Overcoming Adversity – David Schloss

On this episode, we are here with David Schloss. He is a social media marketing expert, a speaker, and a strategic consultant.
David shares his story about using a seven-day eviction notice to not only get his business back on track but also recreate himself. He also shared the three things that allowed him to grow in business and personal life: practice, patience, and persistence.


Have a bigger vision instead of having money as your end goal to allow you to keep working at it.
Don’t just fall apart when things go in an opposite direction.
Spend time daily for personal development training
Understand that going through a downfall is part of the journey.
Write every possible thing that you have that could provide value to people.
Conversations can change not only your life but also your business.


Luis Congdon
Overcoming adversity in life is essential. The greater the adversity, the stronger you become.
On this episode, we are here with David Schloss. He is a social media marketing expert, a speaker, and a strategic consultant.
David shares his story about using a seven-day eviction notice to not only get his business back on track but also recreate himself. He also shared the three things that allowed him to grow in business and personal life: practice, patience, and persistence.

Kamala Chambers
We’re sitting down with David Schloss. He’s a social media marketing expert, a speaker, and a strategic consultant.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, here we are. Let’s get into it. How do we build a business while also recreating ourselves and overcoming adversity?
David, are you ready to launch?

David Schloss
Absolutely! Let’s make it happen.

Luis Congdon
What do you think are some pieces of advice or elements of your story that helped you in overcoming adversity and some personal life challenges while also growing a business?

David Schloss
There are three things that I had focused on quite a bit in the last couple of years that have allowed me to grow my business, but also grow as an individual. It is practice, patience, and persistence.

Overcoming Adversity By Practicing On Working On Your Craft And Yourself

David Schloss
I feel that each one of them go hand in hand; practice working on your craft and working as you as a human being.
What do you want to be? Who do you want to be known for? How do you want to feel every day when you wake up?
“I am an amazing, great leader.”
Overcoming Adversity – Be Patient

David Schloss
I wake up everyday believing that and living it, but at the same time, in practicing that mantra, practicing what it is that I do, I’m also very patient with the outcome.
I don’t expect anything immediately. I don’t ever go into anything believing that I have to do it in the next ten days or the next 30 days or else I’m a failure.
Overcoming Adversity – Be Persistent

David Schloss
I go into everything with the expectation of “I’m going to accomplish it, and however long it takes, it’ll be just that.” And I’m also very persistent in going after that goal.
I will keep doing everything in my power, in my capacity to make sure that I achieve that goal. That benefits me, my family, my friends, and everyone in my circle. It’s because the more I become successful, everyone around me tends to get successful too.

David Schloss
And so, I follow those three components in everything that I do, which helped me in overcoming adversity and has worked wonders for me in the last couple of years.

Kamala Chambers
I think persistence is such a huge and an essential piece in making anything happen in life and in overcoming adversity.
What is one tip that you would give on finding that motivation to find persistence?

David Schloss
I feel that most people go into a project or let’s say they work with a client or a new business believing that they’re going to be persistent in going after the end goal.
Overcoming Adversity – Keep The Motivation High

David Schloss
Most people’s end goal is money. They’re going to go for “I want to make a hundred thousand” or “A million dollars” or whatever it may be. Most people start with that. Typically, that’s a great motivator in the beginning, but when you’ve hit that goal, you feel the same.
When I first made my six figures, I hit the number, and also I feel the same as I did yesterday. So that level of motivation dies off rather quickly.
Overcoming Adversity – Have A Bigger Vision

David Schloss
Whereas, if you have a vision of “I want to impact a thousand businesses in making their first million dollars in revenue,” that motivates you much more in going after that goal. You’re inspired working in your business every day, and in yourself as a person than the number of how much money you want to earn. It is because it might take you longer to achieve.
Because it takes you longer, you’re going to keep doing everything that you can until you’ve reached that goal. It could take you a year, five years, ten years, but that bigger vision is going to allow you to keep working at it. At least, that’s what happened to me.

Luis Congdon
What’s another piece of advice that you would recommend when it comes to overcoming adversity?
Overcoming Adversity – Don’t Give Up Easily

David Schloss
I would recommend that you don’t just fall apart when things go in an opposite direction.

David Schloss
What I mean by that is this.
This is when I first had my big failure in business, which I’ve had several. When my business fell apart, my agency went from having 10 to 15 clients down to two in roughly six months, and I couldn’t afford to pay my bills. I couldn’t afford to do anything. I just had to stay at home and grind away trying to figure things out.
Instead of just quitting and going back to get a job, I just kept figuring out and reformulating what it is that I wanted to do with my business. I wanted to be the best social advertising expert I could be all over the world. I wanted to be the “guy.” Now, of course, that’s ego-driven at the time, but I knew that I had the skill set to be one of the premiere advertisers in the world.
Overcoming Adversity – Keep Working On Yourself And Your Business

David Schloss
And so, I kept working on my sales craft, positioning myself as an individual who understands the market whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, you name it.
Instead of just quitting, falling apart, and saying, “Okay. I got to go get a nine to five because I can’t afford anything.” I just kept working on myself.
Overcoming Adversity – Spend Time For Personal Development

David Schloss
I went through 30 minutes a day of personal development training through YouTube just watching videos from Les Brown, Tony Robbins, and Jim Rohn. Also, I kept on reframing who it is I am as a person; how I think, how I believe in different things but at the same time, I kept working.
Whether I had to do 12 to 14 hours a day of work, sleepless, I just kept going because I knew at some point, it would click. Something would click for me where things would turn around.
Overcoming Adversity – Keep Going

David Schloss
It took next three to four months after that low point, figuring out that I’m two to three months away from being dead broke. I just kept going, and it finally hit me on the worst day it possibly could, which was I was seven days away from being evicted, and seven days apart before my car again get taken away.
That was that deadline I needed to figure things out finally, but I had to go through the entire downfall and understand that this is a part of the process. This is a part of the journey. In doing that, it all started to come into place. That’s when it all clicked for me. I didn’t give up.

Luis Congdon
When I hear that about just your downfall and a few months of hard times, I think of my own story where it was more like a year of struggling and sleeping in my friend’s couches, not being able to pay a lot of bills, having a boot put on my car.
I’m curious. Do you feel like it’s the same story even if your struggle is longer than a few months? What changed for you when you had that seven-day notice?

David Schloss
It did put a lot of pressure on me to come up with the plan a lot sooner.
Overcoming Adversity Of Losing Everything

David Schloss
When I was first starting to realize that things weren’t going that well, it took about nine months for it to sink in. I had enough of savings in place to go through the motion and see if maybe I could turn things around in three to six months.
By the time that sixth-month mark hit, that’s when it was starting to affect me. I’m going, “Okay. Now, I’m three months away from no longer being able to afford anything.”
Three months go by, and now I have zero. Bank accounts were drained, and my girlfriend hates me because it’s like “You can’t pay for anything.” I’m about to get kicked out of the place. Everything had to fall apart at the same time for it to finally dawn on me that I need to figure this out.
It’s because I wasn’t taking it as seriously as I should have been. It’s like “Oh, okay. I’m going to coast. I’m going to figure this out. Something will hit me. Eventually, I’m going to make this happen.”
Overcoming Adversity – Don’t Wait For Things To Get Serious

David Schloss
But it wasn’t until things got serious, and I had to understand it. I’m seven days away from my entire life changing for the worst that it all finally started to make sense.
I had to look at myself and understand that this is only temporary because I kept looking at it as “Oh, it’s all good! No biggie!” I wasn’t taking anything seriously. I just figured, “You know what? Someone’s going to come to me with an opportunity, and it’s all going to change.”
I was just delusional with the fact that my business was falling apart. I was trying to think of ways to make things positive when everything was negative in front of me, everything.
It had to hit me like a brick just hit me in the face. I had plenty of moments where I was crying on my floor like I don’t know what I’m going to do. I just felt like a failure like I was unsuccessful like no one would appreciate me anymore. It’s just everything that I could think negatively about myself happened.
That’s when I started to go, “You know what? I just got to lay it out all on the table.” And I just went to my whiteboard and started writing every possible thing that I could provide value to people in this world. I did it from at that moment from a sense of Facebook and Instagram advertising because that’s what I do for people.
Overcoming Adversity – Offer What You Have For Free

David Schloss
I just wrote on the board all the things I can offer for free that would allow people to come to me and just give me some advice because that’s all I was looking for. It was one thing to change my entire picture, my whole story, and it did!
Now, of course, there’s more to that but imagine having hundreds of conversations in a seven day period that not only shifted my entire life but it also changed my whole business in that seven-day window. It’s because I was able to come out of that seven days.
I was able to pay for my car and get my business back off the ground and become a completely different person than I was during those nine months where things were falling apart.

Luis Congdon
Those are all fantastic aspects of the story and a hero’s journey on overcome adversity.
Thriving Launchers, I hope you got something out of today’s story and guest.
Overcoming Adversity – Start Making A Change

Luis Congdon
If there’s one thing I’ve gotten, is that at any point, you could lose everything, and at any point, you have something that you can give of value to the world, and it can be as simple as a conversation, and people can change your life through conversations.
Thriving Launchers, whatever you’ve got out of today’s episode, make a change and keep thriving you all.