Million Dollar Business Ideas – Elaine Pofeldt

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On this episode, we are here with Elaine Pofeldt, author of The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business. She talks about how business owners built a million dollar business even without having any employees.
Growing a successful business is an active process. It may be challenging, but it will bring you a lot of financial peace and freedom.


A lot of the owners of one-person businesses have a team. They might use contractors, outsource services or automation.
One-person business owners understand it’s better to put their time and energy into high-value activities that will grow their business.
In an ultra-lean business, time is your main commodity.
Think about how you can deploy your time in a maximum effective way to generate not just revenue, but profits.
Hyper-specialized in what you do best.
Have multiple revenue streams, but not in various industries.
The more specific your niche is, the further it reaches.
You can charge a high fee for your expertise when you can do something that only a few people can do.
You don’t have to make a huge investment to see if there’s an audience.
If you’re selling a professional service, go through your network and ask questions. Get feedback from people you know well.
Do test marketing while you still have a job to give you enough cash flow coming in to act on your idea.
Give enough room in your life to experiment and learn.
People who get to million dollar, one-person businesses or partnerships are perpetual learners and continuously take in feedback from all directions.


Kamala Chambers
On this episode, we’re talking about million dollar business ideas and how to grow a one million dollar business as a one-person show.
I’m sure you’ve heard of her, Elaine Pofeldt. She is the author of The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today.
Maybe you’ve seen her work in FORTUNE, Money, CNBC, Inc., Forbes, or Crain’s New York Business, and tons of other publications. We’re thrilled to have her on the show to talk about million dollar business ideas.

Luis Congdon
All right, Thriving Launchers, we are here with Elaine Pofeldt.
Elaine, are you ready to launch?

Elaine Pofeldt
I’m ready to be here, Luis. It’s lovely to be here with you and Kamala.

Luis Congdon
Thriving Launchers, I’ve been reading Elaine’s book, following her on social media, and all the various places that she writes for including Forbes and numerous other magazines. She is a prolific writer who writes a lot about million dollar business ideas and businesses that are run by one person.
What got you interested in million dollar business ideas and why do you think this topic is essential in today’s world?

Elaine Pofeldt
Well, Luis, I have been writing about entrepreneurship for many years, and one thing I noticed was that almost all of the coverage of entrepreneurs focuses on high revenue ultra-scalable businesses that we see in Silicon Valley. Those are exciting, but there’s a whole other world of small companies that make up the majority of companies in the US that don’t get covered.
Statistics That Led Million Dollar Business Ideas

Elaine Pofeldt
When I came across US Census Bureau statistics showing that there were businesses with no employees that were breaking one million in revenue, I got curious. That touched off the journey that led to this book.

Kamala Chambers
That is important because most of the entrepreneurs that we’re connected with, they’re solopreneurs where they have a small team. It’s something that I tried on my own for years to do every aspect of the business entirely alone.
When I met Luis, and we started the business together. When we grew a team, things just continued to take-off from there.
I’m a big believer in having a team now because I don’t want to do everything on my own anymore, so I want to hear. How do you do it alone?
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Have A Team

Elaine Pofeldt
Well, one of the million dollar business ideas isn’t to do it alone.
The Census Bureau defines businesses to employees as non-employer businesses, so I use that as my definition.
When you scratch the surface, a lot of the owners of the businesses in the book do have a team. They might use contractors, or outsource services, or automation so it would be a virtual team I guess, but they’re not doing every little bit of minutiae on their own.
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Allot Time And Energy To High-Value Activities

Elaine Pofeldt
In fact, that’s part of their overall outlook on running the business. They don’t think it makes sense to enter every transaction in quick books themselves for instance. They understand that it’s better to put their time and energy into high-value activities that will grow the business.

Luis Congdon
What are some of the things that you found when we look at qualities?
Thriving Launchers, for me anyway, one of the reasons why I love doing the show is I get to learn from experts, and I learn to find little tips, tricks, hacks, mindsets that allow me to tap into something.
In your research and your work, what are some of the commonalities you found that make this kind of person? I mean the idea of being able to run a multi-million or one-million dollar business with just me or my partner or my partner and a couple of other people that are contractors. What are some of the mindsets necessary to able to do that?
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Give A Lot Of Thought To Strategy

Elaine Pofeldt
One of the million dollar business ideas people do is they make an effort to figure out ways to accomplish more than the typical one-person business can. They give it a lot of thought. They provide a lot of thought to strategy. They set aside time to step back from the business and think about how they’re using their time. It’s because, as you both know, when you’re in an ultra-lean business, time is your main commodity. If you’re wasting it, you won’t get to one million.

Million Dollar Business Ideas – Maximize Your Time

Elaine Pofeldt
You have to think about, “How do I deploy my time in a maximum effective way that I can to generate not just revenue but profits?”
If you’re pouring all your revenue back into the business, you might not have any money to take out to live on, which in most of the ultra-lean businesses, they are lifestyle business people do want to live on them. It’s not like Amazon where you keep on reinvesting in it, and eventually, everybody cashes out.
There is a conscious effort among the entrepreneurs that I interviewed. I interviewed the owners of more than 30 businesses for this book, and probably all told about 50 of the million-dollar one-person businesses in partnerships that are out there. The census bureau found in 2015 that there were more than 35,000 of these businesses, and that number was up 33% since 2011, but it’s still a relatively small number.
Million Dollar Business Ideas In Various Industries

Elaine Pofeldt
Having the small sample size was helpful to me because I could see common threads even though they were in very different businesses. Some were in e-commerce, in manufacturing, informational content creation things like webinars, professional services, personal services like nutritional coaching, and real estate. They’re all very different industries, but there was a real emphasis on productivity and efficiency and preserving their lifestyle so that they weren’t just working 24/7.

Kamala Chambers
I’d love to hear a little bit more about the million dollar business ideas you learned or if there was anything that you’ve noticed about productivity and strategy that is a common thread, a little bit more in depth on that.
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Be Hyper Specialized

Elaine Pofeldt
Another million dollar business ideas that I noticed was people are hyper-specialized.
The folks that are running these businesses might have multiple revenue streams, but they are not in various industries.
Sometimes people can spread themselves too thin, and as entrepreneurs, we have a lot of ideas, and it’s easy to spin off in all different directions. These folks maintain their productivity by getting very specialized in what they do best.

Elaine Pofeldt
For instance, Meghan Telpner is a nutritionist, and she runs a site called It’s a wellness site. She went up healing herself from Crohn’s disease. She’s been in remission for ten years by changing her lifestyle. She went back to school, left an advertising career and studied nutrition.
Multiple Dollar Business Ideas – Create Multiple Revenue Streams With Your Expertise

Elaine Pofeldt
Meghan has created a variety of different revenue streams within her expertise. She’s written a couple of cookbooks with Random House. She launched the Academy of Culinary Nutrition, which is a school to train other people both nutritionists and lay people in her cooking methods. Then, she has individual products. Her first one was called the green smoothie fast, and it showed people how to go on a three-fast drinking healthy green smoothies, but they’re all in this core area. She’s not branching out into e-commerce or real estate or something different.
I think the deeper we go into something, the more value you can bring, the more you know about the conversation in that industry and what’s been done before, and what hasn’t been done.
I think that’s one of the most essential million dollar business ideas. It’s also your selling point.
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Bring Your Personality And Expertise

Elaine Pofeldt
One of the business brokers whom I’ve interviewed about this subject, David Fairley, talked about e-commerce stores and how they can compete against Amazon when they’re just one person, and the secret is that the owner brings their personality and expertise to the subject.
He was giving me a list of some whacky sounding types of businesses like sites to sell things, along with the lines of ceramic garden gnomes. With stuff like that you would think, “Who would go to that website?” but apparently, some people love ceramic garden gnomes and will buy a lot of them, and the people that run these sites get specialized in their expertise.
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Be Different And More Fun To Deal With

Elaine Pofeldt
That makes them different and more fun to deal with than the big companies of the world that have that sort of corporate personality.

Kamala Chambers
I want to back up what you’re saying here.
Our most successful clients and our podcast guests, they’re people that specialize. They have a niche and know what they’re going to do. Sometimes, the more specific it is, the further it reaches with some exceptions of things that are way too specific, but that’s hardly ever the case.
The garden gnomes is a perfect example. I’m so glad you brought that up.

Elaine Pofeldt
It is funny.
Implementing Million Dollar Business Ideas And Charge High Fees

Elaine Pofeldt
You can sometimes get too specialized, but it’s not always a mistake to be specialized. There might be something that you do that only a few people can do. In which case, you might be able to charge a very high fee for that expertise.
One example would be if you’re a specialized programmer who targets Wall Street banks, you might be able to charge a thousand dollars an hour for your skills if they aren’t that many programmers who do what you do. That doesn’t work for everybody. Sometimes you can introduce a very specialized product, and the audience is small. It’s virtually non-existent in which case, you don’t have much of a business.

Kamala Chambers
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Do Test Marketing

Elaine Pofeldt
But the beauty of business today is it’s easy to test market things.
It’s so easy to put up a website and sell something or to put up one product on Amazon. You don’t have to make a huge investment to see if there is an audience.
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Get Feedback From People You Know

Elaine Pofeldt
Or you can go through your network if you’re selling a professional service, and ask people, “Would you pay money? I’m planning on introducing this service. Would you pay this much for it? If you wouldn’t, why not? Why isn’t it useful to you?” Get some feedback from people that you know well enough of course, but it’s easy to test.
Don’t hold yourself back if you think your interest is wanky. It might not be as wanky as you think.

Luis Congdon
Elaine, one of the last questions I want to ask you here as we wrap up is what do you think empowered people to make these kinds of leaps?
Regular People Having Success With Million Dollar Business Ideas

Luis Congdon
I didn’t go out and interview 50 people so I wouldn’t know million dollar business ideas quite as well as you. What I have seen from reading different books, reading some of your stuff, and just my own experiences, a lot of people who get into these businesses and have these kinds of successes are every day regular types of people.
They’re people with families, and who have an education. Maybe they got a college degree and had this looming debt and a job they didn’t like. Maybe, they didn’t get a degree and they’re working a job that they just absolutely don’t like or they have some sort of bigger vision. They want to travel the world and run an online business.
One of the questions I have for you is what do you think empowers or encourages people to make this kind of leap? I ask you this because I’m very well aware that a lot of you, Thriving Launchers, tuning in are thinking about making this leap or already have and need some pointers or insights.
What do you think empowers people to make this leap?
Why People Make The Leap To Use Million Dollar Business Ideas

Elaine Pofeldt
Well, Luis, one thing that empowers them is giving themselves the financial runway.
I think I’m encouraged to think of business as something you leap into with two feet, never look back, burn your bridges, but a lot of people have financial responsibilities where they can’t just quit their job. I noticed a number of the entrepreneurs in the book didn’t leave their job. They test marketed their idea while they still have a job, and that gave them enough cash flow coming in to act on their plan.
We all see these restaurants in our towns or communities where it opened and then it’s closed in two months, and you realize what happened. Nobody knew that it was open, the owner ran out of money, and this is their whole lifestream. They put several hundred thousand dollars into it, and now it’s closed, and it went nowhere because they didn’t have enough cash to give it time to take root.
And so, these successful folks have avoided that mistake by giving themselves time and being patient about it.
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Be A Perpetual Learner

Elaine Pofeldt
The other thing I noticed is they are perpetual learners. The people that get to million-dollar one-person businesses or partnerships are not linear thinkers based on my observation. They are continually taking in feedback from all directions. They don’t expect there to be five easy steps to starting and growing a business. They put their ideas out there, they gather information in real time, and they react to it in real time. It takes a certain amount of mental output to do that. It’s not a linear thing.
People might make mistakes and might have to course correct, but they’re prepared for that because they have a bigger vision of the life that they want. They’re committed to getting there, and to make the mistakes that they can learn from, and part of that is to have a few financial reserves to do it. It doesn’t mean they have a lot.
I would say the majority of the people in the book were regular people who started with less than $5,000, and in many cases, less than $1,000. It wasn’t that they had a giant kitty to put into it, but they did give themselves enough room in their lives to experiment and learn.
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Be Open To New Feedback

Elaine Pofeldt
That’s what I would leave the listeners with regarding million dollar business ideas. You have to be open to new feedback. If you want to grow a business like this, the world and technologies are changing very fast, and if you’re receptive, there’s a lot of great information out there that you can take in and apply to building your own million-dollar one-person business.
It’s not going to happen passively. I hear all kinds of things about passive income. Maybe ideally in some future year, you’ll set-up some things that bring in passive income, but in the beginning, there’s nothing passive about it. It’s an active process, and it’s something you have to enjoy.
Have Financial Peace And Freedom With Million Dollar Business Ideas

Elaine Pofeldt
But if you do, it’ll be amazing because you won’t have the financial stress that a lot of people do in solo businesses and partnerships where they’re just scrambling from one project to the next, can barely afford to get health insurance, one blown out tire is a crisis. You won’t be living like that anymore, and that’s a nice reward. It’s hard to achieve, but it will bring you a lot of financial peace and freedom.

Kamala Chambers
Elaine Pofeldt, it’s been lovely sitting down and talking with you about million dollar business ideas. I know that you have your new book about it too. How do we grow a one-person million-dollar business?
Million Dollar Business Ideas – Reevaluate What You’re Doing

Kamala Chambers
One thing I loved about what you’ve talked about that many of our guests have said is the idea that these businesses have in common is that they are specific. I encourage all of you to reach into your business and ask “Is there a way that I can be even more specific?” It’s always good to reevaluate what we’re doing.
With that Thriving Launchers, go out there, and keep thriving.