Meditation for Healing – Elliott Hulse

We are to still the body in order that the mind maybe still.
We need to move all of the energy that’s stuck in the body to get to that place of stillness.
People aren’t still when they grind their teeth, tap their foot, fidgety, cannot sit and stand still, and be in silence is a challenge.
According to Osho, the dynamic meditation for healing is a way to get in touch with the movement in our body, most of it is unconscious.
Dynamic meditation for healing is a very physical exercise. It’s a meditation that requires you to charge the body with breath.
Bioenergetics has a belief that a person’s breathing and other things going in the physical body is related to what’s happening in the person’s mind and emotions.
80-90% of illnesses can be attributed to stress, practicing meditation for healing stress is important.
Differentiating yourself from everyone else and be full out on who you are is a marker of success for most people.
Happiness is the root and what we’re really after.
We find happiness if we choose to be still and grateful which comes from stillness and observation with even the simplest things in life.

Kamala Chambers
What does meditation have to do with fitness and success? Today, we’re going explore meditation for healing and not at all the kind that you’re used to hearing about.
Meditation for Healing and Mindfulness

Luis Congdon
Today’s guest is Elliott Hulse. He’s attracted over 1 million subscribers. He was named the number one YouTube fans favorite by Ryan Seacrest. I’m sure you’ve probably seen his videos if you’re into fitness and health. Elliott Hulse is going to bring us a really different slant on health and fitness through meditation for healing in the most dynamic way you’ve ever heard of it.
All right. Here we are with Elliott Hulse. Elliott, I’ve been watching your videos for a while. You’ve been on YouTube, that’s where I found you. You’re the super fit guy and I’m excited to dive in with you on the Thriving Launch show. Are you ready to launch?

Elliott Hulse
I’m ready to launch.

Luis Congdon
Awesome. One of the things that you talk a lot about is fitness and health and people look at you and they think of Strength Camp, and yet, there’s this other aspect of health and fitness that is not often talked about and that’s meditation for healing and mindfulness. I’d love to talk to you about that because I know that’s something really important to you.

Elliott Hulse
My first experience with how the body holds unto a psychological experience is when I began with dynamic meditation for healing over a decade ago and I’ve been studying the work of Osho as it related to meditation.
Now, mind you at that time, I’m a fitness coach and I’m just looking into meditation for healing and my own personal growth. I was going through a rough time. Osho‘s position on meditation is that we are to still the body in order that the mind may be still.
You know when people aren’t still because you can watch them grind their teeth or tap their foot or just be fidgety, cannot being able to sit still, stand still, or even be in silence is a challenge. It made sense to me. I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder when I was a kid and I don’t like to be still physically.
When Osho describe his meditation for healing, the dynamic meditation as a way to get in touch with the movement in our body, most of it is unconscious. Getting in touch with it is the first part. Releasing it and then allowing energy to circulate and settle in the body in order to find stillness. I knew that it was something for me.
Being an athlete, I’ve always been drawn to things that are very active. So this dynamic or active meditation made a lot of sense to me and I went to New York City.
At that time, I was leaving in The Long Island and went to a workshop where we did 21 days of dynamic meditation for healing. I know you guys are familiar with it but for those who are listening, it is a very physical exercise. It’s a meditation that requires that we charge the body with breath, building the energy in the body. Almost like when you’re running and sprinting, you’re charging the body with breath but with type of charging that’s associated with the first stage of this five stage meditation is very different and it causes you to move a lot.

Kamala Chambers
I remember of not being able to speak for a few days. I lost my voice the first couple of times I did dynamic meditation for healing because you’re not just moving your body, you’re moving everything. You’re using your voice. You’re yelling and for me, those principles of movement, to move all of that energy that’s stuck in the body, move it through, and you do get to that place of stillness.

Elliott Hulse
That’s exactly the idea. It is to find stillness through the exact opposite. We know things by their contrast. When we get very enrolled in movement, especially chaotic, we can find that we can springboard to the opposite end of the spectrum, which is the stillness that we’re really after.

Kamala Chambers
I think that’s such a powerful way. For me, I’ve done different types of meditation for healing. I’ve sat for 10 days and have Upasuna retreat in silence and stillness and for me, the other side of the spectrum that is more of the dynamic meditation, where you’re running and play set full speed or you’re screaming, “Fuck you”at someone, which is part of the dynamic meditation for healing.
I’d love to hear just a little bit more from you about how finding that stillness attributes to your fitness. How does that attribute to you being a fit, healthy, happier person?
Meditation for Healing Your Body and Mind

Elliott Hulse
Well, active meditation for healing led me to bioenergetics. Bioenergetics comes from Alexander Lowen who was a student of Wilhelm Reich. This is what I spent the past several years studying and working with alongside building my fitness business and working on myself.
Wilhelm Reich was a student of Freud who was a psychoanalyst. Just like Freud, he would work with the psychological issues that his clients had but he began to notice something very different when he was working through the psychological aspect.
What he began to notice is that the person’s body, particularly their breath would begin to change depending on what experiences they had.
For example, someone began to speak of a particular abuse or fear or anxiety that they’ve had, their breathing would become shallow and the way they would hold their body changed. So he started putting two and two together and started realizing that perhaps, there’s something going on in the body related to what’s happening in this person’s mind and their emotions.
What he decided to do was instead of standing or sitting behind his client and listening to them talk while they were laying on the bed or the couch, he brought himself around to the front of them where he could watch them, watch their body, watch the way they breathe in order to get a better look at what is actually happening with an individual, and his therapy moved from just working with talk approaches to actually supporting the person in how they breathe and bringing their conscious awareness to holding their body.
He went so far as to recognize patterns in how people would hold their body and how that would translate into their posture. This is where me, as a fitness coach began to explore, why is it that some of my clients can’t improve their posture? Why do they always seem to have certain physical pains and ailments? Why do some people have very low charge? They can’t breathe heavily. Why are some people ungrounded in their breathing? It always seems like they’re chaotic.
Working with fitness clients and looking at their bodies and knowing about Wilhelm Reich’s work in character structure, I began to really pay close attention to how people’s postures, their physical strength, their physical health, their muscular system was being manipulated by what was going in their mind.

Kamala Chambers
One of my students said when I was teaching energy medicine many years ago is, “Where the breath goes, energy flows,” and this is something that we were already talking about but I love how they put it together like that because it’s such an important thing that if we’re just breathing really shallow and we’re constricted or our body is slouched over like you were talking about how the mind shapes the body.
If you’re depressed, then your shoulders are rounded forward, you’re breathing shallow and then, there’s no life force moving through the rest of you. Meditation for healing can work best in this case.
Meditation for Healing and Emotional Intelligence

Luis Congdon
That just really minded of the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, where he talked about people who had repeated heart attacks and some research that they did with groups of people. Because the heart attacks were in their family and then, they had hard heart attacks. Statistically, they were going to have more. They started practicing just some breathing techniques with this people and none of had more heart attacks from that group. Meditation for healing works very well.
One of the things the doctor who was leading that study said is that, “Right now, in medicine, around 80-90% of illnesses can be attributed to stress and if you could just teach people how to breathe properly, we could help them get rid of their ailments.”
How has your success been with that and helping people change their breathing and getting them to do more moments of silent meditation, active meditation, and breathing? Has that helped you see improvements in fitness and people just feeling happier in general as well?

Elliott Hulse
Yeah. Once again, the body is the mind. I began realizing that my fitness routines were not only changing their bodies, but changing their characters.
Back when I worked with high school and college football players in the very beginning of my career, a skinny young man who was kind of underdeveloped and awkward comes into my gym and then, four months later, he’s walking out with a swagger and all of a sudden, he’s grades are better and he’s got more friends and girls are recognizing him.
At that point, I realized that what we’re doing as fitness coaches go far beyond just what is on the surface. We’re really changing people’s character and we’re changing their lives through meditation for healing.

Luis Congdon
That’s so cool to hear that and for me, it’s a proof too. Because in my previous work where I worked with married couples and singles as well, looking to have love, one of the things I did often with them were if it was couple, I would have them just eye gazed and breathe together and that created the synchronicity and with singles, one of the things we did when we were working on just confidence is learning how to breathe differently and how to practice meditation for healing so that their body would shift.
I want to take this other shift in our conversation too because I’ve been reading your blog articles and emails recently. One of the things I’ve noticed about you and I didn’t know it so much because I watched a lot of your old videos Elliott. However, one of the things I’ve noticed is you’re really bringing out the part of you that’s into spirituality and yoga and some of those beliefs systems that you have around that.
I’m curious, how has that response been for you being a little bit more outspoken about some of these different aspects of yourself?

Elliott Hulse
Good marketing is divisive. Anyway, one of the first things I learned as a marketer, putting everything else aside like my mission in life and vision for the world.
As a student of marketing, particularly of direct response marketing, I was a student of Dan Kennedy. It’s very helpful to have firm stances on particular topics even if it causes people to be turned away from you. Just as many people are turned away from you and the intensity by what’s they’re turned away from you is mirrored by the exact opposite. The firmer I have become in expressing who I am, the stronger my relationship to the right fans, customers, and clients.

Luis Congdon
That’s really cool. And, have you noticed that as you’re bringing in yoga, mindfulness and meditation for healing into your work, I’m just thinking about like, when I go to the gym and I work out with people and especially with those who are very muscular and very fit, most of them aren’t into yoga and fitness. So, that’s one of the things I found very interesting is that you started bringing that in, which I’ve been very grateful for to see that because in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, you don’t see that being coupled up very much.

Elliott Hulse
Early in my career I became a student of Paul Chek. He was a holistic health practitioner who in the 1990’s began teaching various forms of what you would call, “Holistic Health” to personal trainers and I became very fascinated with that when I was still in college. I was still learning. I was not a professional yet but that coupled with my thirst for inner knowing and God gave me a particular mission that I haven’t really shared with many people.
When I went into the fitness industry, it was my intention to bring holistic health and meditation for healing to the average meathead. That was my private mission and I said, “I’m going to bring these expansive ideas to a rigid marketplace.” It looked as if I was one way. I mean, like you said, if you watched some of my videos, you see the way I’m behaving or the words I’m using and the way I’m being. I’m trying to appeal to a large audience. That was my intention. My intention is to have millions of followers.
I don’t want to say I did a bait and switch because I always had this holistic approach. That’s why my videos became popular. However, at some point I decided now is the time that I got to separate the wheat from the chaff and if you’re not willing to go there with me, then that’s okay. I’m really looking forward to those who not only want bigger, stronger bodies because that’s just part of the equation. But, want to be what I call the “strongest version of themselves” and that’s a holistic approach.

Kamala Chambers
It’s something that is really the marker of success for most people. That when they’re putting themselves out there in an online environment, if they can differentiate themselves from everyone else and be full out who they are. It really makes a difference.
I’d love to hear from you just a few more tips back to the meditation for healing and the fitness aspect. If you could give one tip to the thriving launchers, what would it be to be healthier, happier humans?

Elliott Hulse
I think we alluded to it earlier. When you ask people what success is and you trace it back to, “I have a big house. I have a nice car,” and why? So that I could have a wife so I can have someone to enjoy myself with. So on and so forth and you get down to the root of it and so that they can be happy. Happiness is the root and what we’re really after.

Elliott Hulse
However, that’s not available if we’re anxious. That’s not available if we’re riddled with all kind of muscular imbalances that don’t allow us to breathe softly.
We could be happy just standing in the sun where most people aren’t available when the sun’s beating down on them or warming them because they’re distracted and they’re elsewhere. Our minds are almost like schizoid.

Luis Congdon
That’s really nice and I completely agree with that. As you were speaking about just the possibility of being happy in the moment with what’s simply there, that felt really great to me. It also reminded of the work of Eckhart Tolle, where he had his breakthrough I guess and he just lived on a bench for several months and didn’t really need a whole lot else.
That’s a lot of what we’re talking about is the possibility of finding happiness through meditation for healing and joy right where you’re at. One of the simple ways we can do that is through finding simple moments of stillness.
Elliott, it’s been a real pleasure to have you here on the show. We really loved how you practice meditation for healing. I am somebody who’s been into fitness and at one point, wanted to just get really huge and found your videos. I’ve wanted to share with you. I have a lot of gratitude for the work you’re doing. I’m very appreciative of the fact that now you’re coming out more fully and giving us an opportunity to touch base with other aspects of wellness and the whole being.
For us, it’s been a real honor to have you on the Thriving Launch because that’s what Kamala and I are here to do.

Elliott Hulse
Yeah, this is a lot of fun.
Free Your Mind – Mike Pisciotta