Power Of Gratitude – Pam Grout

What does the power of gratitude have to do with financial wealth? Everybody thinks that abundance is all about financial capital. On this episode, Pam Grout, author of Thank & Grow Rich, talks about different forms of abundance and how we can have them all by being in the frequency of joy and gratitude.
When we’re in the frequencies of happiness and love, all things come smoothly.

- Spiritual capital
- Creative capital
- Social capital
- Adventure capital
- Alchemic capital

Kamala Chambers
In this episode, we’re going to be talking about the power of gratitude and how gratitude creates wealth.
So excited to have Pam Grout on the podcast today. She is an international best-selling author. She’s written over 18 books. You’re going to see a lot of those on the New York Times Best-seller List. She was featured on places like CNN Travel, Huffington Post, People magazine. She is an expert when it comes to the power of gratitude.
It’s amazing to have Pam here today with her new book coming out, Thank & Grow Rich.

Luis Congdon
Welcome to the show, Pam. Are you ready to launch and talk about the power of gratitude?

Pam Grout
I am ready to launch. I am glad to be here. Thanks for having me.

Luis Congdon
I love it. My mom is currently reading your book, Thank & Grow Rich. I’m excited to talk about that.
I’m a big fan of the book. Your book sounds very much like Think and Grow Rich. I love your title, Thank & Grow Rich. Let’s jump into it. I want to know why did you choose that title.

Pam Grout
Everybody’s heard of Think And Grow Rich like you said and what I say in the book is that the best way to get rich, and I also talk about different kinds of capital than financial capital. Because there’s a lot of different ways to feel abundant and to be abundant. I like to share how the power of gratitude can bring you abundance.
Everybody’s heard of Think and Grow Rich. It’s a catchy title.
The Power Of Gratitude And Unabashed Joy

Pam Grout
What I say in the book is you can think all you want but the best way to get rich is to start thanking it and getting on this frequency of joy and gratitude. When you get on that frequency then, your life just starts working in magical ways.
It’s a good way to get in the now. It’s a good way to start seeing all the beauty, the wonder, and all that surrounds us at all times that we so often forget because we’re so busy following the seven steps to this or the seven steps to that.
Obviously, it is a take off on Napoleon Hill‘s book. I call it the subtitles of 30-Day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.
In it, I encourage people to be grateful for everything because there is so much to be grateful for.
When we’re so focused on all the things that aren’t going right, we forget how much there is to celebrate in our lives.

Luis Congdon
What you’re saying is incredibly about the power of gratitude is amazing to me.
I go on all sorts of PR sluice where I’m on a bunch of podcasts, radio shows, blogs, and I get interviewed a lot, and one of the questions that come up quite often is, “What is achievement, success look like for you? How will you know that you’re successful Luis?”
My answer is always, “The more that I can feel love, the more that I can feel thankful, and if I feel that, then I am successful. I feel the power of gratitude. Because, at the end of the day, most of us are doing something to get somewhere else.”
A Power Of Gratitude Rampage

Luis Congdon
We want a great job so that we can be happy. We want more money so that we can buy things. We want those things so that we can be happy.
If I’m at the state of happiness, bliss, and joy, then I’ve achieved the very thing that I’m after, and if I can do all those other things and have more of the things and do more of those other things, that’s great. But if I can’t be happy with that process then, I probably won’t be able to enjoy it.
I had this power of gratitude experience. I went on this gratitude rampage that was about picking throughout the day as many things to be thankful as possible. I did that for a week straight, and something blew up inside me.
I felt just this overwhelming. It’s inexplicable how beautiful I felt and yet nothing had changed.
My income hadn’t changed. My lack of a partner, this was when I didn’t have a partner like Kamala. My grades in school because I was in school, hadn’t changed.
Something inside blew up in me. I was living the power of gratitude. I’ve never felt that happy truthfully. Never that level of happiness and I know that I can consistently go back to something like it or a level of happiness like that. It was incredible, and it was because I went on this gratitude rant.
I believe what you’re saying about the power of gratitude is true. There’s so many of us going after a goal, and we get the goal, but it’s not enough. We go to the next goal and the next goal and so on but somehow, we’re still dissatisfied.
The Power Of Gratitude Frequency

Pam Grout
Yes. That’s true.
You’ve accomplished all those goals you mentioned early. You got this beautiful partner. You got this fantastic job and all these different things now.
Probably, a lot of it had to do with the fact that you did get on that gratitude frequency because when you get on that frequency, everything in your life changes.
When you get on that gratitude frequency and access the power of gratitude, all those things you were trying to get before, they come to you.
There’s this abundant and intelligent universe out there that is always trying to interact with us, always trying to bless us with the power of gratitude. But because we’re on this other frequency, the frequency of “Oh, something’s wrong. Life sucks, and then you die.”
When you’re on those kinds of frequencies, you miss this universe’s intelligence. The universe can’t get through to you.
Another aspect of the power of gratitude is the Divine Buzz. When you’re in this Divine Buzz, it sounds like you were when you were on that rampage of gratitude. It rewrites and changes everything. It rewrites your neural chemistry.
It makes you feel differently and anything you’ve ever wanted, manifestation or whatever, it starts coming to you in really easy ways. You will be led and guided. It’s just this remarkable magical thing that can happen.
All of us can experience magical things once we start looking for all the things that are going right instead of all the things that are going wrong.
The 5 Capitals Of The Power Of Gratitude

Kamala Chambers
I’m with you there. If you look at the whole universe, it’s nothing but vibrational frequencies and what are we deciding to entrain to. Thank you so much for that. What a beautiful gift that you’ve given us all to look at the world that way at this moment.
One thing I love to hear from you is these different forms of abundance. There’s so much more than financial wealth when it comes to the power of gratitude. I love to hear more about that from you.

Pam Grout
I divided up into five different kinds of capital. Everybody thinks abundance or wealth is Financial Capital but again, as Luis was saying, a lot of times, you can have that and you may not even be that happy.
The five kinds of capital that I encourage people to amass in this book starts with Spiritual capital. With the power of gratitude, it’s easy to access these. That’s the unseen connection that we have to all the world and that we’re all one. That’s where real joy and happiness comes from.
Creative Capital, that’s where all financial capital comes from. Everything starts as an idea. When we use our imagination, it comes up with Creative Capital. Every screenplay that has been written started as Creative Capital. Every book that’s been written is creative capital. Every business started with Creative Capital. That’s how it get started. Now that’s the power of gratitude.
Next is Social Capital, that’s where we make our connections with other people, and that’s so important. That sense of belonging and doing something bigger than yourself.
It’s easy to get into this, “Me, me, me, me” thing.
What brings us the most joy and happiness is when we are serving the planet.

True Earning Potential With The Power Of Gratitude

Pam Grout
When we are falling, what I call your Beeps, those things that are calling out to you and wanting you to follow.
Next aspect of the power of gratitude is Adventure Capital. You just look at life as an adventure because there are so many people out there who always look at the bottom line or doing this but there are so many great adventures to take.
The things that I like and the things I want to do is have exciting adventures. I do a lot of traveling. I’m a travel writer as well, so I’m always trying to collect experiences more than anything else.
Adventures are important, and they don’t even have to be like foreign traveling. It can be an adventure of walking down your street and opening your eyes and looking at all that’s there because we miss most of everything.
The final type of capital that you access with the power of gratitude is what I call Alchemic Capital, and that’s like alchemy. It’s the ability to change things, and we all have the potential to make changes in our lives. That’s the fifth capital that I talked about in the book.
I have like an earnings report sheet, and I had people, “Where do you think you rated in this five kinds of capital when you began?” And then I have them reassess after the 30 days are over, and I have them do this program. This all plays into the power of gratitude.
I’ve got 27, what I call party games, in there because again, I think people take things too seriously so who wants to do exercise. I’ve got 27 party games, but the only one required in the book is this 30-Day thing that I have, and it’s my A.A. 2.0 Program.
The Power Of Gratitude To Find Balance

Pam Grout
I don’t know if many of your listeners have heard me speak me before but it’s something I talk about a lot, and I can certainly share that with your listeners if you think they might be interested.

Kamala Chambers
I’d love to hear that and, just the concept of all these different forms of capital is so powerful. What a beautiful way to look at things because if we can measure what level of abundance we have, we’re not focusing it all on the money.
Like Luis and I, we travel a lot too. We travel half the year. That to me is the richest I can feel in my life, and I think that we can look at all these different forms of capital and see where we’re out of balance even.

Pam Grout
So yeah, like I said, there’s a little sheet, and you rate yourself on a 1 to 10 on each of those kinds of capital. And see how the power of gratitude plays into all this.
The other thing that I think is so important about the power of gratitude is the idea that you are serving something bigger than yourself.
A lot of people do think of financial capital when there’s just so much more. When you have these other kinds of capital, the financial capital is almost like a side effect. It’s a side effect of having this other forms of capital in place.
The Power Of Gratitude In Relationships

Luis Congdon
That to me is the best way to have that financial capital, and it’s a side effect or, it’s a part of a bigger picture and not just a thing that is secluded and just this own little experience of “Oh wow I’ve got an influx of money” but, there aren’t these other aspects that are also really rich and plump within my kind of quadrants as you’re putting it.
I wanted to add something there that you said because when we talk about capital, interesting.
As many of you guys already know, I used to teach the work of Dr. John and Julie Gottman in relationships and marriage education. One of the things that they talked about with the power of gratitude is a positive bank account of emotional investment in the relationship.
I forgot the specific word right now. It’s been so long since I talked about this the power of gratitude in relationships, but basically, we have positive emotions in our relationship that allows us to have a healthy and thriving relationship. In our marriage, with our kids, or friends, and that’s another kind of bank account too.

Pam Grout
Exactly. That falls into the social capital, but that’s so terribly important when it comes to the power of gratitude.

Luis Congdon
So, you wanted to talk a little bit about your A.A. 2.0 System. Can you tell me a little bit about that?
A 30 Day Experiment On The Power Of Gratitude

Pam Grout
Yeah. In fact, this 30-Day experiment, that’s what I have people do this program for 30 days, and it is so simple to practice the power of gratitude.
The reason I call it A.A .2.0, you’ve heard of the first AA. It’s a 12-Step program. Well, I’m all about smooth and easy, so this is a simple program that has two steps.
- Step 1. You get up every morning and the first thing you do before you pull off your covers, brush your teeth, or before anything, you just set the intention.
- Step 2. This action goes back to the power of gratitude. I have what I call “My possibility posse,” and these are five friends that every day, I text them five blessings from the day before.

The Power Of Gratitude To Create Magic

Pam Grout
So if you put your attention upon looking for blessings and miracles, what do you think you’re going to see? Blessings and miracles.
That’s the little program, and it’s super simple, but it just changes your focus in how you’re looking at life, and it changes everything. You see this happen with the power of gratitude.

Kamala Chambers
There’s this little phrase that we used to say when I taught energy medicine. “Where your intention goes, your energy flows” and I think that is right for what you bring back to you as well.

Kamala Chambers
I know when I’m in a good space, or when I witness people in a happy space, putting out intentions for good things to come to them, it happens. Magic can happen every single day of our lives if we open ourselves up to it. Magic happens when we access the power of gratitude.

Pam Grout
Right. Well, it is going on every single day of our lives, but we don’t see it a lot.

Kamala Chambers
We’re not paying attention to it.

Pam Grout
We live in this infinite field of potentiality. I call it “Field of Infinite Potentiality” in my other book, E-Squared, the one which became a huge international best-seller.
We live in The Field of Infinite Potentiality, but all we see is the waves that we’ve collapsed.
Here’s unlimited, that means endless. We collapse like this finite little thing, and we think this is the world.
All of us have our little picture, our little reality, our little hologram of what we see out there when there’s so much more possible.
Finding The Power Of Gratitude When You’re At Rock Bottom

Pam Grout
I think the biggest thing that I like people doing it when you get in this frequency of joy and gratitude; you’re just open to so many more things. With the power of gratitude, there are so many more possibilities out there because they are infinite. That means there is no into it and our little pea brains have a hard time even grasping the concept of infinity, but truly, that is what’s available to us.

Luis Congdon
What I love about what you’re saying is very reminiscent of when my life fell apart. I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I forgot all about the power of gratitude. My relationship ended, job ended, unemployment had ended, unemployment income had ended.
I just didn’t have anything, and I was sleeping on my friend’s couch, and I’ve always been the successful one in my friendship with this particular friend.
And so, sleeping on his couch for me, and getting to this place was rock bottom. I couldn’t imagine going any lower, and I went through a period where I felt awful about my life. Like, “Man, why am I here? This sucks. This doesn’t feel good. This is terrible. I’m so broke, and I can’t find a job. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself.”
You know where that road ends up pleading, and maybe sometimes we need that. But, I ended up going to this place where maybe I needed that so that part of me could burn up, because I eventually got to a place where it was like, “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t wake up” and have this messages going off in my head to myself. I had to get back to the power of gratitude.
Putting The Power Of Gratitude To Practice

Luis Congdon
I can’t even tell myself that this is the reality that I’m living and continue this until tomorrow. So I have to do something, and it has to start today.
I started doing these practices where I’d wake up, and I’m laying there on his couch. I’d wake up, my eyes would open. I close my eyes again, and I would say, “I’m thankful for today. Money has flown in like never before, and I am incredibly grateful and appreciative for all the miracles that have come true.”
Then I just go through my day. Just brush my teeth, get ready for the day and then at some point, later in the day, I had this idea. This is the first time I did it. I was like, “What if for right now, just for the heck of it. I’m going to feel and pretend that I just receive $10,000. I’ve never had that before. Most I’d ever made in a year was like 50,000 in a year working full time if not more, but I’m just going to pretend this right now that this just happened.”
I closed my eyes and then I opened it. Opened my eyes and just started walking as if that had happen. Like, “Oh, how does that feel? Oh, my God. I feel so grateful for this, ” and things dramatically shifted in less than a month’s time.
Out of the blue, somebody called me and hired me for a job that paid more money that I’d ever made, and it was an incredible job.
The Power Of Gratitude Changes Your Entire Life

Luis Congdon
Soon after, Kamala came into my life, and she whisked me away from my job, and we got a chance to start a business, and all these different things started to happened.
I feel that the pivotal shift was my desire to start being thankful for what I had and being even thankful for experiences that hadn’t come yet. That’s the power of gratitude at work.

Pam Grout
It’s causative energy.
Gratitude is causative energy. It plants seeds that grow into unlimited abundance.

Pam Grout
Again, it put you on a frequency where you’re connected to all that.
The truth is, we’re connected to all the abundance we could ever want, but because we’ve collapsed the wave and we’re believing “what was me” tale, we do not see it. It’s just not materially manifested in our lives. The power of gratitude brings in abundance.
Once you get on that other frequency, it shows up, and it’s there. It just comes out the wazoo. It’s amazing.
Like this woman that I wrote about today on my blog. She was implementing the power of gratitude. She had been doing Law of Attraction. She said she had some success but once she started just really focusing on gratitude.
She was trying to find a job, and she said she just had this hit not to look for the job but to just really start focusing all of her blessings and then all of a sudden, she just gets this hit “Go walk down Web Street.”
After she sent out all of her resumes, she walks down web street. She ends up walking to this jewelry store. It ends up being this woman hired her to be a marketing director. It’s like this perfect job, lots of money.
Get On The Frequency Of the Power Of Gratitude

Pam Grout
Because she had gotten on this power of gratitude for three days, that’s all she was doing, was think about all she was grateful for and this job just falls into her lap.
This intuition “Go walk down Web Street.” That’s what happened, and that’s exactly where the job was. That’s what I mean.
This interaction is there. The perfect answer to whatever is troubling you is right there once you get on that frequency, then it can speak to you.

Kamala Chambers
Yes. Absolutely.
I’m so grateful for you Pam for the work that you’re doing and the work that you’re putting out there to the world so we can build the power of gratitude. As a species, I think gratitude can be the birthplace of love.
I would love to hear from you, is there anything that you want to make sure that we all walk away with today. Any message that is in your heart that you want to share?
The Power Of Gratitude Is About Love

Pam Grout
The power of gratitude is about love. We are all loved so much and that we are love. Who we are is love. At any time we’re not acting out of love, we might be judging something, or we’re not grateful, we’re actually in stress.
We are love wanting to give and wanting to express our gifts.
So when we’re in that state, we’re happy and joyful. But anytime we’re not, we’re judging this, or that’s not going right, our body’s in stress. Just to realize how much we are all loved and how much we are loved.
That’s who we are and how much this universe wants to interact with us and wants to shower us with blessings and beautiful things.

Kamala Chambers
We’ve been here with Pam Grout talking about the power of gratitude. It’s been so fantastic to have you on the show with the Thriving Launchers listening in.
Thank you all for being here and keep thriving everyone.

Pam Grout
Thank you.