Podcast Website Design – Transcript

Kamala Chambers:

On this video, we’re going to talk about the three essentials you need for your podcast.

My name is Kamala Chambers. I’m a Launch Strategist, and I’m also the host of the Thriving Launch Podcast.

Podcast Website Design – Clear Call To Action

The first thing you need for your podcast website design is a clear call to action that gets people opting into your email list. This is something a lot of people miss out on with podcast, but it’s essential so you can continue to nurture your relationship with your listeners over time.

Your podcast should be bringing you in business, and having people on your email list is the best way to make offers to people, and to get them engaged over time with you.

Podcast Website Design – Where To Put Opt-In Boxes

Now, let’s just talk a little bit about those opt-in boxes and where to put them. You want to have one opt-in box at the very top of your website, above the scroll line. That means it’s right there. They don’t have to scroll down to find the opt-in box.

The second opt-in box you need on your podcast website, it’s a little bit annoying, but it’s a pop-up. You know those pop-ups that come out and say, “Hey, opt-in for my mailing list” or “Opt-in to my newsletter” or “Opt-in for this free offer.”

I know those are annoying, but people use them because they work. You’re going to get more people opting in through your pop-up on your website than any other place.

Podcast Website Design – Put Latest Podcast Episodes On The HomePage

The second thing your podcast website design needs is you need to put your latest podcast episodes on your website homepage because Google recognizes websites that are constantly producing fresh and new content.

One of the best things about having a podcast is it gives you a new and fresh content. Make sure that’s showing up on the homepage of your website.

Podcast Website Design – Podcast Player

The third thing your podcast website design needs is it needs an excellent podcast player.

If you have a well-designed podcast player on your website, people are going to want to click “Play.” They’re going to want to listen to the show, and that’s what it’s all about. What’s the point of producing it if no one’s listening?

Make sure you have a well-designed podcast player on your website; one that encourages shares and encourages other people to embed it. They could take that content and embed it on their website, which means more listens for you.

We are going to include a link in the description about a podcast player we love to use. It’s called Cool Cast Player.

Just some bonus tips.

Podcast Website Design – Should Be Mobile Responsive

Your website should be mobile responsive. You should have a way to contact you on your website, and also, you want to make sure it’s optimized for SEO so when people search you on Google, they’re able to find you.

Here’s a supercharged bonus tip.

Podcast Website Design – Pimp Your “About Page” Out

Make sure you pimp out your About Page because that is the second most visited page on your website. Ensure that you have an About Page, and that you pimp it out so people know that they can connect with who you are and what you have to offer just by reading that page.

If you’re looking for more tips on how to grow your following with podcasting, how to attract new customers and clients, we have a free training for you, a whole free guide book for you on how to get started with that so join us over there. It’s at paid2podcast.com, and there’s a link somewhere in here too.

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