and you’ll lose 20 pounds and 10 inches.” Right?
Fully Understand What Is A Sales Funnel And How It Works

Todd Brown
Expand the claim. What happens is overtime, the competitors come in and they think the answer to competing successfully is to simply expand the claim more.
This is an example of people that don’t fully understand what a sales funnel is and how it works. The marketers say “Take this pill and you’ll lose 50 pounds,” or “Take this pill and you’ll lose 30 inches.”

Luis Congdon
And it becomes almost ridiculous. Doesn’t it sound like these guys don’t get what is a sales funnel?

Todd Brown
It does.

Luis Congdon
And after a while, I feel just like I don’t trust anything that those guys say.

Todd Brown
Exactly! Right? It reaches a point where it’s not only unbelievable and not truthful, but it also lacks credibility, it lacks honesty, right?
What Is A Sales Funnel And How It Evolves

Todd Brown
Imagine if today we say “Take this pill and you’ll lose a 100 pounds.” And it was an over the counter supplement. People would be like, “Right, yeah, sure”. What happens is prospects evolve to level three.
What is a sales funnel have now evolved, and we need to know what a sales funnel is and how it has evolved.
Level three of understanding what is a sales funnel is about what is called the unique mechanism. That’s the unique piece, part, component, process, and aspect ingredient of the product that delivers the result. That’s like the first fat burner that said our fat-burner will strip off X amount of pounds because it contains garcinia cambogia or contains this weird herbal ingredient that by then now people view that product.
Unique Mechanism Of What Is A Sales Funnel

Todd Brown
People have hope they can experience the results because of the unique mechanism because of the unique piece, part, component, process, aspect, ingredient of the product. But then just like what always happens, competitors say, “Oh, wow! That fat burner with garcinia cambogia is selling like crazy. Let’s include it in ours.”
Today, you do a Google search or an Amazon search for garcinia cambogia and you’ll find dozens and dozens and dozens of products.

Luis Congdon
Todd, did you used to be overweight?

Todd Brown
No, not at all. I used to be in good shape and now, I am overweight. So that’s why I know so much about being fat. This is why I know so much about what a weight loss sales funnel is.
The point is, imagine if today the three of us got together and we came out with an amazing fat burner. We hired doctors and nutritionists. One of our clients at Marketing Funnel Automation is Dr. Al Sears, one of the biggest players in the alternative health space.
Know What Is A Sales Funnel To Make People Respond

Todd Brown
Imagine if we hired Dr. Al Sear, we hired nutritionist and fitness experts and we hired scientists and bla bla bla. We came out with the greatest fat burning supplement ever. We hired somebody for branding and logo and colors. We had a gorgeous website and everything was magnificent except the headline on our web page. The headline in our marketing funnel was “Take this pill and you’ll lose weight.” What would happen?

Luis Congdon
Yes, it’s boring.

Todd Brown
Nothing will happen. Why? Because of the marketplace sophistication and the understanding of our prospects around what is a sales funnel.
Because our prospects are too sophisticated for that message. They’ve heard it before, they’ve seen it before, the know what is a sales funnel. They will no longer respond to that type of marketing message.
Understand What Competitors Already Said And What IS A Sales Funnel

Todd Brown
The very first step in being able to strategically design a marketing funnel that resonates with your prospects is you’ve got to understand what is their level of marketplace sophistication and understanding their level of marketplace sophistication is all about understanding what the competitors said already about their own products, their own services.
What benefits? What promises? What hooks? What is already been presented to the marketplace?
It’s because at the root of what we do as marketers is we got to differentiate. We have to know what is a sales funnel. We can’t roll out with the same thing. So we got to start there. Does that make sense?
Learn What Is A Sales Funnel And How To Differential Yourself

Luis Congdon
It makes total sense because almost every single product out there on the market, there is someone else doing it and the difference may occur is that unique selling point. But it’s then it’s how you deliver that unique selling point to me.
I didn’t know that knowing what a sales funnel is was going to be challenging. It sounds complicated to me Todd, man will I ever master this? Or it’s just like Luke Skywalker and then there’s like everybody else.
What Is A Sales Funnel And How It Evolves

Todd Brown
I think I get it, I can relate to that. I’ve been doing this for over 13 years and I still learn every day because things evolve. Markets evolve.
It’s why quite frankly there are winning campaigns, winning marketing funnels, winning sales letters; sales letters that generated multiple millions of dollars years ago.
If you rolled out that same sales letter today, there are lots and lots of instances where it would flop. Why is that?
Why would it flop today but two or three years ago it rocked the house?
What Is A Sales Funnel And How The Market Evolves

Todd Brown
It’s because markets evolve and of what they’ve been exposed to.
Things that were new and unique and exciting and different three years ago, aren’t necessarily new, unique and different and exciting today.
What is that based on?
It’s based on what prospects have seen from competitors. What have they been promised? What have they been told? What have they been taught? What have they been shown by competitors?
That’s where you’ve got to begin. Does that make sense? things evolve. Markets evolve.

Kamala Chambers
It does.
I love to hear for the people who are action-oriented and doers. I am wondering, what action does this translate into? How can we apply what you’re teaching us about what is a sales funnel? What is we have to do to understand what is a working sales funnel? Is this adjusting your headlines, on your sales funnel on your opt-in page?
I’d love to hear what you have to say about what is a sales funnel today.
Understand What Is A Sales Funnel Before Creating One

Todd Brown
Yeah and so it’s a great question, what is a sales funnel impacts everything you do. So when we’re designing a new funnel whether it be one of our own or for the coaching whether coaching student or for an agency client, you got to understand the marketplace sophistication.
Before we write a single word copy. Before we think about the headline or anything, you have to understand marketplace sophistication. So it’s not so much, “Hey I’m going to understand marketplace sophistication and go tweak a headline.”
What Is A Sales Funnel And Level Of Sophistication Of Your Prospects

Todd Brown
Understanding what is a sales funnel, you might go and uncover or get a better idea of what the level of sophistication is for your prospects.
You might go back and you might realize the entire idea that you’ve based your entire funnel on, the entire premise, the entire hook is just too immature or not sophisticated enough and you’ve got to go back to the drawing board. This can change your whole idea of what is a sales funnel.
Something That Could Change Your Idea On What Is A Sales Funnel

Todd Brown
I think to begin with, what I would tell all of your listeners is that when it comes to marketplace sophistication, start by going out and making a list in a simple spreadsheet the top ten competitors in your market.
I would say those top ten competitors should all be direct response marketers. 10 competitors who all understand what is a sales funnel. We’re not looking for competitors that are brand institutional advertisers but we’re looking for marketers that are considered competitive by your prospects that are direct response marketers.
Look At How Your Competitors Interpret What Is Sales Funnel

Todd Brown
Then, you want to look at the marketing and what their sales funnel is, and what they’ve done for their product or service. You want to look for how they interpret what is a sales funnel.
And you want to look what is the hook, what is the appeal, what is the promise that they are making. What is their sales funnel? What’s the story behind their marketing? Not the story or the hook behind their product. I’m talking about the marketing message; the marketing funnel, the marketing message that is ultimately leading to the offer.
Start with the understanding of what have competitors already said. Look for where competitors are stuck in stage 2?
Where Marketers Get Stuck Trying To Understand What Is A Sales Funnel

Todd Brown
After our time together today and this goes for everybody listening as well as you guys, if you look at the overwhelming majority of markets and you look at the overwhelming majority marketers and entrepreneurs, especially newer marketers and newer entrepreneurs, they get stuck in a level two mindset when they’re crafting their marketing message and trying to understand what is a sales funnel.
It means they think the answer is simply to blow up their claim more than the next guy.
If they’re selling a service on how to get Facebook fans and everybody else is saying how to get 5,000 Facebook fans, they think the answer is to say “How to get 10,000 Facebook fans” and they don’t understand what is a sales funnel.
Look At Where Your Competitors Are Falling At What Is A Sales Funnel

Todd Brown
If everybody is saying they think the answer is “Well, everybody else is promising you 10,000, I’m going to promise you 20,000.” They get stuck on this level two stage. These guys don’t know what a sales funnel is and how to use it to its full capacity.
You want to see where your competitors are falling at what is a sales funnel.
Are competitors introducing a unique mechanism? Do the majority of your competitors have a unique mechanism meaning like use our proprietary software that gets you fans, use our methodology for posting images, use this unique algorithm to get fans? Is there a unique piece, part, or aspect to their product that delivers the results that they are presenting in their marketing message?
You want to look at the landscape of what your competitors are saying and to give you an idea of where they are at in terms of marketplace sophistication. Then, from there, you’ll be able to say “All right, you know what? Everybody in here is operating at level two. They’re all simply expanding the claim, blowing it off and not reaching the full capacity of what is a sales funnel.
Understand What Is A Sales Funnel And Come Up WIth A Unique Mechanism

Todd Brown
We’re going to roll out with the marketing message that’s built around a unique mechanism. We’re going to come up with a unique mechanism. Use this unique mechanism and you get what is a sales funnel.
Here’s an example to simplify things a little bit for your listening audience.
I’ll tell you we almost exclusively operate at level three because we can almost all the time come up with a unique mechanism.
We rolled out the Six-Figure Funnel Formula for example as one of our most popular training programs. It got more testimonials and case studies that people that got wildly successful results from that program. We spell out what is a sales funnel.
Spell Out What Is A Sales Funnel To Deliver Great Results

Todd Brown
Well, the reality is that it’s the Six-Figure Funnel Formula itself is the unique mechanism. The reason why I can say you will get great results with your funnel when you follow this process is because of the unique component.
I’m not simply telling you what is a sales funnel. I’m not saying I’ll show you how to make your funnel better. I’m telling you that when you use the Six-Figure Funnel Formula, you’ll get XYZ results and understand what is a sales funnel. Does that make sense?

Luis Congdon
It makes a lot of sense and it’s great. I am blown away at your deep understanding of what a sales funnel is.
Earlier, when you were talking about people wanting to amplify facts using the Facebook example, get 5,000 followers and then someone says get 10,000. Well, it seems like people would just start going to bigger numbers.
Understand What Is A Sales Funnel To Turn Followers Into Hot Buyers

Luis Congdon
For me, it’s reminiscent of our interview that we did with Andre Chaperon, Kamala, because he didn’t claim that you’re going to get a 100,000 subscribers. Instead, he’s like you’re going to learn how to take your current 1,000 or 200 or 500 subscribers and make them into hot buyers and have a method to sell.
Whereas getting more inflated numbers after a while, for me anyways, I wouldn’t trust it. What was the value of 5,000 if I can take 1,000 with our method and we can show you how to sell to those 1000 and profit.
Then, if you use our other method of what is a sales funnel, we’ll show how to get 5,000 followers and sell to them. You see I might not grow as fast, numbers wise, but your bank account will.

Todd Brown
You know Andre is a great example. Andre is a dear friend. I was just chatting with him with this morning about what is a sales funnel and the example you gave is a great one. It’s because if you look at autoresponder madness, that is the unique mechanism. His ARM methodology is the unique mechanism.
Learn What Is A Sales Funnel And How To Get A Better Response From Email Autoresponders

Todd Brown
He didn’t simply say or he doesn’t simply say I’m going to teach you how to write better emails. He says I’m going to teach this methodology that has just been proven to work over and over and over to produce tremendous results from small lists.
He answers the question what is a sales funnel in his own unique way. There’s a lot of people out there teaching or offering to teach you how to write better emails or how to get a better response from your email autoresponders. But what Andre is doing is he’s teaching a unique methodology, a unique mechanism. He says follow ARM and you’ll get this results.

Luis Congdon
You know I’m already having some eye-opening moments here with you Todd as you’re talking about what is a sales funnel, because I’m big into the podcasting space. And I’ve become known because I’ve been able to take one podcast basically with no website, nothing and start podcasting and land big names.
Find Your Own Answer To What Is A Sales Funnel

Luis Congdon
Then, I released the podcast and the website and then I grew my social media so people got interested in like “How are you doing that?” Then now, we’ve taken a small podcast and monetized the heck out of it. We’ve found our own answers to what is a sales funnel.
While people are trying to grow their numbers for listeners, which we’re always trying to do and it’s just making me think “Oh let’s bring that up more into the limelight with our unique method for podcasting.”
You can monetize from day one no matter how big or small your sizes are. That’s cool to just think about what is a sales funnel Todd because I haven’t brought that out into the forefront. And now, I’m listening to you about what a sales funnel is and how to use it.
Know What Is A Sales Funnel To Make Money Even With A Small Business

Luis Congdon
The unique thing I’m delivering in the podcasting world is you can make money right from the get go even if you have a small show or inexperienced.

Todd Brown
Yes, and if you were coming to the marketing funnel automation agency and you are hiring us to build your funnel or you’re coming to as a coaching client, what is a sales funnel is where we would begin for you. We would look at all the different folks out there that are marketing podcasting-related education.
We would uncover what is a sales funnel and where is the market in terms of sophistication, what are other people promising, what is sales funnels they are using, and what are they doing.
But then, what we would be is we would dive deep into I would say “Tell me more about this what is a sales funnel process,” and ultimately we would do your unique process.
Ultimately, what we would do is we would create a framework. We would formalize a framework or a system of what it is that you do and what not, when it comes to launching a brand new podcast and shooting to the top.
What Is A Sales Funnel That Stands Out That Provides Results

Todd Brown
When we’re marketing your unique process or methodology, we’re not simply talking about “Here’s how to get great results with a brand new podcast” because that’s very generic. That’s very general. That’s very immature on the levels of sophistication.
When we say “You will get XYZ results because of the LMNOP methodology or the LMNOP framework,” it’s a different ballgame. We want to know what your unique selling mechanism is, what is a sales funnel that makes you stand out? It might seem very slight. It might seem just like a simple tweak and in many cases, it is but it has profound results.

Kamala Chambers
One thing I love about what you’re sharing is you’re digging deep into the heart of the messaging behind everything that you’re doing. It’s not just what is a sales funnel and what is it you can do for others, but also the messaging is the unique offer. It’s who you are and what makes you stand out, what makes your product stand out and for anyone who’s just tuned out for a moment and turning back in.
What Is A Sales Funnel And The Message Behind It

Kamala Chambers
Your message is the undercurrent for every funnel out there that is going to create the success.
Is there any other aspect to what is a sales funnel that you feel makes it truly successful?

Todd Brown
Yes. That’s a tough one.

Kamala Chambers
I know it’s a huge question.

Todd Brown
Yes. The answer is like ‘uhm, yeah.’ No, but I’ll tell you. I’ll give you another. You’ve got marketplace sophistication but then there is one of the most valuable lessons that I’ve ever learned. This is 99% of what I know and do came from somebody else. That’s the truth.
Learn What Is A Sales Funnel From Others

Todd Brown
I’ve come up with very little original material about what is a sales funnel. But I’ve learned so much from so many other individuals like Mark Ford. Some of your listeners might know him by his pen name Michael Masterson. He’s written about eight New York Times bestselling books: “Ready, Fire, Aim” which is one of the more popular.
Mark is the brains behind the half a billion dollar a year information marketing giant Agora. Agora is primarily a newsletter publishing business. Very early on, I live very close to Mark. I was a partner at Strategic Profits with Rich Schefren and so, Mark’s office was right around the corner from the Strategic Profit’s office. So I got to pick his brain and learn from him and understand what is a sales funnel.
This is the guy like I said has been in this business a long time. I think he launched over 100 million dollar plus companies through consulting, coaching in his own hand. He’s a guy who understands what a sales funnel is. He taught me very early on the value and necessity of coming up with a big idea for your marketing funnel.
What Is A Sales funnel And The Idea You Are Presenting To The Marketplace

Todd Brown
What that means is that everybody listening needs to understand that whether they work on it or not or whether they realize it or not, there’s an idea that you are presenting to the marketplace with any funnel.
I don’t care how short, how long, how high priced or cheap the product is. There’s an idea that you are presenting just like when you write an email. There’s an idea that you are presenting behind that email. When you write a blog post, there’s an idea behind your funnel. We’re not simply selling.
Let me take a step back and discover this very, very quickly that most marketers online don’t even realize there’s a difference between marketing and selling. I had no clue what a sales is and how to sell. I didn’t use to know the difference. I thought it was kind of one and the same. The question of what is a sales funnel runs deep.
what Is A Sales Funnel And Marketing Funnel

Todd Brown
That’s why a lot of marketers used the expression sales funnel and marketing funnel. They use them interchangeably thinking that it’s the same thing. Whereas, I strategically named my company Marketing Funnel Automation, not sales funnel. I’m a terrible salesperson but I’m a great marketer.
So what is a sales funnel and what is a marketing funnel?
The difference between the two is selling is all about the product, the product’s features, advantages, benefits, the offer, the price point, the risk reversal, the guarantee, the premiums, the offer, you, your company and things like that. Whereas, marketing is all about the prospect, their needs, their wants, their desires, their objections, the solution that’s perfect for them, their situation, etcetera.
Peter Drucker, one of the greatest management gurus ever said the job of marketing is to make selling superfluous, to make it unnecessary. The better the job you do with marketing the easier the job of selling.
What Is A Sales Funnel And How To Make Selling Easier

Todd Brown
We’re not simply online sales people. I’m a marketer. I seek to answer what is a sales funnel and how does it change overtime. So, there is information that I provide before I introduce my product.
In fact, what I coach clients is that typically, no matter how long or short the funnel is, 75% of the funnel is marketing. I’m not even talking about the product or the service. I didn’t even mention it.
I’m doing is I’m furthering the desire for my product. I’m shaping the frame. I’m establishing the beliefs in the mind of the prospect before I ever even introduce my product. So when I finally introduce my product, they’re grateful for the opportunity to buy because I’ve shaped their frame.
I’ve shown them what they ultimately want and need and why it’s the best without even talking about my product or service, without selling. That’s marketing. I used it without even selling. I just did the marketing funnel so the selling part of the funnel happens naturally.

Video Sequence That Answers What Is A Sales Funnel

Todd Brown
There is a four-part video sequences that is on that domain. There’s probably I would say close to a thousand comments on that video series, most of which, not all, are raving about the quality of this free video series about what is a sales funnel. I believe that that free video series is better than some paid trainings.
Now, I’m sharing that within this context because that video series is a marketing funnel and answers what is a sales funnel. By watching the funnel there you’ll get what is a sales funnel and how to use a marketing funnel to sell.
There are four videos. The product does not even get mentioned until the last 15 seconds of video three and only where I say, ‘in the fourth and final video, I’ll tell you all about the program.’ Everything else, the first, the entire first video, the entire second video, 99% of the third video, literally 75% of that video series is just talking through the prospect about the ideal solution for them, why it’s the ideal solution, what they need. I’m not talking about my product, my company, me, crazy success stories, none of that.
What Is A Sales Funnel And Education-Based Marketing Content

Todd Brown
I answer what is a sales funnel and establish beliefs in the minds of the views. But all of that is strategically designed information. It’s what we call EBM content or education-based marketing content that’s designed to establish certain beliefs in the mind of the prospect that we need them to have in order to buy.
The way I phrase this or teach this to our coaching students is that I don’t think like a salesperson. I don’t teach selling. That’s why the answers to what is a sales funnel are so important. I’m not a good salesperson. I don’t like selling. Like I said, I’m good marketer not a good salesperson.
Fortunately, the better the marketer you are, the easier the time you’ll have getting people to buy without having to hardcore sell or anything like that but I like in it to being a prosecutor in a courtroom.
What Is A Sales Funnel And Marketing Funnel Thesis

Todd Brown
I am actually presenting a case to the jury and it’s my job to get that jury to come to one conclusion, to have one belief let’s just say. I call that the marketing funnel thesis of what is a sales funnel. That one belief I’m trying to lead the jury to have is that the defendant is guilty of the crime and should be punished to the fullest extent, let’s just say. Everything else that I present and the ordering, which I present it and how I present it is to establish certain beliefs in the mind of the jury.
For example, the defendant was there. He had a motive. It was premeditated. He planned it, blah-blah-blah, all these things.
One at a time, I’m methodically presenting an argument to the jury so they are lead to one conclusion and that conclusion being again the funnel thesis on what is a sales funnel in the case of the prosecutor it’s this person is guilty. It’s only at that point when I believe that I’ve done my job as a prosecutor and lead the jury to that conclusion, to that believe, to that realization.
Do I then roll out my closing arguments? Hence, do I then make a call to action? Does that make sense?

Luis Congdon
It makes total sense and I want people to do is go over to affiliate Six-Figure Funnel. They can find all this stuff on the show notes – just look for Todd Brown and what is a sales funnel. You can get all the information and find all the links there for Todd Brown’s specific page.
Teach What Is A Sales Funnel And Guide People With Your Story

Luis Congdon
But what I want you to see is the video. Because Todd, I sat down and watch those videos again last night and that first video you have is just like “Wooh, I want that.” But the way you told the story, you had pinpoints in there about how you were struggling and you needed some system that worked and that traffic wasn’t the problem. It was conversion and so I started like, “Yeah, yeah, conversion’s the problem, what’s next?”
Then, you started telling story and I’m like, “Oh that’s cool.” But throughout your story, you’re like “Conversions aren’t happening” and thought this and then I’m like, “Yeah, yeah, I’ve been there. Tell me more.” It was cool because not one single part of it were you ever selling something. You were just guiding through me this story and weaving in the points that then spoke to me, which anyway I got to watch that second video.
By the end of that first video, honestly, I’m like “Let’s just F it, Let’s just buy it.” Because you’ve done such a great job of weaving all the elements to me personally. I haven’t been around decades doing this but for me, that was one of the best VSL videos I’ve ever seen.

Todd Brown
I appreciate that man, tremendously.
Critical To What Is A Sales Funnel

Todd Brown
I think for your listeners, I want to point something out that you said that I think is very critical and it reinforces what we’ve just been talking about with what is a sales funnel. You just said while you’re watching that, there are a bunch of stuff presented and one of those things that it’s not more traffic that you need, it’s conversions. You were like, “Yeah, yeah.”
You know it is conversions and so that one point, remember I said, it’s about establishing certain beliefs in the mind of your prospect. Well, I knew that one of the beliefs that prospects need to have if they are ever going to invest in a training program on engineering a funnel is they need to believe that more traffic is not the answer that it is conversions because conversions come from a funnel.
Learn What Is A Sales Funnel And How To Establish Certain Beliefs

Todd Brown
If prospects believe that the answer is more traffic, they’re not going to buy a training program on funnel creation. They’re going to buy a training program on more traffic and so your experience watching that video and saying yes, he’s right. It is more conversions that I need. It is conversions. That is exactly what the job of marketing is. That’s why I say that one little subtle point for everybody to get is that we’re not talking about education for education sake.
Every single thing I said, did, presented, and shared in that video series that everybody can see and watch that’s listening, they’ll go to your webpage and they’ll find a link to it and they can watch the whole thing. Every single thing was done strategically. It was not done by accident. It wasn’t done to make me look smart. It wasn’t done to wow prospects with how much I know or it wasn’t done to share a whole bunch of free stuff so people say “Wow! Well, if he gives this much free stuff then I’m going buy.” No, it was done to establish the beliefs that I know prospects need to have in order to buy the product.
Understand What Is A Sales Funnel To Bring Prospects Closer To Saying Yes

Todd Brown
One at a time, every single thing I do in there is establishing one or more beliefs and as the funnel goes on, every single belief just brings prospects one step closer to saying yes, I get it. It’s not traffic. It’s conversions. Yes, I get it. I don’t know how to generate $1.50 in sales from a dollar of traffic. I get this, this, this and it gets to the point where at the end, they’ve got all the beliefs I want them to have and so they naturally have the belief that yes, I got to learn this. I need to know this.
At which point, I’ll look like the good guy when I say “Hey, by the way, I put this together in a package for you because I know you probably want to learn it and here it is.” Then people would say “Oh, thank you so much for putting this together.” I’m like that’s the beauty of when you’re not focused on selling. You’re focused on education based marketing. You put together a big idea, a great idea and the idea just wrapped that up because we deviated a little bit or I deviated a little bit or a lot.
What Is A Sales Funnel And True Differentiation

Todd Brown
What I learned from Mark is that at the root of your marketing funnel is the idea behind your copy. Every idea can be expressed in a variety of different ways. You can take any idea and you can express it with a lot of different words, a lot of different phrases.
Often, what a lot of marketers do at how they attempt to differentiate their marketing message is that they think that “All right, this guy wrote high school dropout learn system and becomes multimillionaire. Okay, so I’m going to differentiate that by saying ‘kid who got bad grades in high school bla bla bla shorts college and becomes very wealthy.’” They think that’s differentiating their marketing idea. That’s not different. The underlying idea’s the same. It’s about a foolish kid or a dumb kid or a kid who was not good in school and now who went on to make a lot of money.
Changing up the words, the copies, swapping out a phrase, that’s not true differentiation. True differentiation comes from the underlying idea that you are bringing.
Know What Is A Sales Funnel And Have Quality Ideas

Todd Brown
What I learned from Mark and what I learned about the success, the monstrous success that Agora has had and continues to have, again a half a billion dollar a year information marketing empire, is it’s all about the quality of your ideas.
A big idea is an idea that is perceived by your prospects to be new, unique, fresh, different, emotionally compelling and intellectually interesting. It gives you the feeling of a discovery. It gives you an ‘aha’ moment. It makes you feel like you’ve just stumbled on something that is newsworthy.

Luis Congdon
It makes me think of when I was a real shy guy and scared of dating and that whole piece. I found David DeAngelo and he was like “I was dating this woman or I met this woman and she saw right through me and she was in the Psychology and she taught me all the psychological points to make women drool over you.” I was like there’s a psychology to it?
What Is A Funnel And Psychology For Dating

Luis Congdon
I don’t have to be one of those jerk guys but there’s a psychology and he took me through this whole funnel where I was “Okay, it’s a psychology thing. There’s a mindset. There are things I can say and do that I’m not doing. What are those things?” It’s fantastic.
But he didn’t say I’m going to teach you how to find women. Instead, he said I’m going to teach you the psychology of dating so women are attracted to you and you are no longer the guy who is begging for their phone number.

Todd Brown
Yes. Well, Eben Pagan, the marketer behind Double Your Dating is a smart cat. If you look at Double Your Dating and what Eben did, it was emotionally compelling. It’s emotionally compelling because of the promise of payoff from a unique mechanism. You can get excited.
What Is A Sales Funnel And How To Make It Emotionally Compelling

Todd Brown
Prospects have hope, that this time things may be different for them, that this is going to work when there is a promise that’s tied to a unique mechanism. So that’s where it becomes emotionally compelling.
Intellectually interesting is the far less common trait and intellectually interesting is when you as a prospect are truly, logically, intellectually interested in hearing more. You’re fascinated by the story. You just want to hear more not only because of the promise or payoff or benefit but because it’s interesting to you.
I recommend that all of your listeners go over and become subscribers of Agora Financial, become subscribers for free newsletter subscribers at Stansberry Research and look. Forget the fact that they’re marketing. They’re talking about financial investing and what not. Look at the ideas that they’re bringing when they talk about like Obama’s relationship with blah-blah-blah, how it’s dictating the next step of our economy.
Therefore, investors regardless of your political affiliation, it’s intellectually interesting. You feel like there’s a new story underneath but there’s also this promise, especially when they tie stuff like that too, and those investors that know about this relationship can hedge their bets and grow their net worth by 380% in the next 12 months.
What Is A Sales Funnel And How To Make A Story Intellectually Interesting

Todd Brown
Now, it’s emotionally compelling because there’s a promise and it’s intellectually interesting because there’s a story you want to know more about. You want to hear more about as a prospect, as a consumer. That’s what makes up a big idea.
Again, your idea is new, unique, different, and fresh. It’s emotionally compelling and intellectually interesting. It gives you a feeling of discovering an aha moment. That’s what you build your copy off and where you write your headline off of that. You copy off of that and then you lead that into your marketing funnel message establishing the beliefs you need your prospects to have. You finish with an over the top irresistible offer and that’s how you design a winning homerun marketing funnel.

Luis Congdon
That’s how you do it folks.

Kamala Chambers
Drop the mic.

Todd Brown
Yes, exactly.