Money Mindset – T. Harv Eker

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Money Mindset

What do you think has blocking you from having a wealthy money mindset? Maybe you were taught that you couldn’t be rich and kind at the same time. You may even have a negative money mindset, which you’re not even aware of, that is keeping you from being wealthy.
On this episode, New York Times best-selling author, T. Harv Eker, shares how we can shift to the millionaire money mindset.


- Be aware of your money mindset.
- Understand where it came from.
- Choose the money mindset you want to have.

What Is Money Mindset

Kamala Chambers
In this episode, we’re going to be talking about the millionaire mindset and money mindset with the master himself, T. Harv Eker.

Luis Congdon
Today’s guest is the creator of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, New York Times best-selling author T. Harv Eker.
It’s absolutely an honor to have him on the show today. I’ve been to his seminars. I’ve run through his courses and programs. I love his work, and it’s such an honor to have him here because he’s going to teach you how to have a money mindset.
All right, Thriving Launchers. It’s so exciting to be here with you guys. I’m excited because we have T. Harv Eker here today and as you already know, I’m a big fan of his work. It’s something that’s made a big difference in my life.
When I was broke, really down and out, I scrounge the last of my money together to go to his event, and it was life-changing. I loved his event.
So, without further ado, Harv, are you ready to launch?

T. Harv Eker
I am.

Luis Congdon
Conditioning Your Money Mindset

Luis Congdon
One of the things I want to ask you today is a big one for me. Especially as a guy whose former life is trying to seek monkhood, working in the nonprofit world and very interested in giving and spirituality.
However, there is a side of me that was entirely cut off. And that’s why I’m an entrepreneur now is just developing the self. There is a side that was cut off for so long, and it was that side of me that was okay with finances and financial success.
It was all right for me to go and pay for six months. And go into the community and round up six months’ worth of rent for a homeless woman. That was one of the biggest glories that I’ve had in my world but it was not okay for me to have six months’ worth of money saved up. And it was not okay for me to have financial success, and had to do so much work around that.
Why do you think that there’s this kind of chasm or this gap between success, spirituality, and finances? Why is that?

T. Harv Eker
Like many other things, it comes from conditioning our money mindset. It comes mostly from our upbringing when we are young.
When we come out of the womb, we don’t know anything about money mindset or anything like that. We’re not conditioned around that. But as we grow up with our family, friends, uncles, aunts, grandparents, etcetera, we learn how to do everything.
We learn how to walk. We learn how to talk. We learn how to make money and how to think about money. Also, there’s a lot of negativity amongst the religious communities around money and the money mindset. It starts with old sayings like, “Money is the root of all evil,” and things like that.
Spirituality And The Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
The religious communities especially the churches, they frown on money. They frown on wealth. You should have love for God and not for money. What I would say is I would agree with that. I’m a spiritual myself but where’s the conflict here? The idea is that you can have both the money mindset and spirituality.
I don’t mean to be rude to anyone or any organization by any stretch. However, it’s fascinating that certain organizations will tell you that money is bad and then pass around the hat. It’s bad you should give it to us, and happened to be the largest real estate holders on planet earth.
The idea here is that the old idea, “Money is the root of all evil,” is not what the Bible says. It says that “The love of money is the root of all evil,” and I would tend to agree with that. If you love money more than everything else, you got a problem.
What I teach and what I like to expose to my students is that you can be kind, generous, loving, balanced, and spiritual, and freaking rich. Why not?
I want to mention one more thing with that. You were talking earlier about helping other people. When you’re broke, who do you help? You can go around and give your time, and I believe that’s wonderful. However, time doesn’t just cut it when there are hurricanes, disasters, and floods. All kinds of natural disasters where they need blankets, medicine, transportations, and all these things. Whether we like it or not, in a perfect world, they wouldn’t. They all cost money.
How To Develop A Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
I always tend to think about when I’m earning a lot of money, and I’m happy to say that I do. There’s a percentage that goes to me in what I need and what helps me. But there’s also a contribution factor and a large one from people, myself, and my students that go to help other people.
When you’ve got a lot of money, you can help a lot of people.

Kamala Chambers
I agree with you. So glad that we’re here talking about this topic.
One thing that I really would love to hear from you is, we at Thriving Launch have a lot of entrepreneurs here. People know these things. But it’s the struggle within, still guilt that may come with having money and creating wealth.
How do we start to move and shift to the millionaire mindset and have the right money mindset?

T. Harv Eker
That’s a great question because you hit the nail on the head.
As I said earlier, we learned how to be about money. And the question is, from whom do we learn that money mindset? You got to take a look at the sources of your information. Remember, on earth, we’re born as an empty vessel, an empty cup. Then we proceed to get filled up with information, and then we live based on that information.
Changing Your Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
So the question is who gave you that information? If you can look at that and become aware of where you got the beliefs that you got about money and the issues around it. Then the idea is:
- Be aware of it.
- Understand where it came from.

Luis Congdon
As I’m listening to T. Harv’s talk, what’s powerful for me is it reminds me of my own process that I had to go through. I know that you guys are incredibly loving people, have tons of goals and aspirations and that we’re all here together with T. Harv.
You continually come back to the show. Because there’s this balance that we want to give you. A balance between being an entrepreneur, being somebody who’s out in the world doing things, and being someone who has a spiritual non-profit philanthropist family person. All of that other parts of life, you have all of that combined.
From Scarcity To Abundant Money Mindset

Luis Congdon
As he’s talking, I’m thinking about how I didn’t have that part of me developed. I was afraid to talk about money. It was something that because of that fear, it was like taking a hose and putting a kink in it. When we think about that as an expression of life is like I have a beautiful garden and over here, this is the garden of how I give to people, how I’m involved in my community.
However, when you look at the garden where what’s my home life like, my ability to contribute and have the things that make me happy. It allows me to just feed myself and the people close to me as my friends and family, I didn’t have that.
So, going through that developmental piece where you’re starting to ask yourself, “Well, is it okay with me that I’m broke?” Or, “Is it okay with me if I make some extra money?”
You have the story T that I love where you’re watching a television show, and there’s this guy who’s a billionaire, and you’re having a response to it like, “Whoa.” They’re talking on the television about how much more money this guy made and you started judging him like “Oh, whoa. Was he making all that money? That’s Ludacris should someone have all that money.”
Then, you caught yourself, and you’re like, “Wait, I’m having judgments about wealth and finances about him. That’s somehow got to be cut me off.” Then you started going “You know what? I’m going to congratulate him. I’m going to say “Oh, way to go man.” And you jumped up and started celebrating.
Why is that important?
Understanding The Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
So the question in a lot of your clients and listener’s minds is what do I do about this?
As I said, we start with awareness. Then, understanding this association, and then you choose something to believe. What beliefs do you choose around money mindset? What ways of thinking do you choose? You choose the way that rich and successful people, the ideas and thoughts that they have. When I say rich and success people, I am not talking about bad people.
A lot of people have the connotation, or we’re taught or still being taught and condition that rich people are bad. Somehow, in shape or form, that rich people are bad.
First, if you believe that rich people are bad and you want to be a good person, you just slit your throat. You can never be rich and have the abundant money mindset.
If you believe that rich people are bad and you want to be a good person, you can never be rich or even highly successful with money.

T. Harv Eker
What do you need to do to have an abundant money mindset? You need to recognize the reality that this is people, same as you and everybody else. They have done something to gain their success and wealth just like you would have done.
The idea is to admire and model other rich and successful people just as if you wanted to be on the pro tennis. You would want to probably admire and model professional tennis players and do what they do. You don’t want to do just make the whole thing up on your own if you can help it.
Shifting The Money Mindset

Luis Congdon
T, can I jump in real quick? You’re saying something that’s special to me, and I want to extract it a little bit from own experience. And how I utilize this teaching from your work and your excellent and fantastic book Secret of the Millionaire Mind.
One of the things that you said that I loved just now is you need to start looking at rich people in a different way. This will help you shift your money mindset. Because if you think that they’re bad. Then you’re going to cut yourself off from being a good person or bad person if it’s contrary and not congruent with your belief system. You will find a way to sabotage it.
I just wanted to share how my money mindset was developed while growing up. My dad growing up would say a lot of things about rich people that were somewhat negative. “Oh that guy, he’s a jerk. He just owns his big yacht, and he’s super wealthy.” He’d say a lot of stuff. I love my dad. One of the greatest people on the planet, but this was one little hang-up that he had, and I remember going “I have to change this.”
One of the things that I did Harv is I started looking for examples of things that wealthy people were doing. They were entirely congruent with things I thought were great. I began looking at non-profits, celebrities, famous people, philanthropists who were donating to celebrities, and money that was being given out.
I was going, “Whoa, look at that building. Somebody that’s super rich pretty much put all the money up for that.” “Whoa, look at that homeless person. It’s because of this rich person that that homeless person doesn’t have to sleep there tonight because these people are funding that non-profit.”
I just wanted to say that because that is such a great exercise that you just gave.
Understanding The Huna Philosophy And Transforming Your Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
Let me give you one more to that too to add to it.
As you said, most people resent rich people. I’m sure a lot of you have heard about Huna, the Hawaiian philosophy. There’s a Huna philosophy, a phrase that changed my money mindset. Everyone, when you have a chance, I want you to write this down. I want you to read it at least every day for a month. Just regularly read it, and that’s what I did. It made a big difference for my hundreds of thousands of students and me.
Here’s the Huna philosophy. It says, “Bless that which you want.” “Bless that which you want.”
If you see somebody, who’s got a beautiful car, instead of going, “Oh, what a jerk! That guy parks right in front.” First of all, he didn’t park it in front. The valet did because if he did, it would look lousy. You bless that car, and you bless the person who owns that car.
If you see somebody with a beautiful home, you bless that home. You bless the person who owns that home. You see someone with a beautiful family. You bless that person with the family. You bless with the family.
Anything that you negate, you can never have.
Attracting The Abundant Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
I want to make one more point about around money mindset because this is crucial to me. This is the way I was myself. And so, this completely changed my life.
My seminars, I say, “Let’s get to some reality here. Raise your hand if you believe that it’s true that at least, some rich people are bad.” Everybody raises their hand. Okay, I say “Let me ask another question. How many also believe that there some middle-class people who are bad?” Everybody raises their hand. “Okay, how many think some poor people are bad?” Everybody raises their hand.
Some rich people are bad. Some middle-class people are bad. Some poor people are bad. What does this have to do with money? It has nothing to do with money. It has to do with the person. You just need to have the right money mindset.
Money will allow you to be more of what you already are.

T. Harv Eker
If you are a greedy jerk, money will allow you to become more of a greedy jerk. If you are a good, kind, and generous person, money will allow you to have more generosity, goodness, and kindness. That’s all it’s going to do.
Now, the big question everybody is not about them. It’s about you.
The Process Of Creating Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
Let me ask a simple question. If you already got millions of dollars, do you think you would now turn into an a**hole, a jerk, a bad person? Do you think that would happen? It’s just going to fall in your head. It’s going to be “Oh my God! I’m a multi-millionaire. Now, I’m a bad person.” That’s ridiculous.
You’re going to be who you are. If you are a good person, and you are, then money is just going to add to that. It’s not going to make you a bad person. That’s all garbage. That makes no sense.

Kamala Chambers
I love what you’re saying here because it’s necessary for shifting to that millionaire mindset.
Can you just give us a little more context about what is a millionaire mind?

T. Harv Eker
Well, it’s very simple. A millionaire mind is simply the way that millionaires and rich people think versus the way broke people think.
Again, I urge you to write this down. It’s called “The process of creation.”
Your thoughts create your feelings, which create your actions, which create your results.

T. Harv Eker
So your results originate where? They come from your thoughts.
Here’s a good question. How do you get your thoughts?
Again, as I said earlier, you learn how to think the way you do by other people, other organizations, the media, and etcetera. You’re living their life.
I’m going to say it again. You’re living their life. Their information was ingrained into you that turn into your beliefs, your feelings, your actions from there, and your results.
If you want to get ownership of your life, you need to take ownership of your beliefs and your thoughts that make sense today currently.
The Secrets Of Having An Abundant Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
An abundance money mindset and millionaire mind is somebody who thinks rich, who thinks like a rich person thinks.
When they read the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, there are 17 ways that rich people think very differently than other people.

Luis Congdon
That is powerful. What you just said is there’s a different money mindset. You were saying something, and it was powerful, and it can be wrapped up well.
What you just now said is that there’s a difference in the mindset. The mindset is different. I think of our minds as a projector. When we’re watching something out on the screen, a lot of the results in your life are because of this projector.
What you see on screen is being projected by something else, and that’s your mind. And the reality that you have is just a projection of what you’ve been thinking and how you’ve been feeling.
I know that you have a gift. This is something very special to me guys. T. Harv has come on the show, and he’s got a special gift for all of you. And what’s exciting to me about that is if you want to change your money mindset, he has the tools and the resources.
I’m going to let him talk a little bit about that gift and I want you guys to grab that.
You can come over to the website. You can grab it. But, T, can you tell them about the gift?

T. Harv Eker
Developing Money Mindset And Creating Wealth From Within

T. Harv Eker
I think this is one of the most important little books that I’ve ever written. It’s called Speed Wealth: How To Stop Earning A Living And How To Start Creating Wealth.
The essence of it is there are eight very specific principles and steps that are necessary to create a dynamic business that produces quickly. Therefore, it’s called Speed Wealth. But, only one little tiny part of it has anything to do with the mind.
The idea is that what we’ve talked about now if you want to do that, you can pick up my book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. That talks about that but Speed Wealth, you can have all the great mindset you want, but what the heck do you do in your business? What the heck do you do with money?
It’s all about having the right money mindset. I went from zero. I had a $2,000 credit card loan, and I went from $2,000 credit loan to a millionaire in two and a half years using these exact steps. I will caution you that these steps need to be followed all eight and all eight in order. If you do that, my assumption is many of you can go from wherever you are to becoming rich in less than three years. That’s why it’s called Speed Wealth. That’s what I did.
I outlined exactly what I did and how I did it, and now, I can tell you I have tens of thousands of students that have done the same thing and got the same result.
I would highly recommend that you get your hands on this and read it carefully. It helps you strengthen your money mindset. Keep it in your bathroom or wherever you are staying long or quite a bit and follow the eight steps religiously and in order.
Are You Struggling With Money Mindset

T. Harv Eker
I hate when people especially spiritually based people struggle. There’s no reason for it. You are missing some critical knowledge that I wish I had for that 15 years I was completely broke. Once I understood the money mindset, I put it to the test and got rich very quickly. Continue to wealth based on these steps.
I want to give everyone a gift of this. It’s a copy of Speed Wealth today. All you need to go is to

Kamala Chambers
You guys all know that we got all the resources at too in case you’re driving and don’t write that down.

T. Harv Eker
There’s no reason you cannot have both. The either/or mentality is a scarcity and fear-based mentality that doesn’t work for you. It sure doesn’t work for the people that you’d like to help in the world.
Let that either/or mentality go. Let’s go for both. You can be wealthy and spiritual, and kind, and generous. You can have people that are good at the piano. That’s okay. They’re good at tennis. That’s okay. They’re successful in business. That’s okay.
Why can’t you be good at money mindset? Why is that a problem? You’re excellent in everything, but you’re bad at them. What reason there is? And it’s right between your ears. Once we change that, and then we add the Speed Wealth knowledge to exactly what to do and how to do it in your business and your life.
Wealth is not hard because wealth and money is a result of what you do and this is exactly what to do.

Kamala Chambers
Before we close out today, what is the last thought about money mindset that you want to make the Thriving Launchers walk away with?
Money Mindset – Critical Insights

T. Harv Eker
Okay. I’ll give it to you very simple.
How do you make money? It’s very simple. You make money. Money is something that’s only transferred by other people. It doesn’t come from the sky, from the universe, from cows, from trees, etc. It originates from the exchange by other people.
Why would anybody give you money? You’re going to solve their problems for them. Solve the problem for people, and the reward is called money.
Don’t think about money.
Don’t focus on money. Focus on helping and solving other people. Do it in an intelligent business way, and the results will surprise you.

Kamala Chambers
Great. We’ve been here with T. Harv Eker on Thriving Launch. We loved your insights about developing the money mindset.
Everyone, go out and practice this eight steps to have the abundant money mindset. Claim that free offer he’s giving all of you. You can pick that up where he directed you and also at Keep thriving everyone.