Public Speaking Tips and Tricks – Jesse Koren

Jesse Koren, an expert in the field shares some public speaking tips and tricks for filling events and making offers during the event. He also emphasized that money should not be the top priority.
It’s all about connection and engagement with the people and to keep that, you must be authentic or be just yourself.


- It can be the most lucrative thing that you can possibly do in terms of getting clients, signing people up for programs and other events.
- There’s nothing that can grow your business more quickly than speaking to groups.
Two aspects to speaking to groups.
- Getting in front of other people.
- Offering the next step in a classy, exciting, and inspirational way which will make people want to continue on the path with you.
Top 3 Public Speaking Tips and Tricks for Attracting Crowds:
- Individual conversations with potential clients or workshop attendees.
- Do JV partnerships.
- Speak to groups that are in need.
The first thing about where to find your people is you need to find your niche.
Providing value in exchange for people promoting you and prevents an overwhelming amount of offers in your email.
Ways to provide value
- Creating a group, such as a Facebook group where all of your JV partners can get together, share secrets and struggles with each other
- Going on a retreat. Trading email opt-ins for attendance instead of asking for attendance fees.
Key to JV partnerships.
- How generous can you possibly be with your JV partners?
- Think of long term gain as opposed to short term gain.
Connection really matters more than anything because without connection, people do not listen to your content, do not buy anything that you have to offer, and take any steps with you because all of that revolves around connection.
Start small if you’re new to JV Partnerships.
People who are just getting started have email lists that are generally much more responsive than people who have these huge email lists.
Strategy when speaking to groups
- The most basic and the most important is you invite them to take the next step with you.
- The main thing is you have them sign up right then and there; if they don’t sign up for it now then they’re less likely to do it later.
Making offers at events
- One and a half offers
- The first offer is a philanthropy offer, it’s a very low amount to give a little bit of follow up support after the event
- The main offer is an offer that we make Saturday. We are very transparent about it. Let them know it’s coming and take some time to describe two of our programs.
One of the things that have allowed me to become more authentic in that offer is the strategy we do after, which is to debrief the offer.
Be yourself. I’s the best way to keep the person connected and engaged.
Making an offer:
- Lower the price to match what you feel would be a generous offer.
- Do some transformational work on yourself.
- Believe that people will sign up.
- You got to have a template that’s a structure for the offer.


Kamala Chambers
Speaking to groups is one of the best ways to fill your practice, to get more clients and it can be a ton of fun. That’s why I’m so excited for today’s guest and what we’re going to dive into public speaking tips and tricks, how to create engagement, how to fill up your events and how to make offer so people want to buy what you have to sell at your events.
Wow! We have Jesse Koren on the show to share public speaking tips and tricks. It is so great to have you here.
We’re going to talk about speaking to groups and I want to dive right in to this, Jesse. I know this is something that you are just pro at. You’re one of the funniest public speakers I’ve ever seen. You know how to shake up a crowd, make them feel juiced and alive, and get everyone going. I’m excited to hear what you have to say on this topic.
Are you ready to share public speaking tips and tricks? Are you ready to launch?

Jesse Koren
Yes! Absolutely.
First of all thank you for the acknowledgement and I appreciate what you said about my speaking because speaking is literally my favorite thing to do almost anything else in the entire world. I love sharing public speaking tips and tricks.
But speaking is one of my absolute favorite topics. I’m an open book. I’m happy to share public speaking tips and tricks and anything and everything that’s fueled our success. So ask away.

Kamala Chambers
Thank you. One of the reasons why we should be doing speaking gigs is because it’s one of the best ways to get yourself known, to get feel your practice.
I’d love for you to talk about a few more reasons why and what you’ve seen speaking do for people?
Why Learn Speaking Tips And Tricks

Jesse Koren
In addition to just how fun it is, if you’re good at it,

Jesse Koren
Learning public speaking tips and tricks is the best method to grow your business quickly.
Two Aspects To Public Speaking Tips And Tricks

Jesse Koren
There are two aspects to public speaking tips and tricks.
- Getting in front of other people.
- Offering the next step in a classy, exciting, and inspirational way, and has people want to continue on the path with you.

Luis Congdon
Those are great public speaking tips and tricks and for the listeners to tune into what we want to dive into.
My first question about public speaking tips and tricks is with people that are maybe already decent or are great speakers, but the thing is they don’t know how to fill a room. I know that I’ve made the mistake where I scheduled the place, I paid for it, I showed up, I made a few flyers, I didn’t know how to lock in my marketing and one person showed up. I’ve had one where nobody showed up.
What do you have to say about that? I’d love to hear those public speaking tips and tricks.

Kamala Chambers
You guys are great at it. You’re doing events all the time and they pack full of people.

Jesse Koren
Thank you for that acknowledgement. And yes! That is something we have learned to get good at over the years, is filling events. Using our public speaking tips and tricks and the right even planning, we had thousands of thousands of people come to our events. We’ve learned a whole lot about it.
Simple Speaking Tips And Tricks That Work

Jesse Koren
It would make sense to talk about our public speaking tips and tricks, specifically the ones about filling a room. They may seem overly simple but they work. Because as I said, we’ve had thousands of people come through.
Oftentimes, the simplest steps are the hardest ones.
Each one if these public speaking tips and tricks that I’m going to share with you has its own skill or a strategy that you can master.
It takes time and energy but it’s worth it because being able to speak freely in front of huge crowds is both an honor and a privilege for those of us who are cut out to be speakers or just want a few extra clients.
Top 3 Public Speaking Tips and Tricks for Attracting Crowds

Jesse Koren
- Have one-on-one conversations with people who you would like to invite into your event.
We call them hard selling conversations. These are conversations that you have with people to inspire them to say ‘yes’ to your two hour, one day, two day or three day event.
- Do JV partnerships.
In other words, to talk with people who have the ability to put 5, 10, 100 or even 1000 people into your events.
- Speak to groups that are already in need.
For example, head out to meet ups, different conferences or events that may already be happening, events where someone else is filling the room. And then make an offer for your event there.
In other words, go to their room, speak in front of their group and then invite people in that room to come to your event. And if your event is free, which I’m going to recommend that it is free, it is a very easy way to get people to sign up in mass quantities.
Between those public speaking tips and tricks, it’s simple but not easy because you have to physically do the work.
There are also Facebook ads, online marketing and different things like that which we’ve put some energy into. Although, the majority of our overall came who came to our event, was thanks to those first three public speaking tips and tricks.
- Individual conversations with potential clients or workshop attendees.
- JV partnerships
- Speaking to groups and inviting people in that group to come to your event.

Kamala Chambers
I love that you have this clear snapshot of these 3 pieces. Let’s start with diving into the first one.

Luis Congdon
A lot of us have daily conversations with people. A lot of us want to know how to have those conversations with the potential clients. For a lot of people, I’ve noticed they don’t know how to find the potential clients. On top of that, strike up a conversation with them. I’m very curious to hear from you about that.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – How To Find People To Attend Your Events

Jesse Koren
There’s so much that I could say about public speaking tips and tricks and where to find people and how to have those conversations so they don’t feel salesy and you don’t start getting that reputation of being a bad guy or that woman that people want to avoid because you’re always trying to sell something.
The first thing about where to find your people is finding your niche. In other words, looki for the group of people that help each other solve multiple problems.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Find Your Niche

Jesse Koren
When you know who your people are, then it becomes easy to find them.
I can give you a concrete example of that.
When we first started our business about 10 years ago, we had struggled a lot to get clients. I remember working all kinds of crazy jobs trying to make ends meet. I literally could not get one client. I could not get anyone to pay me to coach them for my work. I couldn’t get people to come to my workshops. It was a nightmare because I knew I had such amazing gifts and I badly want to make a difference but could not seem to get the clients.
I know this goes beyond public speaking tips and tricks, so to make the long story short, I watched Sharla, my wife and business partner. At that time, she was my girlfriend, graduated with $80,000 student loans and acupuncture. She hired a coach. He taught her a few things like how to have these conversations. Within a few months, she had a full thriving practice.
I got inspired. At that time, I quit my full-time job, just dove in and never looked back.
What I realized in the early days was that most of our clients happened to be healers, holistic practitioners, life coaches, business coaches, and all these types of people. Their biggest challenge was that they didn’t know how to get clients.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Allot Time And Effort

Jesse Koren
Just coincidentally, we fell into this niche because coaches and holistic practitioners are our favorite people. We had not mastered the art of attracting clients yet; that took some time. We were two steps ahead of the people who we wanted to serve, who we love, who we are passionate about helping.
We just have conversations with these coaches and holistic practitioners, which is the group, about how to grow their business. The problem is they want to make enough money at what they love to do, which was to help people. These conversations led to other conversations because having a niche mean you found other people who are like you, who share the same problem as you.
Within a few months, we’ve compiled a list of 300 people; which, at that time, were listed in an excel document. We decided to hold a workshop that became our first Client Attraction Summit, which we’ve now led over 70 times, to the point I can share public speaking tips and tricks with you today. We went through that list and called every single person and invited them to come. About 50 of the 300 people said “Hey! It’s a free live event. I don’t know you guys that well but you guys sound pretty nice over the phone. We’ve love to come.”
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Talk With People Who Have Great Influence

Jesse Koren
It definitely took some work but it was fulfilling to know that 50 people are coming from that list of 300. I thought that was pretty cool but then Sharla had learn a couple of things about business and we have learned about this cool thing called creating JV partners. Also, talking with people who have a greater influence can help you out in bigger ways.
So what we ended up doing was we talked with a couple of people who had great email lists of holistic practitioners. Between those two people they said running around 30 people. It’s interesting that the list of 300 people, that we called individually, had about 50 people who were willing to sign up. We used public speaking tips and tricks.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Creating JV Partnerships

Jesse Koren
Then, when we started this more high leverage strategy of creating JV partnerships, we were talking with these two people who were big influencers and who had email lists of a lot of people who might be interested in our work. They sent running around 30 people. All in all we ended up with 88 people at this first workshop that we led and we were completely scared and overwhelmed because we have never led a workshop that had more than 11 people. So to fill that event, we used the first two strategies that I talked about; one-on-one conversations which we call the hard selling conversations, and with JV partners.
We show up at the event and I’m totally nervous; my hands are sweating, I’m afraid of public speaking. Even when I apply public speaking tips and tricks, I’m freaked out. We have inspired some friends of ours to volunteer. I remember walking through the lobby and I saw all these people that I haven’t met yet and I was terrified, but I was also totally excited and proud that I was going to be the big speaker for this two-day event.
I remember walking up on stage with my wife, Sharla, and we were interrupting each other. We were doing our best to implement public speaking tips and tricks and share as much value as we can in that two days that we had.
I remember one guy wrote me a letter with four pages. He was a kind and generous man. He wrote me four pages of feedback as to how I can improve my delivery. It was an interesting wake up call.
Then on Sunday, we offered our program as a next step. We were very nervous to make that offer because we never made an offer to a group before. We didn’t know how it was going to go and we had friends and clients in the group. We were just very nervous about it.
Experience Life-Changing Moments With Speaking Tips And Tricks

Jesse Koren
I remember we were making the offer and I felt like I was leaving my body a little bit and Sharla was just pulling away. I could barely remember any public speaking tips and tricks. We made the offer and at the end of the evening, we counted up our sales and that was a life-changing moment. Up until that point, my yearly income was 18 to 20 thousand a year; that’s what I was used to and at the end of that weekend we had made $33,000 in sales from people who signed up for our program.
That was a life-changing moment. I was one person before we counted up those sales and another person afterwards. It is not because suddenly we were rich, but I suddenly realized that we could make this work. The public speaking tips and tricks I did remember to implement, worked, that this thing that I struggled at for years that was almost like a pipe chain. Like “Who are we and what are we up to?” It was something that dawned on me, that I could be a speaker and we could inspire and impact hundreds or thousands of people.
Getting Referrals With Speaking Tips And Tricks

Jesse Koren
Since then, we’ve led nearly 200 events and threw them through those first two strategies under public speaking tips and tricks, then of course referrals.
Once you get started, build momentum for events and do your best in each and every one; people will be bound to tell their friends.
We incorporated some of our public speaking tips and trick into our events which made it more likely that people would refer us to their friends. I’m happy to share with if we have time.

Kamala Chambers
One thing you are good at is creating these experiences for people. You’re talking about people sharing with their friends. That’s how I found out about you.
Public Speaking Tips And Tricks – Improving The Crowd’s Experience

Kamala Chambers
My friend Zach and his wife took your course. They came back and they were telling stories and sharing your public speaking tips and tricks. They had the whole room full of people laughing and talking about the crazy stuff you have them doing at the event. I thought I got to check this guy out. I got to check Sharla and Jesse out and so I went into your event. Then, I’ve been sharing about your events.
I think just creating that impactful experience, you’re on to something.

Jesse Koren
Yes. For example, our Client Attraction Summit, which is the event that most people come to when they first meet us, is something that we’ve led at this point over 70 times.
One of my public speaking tips and tricks that tends to create more and more value is, after nearly every summit that I lead, I go back through the Monday after. I always take Monday and Tuesday off where I do absolutely nothing work-related. The only thing I do is lay around and cuddle with my wife. I do one other thing which is, I often take notes.
In my mind, I replay every single section. Sometimes spontaneously, I’ll say something new that just comes through in a moment or add one little new one to an exercise or section that people have at the event and I’ll take notes on that.
Be Devoted To Learn Speaking Tips And Tricks

Jesse Koren
That’s how this two day turned into a three day event and that’s how it continues to keep growing, changing and getting better over the years. This are simple public speaking tips and tricks, but they work. It’s because I’m just not complacent with work and people tell me it’s great. That’s not good enough. It’s got to be the absolute best. This is not my hobby, this is my career. I devote my life to learning public speaking tips and tricks.
All over the world, people come and if they’re going to fly out, I want to give them the best possible experience so that the moment they get to the moment they leave, they’re like “This is worth flying out for.”
When people willingly come from all around the world just to hear you talk in your event, it’s creates an unexplainable feeling that just makes you want to give your all.

Kamala Chambers
I’d like to get a little further down the rabbit hole with these public speaking tips and tricks. We’ve talked about one-on-one conversations.
I love to hear from you a little bit about JV partnerships and what you’re doing to have JV partners promote your events.
Speaking Tips and Tricks – Creating JV Partnerships To Fill Your Events

Jesse Koren
Creating JV Partners are an important part of public speaking tips and tricks. JV partnership is an agreement between two people to promote each other. It’s like “I’ll promote you in my email list if you promote me in yours.” And what’s promoted is something free; like free seminars or workshops.
The JV partner is offering a gift to their people on behalf of the person who they’re doing the JV partnership with.
Whenever we promote people it’s always, “Check out this free video series” or “‘This person is doing free consultations.” If we promote something to our list, 99.9% of the time it’s going to be a free thing.
We’ve taken public speaking tips and tricks deeper because what we realized very quickly is that we probably had close to a hundred people who have pretty big email list promoters at this point. There is no way that we can reciprocate every single person because we have burned out our email list.
So what we’ve been seeking to do with our JV partners is to look for other ways that we can contribute.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Create A Facebook Group Where Your JV Partners Can Gather

Jesse Koren
One of the ways that we have created value for all of our daily partners is we’ve created a Facebook group where all of our JV partners can get together. We also share insight, public speaking tips and tricks, or secrets with each other about what’s working, our struggles and ask for advice, successes and all that stuff. And these are people who have email lists of 10,000, 20,000, and 200,000.
Being in a Facebook group with all these wonderful people and having Shara help me lead the group has earned us the title of experts in this industry. Also, it has benefited our JV partners greatly. They made new friends and founded new relationships with people whom they wouldn’t have met otherwise.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Do JV Retreats

Jesse Koren
The other thing that we’ve done along these lines is that, every year we do JV retreat. We invite all the people in this Facebook group to the JV retreat and lately what we did was we said “Listen, we don’t do this JV retreats to make money. We do these JV retreats in order to have a big party with all of our friends, do a lot of brainstorming, offer each other public speaking tips and tricks, and then have fun together.”
We probably had about 125 people in our last JV retreat which included high-end influencers. And what we said is that, rather than charge you for next year’s retreat, what we’d rather do is trade you 300 email Opt-ins for attendance to next year’s retreat. In other words, they get to come to next year’s retreat for free in exchange for giving us at least 300 email Opt-ins.
That’s one example of ways that we’re looking to provide as much value as we can and to share more public speaking tips and tricks.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Provide Value In Exchange For People’s Promotion

Jesse Koren
We’ll invite JV partners to our events because we have a very organized back of the room, because we led over 200 events and systemize things for our JV partners too; maybe they have a lot of online marketing. We’ll invite them to come at the back of the room and hang-out with our production supervisor and we’ll give them all of our back-end systems and basically teach them how to create a high level event during their first time out.
We’re constantly looking for ways that we can provide value in exchange for people’s promotion. This allows us to not overwhelm our email list with too many offers; that’s why we have a lot of people in this industry promoting us.

Luis Congdon
I love how unique your public speaking tips and tricks and event promotion tips are too, that you’re not always thinking in dollars and cents.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Stop Thinking In Dollar And Cents

Luis Congdon
Me, myself early on in my business career, I’ve thought so often in dollars and cents with people and I have this anxiousness of “Here’s a potential client. Okay, I’m talking to him. I’m listening well. I’ve taken some notes. Okay, I got to provide value. I got to make this sale.” This has just created such stiffness.
What you’re talking about resonates where I’ve been at recently and it’s just increased my business, my business sense, my networking, and my net worth.
It has skyrocketed almost literally overnight because I’m not thinking in dollars and cents anymore. I’m thinking in what value I can provide others. Now, success comes easy. Dollars just happen to be one of the ways we can do that, but there’s something else that can be and we can create more synergy.

Jesse Koren
Exactly! That makes a lot of sense and it was interesting to decide to make that invitation at the JV retreat because we knew that we were going to be tossing aside tens of thousands of dollars of people who would had gladly paid the attendance fee until the next event.
Public speaking tips and tricks is not just about being good on stage. It’s about growing your events. And the best public speaking tips and tricks I have are on creating JV partnerships.
The Key To JV Partnerships And Speaking Tips And Tricks

Jesse Koren
The key to JV partnerships is that you’re thinking through two filters.
- How generous can you possibly be with your JV partners.
There’s no limit to the amount of generosity that you can bestow on your JV partners because these are the people who can fill your events for you.
- Think of long-term gain as opposed to short-term gain.
It would have been nice to have an extra 60, 70, 80,000 dollars in the bank after that event. I mean, who charges away 60 or 70 or 80,000 dollars instead ends up with some promises from some people to promote us over the year? At the end of the day we are glad we did it.
Recently, we just did a launch and we invited our JV partners to promote for us and collectively added about 22,000 names and emails to our email list because our JV partners fulfilled on our agreement to send us people.
Speaking Tips and Tricks – Value Connection More Than The Money

Luis Congdon
All right. Thriving Launchers, we are here with Russ Ruffino.
Russ, it’s awesome to have you here. Are you ready to launch?

Jesse Koren
Absolutely. We have a program called 6-Figure Speaker. It goes in depth into public speaking tips and tricks.
The core message that I repeat dozens of times throughout this program is…

Jesse Koren
I’ve had people take that program and a year or three years later come up to me and be like, “I’ve finally registered what you’re saying. Connections are the main reason why people listen to your content, buy the stuff you offer, and take all the necessary steps with you. Connection is key.” Connection is one of the most important public speaking tips and tricks for me.

Kamala Chambers
Is there anything else about public speaking tips and tricks or JV Partners for someone who might be starting off on a smaller scale that you want you to say and make sure that we have that nugget before we move on?

Jesse Koren
There are a lot of people that are brand new and all these public speaking tips and tricks and JV things can be a little overwhelming.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Slowly Build Your List

Jesse Koren
Take it slow when learning about JV partners.
Start with where you’re at and if you have 50 people in your email list, then find other people who have 50, 100, or 200 in their email list, and promote each other. Test it out and see how it goes. See what it’s like to promote someone else’s teleseminar or free consultation. Obviously, someone who you believe in and who you feel has integrity, who you want to be generous with, who you want to promote, who you want to introduce your people to. Ask them to promote you as well.
Through that, if you set it up well, they have to give you their name and email address to get the free goodies or whatever it is that you’re offering for free. You’ll slowly build your email list until 500. Once you get into the room of a thousand, you might partner with someone who has an email list of 2000-5000.
An upside to a beginner’s email list is the fact that the people on their short lists are generally more responsive compared to the huge ones.
They have a personal relationship with everyone on their list. When you endorse someone else, they listen. They’re likely to act on it and open their emails and trust your advice. As you grow, then you’ll have more reach. More than half of the people would open their emails only because they knew us. At this time, maybe 20%-25% of the people open each email. If we email our clients, it’s way higher than that.
For all those who are just beginning with JV Partners; your lists are small, powerful and very responsive; this is an advantage that most users don’t realize.
As you’re talking with JV Partners, you can let them know that and get started one step at a time.

Kamala Chambers
That’s great.
The last piece that you have for public speaking tips and tricks is speaking to groups who already have meetings. Is there something you want to say about that?
Speaking Tips And Tricks To Groups

Jesse Koren
Yeah. We have spoken to dozens of groups, some with 100, and some with five people. We’ve implemented a variety of public speaking tips and tricks.

Jesse Koren
Here’s are some public speaking tips and tricks you don’t want to miss. You need to get permission from the host of the event. If they say “No, absolutely not. I will not have any offers or any sales pitches at my event,” then what you can say is “Would it be okay if I offer something for free as a gift?”
Listen well, these are public speaking tip and tricks which you will use. In your offer, you get to say something like “I was having a great conversation with meeting host Sally, and she said that she wants to protect the culture of this group. And so she told me that there’s no sales pitches or any kind of offers whatsoever but she did ask me whether I would be willing to offer a gift for those of you who want to take this information to the next level.” And again, a gift could be a free workshop, a free consultation.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Have People Sign Up Right Then And There

Jesse Koren
The main thing is you have them sign up right then and there. If they don’t sign up for it now then they’re less likely to do it later.
We implement public speaking tips and tricks in our event Client Attraction Summit, that many people have paid $997 to go to but at the same time we want to make it available for as many people as possible, so we offer the event as a gift. And we have people sign up right then and there. We actually asked people to put down a $100 deposit for the event because that basically holds their spot. When they arrive at the event, we actually give them their $100 back. So it is a free event but we know that they’re going to come because they’re putting down the $100 deposit.
So my public speaking tips and tricks here is:
- Make sure that you invite them to take the next step and offering a free gift is great. It’s a great way to ease in to the whole making offers thing.
- Make sure that they literally signed up for right there. They fill out forms saying that they’re in and that where you’re much more likely to have them come to the event.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Creating Sense Of Urgency

Kamala Chambers
I love those public speaking tips and tricks. That sense of urgency is important when making an offer. You got to give people a reason to act now or they’re probably not going to act.

Luis Congdon
But to that $100 is serving as, “We’re putting it out there for you. We put the time and effort to do this. We just want to make sure that you put a little skin in the game.” Those are great public speaking tips and tricks.

Kamala Chambers
I know that we’re coming to the end of this episode about public speaking tips and tricks so I want to make sure that we talk about making an offer. This is something that you’re skilled at.
When I was at your events, I saw you making offers. You keep it fun and you are playful about it. A lot of people get uncomfortable. “Oh god! I’m being sold to.” But you have a way of making offers that’s not sleazy. You invite people to be involved in what you’re doing.
What are your top public speaking tips and tricks when it comes to making offers at your events?
Public Speaking Tips And Tricks – Making Offers

Jesse Koren
One of the changes that we’ve done is we’ve turned our Client Attraction Summit from a two-day with a number of different offers throughout the weekend into a 3-day event with only one and a half offers.
I was scared to do this because our mentors did it in a certain way and we just followed them but I was drawn to do another mile because I wanted to provide more value and have less offers throughout. I was scared that less people would sign up because there were less offers but it surprised me that more people signed up. Because I think that the way we do it is even classier than how we are going to be for us. It doesn’t feel salesy. By the time we finally make that offer, people were already hungry for it, asking about it and wanting to take the next step with us.
So here are some public speaking tips and tricks.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Doing A Philanthropy Offer

Jesse Koren
When I say we make one and a half offers, the first offer is a philanthropy offer. In other words, it’s a very low amount to give a little bit of follow up support after the event.
It’s a $100, and we should be at 75 of the dollars to give it at orgs. So far, our company, the Thriving Academy has been able to contribute $144,000 to Kiva. Kiva is a micro-lending site where we loan money to 3rd world entrepreneurs all over the world. That’s been an incredible blessing.
The main offer is an offer that we make Saturday. We are very transparent about it. Let them know it’s coming and take some time to describe two of our programs.
One of the things that have allowed me to become more authentic in that offer is the strategy we do after, which is to debrief the offer.
Here are some public speaking tips and tricks… talk about the fact that you made the offer after you make it. Because I’m open to hearing people’s judgements or feelings and I’ve had conversations about it, my fear of people judging me about making offers has completely diminished.
I’m always looking to hone my public speaking tips and tricks. I had people tell me that I felt pushy or salesy or “I want to do this but I couldn’t afford it” And I felt terrible about myself and I’ve heard, I think almost anything that anyone could say about the offer are interested in the fire with it. Because of that I know most entrepreneurs fear people’s judgements about the offers.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Be Yourself

Jesse Koren
The best thing that I was able to achieve here is be myself; that’s pretty rare in any profession. I know these public speaking tips and tricks may seem out of place, but being who you are is one of the most important things to remember. It doesn’t feel like I need to put on a different face, I’m the same person talking about different things. Playfulness in the conversation comes in naturally, people are connected and engaged.
When people are engaged, they tend to listen and enrol in more programs. That’s the basics of our public speaking tips and tricks.

Kamala Chambers
Those are great public speaking tips and tricks.
I love that you’re talking about leading up to the offer. You make sure that before the offer, you let them know what’s coming and then after the offer you talk about it. This is something that I see a lot of people doing, is that they rush through the offers. They just try to get it over with. I’ve never heard anyone lay out public speaking tips and tricks quite clearly.
Speaking Tips and Tricks – Speaking From Your Heart

Kamala Chambers
There’s this beautiful art form about getting more relaxed, being more in your body, more present, and speaking from your heart and knowing that you’re not making an offer because you’re just trying to get something. This offer is coming because you want to give something.
Is there any other public speaking tips and tricks that you want to say of specifically about making an offer?

Jesse Koren
In terms of public speaking tips and tricks that are specifically about making an offer, the most important thing that you need to be able to do is, before you make the offer you have to able to look at yourself in the mirror and authentically say, “If it were me, I would do this. I think this is a great opportunity for people to do it.”
If you can’t do that in a mirror and authentically say, “If it were me, I would do this. I think this is a great opportunity for people to do it.” If you can’t do that in a mirror, then it’s going to be hard for you to do it with your people because connection matters more than anything as we said in our public speaking tips and tricks.
I believe that we’re all on some level. So when you’re making an offer to your group, in some ways making an offer to all these different parts of yourself.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Find The Price That Makes You Feel Generous

Jesse Koren
Listen closely to these public speaking tips and tricks… If you can’t honestly say that you feel a very good deal, then you have one or two options.
Change your price to seem more generous. Because if you don’t feel like it’s generous, you’re just going to choke because you feel that you are going to try hard in standing your value that you’re going to rush through it. It’s going to feel tensed and forced. Instead of that, you got to find a way to feel generous; one way to do it is to lower the price. If you need to do that, do it. Find the right price, the one that makes you feel generous and strong; like you are Santa Claus providing a group with a tremendous amount of value and gift for the price that you are offering.
Speaking Tips And Tricks – Take Away All Self-Doubt

Jesse Koren
My favourite way to approach public speaking tips and tricks is as a way to improve yourself. The kind of improve that would take away all self-doubt, negative beliefs and such. So that you can stand at a higher price point and when you’re talking about a program that maybe costs $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000, then you feel that that is a generous offer. People would be crazy enough to do it.
I’ve made 500 offers over the year; alongside public speaking tips and tricks, I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to offers and I’ve made over 10 million and probably 15 million dollars through making offers to groups.
In offers, you usually get what you expect. So if I go in and I truly, deeply expect people to sign up then usually the number of people I expect will sign up. Believing otherwise would result in the same expectation. I’ve made offers and nobody signed up; we made over $500,000 in one weekend from the one offer that I made. And so I know what it’s like to expect people to sign up and I know what it’s like to fear that they’re not going to sign up and to expect the amount to sign up.
Speaking Tips and Tricks – Create Templates

Jesse Koren
The other public speaking tips and tricks, you need to have templates where the offer will be based on. We have templates, that on behalf of my mentors, over the last 10 years we figured out ways to make it more heartfelt, more engaging, more effective, more inspirational, and more playful.
Whenever you make offers, take it one step at a time and simply talk about it. It’s more likely that they’ll say yes to what you’re offering.

Kamala Chambers
Those are also awesome public speaking tips and tricks. We’ve been here with Jesse Koren from Thrive Academy. I know Jesse, you said you had something that you wanted to give away to our audience, which I’m excited about because it’s about an event that I’ve been too that I absolutely got a ton of value out of and essentially went for free.
I would love to hear this special gift that you’re giving away to the audience

Jesse Koren
This gift is what I’ve mentioned a few times during our time together, which is a three-day live event and it’s with myself and Sharla. We have no guest speakers and it’s for you if you are a coach or a holistic practitioner who has a gift, maybe have a few clients and maybe you don’t but you want to attract more clients. You need to make more money in your business and you want to reach more people.
This event is called the Client Attraction Summit. During our three days together, we do some work around creating or inspiring vision where you want to be in your business one year from now as long as it’s at the peak of your success. We do some extremely powerful transformational work that allows you to put through some of your landing belief that would keep you from getting there.
Speaking Tips and Tricks – Inspire People To Work

Jesse Koren
I’ll teach you how to have one-on-one heartfelt conversations with people so when you leave them, they’re inspired to work with you as opposed to feeling sold to in anyway. We’ll help you talk about what you do more powerfully. We’ll help you start how much you charge with confidence. Over 95% of the people, statistically speaking have given themselves a raise.
We’ll teach you exactly what to say when people say “I can’t afford to work with you”, which happens a lot. And we do some work around, leverage strategies and commenting those in your business like creating JV partnerships. We also do some work around speaking to groups and how to make thousands of dollars while doing so.
I’ll give you more strategies, tips, and secrets about how to do that; not to mention additional public speaking tips and tricks. As I said before, people paid $997 for this event but we’re committed to reaching as many people as possible.
Kamala and Luis, we’re absolutely happy to offer a full scholarship to you, which is exactly what I talked about before. You put down a $100 deposit and then when you arrive at the event we’ll give you a $100 dollar check. At the end of the day, people tell us that it’s a life-changing event. It is a turning point for a lot of people.

Luis Congdon
For the listener, I just want to show you guys how skillfully Jesse used his public speaking tips and tricks and has manage to sell Kamala and I by offering us a scholarship to his event, telling us how great he is and how great his stuff is. And we already knew that, otherwise we wouldn’t have him on the show and present him to you, the listener. But he sold us! We want to come to the event.

Kamala Chambers
I’ve already been! And I’m like “I got to go again!”

Luis Congdon
If you’re a listener and you’ve seen Kamala and I, you’ve heard our voices. If you see us at one of the events, please come, say hi. We’d love to connect with you.
Full Scholarship On Speaking Tips And Tricks

Jesse Koren
In terms of finding where to go to get your full scholarship, you can go to and you’ll have to fill out a short little application because you’re guests on the show or a listener. If you just put Kamala or Luis as a how you heard about it, well make sure that you absolutely get two full scholarships. We love to support you and it would be a total honor to support with public speaking tips and tricks and any way that we can through this event.

Kamala Chambers
We have been here with Jesse Koren learning public speaking tips and tricks.