Public Speaker Training – Justin Devonshire

There’s a high barrier to entry for a lot of people but if you make the effort to go and do it, you’re going to quickly establish yourself.
Justin points out the mistakes that people do such as creating events that are too big. They focus on it and look at it as their product when it should act as a lead magnet. He walks us through ways for you to avoid these mistakes. He shares some tips on how to become a good speaker. With Justin’s public speaker training, he shares how confidence and speaking are linked to profiting.


Four-step method
- Start with small events
- Know what you want to sell
- View the event as a lead magnet and focus on the back-end
- Teach your audience everything you know.
- Start with a free event.
- Utilize Facebook ads.
- Pair up with another speaker or work with strategic joint ventures.
- Public speaker training is strongly linked to profiting
- Your confidence and your speaking tie into the number of sales you make.
- Speak not to teach but to influence and inspire people.
- It is divided into two parts; structuring content and delivering the actual content
- Get paid a keynote fee
- Use your events to sell your products
- Seed your product early in your talk
- Make your product relevant to the event
- Have confidence when making a pitch


Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re going to talk about live events and public speaker training; how to plan public speaking events, how to promote them, how to perform with them, and how to profit from them.
We’re here with the real experts who’s going to teach us all of these steps and public speaker training to sell high ticket programs from the stage.

Luis Congdon
If you’ve been trying or have ever thought about putting on a live event, get ready for a big task, especially for those of you who are brand new to public speaking and haven’t done any public speaker training. But not to worry, today’s guest, Justin Devonshire is going to make the whole process a whole lot easier.
Justin’s been around for quite a while. He’s a professional public speaker, does public speaker trainings, and he’s figured out an incredible method to fill up places. He’s been in Huffington Post, Men’s Health, Forbes, Cosmopolitan, The Business. He’s been all over the place. I’ve seen him. Great word about him.
I just love bringing people on the show that have good attention and media around them. People in my own circle have nothing but great things to say.
Welcome to the show, Justin.

Justin Devonshire
Hey guys. How are you doing? I’m happy to be here for this public speaker training.

Luis Congdon
Are you ready to launch?

Justin Devonshire
I am ready to go.

Luis Congdon
All right! Love it.
First Thing To Know About Public Speaker Training

Luis Congdon
What is the first thing we should know about public speaker training, doing an event and being the person that puts it on?
It’s cool if you can put on your own event because you can control the money, you can control the speakers and you can be in-charge.
But here’s the catch. For me, it’s like “That’s a lot of freaking work, Justin.”

Justin Devonshire
Right. Yes. There’s so much we can talk about with live events, public speaker training, or big thing and these includes seminars, workshops, single day events, 90-minute events, retreats. It could be any of these things.
Instantly Position Yourself With Public Speaker Training

Justin Devonshire
There are many reasons why I encourage a lot of any kind of entrepreneurs, coaches and trainers to get involved in public speaker training. The main thing is it’s one of the fastest ways to instantly position yourself with expert credibility, and you can publish books, you can be in the media, or in things like that.
But at the end of the day, getting on stage is like the final barrier because you can have someone ghostwrite a book. You can get someone to get you into the media or on things like that but with live events, when you go on stage and teach people, you can’t fake any of it. That’s why there’s quite a high barrier to entry for a lot of people and if you make the effort to go and do it, you’re going to quickly establish yourself.
Why Every Business Person Should Have A Public Speaker Training

Justin Devonshire
Public speaker training is one the most lucrative things you can do and it’s why I think everyone who serious about their business should have public speaker training. If you do it, the media is going to chase you because you’re a public speaker. You will find it easier to promote book sales if you have a book. So all these three things work well but we see a speaking as being of the main big things. And of course it’s the fastest, easiest way to sell high ticket programs in high volume.
So when you put all those things together, it’s not simple. It’s not easy. It’s not a walk in the park but those who learn the skill set and go and do it are going to profit bigtime.

Luis Congdon
You know you’ve got me sold on public speaker training. You had me sold a long time ago and it’s why I’ve gone through your public speaker training. When you said better conversion rates, I was hooked. I mean it. I mean if I can make more money, impact more people. I’m excited about it.
Kamala, haven’t you found that it’s hard to organize a live event and bring people in? Bring people to come and watch you talk and watch all these other talkers, isn’t that a hard thing to do, Kamala?

Kamala Chambers
I planned a lot of events myself and I love the process because the strategy of it and being able to bring all the different elements together is something that excites me.
Four-Step Method For Public Speaker Training

Kamala Chambers
I know that you have this 4-step method for public speaker training and I think what happens for a lot people is that they fall down on one of these areas. There’s the plan, the promotion, the performing and the profit. And I know that we’re going to dive into those today in this public speaker training.
I’d love to hear the first step about the planning. Where do you recommend people start?

Justin Devonshire
Okay, that’s a great question.
One of the biggest mistake I see most trainers doing is trying to make events that are too big. I’m not suggesting you trying to be the next Tony Robbins or anything like that. It’s not about packing out huge arenas.
Public Speaker Training Planning Step – Know What You Want To Sell

Justin Devonshire
When you start planning your events first, it all comes from knowing what you want to sell and wrapping a business around it.
So if I could sum up public speaker training, the key difference is that the speakers that fail with this, it’s because they look at the event as the product when it’s more like the lead magnet where you then sell products on the back end.
Public Speaker Training – Focus On The Back-End

Justin Devonshire
People put a lot of focus in the event. They try and make it like some kind of huge Tony Robbins type of thing and put all the money into it instead of focusing on the back end.
When it comes to public speaker training and planning an event, we would first look at what you ultimately want to sell, where are you trying to ascend your customers to. It’s just like a high-end program like a one-to-one coaching program or a mastermind or some group-based program, something that should be relatively high ticket, at least about 500 dollars.
And then, you’re basically then going to fill out the event to get just the amount of people you need to make the number of sales you want.
Over the year, let’s say you want to fill up a high-end mastermind program with ten clients. You can probably do that by doing three relatively small events in over the course of the year. And if you could put 30 to 40 people in a room three times a year, and make four to five sales at each one, then that could help you fill up a ten person high-ticket mastermind.
Create Maximum Results With Minimum Effort with Public Speaker Training

Justin Devonshire
When we do the planning, it’s about looking at the numbers and seeing what’s the minimum amount of work we can do to get the maximum results.

Luis Congdon
And I want to ask a quick question. I know everyone is loving diving into public speaker training and what you’ve said.
A couple things came up for me.
One is, “Yeah! Justin’s totally on point. Now I get it. I get why people like Neale Donald Walsch or T. Harv Eker who wrote Secrets of the Millionaire Mind have these events where it’s $99 a ticket. “Get your seat free now! Limited time”. You put in the deposit and then you just want you to show up otherwise they keep your money. And I see that for them, that’s a lead generator.
Public Speaker Training – Live Events As Lead Generator

Luis Congdon
Who’s somebody else that we had on the show?

Kamala Chambers

Luis Congdon
Yeah. Jesse Coren.

Kamala Chambers
He’s good at that in the Thrive Academy.

Luis Congdon
And they talked about public speaker training too, just another aspect of being a public speaker and the training you need as well… You’re getting people in the door and that’s what’s important but here’s my catch, I’ve been around long enough now that I’ve been seeing this and I go, “Oh my God! It’s going to be a pitchfest,” and then I don’t want to go.

Justin Devonshire
Yeah. You’re right.
Yeah. I know all the top speakers. Tony Robbins, Bill Walsh, Gerry Robert, Andy Harrington, T. Harv Eker, even Bob Proctor. This is the Speak to Sell model.
Public Speaker Training – Watch Out For Speak To Sell Model

Justin Devonshire
And you’re right. There’s a lot people that will say that so then they can be pitchfest and things. And some of the bigger guys can get away with it a bit more because they have some crazy following. We call that event ‘the money platform’ where it is used as a platform to sell high-ticket programs.
If you go to like a Tony Robbins three-day event, he’ll sell all kinds of stuff like he’ll sell ten different programs at that.
So yeah, you definitely got to watch out for that. I think the bigger guys just tend to get away with it because they have such a strong fan base.
Public Speaker Training Promotion Step

Justin Devonshire
For the newer coaches, when you are trying to establish yourself, you want to do it tactfully and you’ve got to first know that there’s nothing wrong with promoting yourself. You just need to do it in the right way.
And the way we generally do this is, when it comes to any ascension model in terms of your products, when I do public speaker training with my clients, I teach them to recognize that at an event, it is a “Done with you” service. You’re mentoring people and teaching them over two days. So it’s about giving information. Usually, in front of my guys this is a one or two- day event, I’ll tell them. Tell your audience everything. Spill the beans. Teach them everything you know.
Public Speaker Training – Teach Everything You Know

Justin Devonshire
And then the high-ticket back-end program is usually about some accountability. Teach the people everything over the two days. Give them amazing value. Let the people see for $99, they get amazing stuff.
But at the end of it, we’re just going to say, “Look, if you’d like personal accountability or some support to do this with you over the next few months, here’s what we’ve got. Here’s our mastermind program.” It doesn’t take anything away from the event. You still give good value but you’re offering something different for sale. If that makes sense.

Kamala Chambers
It makes a lot of sense and it’s important too. I like how you do public speaker training, I’ve actually never seen anyone do it like you do.
Public Speaker Training – Understand The Impact Your Generosity

Kamala Chambers
What happens in marketing from my experience is that people respond to generosity. When you’re generous and you’re giving away a lot, people respond to that and they think “Well, if you’re giving away this much on the stage, just imagine what this person is going to give away if I work with them one-on-one.”

Justin Devonshire
Yeah. That’s it. Exactly.
Some of my clients inside the public speaker training that I do are some of the top speaker sellers in the world. They’ve always run this model.
Be A Top Speaker Seller With Public Speaker Training

Justin Devonshire
One thing you’ll get if you go to their event, you will get a good experience out of it. Some new speakers, they try and copy those models exactly and doesn’t quite come off the same way. Then they can sometimes get a bad reputation for being pitchfest. But the top guys like the real masters, they do it. They’re sleek and they do it in a good way.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah. I’d love to dive in deeper into the public speaker training model you have, into one area I have struggled with the most with events. Because planning, promotion, and performing are those that I’ve nailed but the actual promotion of the event is what piece like “How do you fill the event?”
Fill Out Events With Public Speaker Training

Kamala Chambers
I’m not a big extrovert. I know that the best way to fill an event is with one-on-one conversations and of course, there are opportunities to do that online and there are all kinds of strategies to do that online but, I would love to hear from you some of the ways that you recommend filling an event.

Justin Devonshire
The first difference to figure out is if it’s for a free event or paid event. When it comes to filling up events, this is the first thing I ask everyone at my public speaker trainings. We have usually what we call the ‘preview event’ which works just the same way as like an online webinar like a 60-minute, 90-minute.
Public Speaker Training – Offer Free Intro Event

Justin Devonshire
Most of the top speakers I’ve worked with will usually start with a free event. And the free event will actually sell the paid event which is longer. And then the paid event sells the back end programs.
The difference in the events determines how we sell things. If it comes to just filling, the first is free intro event.
Public Speaker Training – Utilizing Facebook Ads

Justin Devonshire
Then, Facebook Ads are extremely effective because of the Pay per Click, automatic nature when you want to go high volume of leads. Facebook Ads does 70% of the work I would say.
Then, it’s leveraging your own database and then it’s working with strategic joint ventures or a big one. Usually, we could do something where if you can pair up with another speaker who could bring value to your event and they could also bring a following with them. You can do that. So you’re adding more value but they also bring their database and advertise for you. Or otherwise, just any type of affiliate deal you can do.
Public Speaker Training – Work With Strategic Joint Ventures

Justin Devonshire
Just like with online marketing, sometimes we will partner with another well-known expert in our field who has a good database that we’d like access to. We can work out something where they would promote our event. And any of the registrants that come from them, that buy something in our event, we will give a commission back to that person just like how it works with online affiliate marketing.
I’ve taken all the things from online marketing and just applied it to live events offline for offline event and works the best way. So it’s Pay per Click, and traffic your own database.
Public Speaker Training – Put Out Good Print Advertisement

Justin Devonshire
Also for certain niches like print advertising can be quite good too for a local event. That’s something that people don’t do a lot of these days. It’s just putting out good print advert for a local seminar or whatever else might be. That will work better in a more mainstream niches like weight loss, personal development, maybe general business events. Things like that.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah. Those are all great suggestions and powerful aspects of public speaker training.
One thing I want to mention here for people who are maybe on a lower scale. Maybe they’re a coach or consultant or something like this. That it can be a lot simpler to get your event out there even if it’s just going to a yoga studio who already has a calendar of events. And having them promote the event for you. You put on a free class and then you upsell from there your coaching package. And that’s a great way to earn money back as a coach or consultant. That’s one way that I was able to apply this public speaker training as a coach.

Justin Devonshire
One thing Kamala, like what I said in the beginning about public speaker training, people worry too much often that they have to fill up 100 or 200 people in an event.
Biggest Fear in Public Speaker Training

Justin Devonshire
The biggest fear they have usually, at least from the clients I’ve worked with, is not speaking on stage. Their biggest fear is speaking to an empty room. So they always tell me, they’d feel okay if there were 50 people but if it’s 5 people, that’s even worse.
So I tell people that another great thing about live events is that it is flexible.
Public Speaker Training – Make Big Money From Small Events

Justin Devonshire
Let’s say, you publish a book and want to sell a book. You have to order a thousand copies and then get rid of the damn things. But with this public speaker training, you can make big money from small events.
My first couple of events I ran when I was back in fitness training, I would have maybe five to ten women show up in my studio. The great thing is if you have a small seminar that wasn’t as busy as you thought it would, we call that a workshop. We just position that and say it’s a private workshop now.
Flexibility In Public Speaker Training

Justin Devonshire
If you have 10 or 20 people in a room, and apply public speaker training, you can make several thousands of dollars just from that if you still do it in the right way. The good thing is if you plan on getting 50 people but only 10 end up coming along, you can still be flexible and you can still do something to get some of those people enrolled onto a program. You get to give them more value.
I was doing the seminar and 3 people turned up back in my early days. I just reframed it and said to those guys, “Hey! We’re doing a semi-private session.”
Public Speaker Training – Start Small And Make The Most Out Of It

Justin Devonshire
You just got to find a way to make the most of it and with perseverance, and practice, and looking at your numbers. You will get more and more people. I started with three or four people in my events. Now, we can do over a thousand sometimes.

Luis Congdon
I’m thinking too about one of our interviews that we have with Andre Chaperon, who with a very small email list has beat out people with email list of over a hundred thousand. Just because his list is targeted and it’s the same thing with having people in a room. Those are targeted people and so we get caught up in numbers and size and being like other people and thinking that numbers equals sales or numbers equals popularity and success. And it doesn’t! Does it, Justin?
Public Speaker Training – Numbers Doesn’t Equal Sales

Justin Devonshire
No! You got to remember that these are some of the most qualified leads you get. This is exactly what I am teaching in my public speaker training, and right now all of you get the information for free.
One of the arguments I hear is that people say “People come to a freebie event. They’re not going to buy anything!” And the first thing I say is, “Well, if that was the case then webinars would never work.”
And the second is that the people that have come to this event are the most qualified free leads you’ll get. They’re not opting in to read an e-book in 5 minutes. They’re not opting in to a webinar where there are actually half scrolling through Facebook at the same time. These are people that have set aside time in a diary, left their homes, usually in the evening, come out in the rain and sitting with no distractions listening to you for two hours on your topic. These are committed people. And you got to realize that maybe they’re not investing money in the free view event, but they’re investing their time which is even more valuable. That’s something you just don’t get from any of them. You don’t get that from webinars or books or e-books or anything like that. You don’t need a lot of people for them to be qualified.

Luis Congdon
Let’s review some of the steps of public speaker training that Justin has gone over with us. Which one of the first steps that we’ve gone over Kamala?
Public Speaker Training Performing Step

Kamala Chambers
We’ve talked about planning and promotion. I’d love to get a little deeper into performing. This is an exciting aspect for me.

Luis Congdon
If you’re just tuning in, just want to recap for you. If you’ve been listening, we’ve been talking about how create a live event. And then how to take that live event and get people to come to it and how to make sales from it.
Now we’re going to talk about how to perform on stage which is key! A lot of people get nervous about performing on stage. What are some tips around that Justin?

Justin Devonshire
The first thing is there are a lot of different speaking courses out there and what I teach is very unique. It is because the performing side is actually entwined with the profiting side. If we understand that we’re selling right from the gecko. Your confidence and your speaking appeal all ties into the number of sales you make.
The first thing is to remember that you can learn the art of speaking and that’s powerful but it has to be some strategy wrapped in there too.
Public Speaker Training – Two Parts To Performing

Justin Devonshire
With that said to performing, there are two parts to this. There is structuring your content or your presentation and then, there’s delivering the actual content.
For the structuring side, the first thing I would tell most people is most speakers try and teach too much in their intro events, and that reduces their sales.

Public Speaker Training – Speak To Influence

Justin Devonshire
That goes for any lead magnet. I always say the goal of an intro seminar or any lead magnet, is to simply give the audience the belief that the result is possible for them.
So one key thing to doing that is to teach through your case studies. Whenever you have some content, let’s say you’re going to teach three big principles in your seminars, I would always try and teach them through real case studies. It’s like coming from a third party perspective.
If you are a fitness professional and you’re going to teach about eating vegetables is fantastic or whatever. Then rather than you just and there talking and giving scientific facts and statistics, it’s better to use a case study of one of your clients so you get the social proof before the pitch comes.
You’re giving social proof all the way and it’s like saying, “Here is one of my client’s stories. She struggled with the same things as you and now here’s the result. And now she is doing really great,” “Here are three principles of about nutrition that she really talked on board and we taught her.”
Public Speaker Training – Use Case Studies To Inspire People

Justin Devonshire
You’re using your case studies also to inspire people rather than trying to convince them later on. It’s a very subtle difference there. Such one thing is teach your content through case studies as much as you can.
The second thing when it comes to the content is to seed your products as much as you can.
It’s doesn’t help if you talk for 60 minutes about general tips and then, suddenly just spring your product on people. That’s what makes for a bad sales pitch.
Public Speaker Training – Seed Your Products In The Beginning

Justin Devonshire
We like to seed in the beginning. I just say something like, “Hey! If I give you guys some cool content and some good ideas today, is it okay if at the end I just talk about my product for two minutes?” Everyone’s like “Yeah! Sure. That sounds great.” So you’ve taken away the anxiety for a lot of speakers and it’s been more authentic and congruent. That’s structuring the talk.
As for the delivery and the actual speaking, there’s a whole range of things here but there are basically six main nervous signals that your body gives off when you speak. These are subconscious. I help speakers identify some of those areas.
Public Speaker Training – Get More Body Awareness

Justin Devonshire
One of the main things is moving on stage. Someone who’s nervous, you’ll find they pace back and forth across the stage. And we do this our body moves unconsciously because it’s actually preparing to run away if things get too dangerous to the brain.
So the first thing we teach at in our public speaker training courses is to get more body awareness as you speak and to practice firmly planting yourself and moving with purpose.
If you’re going to move somewhere on the stage, you’re doing it with a strict purpose or intention. That’s one of the first things.
Public Speaker Training – Using Vocal Tonality

Justin Devonshire
Another thing to do is using vocal tonality, a very powerful tool for a speaker whether they’re on stage or on a podcast or on video is to make use of pauses. Because when you do, people will listen closely.

Luis Congdon
I just started to listen more. I knew I needed more public speaker training!

Justin Devonshire
Exactly. And you can be saying absolute nonsense but it sounds important.

Luis Congdon
It makes me think about dating.

Justin Devonshire
Public Speaker Training – Use of Pauses

Luis Congdon
I used to have this thing where I was in business and dating. Dating’s been such a good training wheel for me I guess for business because I’ve drawn many lessons from dating and applied them to business.
I was socially anxious guy especially around women. The more attractive they were, the more I felt anxious. Couple of years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to talk to Kamala at all. I would have just ran out the room.

Kamala Chambers
And when we met, he was the most confident man I had ever met.

Luis Congdon
One of the things that I learned as a way to get over my anxiety was to take more pauses and more slow paced breaths.
I had to read books on social anxiety to get over it. And one of the guys that I read would kept using 007 as an example. He’s like “James Bond” and then he goes “Hi. I’m James.” He just introduces himself fairly slowly and methodically. Somehow, that helped me become more confident in speaking.

Justin Devonshire
That’s right! Yeah. Sounds like dating gave you some public speaker training.
And another one is speaking quickly. Like you said that’s another big trait of a nervous speaker. They speak fast. There are many more things. There are six or eight main nervous tells, we call it. When I take speakers through my public speaker training boot camp over a few days, we drill down on those things.
Public Speaker Training – Trust That The Right Words Will Come

Justin Devonshire
What’s happening is most speakers are so concerned with what they’re saying. It’s like they’re living in their head. All of us have read the studies with communication that the actual words you say count for 2% of communication, 95% is body language, and 3% is vocal tonality. We all know that but most speakers have got it the other way around and they focus so much on the 1% of the perfect wording that they don’t focus on tonality and they don’t focus on what their body is doing.
So when we teach people, this is what we say to them.

Justin Devonshire
Just trust that you trust the right words will come and just be more present in your body. Focus on how you’re standing. Focus on your breathing. Focus on moving with purpose. Focus on changing your vocal dynamics. When they do that, then they start getting into that mind frame, then they can talk nonsense. They can talk gobbledygook.
Like we show with the vocal tonality, if you can speak with good presence and body language, that can over compensate for poor wording.
Public Speaker Training Profiting Step

Kamala Chambers
Absolutely! I’m getting all these flashbacks of the events that I bombed at versus the events that I did very well at. It’s the ones where I was focused on my body and my presence, my breath and all of that. I love it! Thanks for sharing that piece. That brings us to the big drum roll which is profit.

Luis Congdon
I think we need a sound machine where we use the “Chi-ching!”

Justin Devonshire
All right! Profiting! The most ignored part of public speaker trainings, and yet one of the most important pieces of public speaker trainings.
There are two ways to profit from speaking.
Public Speaker Training – Ways To Get Paid A Keynote Fee

Justin Devonshire
The first is to get paid a keynote fee. To be a keynote speaker, you get paid for who you are. So you either need to be some kind of celebrity like Donald Trump or Paris Hilton who aren’t good speakers. They just get paid for who they are.
The other way to get a keynote is you have to achieve some kind of physical feat like climb Mt. Everest or run across Antarctica in your underwear or something like that. They get all the keynote and fees.
The second way to get money is to use your events; either free or relatively low cost to give your customers an introduction, an insight into the results that are possible for them and to give them the opportunity to work with you for the long term. We know as coaches, that’s where the difference happens. It’s not a lot of difference you can make in someone’s life in one or two days. Maybe if you’re Tony Robbins, but even he acknowledges most people will go back to their average habits.
Learn Public Speaker Training To Make A Difference

Justin Devonshire
What I learned from one of my mentors in public speaker training was that, you’re only a speaker to make a difference. Getting people to stand up and give you an applause does not make a difference.
When you want to be able change the way people think, speak, and act, the only way we can be sure as speakers we’re doing our job of making a change is if they go the back of the room and sign up to work with you. Because then, you’ve instigated change in somebody.
You’re not going to change them in the event but you can change them enough to change their beliefs to get them to take a chance with you where you can make a real difference. That’s where the money is now and that’s where the market is shifting. People want to hear from real people; real people who’ve been through pain in their life or have an expertise to share. There are people out there who want to pay you for what you know.

Justin Devonshire
I advise people to go down the route of using events to sell their products. There’s a lot more money in doing it that way.
For example, one of my public speaker training clients, he’s one of the top speakers in the world and he has a $35,000 keynote fee. But he would rather didn’t get paid for that. Because if he goes through a room of 300 people, he knows he can sell 50 of them at least on to one of his $2,000 programs. So he will make a lot more money from his sales ability and offering products of real value than getting a $35,000 fee on stage. He can make double, triple or quadruple that in the long run.
Public Speaker Training – Make Sure Your Product And Event Links Up

Justin Devonshire
As for how do we do this, again it helps to seed your product early on in your talk, and to make sure that your product and your event links up.
One mistake a lot of speakers make is they think of their event first. They put an event on because they think of that as the product. They put a big theme on their event and then they wonder, “What do I sell now?” What they sell isn’t congruent with the event.
Take the Reverse Engineering Approach In Public Speaker Training

Justin Devonshire
We take you up the reverse engineering approach of saying, “What are you going to sell on the back-end?”
Let’s say, you’re going to sell a 90-day course on social media marketing. We would then make the event like a trailer or preview for the program.
If you’re going to teach five social media platforms on your program, then the seminar could be a brief introduction and some light tips on each of those 5 platforms. You would teach a bit on each of those social media platforms.
hen, it transitions nicely into the product where you say to everyone that “We’ve given you some tips to get started on each of these areas. But if you want to go and dive in deep on this, we’ve got a whole 90-day training course”, “We’d love to tell you everything today but we only have a couple of hours, it’s not possible. But on a 90-day program we can really get in deep and give you all the tools and personal guidance.”
That’s the first thing, and the thing most public speaker trainings miss. Make your product relevant to the event. In that way, your audience will have an emotional desire to buy from you but also a logical one. And they go, “Ah, yeah! That makes sense. This event is cool.” That product will add more value. Rather than if you don’t do that, people can think that you were over-hyping the event.
Some people can promise everything at the event. “This event is everything you ever need,” “Come to my event and it’ll change your life.” And then when they pitch something no one buys because the audience thinks “The event gave me everything, didn’t it? Why do we need to buy something?” So there’s no logical connection there. That’s the big thing that will help most people.
Public Speaker Training – Be Confident

Justin Devonshire
Another public speaker training tip I could say would be having confidence. I’ve seen over and over again that you can have the perfect sales script, the perfect elements to a pitch, a fantastic product but what happens for most speakers is they get to that point where they transition from the content into the pitch. This is one more thing that public speaker trainings miss. They don’t talk about confidence and how important it is. But if you don’t have it when you make the pitch, the energy drops. You guys have felt that, right? On a webinar or something.
Definitely. It’s like light and day.

Justin Devonshire
Yeah. One rule in public speaker training is whatever you feel, they will feel it.
If you’re suddenly all confident with your expertise and then it comes to the pitch and your tonality drops just a little bit. The audience pick up on that and wonder why aren’t you confident.
Public Speaker Training – Believe In Your Product

Justin Devonshire
More than any tactic or script I could give you, it comes down to really believing in your product and believing in the opportunity you’re giving people so much that you’re excited to talk about it.
People come to my public speaker training boot camp, on the beginning, they tell me they’re afraid to get to the pitch in their events. By the time they leave, they just want to get to the pitch because that’s the most exciting part for them. They want to get to the content and then be like “Okay! Let me guys give you a real opportunity where I can really help you now.”
When you can get that with your products, people are going to feel it. They’re going to believe it if you believe it. That will over compensate for any lack of sales ability. It’s just having a straight face, 100% being able to say to your audience “Look, I’m doing this program. Here’s who it’s for. If you want this result, I really think you should come and do this. It’s a really good investment.”
Get More Sales With Public Speaker Training

Justin Devonshire
If you have some kind of risk reversal guarantee, it’s even better. But if you can just flat out say that and not be afraid and shy away from the sales, you will make more sales.

Kamala Chambers
I can’t agree with you more. This is such a big piece of public speaker training. It makes all the difference when you believe in your product and one way to believe in your product is by testing it, making sure that it works, that people are having a good experience with it. There’s nothing better to boost the confidence.
Public Speaker Training – Test Out Your Products Before Getting On The Stage

Kamala Chambers
Before you get on stage you might want to test out your products. Make sure that people are having good experiences, work out the kings, and then put on these big events for yourself.

Luis Congdon
This has been a great interview that we’ve had today with Justin Devonshire talking about public speaker training. We could keep going on about public speaker training. It’s crucial and fundamental.
We’ve recently had Russell Brunson on the podcast and he talked about going on a year-long journey for public speaking, to try to learn how to sell from stage. He’s been on some big stages but he worked and honed and spent a lot of money on this.
But as you’ve seen, taking the time to get some public speaker training can pay off. This is why in a few months, we’re going to bring Justin back on the show, he’s going to share with us a program that’s going to teach you how to create programs, events and how to plan, prompt, perform and profit from the stage. And how to create the stage that is necessary for you to have a thriving business.
Justin, thank you so much for coming on the show today.

Justin Devonshire
It’s my pleasure, guys. Thank you.