Mind Reading Tricks – Oz Pearlman

mind reading tricks

You may have seen the mentalist Oz Pearlman on America’s Got Talent or on Late Night shocking the world. On this episode, the mentalist talks about magic and mind reading tricks.
Make sure you listen until the end of the interview because he does some mind reading tricks that are going to blow you away.


If people like and know you, they want to buy what you’re selling.
With a mentalism show, if you think people are acting or faking it, then it kills the show.
A mentalist is a sub-set of magicians.
Knowing everybody’s name in a room is already a huge value add worth.
The best salespeople are always the ones that are very chummy with their clients.
Break the ice by making yourself on the same level as the other person you’re interacting with.
You can take away the tension when you know what people are thinking as soon as you’re walking up to them.
Take meticulous notes if you have problems remembering things.
So much of what it takes to remember names is listening.
When somebody tells you their name, you have to shut everything out.
Saying the name many times while listening will make you remember it.
Try to shift from yourself as quickly as possible without being rude and hear more about successful people’s stories.
Prefer to listen than talk.
If someone takes an interest in you and you tell them more about you, you feel a more human connection.
With mentalism, it involved micro expressions.


Luis Congdon
Are you guys ready to have your mind blown with some mind reading tricks? It’s because today’s guest is going to do some mind reading tricks to Kamala. He’s going to do it live, on the air, just audio, and somehow, he guesses and tells her exactly what is on her mind. Stay tuned for that and more mind reading tricks.

Kamala Chambers
Today, we are here with the mentalist Oz Pearlman. He’s been on The Today Show and Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show. He even won number three on America’s Got Talent.
This is an incredible human being. We’re excited to have him here, and he even does a few mind reading tricks at the end that I’m excited for you guys to share.

Luis Congdon
Hey there, Thriving Launchers, we got a special treat for you. Are you ready to have your mind blown with mind reading tricks?
That is what we’re going to be doing with today’s guest, Oz Pearlman.
Welcome to the show. Are you ready to launch?

Oz Pearlman
I am ready to launch.

Luis Congdon
Magic and mind reading tricks have always fascinated me. Thriving Launchers, I know maybe you know this about me that I’m into neurolinguistics, hypnotherapy, a little bit of magic and mind reading tricks I’ve studied. They never stuck so I was never able to reproduce them or do them very often, but this kind of stuff has always been amazing to me.
I’m curious. How did you get started or what inspires you to do mind reading tricks?

Oz Pearlman
Now, it’s a different set of inspiration now than when I was younger.
The Inspiration To Learning Mind Reading Tricks

Oz Pearlman
When I first got into mind reading tricks, it’s kind of the same way a lot of kids do as a teenager. I was just blown away by a magician doing magic and mind reading tricks.
I saw someone performing. I had never seen mind reading tricks before. I didn’t have that experience to see it on TV or having anyone in the family that did tricks.
It was more of just this role experience. I got brought on stage by a magician. It freaks me out. I and my dad, at the end of that night, had all these ridiculous theories on how he did it, which is very funny to reconstruct.
Now, I know how he did everything in his act. The way we thought about it was absurd. It was a classic trick called sponge balls. Where they put a ball in your hand, and all of a sudden you got two of them. They make one disappear, and there’s three of them. We thought it was NASA space age technology that’s turning these things. At the end of the day, it was just good old-fashioned sleight-of-hand, and what’s known as misdirection.
Doing Mind Reading Tricks Takes A Lot Of Practice

Oz Pearlman
Knowing how the mind works, how people focus their attention, and how you can persuade them in certain ways to go along with it.

Luis Congdon
I thought you were going to say it was because of a girl.

Oz Pearlman
No, the girls came later. I was only 13. Luis, then, I started using my powers and my ability to do mind reading tricks for the right reasons.

Luis Congdon
Thriving Launchers, one of the people I admire is Derren Brown. I’ve watched his YouTube videos, and I was blown away. I thought it was cool. I thought, “You know what? I’m going to learn how to do street hypnotism and mind reading tricks, so I’m going to hop out on the street and do it.”
Street Hypnotism And Mind Reading Tricks

Luis Congdon
I went to downtown Seattle, and I wanted to do this experiment where I would take a piece of paper and a pen, and I would go up to somebody and start talking to them. During the conversation, I’d put my hand out.
Naturally, if I put my right hand out, they would think I was going for a handshake. Then, the other person would reach out, and their hand would be on mine, and then people go into this hypnotized self. They’re kind of in a trance because they’re doing this automatic thing.
With my other hand, I grab their hand that was shaking mine. I put a pen and a piece of paper in the guy’s hand, and said, “Could you write down your phone number?” I could tell the guy was about to do it, but because it was a question, he didn’t go into the command.
Do you think this kind of magic and mind reading tricks can be dangerous or get you in trouble? Have you ever gotten in trouble by trying this sort of stuff?

Oz Pearlman
I wouldn’t say I’ve got in trouble because I don’t use any of my tactics and mind reading tricks for nefarious means. I value my freedom too much, but there is undoubtedly the element of yes.
I could figure out personal information about people. I do in my show that there’s no way around that. That part of my show involves having a few security questions or banking security questions.
We’re on a big projector. This could be in front of 200 people or 2,000 or more.
Proving That People Aren’t Faking Or Acting When Doing Mind Reading Tricks

Oz Pearlman
I did something at the T-Mobile Arena for 17,000 people for a big corporate event. We’re talking full arena where they do sports events, and I just throw Frisbees out in the crowd because you need to know it’s not set-up. With a mentalism show where you’re doing mind reading tricks, if you think people are acting or faking it, then it kills the show.
I go through tremendously difficult means to prove above and beyond that everyone working with me doesn’t know me. It’s completely random, and I’ll do a thing where everyone thinks that banking security questions.
What is the name of your first pet or your first kiss? Who is your imaginary friend when you were six? And all these ridiculous things you couldn’t have found out, and then when I reveal them, people go nuts.
Doing Mind Reading Tricks Just For Good

Oz Pearlman
People think that if I do mind reading tricks, I probably hack into their things, but I don’t. I let people know I use my powers and ability to do mind reading tricks pretty much just for good.

Kamala Chambers
Let’s talk a little bit about what a mentalist or a person doing mind reading tricks is and how it’s different than a magician.
Magicians Who Perform Mind Reading Tricks

Oz Pearlman
A mentalist is a sub-set of magicians.
Very few and far between of mentalists you’ll ever meet weren’t initially magicians. It’s the same way most people in music might have started with piano or violin or drums. They began with particular instruments, and then they became specialists.
You go through years and years of training in general to become a magician, and then this was more of becoming called a plastic surgeon or cardiologist
Nothing Is Fast With Mind Reading Tricks

Oz Pearlman
I specialize more in mind reading tricks. When you watch my show, there are minimal props, and very little to catch regarding “Oh, I just saw his hand do that,” or “He moved fast.” There’s nothing quick about doing mind reading tricks. It’s mostly manipulating your thoughts.

Kamala Chambers
That’s fantastic and fascinating.
What would you say about tips for the average person on the power of persuasion and mind reading tricks, and how they could use that in their lives?
Do you have any tips like that for an average Joe?
Ordinary People Doing Mind Reading Tricks

Oz Pearlman
A lot of the soft skills I employ are entirely applicable to regular people.
Beyond fooling you, what’s called fooling and entertaining, when I walk into a room, I know everybody’s names. Right off the bat, that’s a huge value add worth.
If you start walking around the room, you know everybody, and you remember things about them, people feel special.
Mind Reading Tricks Being Done In Daily Life

Oz Pearlman
They gravitate towards you. You build rapport much more quickly. You can do that not in the space of entertainment but just in your day to day life.
Generally, in the world of sales, if people like and know you, they want to buy what you’re selling.
The best salespeople are always the ones that are very chummy with their clients.
You almost feel like you’re a good friend of theirs, and therefore, they’re always going to go to you.

Oz Pearlman
I have a buddy who’s an insurance salesman. They don’t even think twice about getting another quote. They’re like “Oh. Jason’s my guy. This is my guy. We hang out all the time.” You ingratiate yourself to them.
Making Yourself Likable And Approachable By Doing Mind Reading Tricks

Oz Pearlman
My show doing mind reading tricks tends to be all about likable and approachable. At the end of my show, people want to come up and say “Hello.” It could go the other way where people just feel creep out by you, especially when you start telling them intimate details about their life. It could be very disconcerting.
The way I make myself likable and approachable and break the ice is I make myself very much on the same level as the other person I’m interacting with.
It’s the feeling of “Hey. I’m just as impressed as you are. Can you believe this crazy stuff we’re doing together?” versus setting up a challenge.
Learning people’s name is huge when doing mind reading tricks.
Through Mind Reading Tricks Lets You Know The Roadblocks That People Put In Place

Oz Pearlman
Another one is thinking of roadblock that people brought in place. This could be for anything.
When I say sales, it doesn’t matter what you do for a living. If you’re in clients’ services or any industry or a freelancer sitting in front of your computer day in and day out, at some point, you interact with others. And you have to know what people are thinking at that moment.
At certain moments, they think “Oh. You’re trying to rip me off.” or, “Oh. I don’t know if you’re good at your job.”
If you can know for a split second before people do what they’re about to think, then you can instantly take away any tension.
Mind Reading Tricks Lets You Take Away The Tension

Oz Pearlman
I learned that when I used to be a restaurant magician where when I walk up to your table, you’re saying to yourself, “Who is this guy? Is he crazy? What does he want from me? Is he trying to get a tip?” I knew all those things that you’re going through your head as I walk up to you, and I try to diffuse every one of those little thoughts. It’s like cutting the tiny wires on a bomb in the movies.
As soon as I know, you’re thinking, “Does he want my money?” I tell you, “I’m a special guest. The host brought me in today. I’m just here for your entertainment.”
All of a sudden, you seem much more comfortable because you don’t think I’m trying to take your money, and you don’t think I’m going to linger and stay. The same skills I used and learned from walking up to a person, and interrupting their dinner is now what I use in my show and just day to day life. I think it was helpful.

Luis Congdon
I can hear some people are already wondering, “Well, how do I learn some of that stuff?”
Remember People’s Names When Doing Mind Reading Tricks

Luis Congdon
For example, I’m not the greatest at remembering names. I remember faces, some facts about people or their interests. I gravitate towards something emotional about a person, and I can connect with that, but names haven’t always been my strong suit. It’s something that I’ve had to work pretty hard at.
One of the things you were saying is this quality of remembering facts and knowing things about people. It brought to mind this restaurant waiter. There’s a waiter my family likes, and my cousin worked at this restaurant.
We went to the restaurant, and he said, “Luis, that guy makes more money than any of the other waiters.” and I said, “How come?” He said, “That guy is making well over 100,000 dollars a year as a waiter.” I said, “Wow. How’s he doing that? I worked in the restaurant industry as well. That’s a good amount for a waiter to be making.”
He said, “Luis, every time anyone comes in, that guy immediately remembers their name. He asks them personal information and you might get a birthday card in the mail from him, or if you show up, he’ll remember that your birthday was last week. He can remember wedding dates or special events you came to.”
Now, people call, and they specifically request him. He has a long waiting list of people because he knows people so intimately, they don’t want another waiter.

Oz Pearlman
I would say I’ve harnessed a lot of those same skills in my own business where it goes beyond just the performance. It’s that human element in how to connect.
To Learn Mind Reading Tricks, Start Taking Notes

Oz Pearlman
There are two ways I could explain to you on starting to learn mind reading tricks.
- Take meticulous notes.
If you have problems remembering certain things, try to hold on to short-term memory, and as soon as you’re somewhere far away, it’s going to stick in your mind. Usually, it’s always five to ten minutes were imprinted on you, and write down; wife’s name is or kids are this age. Write down the year.
Suddenly, next time you know that person, you see them again, and you reconnect. You know these facts about them, and it shows you took the extra time. Nobody’s going to feel offended if they know you wrote it down. They won’t know that but the fact that you took the time to make an effort and remember this thing even if it’s not in the front and center of your brain. Put those things down on paper or however, you want to do it.
With names, it can be challenging with nicknames if the name is unique or different. It’s a different language for example, even though sometimes that works to your advantage because that name can be unique and different versus if you meet five guys named Michael on the same night.
- So much of what it takes to remember names is listening.
To Learn Mind Reading Tricks, Listen Carefully

Oz Pearlman
It sounds so counterintuitive and so absurdly simple, but when somebody tells you their name, you have to shut everything out as if you’re listening to a song and trying to remember the lyrics like that moment when you’re focusing in.
Listen to the name, repeat it back at minimum once, maybe twice, and then potentially put in a compliment. “Oh. What’s your name? Susan? Susan, I love those shoes. Where did you get those, Susan?”
Mind Reading Tricks To Remembering Names

Oz Pearlman
Something like that where you said the name three times while looking someone in the eye, and you don’t even to create a mnemonic at that point. You don’t have to say “Susan with the red hair.” The name will stick because you said it many times while listening. Just try that trick.
The next five people you meet, challenge yourself to repeat their name multiple times, potentially give a compliment or something that will make that person stand out in your mind. You can say “Oh. Jonathan, with the cool orange shoes,” or whatever it is, and try to reinforce that message in your mind, and it’s going to stick out. You’ll remember that person’s name at least for the next 10 or 15 minutes, which is half the battle. Then, from there on out, if you see them more than once, you’ll try to keep remembering it.
Telling you how to remember a name a year from now is much more challenging. But if you have some great conversations after an event, it’s going to reinforce that memory.

Kamala Chambers
That’s a fantastic tip on learning mind reading tricks. I’m glad you shared that with us.
Is there any other tip you would have that would help us all win in life a little bit more?

Oz Pearlman
Though winning in life is difficult, the big one for me is I meet a lot of inspiring and very successful people just by “who ends up booking me.” These are people at the top end of the corporate scale like the CEOs of Fortune 100 companies and individuals that had been vastly successful in starting their businesses.
For me, when I meet people, it tends to be I’m just on a show. It’s just like this conversation where people say to me, “Oh my God! How did you get into this?” Because it’s a unique and weird career that I have.
Mind Reading Tricks – Shifting The Attention To Others

Oz Pearlman
I will try to deflect very quickly, and learn more about them. I always prefer to listen than talk. It comes straight out of the Dale Carnegie book of How to Win Friend and Influence People. I try to shift away from me as quickly as possible without being rude and hear more about their story.
What did you do to get to this point? What were the things you achieved and succeeded? What were the things that were pitfalls? And learn from them.
Some of the best business tips I’ve ever picked up have just been because I’ve listened to these people, and none more than one occasion became less of the help in the entertainment and allowed them to see me more as an equal.
People tend to put you in a box. If you’re the performer, then you’re the performer. If you’re in a hotel, and someone’s cleaning your room, you just think “Oh, that’s my cleaning lady.” I don’t say it to be offensive. It’s just the way our brains process things because we have busy lives.
Mind Reading Tricks – Be Equal

Oz Pearlman
If that person suddenly takes an interest in you and you tell them more about you, you feel more of that human connection, and suddenly, you become equal. People would open up to you, and say things I don’t think they would have otherwise if it were just a surface conversation.
That’s a huge thing I’ve learned where people take me under their wing, and then provide advice, become more of mentors, and make meaningful, long-lasting business relationships and connections that have helped me tremendously in work, investments, and personal life.

Kamala Chambers
That’s fantastic.
I think it’s a huge thing that people can take for granted. It is about being able to listen more to people because people want to talk about themselves. That’s just human nature.
Thank you so much for sharing that.

Oz Pearlman
I feel bad because I’m talking the whole time and I’m not following my advice.

Kamala Chambers
No. I understand.
When I’m on podcast interviews, it’s the same way. It’s a very awkward feeling.

Oz Pearlman

Kamala Chambers
I appreciate you opening up so much.
Now, I can’t wait any longer. You had us do something before we started the interview.

Oz Pearlman
We hopped on the call.
We had technical difficulties, and you told me a little bit more about Thriving Launch, and we didn’t get into your passions.
Apparently, I saw your website. I saw amazing pictures in Bali, which was very cool. I was just in Bali. I got back two days ago, and I saw you guys in Thailand.
I think I asked each of you to think of something. Luis, were you the one who thought of it?

Kamala Chambers
Kamala. Yeah.
Doing Mind Reading Tricks Based On Voices

Oz Pearlman
Kamala, I’m sorry.
Kamala, you thought of something that you would love to learn more about it or something that interested you. Is that correct?

Kamala Chambers
That’s right.

Oz Pearlman
Now, it’s important for the people listening in that you didn’t whisper this. You didn’t say this to me. There were no probing questions.
I said to you, think of any person, place, or thing that you would love to learn more about it. Is that true?

Kamala Chambers
That’s exactly right, and this is just audio, no video.

Oz Pearlman
No audio. We’ve never seen each other. There’s nothing you could have done in front of me.
I asked you if you could look something up online and learn more about it, think of what it would be. Then, Luis, I wanted you to find something different. Not a person, place, or name but a word that stuck out your mind. Something you haven’t used in awhile.
Just to be clear, you picked something long, correct? Like a word that wasn’t “And” or “He, she” or “The.” Am I right about that? It’s something a little longer or interesting.

Luis Congdon
Yeah. I picked the word that’s a little bit more unique or something different.

Oz Pearlman
Is that word anything that I could have gone on a Facebook page or is this something you posted or is this at the moment? You just went through and just saw the word at random. There’s no real meaning behind why you pick this.
Is that a valid assessment?

Luis Congdon
If you went in and searched, you would not find this word in anywhere online about me or associated with me.
Mind Reading Tricks Through Syllables

Oz Pearlman
Just to make it fun, think of breaking this down, because I can’t see your face. Typically, with mentalism, so much of it involves micro expressions and then seeing your reacting.
Let’s try this. Think of your word. You know the way you would clap when you do syllables. Like if we were doing the word “Himalaya – him-a-ley-a,” you count the syllables. I’ve been doing that since I was five years old, it still works.
Think of the word in counting the syllables and think of the first letter. Focus on the first letter.
Can you do that for me?

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
And think if it’s a vowel or a consonant.
Now I want you to say that word. I want you to say “vowel,” and then say “consonant.” Go ahead for me.

Luis Congdon
Vowel. Consonant.

Oz Pearlman
Can’t say for sure but the way you drag down on “consonant,” the word you’re thinking of, does it start with a consonant?

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
See, you dragged it out.
It’s as if you are lingering because that was the one you wanted to say “Yes” on, and you put a little stress, and you didn’t want to say it. It was telling. It was only a light thing in the voice.
Now, focus on the first letter. I can’t see your face. Like I told you, it’s quite challenging to do it, but think of the first letter. Don’t say the letter, but just think of it. A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x ,y, z. Think of it at the beginning, middle, or end.
Mind Reading Tricks With One Word

Oz Pearlman
I want to say the first letter doesn’t start with an “N,” does it?

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
Let’s go back to you, Kamala. Think of whatever you wanted to do. Can you think of it for me?

Kamala Chambers
Yes, I got it.

Oz Pearlman
And is it one word or two words or three words? How many words are you thinking?

Kamala Chambers
One word.

Oz Pearlman
One word.
Don’t count out loud, but just count how many letters in the word. When you’ve counted it, just say “I got it.”

Kamala Chambers
I got it.

Oz Pearlman
See, that was fast.
You see, if the word was “Himalaya,” that’s a struggle. It’s quick. You counted it instantly.
It means it was three, four, or five letters. If I had to bet, there was a slight pause. It was four letters, wasn’t it?

Kamala Chambers
It was.

Oz Pearlman
It was.
Go back to yours, Luis. Think of the last letter of your word.

Luis Congdon
I got it.

Oz Pearlman
I know you got it. I’m trying to get it.

Kamala Chambers
I’m trying to make it harder for him, guys.

Oz Pearlman
I can’t tell for sure. It sounds like it’s either a “D” or a “T.” Am I correct? This letter ends with a “D” or a “T”?

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
The word, does not?

Luis Congdon
No, it does not.

Oz Pearlman
Let’s go back to yours.

Luis Congdon
Doing these mind reading tricks must be hard to do because you can’t see our faces.

Oz Pearlman
No, it’s not a magic trick. I assure you. It’s not a magic trick. It’s feeling you out in person.
Then, yours, I know you like to travel. Kamala, I know you debate, and you thought of someone. You’ve been all over the world, and I feel like it was probably a place, and then we are going back to you, Luis.
The first letter sounds like a hissing. Does the word start with the “C”?

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
What’s the first letter of the word you thought of? I’m curious.

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
A “G.” The letter “G”?

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
And it was a longer word?

Luis Congdon
Not super long.

Oz Pearlman
How many letters was it?

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
That’s short.

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
Did you ever pick a word that was longer? It’s because five is not enough to get dramatic. I can’t go through the letters.
Did you look at a few different words, and go with something longer, and then changed your mind? Or you only did a short word?

Luis Congdon
I grabbed a longer word, but it was not that interesting. Then, I saw this other word that was shorter, and I was like, “Well, that seems good.”
Mind Reading Tricks And Clarity

Oz Pearlman
I wonder if I could take on the challenge.
See, it’s not one word, and you changed your mind. This is like next level. This was what was deeper in the recesses of your brain. Go to that word.

Luis Congdon
The longer word?

Oz Pearlman

Luis Congdon
I’m there.

Oz Pearlman
Then, Kamala, you’re thinking of somewhere in South America. It just clicked. I know you debated.
Lima, Peru. Are you thinking of Peru? Is that the country you’re thinking of?

Kamala Chambers
Oh my God! I can’t believe that. I could not believe it.

Oz Pearlman
The letter you’re thinking of is the longer word. Does it start with an R Luis?

Luis Congdon
Yes. Damn you.

Oz Pearlman
Has somebody told you about Peru and you want to recommend it? Was it “recommended?” Am I close? Am I right? I don’t know.

Luis Congdon
You’re close, but not right.

Oz Pearlman
What was the word?

Luis Congdon

Oz Pearlman
Of course, I’ll take it.
For not seeing you and being thousands of miles away, and you both just thinking of those things, one out of two ain’t bad.

Luis Congdon
That’s great.

Kamala Chambers
That’s amazing. That is incredible.
I’m sure you hear that all the time.

Oz Pearlman
Never. This is the first time it’s ever worked out this well. I’m coasting. I’m on cloud nine.

Kamala Chambers
No, you do these mind reading tricks all the time. This is incredible.
What an amazing skill to be able to do mind reading tricks that well just through our voices.

Oz Pearlman
I’m trying. Doing mind reading tricks is much easier in person. I would assure you that I don’t do a lot of things over the radio.
When we do things over the radio, we have you call in and announce. It’s much more challenging. It’s primarily a visual element to see me, but occasionally, I’m able to do stuff like this.
Doing Mind Reading Tricks Through Live Video

Oz Pearlman
I’ve done live video feeds where we’ve done stuff. I did an ESPN show on sports center, and they challenged me to bring one of the anchors, and I watched her through the video live, and I read her mind. That went over strongly because she was freaking out. She was in LA. We were in Connecticut, and she freaked out on the air. I should send you the clip, but I could see her face.
With you guys, I’m just doing mind reading tricks on you based on voice alone.

Kamala Chambers
I’m freaking out. I am.
I’m staying calm. I was watching a clip of you on The Today Show, and the woman, she said she was shaking, and I feel the same response. It’s strange to have someone do that to you. That’s amazing.

Oz Pearlman
I hope you’re shaking in a good way.

Kamala Chambers
I am, yeah. Absolutely.
I’m sure there’s going to be more mind reading tricks if someone wants to see you live at a later date.

Oz Pearlman
I do quite a few regular TV spots. I’ve been on The Today Show 17 times this past year. Over once a month, and a lot of other network TV channels.
Doing Mind Reading Tricks And Creating Customized Content

Oz Pearlman
I do a lot of much-customized content. If you bring me on ESPN, I do something related to sports. If you bring me on CNBC, I do things about the stock market.
They enjoy it because it’s not like a magic trick. I read people’s minds about the content that interests them. It’s a unique and kind of different spin than most entertainment. I create the content based on the host, based on the demographic of the viewer, and that tends to bring me back over and over again.

Kamala Chambers
This is amazing. Thank you so much Thriving Launchers for tuning in.
We’ve been here with the mentalist, Oz Pearlman. I still like my mind’s a little blown from those mind reading tricks experience.

Oz Pearlman
Thank you!

Kamala Chambers
I don’t even know what to say. I feel blessed to have had you on the show.
I just encourage you all to go out. Keep thriving.