Mastermind Marketing – Jay Fiset

Jay Fiset has made millions of dollars creating, launching, and teaching other people how to utilize the power of the masterminds. He firmly believes that doing mastermind marketing is good for everyone.
In this episode, he shares how you can start a mastermind, what to include in it, and how to sell it.


Four aspects of a mastermind: wisdom, experience, network, and resources
Know the difference between masterminds and group coaching.
Discover how perfect positioning can instantly attract people to your mastermind.
Learn why everyone should participate in a mastermind and lead it.
Understand the importance of a vetting process.
Know how to start a mastermind group.
Discover why masterminds fall apart.
Understand how crucial value proposition is.
Learn things and activities you can include in a mastermind.
Know effective ways to sell masterminds.


Luis Congdon
Hey, on today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about mastermind groups, what they are, mastermind marketing, how can you benefit from them, and how they can help you scale and grow your business.
Today, Jay Fiset joins us to talk about mastermind groups and mastermind marketing. He’s made millions of dollars creating, launching, and teaching other people how to utilize the power of masterminds.
So Jay, are you ready to launch?

Jay Fiset
I am, in fact, in more ways than one.

Kamala Chambers
All right! We like multi-dimensional launches, so that’s great.

Luis Congdon
Love it. Let’s just start off briefly.
I know if you’re listening, I know you’re not an idiot or anything, but I just want to cover the basics and start from ground level.
What is a mastermind?

Jay Fiset
I think that’s a brilliant first question because many things that are called mastermind marketing and groups are not.
What Mastermind Marketing and Groups Are

Jay Fiset
Let’s go to what Napoleon Hill said. He was the one who framed this, which is a mastermind group is whenever two or more people come together to serve and support themselves, their community, perhaps the world by solving an issue or obtaining a goal, and is where we work together collaboratively.
The beauty of masterminds is that they call upon, and structured correctly throughout the wisdom, the network, the resources, and the experience of all members. The critical thing for a mastermind, it is when everyone gets to share, participate, those four aspects I just said; Wisdom, experience, network, and resources.
Difference between Mastermind Marketing Groups and Group Coaching

Jay Fiset
A mastermind is not a one-way diatribe from the coach or the guru or the leader at the front. Those things are called group coaching, sessions, or live training, or some version they’re up, but that’s not a mastermind, and honest to goodness sometimes, I get a little frustrated by people that are marketing masterminds, and there are 150 people there, and there’s just a one-way dialog. It doesn’t work.
That’s what a mastermind is. It is a small group of people, sharing what they know, and what they’ve got for the good of everyone in the group.

Luis Congdon
That’s an incredible distinction, and it’s important because I’m getting invited to groups that are being called masterminds quite often. Next thing I know, I come in and because I ran a podcast, an online business, people want me in the mastermind marketing group that adds credibility and value.
I get out and next thing I know, there are a couple of hundred people in there. I’m relatively disappointed because in my mind, a mastermind is where I’m going to meet people that are complementary and will somehow elevate me to the next level of success in an area I want to improve on, and they’re committed to that and so am I for them. That’s an incredible distinction.
You said you’ve been doing this for 26 years. You have some longevity. How do you create it so that these mastermind marketing groups work? It sounds like a lot of work for me to get honed in tightly so I can bring the types of people that complement each other. How do you do that?
Mastermind Marketing and Perfect Positioning

Jay Fiset
That question is significant and essential. I ran a program that teaches people how to do mastermind marketing and get their groups up and running. And the first step of that is something that we call ‘perfect positioning.’
If the group is appropriately positioned, and what that means is, positioning ‘this is the ideal member, this is the profile of the ideal member,’ and positioning the outcome, the result or the experience that my ideal member will create through participating. And then, position why I’m the ideal leader of this tribe and this community.
When that positioning is done well, it makes mastermind marketing about a million times easier because people are either instantly attracted.
Mastermind Marketing Statements to Help Us Identify

Jay Fiset
By the way, I help people come up with the “This is for you if” and like three statements that I can self-identify. “Yeah, I’m an entrepreneur who is at seven figures wanting to go to eight,” or “I’m an entrepreneur who is just quitting my job and trying to make my first 10,000 bucks.” It helps us identify.
We also use, “This is not for you if” so that we can filter out the people that are not a part of our tribe or our mastermind marketing community.
That’s the first step. You need to get that positioning well done, and it’s not just about throwing people in a group.
Identifying Awry Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
Here’s a little hint for anyone listening thinking about either running and being in a mastermind group or doing a mastermind marketing.
If the mastermind is more interested in your check than in vetting, qualifying, and making sure you’re the right match, just run like hell. Because I can guarantee you, something is awry.

Kamala Chambers
I would love to hear a little bit more about why start mastermind marketing and groups.

Jay Fiset
There is a multitude of benefits at every level in somebody’s business regarding community, network, significance, and all of these pieces.
Benefits of Doing Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
But to me, without a doubt, the single most powerful aspect of running a mastermind is that it is the fastest, simplest, and most joyful way for the average coach to make the leap from one-to-one to one-to-many.

Scaling Up Business with Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
Honest to God truth is the one-to-one model is hard. It is way harder than it needs to be, and the mastermind group fundamentally lets us scale up our income, scale up our contribution, and scale down our time involved in the business, both in client acquisition and in delivery.
A mastermind group lets us scale up our income and contribution, and scale down our time involved in the business.
Why Do Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
If you put those things together, everyone should be running a mastermind marketing group. That is a belief I have that all of us should be participating in masterminds and leading masterminds at the same time.
Particularly if you’re a coach, an author, a subject matter expert, an entrepreneur, that is just a standard of being on our leading, learning edge in my humble opinion.

Luis Congdon
I’ve got a quick question. I know Kamala has something on her mind, but as you’re talking, one of the key things you said about mastermind marketing groups and this is great for the listener because you said two things. Be in a mastermind and have one.
When I’m looking for a mastermind, how do I know that this is somebody I don’t need to run from because many people are pitching it?
I think I got contacted by somebody who’s on a New York best-selling list, one of the people that helped them with the book, and they run some incredible stuff. They reached out to me, they did a short 20-minute interview, and they invited me into their mastermind marketing group.
Is that enough time for them to know me? How do I know that this is the group I should join?

Jay Fiset
I do love that question.
Vetting Process in a Mastermind Marketing Group

Jay Fiset
If somebody is experienced at the vetting process and they have been paying attention to whom they are targeting, and the reason for targeting them as members that I can usually tell inside of a half hour.
I ran a mastermind called the Banff JV Summit, and I go through an entire vetting process. You know what the primary test is off if they’re a fit for the Banff JV Summit?

Luis Congdon
I want to know.

Jay Fiset
Do I like them? Would they be somebody that I’d have in my house for wine and look forward to them coming over? I can tell that in a half hour.
Now, that particular mastermind is very social-oriented. It is about long-term relationships. We’re joint venture partners. It is about getting to know who somebody is, less about what it is they’re pitching and selling.
Primary Test in a Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
If I like them, and I would have them to my house for wine, I know that they are going to fit into the Banff JV summit, and I’ve got about 65 people in that community. We do the event twice a year. Mastermind is limited to 30, which is big for a mastermind, but we’ve designed a structure where we get to do precisely the collaboration I’m talking about.
I hear this from every single one of my members. They’re like “Why is this one different? We walk through the door, and it’s like coming home for Christmas. How did this happen?”
Unique Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
Here’s my answer. It’s because every single one of you, I genuinely like, and I’ve had you to my house, and number one, I invited you very strategically and specifically. I vet you very strategically and individually. You’ve got a sense of humor, you don’t take yourself seriously, and you do real work in the world. If you can bring those things together, I can tell quickly. But that’s a very social-oriented mastermind.
I’ve done masterminds for lead entrepreneurs. That would take me a longer span of time to get to know if they’re a match or if they’re not.
Vetting Process in Mastermind Marketing for Lead Entrepreneurs

Jay Fiset
When I was vetting people for that, there was an application. I would often go for lunch two or three times. I would ask to be able to see what they were creating. I wanted financials, all the rest of it because you’re not going to show up in a room where the common network is three to 50 million bucks, and the truth is, you’re still futzing around at a quarter million dollars. That’s not going to cut it.
Depending on what the positioning of the mastermind marketing is and the outcome, the vetting process is different.

Luis Congdon
Ask you’re talking, you’re selling me already. I don’t even know what’s happening, but I know I want to be liked by Jay, and I want to join his mastermind.
Being Likable in a Mastermind Marketing

Luis Congdon
I don’t know what Jay’s done, but it’s clear that his years of experience have worked me over. I’m sold. I just had to say that. Listening to you talk, I got excited. I was like, “Damn! I want to be in that room. What do I do? I hope he likes me at the end of this interview.”
But yeah, Kamala has a question, jump in.

Kamala Chambers
I think that’s important what you brought up Luis because you’re making something that’s exclusive.
Only a certain number of people are going to get it, and you have to have the unique criteria. You have to be likable, and that makes it juicy. People are going to want that, which is what you do with good marketing.
So when you’re going to pitch a mastermind, what is something you do to get your mastermind groups out there in front of people who want to buy?

Jay Fiset
Great question.
First and foremost is I would firmly say to anyone listening if you’re doing masterminds, is that you never pitch a mastermind ever. You just don’t.
Never pitch a mastermind. Instead, vet people.
Mastermind Marketing – Never Pitch

Jay Fiset
What I do is this.
I keep my eyes, ears, and heart open for people who I think might be a fit. That’s my first piece.

Jay Fiset
I have my radar attuned to “Here’s somebody that’d be a great fit for the JV summit, here’s somebody that would be a great fit for the online business breakthrough.” And I know that through the positioning work I’ve done. That part is already done, then my own heart, mind, and soul, and my organization is clear about who those people are.
Mastermind Marketing – Go to Places to Meet People Who Are a Match

Jay Fiset
Then the next piece is I go to places where I am most likely to meet that type of person.
I just got back from Palm Springs for example and I was participating in a mastermind ran by a dear friend of mine Justin Livingston, and we were doing a bunch of work together, and all of that is cool.
Now, in that process, I invited four people. There were about 60 of us there, and in conversation, there were four people that I asked. Here’s how the invitation sounds. It’s a little bit like this.
Mastermind Marketing – How to Invite Someone

Jay Fiset
“You know what? I run this exclusive JV event in Banff twice a year. It is stunning and amazing, and by the way, about seven of the people there are part of my members. I think you’d be an interesting fit for it. I’m sold out in January. I’ve got about five spots left in July, and if you’re interested, we could chat about it.”
And I had people say, “Well, here’s my credit card.” I say, “No, no, no. You can’t buy it, but we can talk about it in see if it’s a fit.”
Mastermind Marketing – Qualify and Vet Who’s the Right Fit

Jay Fiset
I think I glossed over this in one of your earlier questions. I just want to bring it back to this. With mastermind marketing, we’re not pitching. We are the gatekeepers of an intimate, exclusive, and powerful community. When we genuinely get ourselves as the gatekeeper of this intimate, exclusive, and powerful community, which is our role, then what transpires is that we are in the process of qualifying and vetting the right fit, which is dramatically different than pitching the mastermind.
When we embody that space, it just shifts everything because instead of chasing clients, now, we’re in the process of ‘Who’s a good fit?’ and ‘What’s an appropriate invitation?’ And if there is a match, then what are our next steps?
But I’m just in this spot of, “I don’t know if it’s a match yet. I kind of like it. I think there’s a fit. Maybe we should talk about it.”
Does that answer your question? It’s because I feel like I’m babbling a little bit, but mastermind marketing is this thing you don’t sell. You don’t. You would vet people.

Kamala Chambers
You answered it correctly, and I love that.
Working With People You Like with Mastermind Marketing

Kamala Chambers
I think that’s such an important piece, is coming back to the relationships that you’re building. Come back to working with people you like and that you want to be involved with instead of just trying to go out and saying “Anyone can join! I’m desperate for clients!”
I would love to hear a little bit more about how someone would go out about starting a mastermind marketing and group. Maybe they are a coach or an entrepreneur, and they want to start their mastermind group. They want to be a leader in that way.

Jay Fiset
I love it, and I’m going to make a blatant statement which is this, for goodness sakes, do not do mastermind marketing on your own.
How To Start Mastermind Marketing and Groups

Jay Fiset
It looks easy from the outside. “We get some people together, and we’re going to drink some wine!” Doing mastermind marketing is about a thousand times more complicated than group coaching or leading or teaching from the stage. The reason it is way more complicated is that it has a higher degree of intimacy, which if you’re one of those people wired for that, great. If you’re not, it can cost a few difficulties and challenges.
If you’re going to run a mastermind:
Know What Your Mastermind Marketing and Group is About

Jay Fiset
- You have got to get clear about your positioning, and you’ve got to be able to communicate that positioning in a matter of a couple of sentences.
Why does this mastermind exist? What will people get out of it regarding results, experiences, connections, and network? That’s the top of the list. You got to be able to say it in a nutshell.
- Why are you leading it?
You were talking about the New York Times best-selling author that was approaching. There are masterminds everywhere. Some are great, some are not, but the question is about a fit. So why are you leading this mastermind marketing and group?
There are a lot of entrepreneurial masterminds. It’s like, “Oh, I lead an entrepreneur mastermind.” That’s all well and fine. We’re a bunch of entrepreneurs, but what do you bring to the table that I want to be in your group as opposed to mine, Justin Livingston, a bunch of my clients?
Mastermind Marketing – Have a Unique Edge

Jay Fiset
There’s got to be that unique edge to it that is meaningful and significant. That to me is the most significant piece under the sun. Once that’s done, then there’s a whole bunch of other elements that are necessary.
Does the person have any facilitating experience? Because being a subject matter expert means nothing when it comes to facilitating.
I’ll give you a great example.
I had a brilliant woman who is leading mastermind marketing and group. She was a consultant, and as a consultant, she did stunningly well. But she, by her description, was pretty adept at telling people what to do because she was a consultant. “Go do this. It will work.”
Why Mastermind Marketing and Groups Fall Apart

Jay Fiset
Now, her mastermind, she collected a brilliant group of people; a couple of leading-edge lawyers, a best-selling author, some cool people. And her mastermind fell apart inside of five months. Guess why.

Luis Congdon
It’s because she didn’t know how to engage people and create a community and culture. Instead, she knew how to command, which doesn’t generate inclusion and cohesiveness.
Ultimately, in some ways with mastermind marketing and groups, you’re building a team of people that want to all empower each other.

Jay Fiset
You hit the nail on the head, and I’m going to say in a much harsher way.
It’s because she couldn’t shut up long enough to let them contribute their message. It wasn’t [lalicious]. It was just she wasn’t wired that way.
Importance of Facilitator Training in Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
So some facilitator training and some facilitator skills about group management, community, creation, and collaboration are necessary. And we have an entire module of that in our program as well just because it is one of the weakest links.
You can get the most brilliant person in the room, but if they can’t create the connection and the community, it doesn’t make any sense. Those are two of the biggest that if you’re going to do it, you got to figure out what that’s going to look like. There are about 30 of them. Do we have time for one more?

Kamala Chambers

Jay Fiset
Mastermind Marketing – Do Not Ask

Jay Fiset
The next is do not ask.
I do live training where I support people with this, and I do Q&A’s and all the rest of it for those people in the process.
Guess what one of the single most consistent early questions is for their mastermind marketing.

Luis Congdon
So the first question people ask when they’ve gathered together or the first question when starting mastermind marketing?

Jay Fiset
First question when they’re thinking about starting one and trying to figure out that they ask me.

Kamala Chambers
How do I fill it with people?

Jay Fiset
That’s the second question. You’re right on track. But the first problem I get is ‘What should I charge?’
What I see happening in our industry, and what I see happening in lots of different places is that it’s like, “Oh hey, Sally has a $20,000 mastermind. I could do $20,000 mastermind.” And so, they’d start asking me these questions about what they can charge. “I could charge 500 bucks a month, or I could charge 15,000 bucks a month.” and that is such a ‘bass-ackwards’ approach.
Mastermind marketing – Figure Out the Value Proposition

Jay Fiset
From my perspective and this is what I keep driving people to, figure out what the value proposition is.
What am I going to get out of this? What are the keys that are powerful and fantastic that people want to get through the gatekeeper to get into that mastermind?
Figure out what the value proposition is. Make sure that whatever your price is, you’re delivering 10x the value than what you’re charging, and that will be your price.

Jay Fiset
That’s the second question. You’re right on track. But the first problem I get is ‘What should I charge?’
What I see happening in our industry, and what I see happening in lots of different places is that it’s like, “Oh hey, Sally has a $20,000 mastermind. I could do $20,000 mastermind.” And so, they’d start asking me these questions about what they can charge. “I could charge 500 bucks a month, or I could charge 15,000 bucks a month.” and that is such a ‘bass-ackwards’ approach.
Having Long-Term Clients with Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
You’ll be able to do it once, but getting somebody into a mastermind and keeping them around as a client for the next two decades, of which I have many 20-year clients, those are two radically different things.
If you do a premium-priced mastermind that has marginal delivery, that’ll be the end of that forever.
Figure out what the value is first.

Kamala Chambers
I think we had a little glitch there because the word “Value” kept repeating, but I think we got it. I think that’s important with mastermind marketing. You nailed it home many times which is fantastic.
Also, this piece about having the facilitator experience and knowing what the benefits are that people are going to get out of it is crucial.
Mastermind Marketing and Inclusions

Kamala Chambers
So now, let’s fast forward. Let’s say we have all of those pieces in play. We know what we want our mastermind to be about, and the audience that we’re talking to.
I’d love to hear, just what would be included in a mastermind?

Jay Fiset
That’s a great question. Again, this goes back to positioning.
It could be just as simple, and I’m just going to give you a range because there is no right way. I guess this is the beautiful thing about masterminds. You can structure them in any way, shape, or form that you like; that serves or supports you and your community, and that delivers what you say the value of your mastermind is.
I’ll give you a couple of ranges.
I supported a woman who did a self-care for moms mastermind, and that was a super simple mastermind. It is composed of 12 meetings, once a month, four hours, all aimed at the community of moms who wanted to take better care of themselves with a tendency to put their families, their kids, their children, all of those things ahead of themselves at the expense of taking care of themselves. That’s just a simple thing. There was nothing else.
It was low-end. The price point was only $97 a month, but she worked two nights a month, ran two groups, and made $24,000 a year doing and sharing what she loved with the people she cared about. That’s on the one end of the spectrum.
Now, I’m going to kick the spectrum to another end.
Lead Entrepreneur Mastermind Marketing and Inclusions

Jay Fiset
When we were doing a lead entrepreneur masterminds, is we made four quarterly retreats all over the world. We went to for example South Africa, had dinner with F. W. de Klerk right after he won the Nobel Peace Prize.
We combined travel. We connected fascinating people and guest speakers, as well as powerful a community of entrepreneurs. And then in between those four masterminds is that each member would usually get about two hours of coaching, consulting, support per month.
You can combine the mastermind with your coaching to keep some continuity working. Does that make sense?

Kamala Chambers
It does.

Luis Congdon
Yeah, it sounds like an excellent way for you to build a network, create a robust team of people that are helping you. You’re helping them, and you’re also profiting at the same time, and so are they.

Jay Fiset
Without a doubt.

Luis Congdon
This is amazing. Go ahead, continue. I got excited.
What you’re talking about is incredible.

Jay Fiset
And by the way, that group was incredible. They did some fantastic things.
But here is one of my favorites. I’m going to back to this JV Summit of ours.
JV Summit Mastermind Marketing and Inclusions

Jay Fiset
The JV summit, I just do it two times a year. We get together for two and half days. I bring us some [molleja] with a truckload of wine. We do a little adventure thing like skiing in the winter and boating in the summer. Then each person who’s there gets three presentations that they share what’s going on in their life and their world regarding JV opportunities and some masterminding time, and some top secret things I can’t tell you about that are super cool.
I do it two and a half days a time, twice a year. And that is one of my favorite mastermind communities. That by the way, we back up with some monthly calls that are more of a continuity models.
Different Models of Mastermind Marketing

Jay Fiset
You can combine coaching, a continuity model, a travel model, or an adventure model. There is no limit to how you can do this, but there are some fundamental that you must follow.
The fundamental idea is if you figure what the value proposition is, now, what’s my best way of filling that in a way that is 10x more valuable to my community than what I’m charging. That’s the heart of it.
When we go through the program, the Launch Your Mastermind 90-Day Boot Camp, we help people get clear about getting into this position where you know what your client and your world wants, what is the most powerful, efficient, and meaningful way to deliver that? And it can be almost anything.

Kamala Chambers
This is exciting, and I think the way you’ve painted the picture for people, you’ve expanded the horizons.
I hope you as a listener are tuning into the ideas of what you can create and what can your mastermind groups be about.
Effective Ways to do Mastermind Marketing

Kamala Chambers
Just as a closing thing, I’d love to hear what do you find are a couple of the most effective ways to sell your mastermind? Do you think it’s just by going to networking events and telling about it? Do you think you should have sales funnel set-up?
I’d love to hear your thoughts about that.

Jay Fiset
Great question and the answer is yes.

Kamala Chambers
Do it all. Just like you launch your product?

Jay Fiset
I’m going to share with you the thing that I love the most, and I believe you guys are going to share a link that’s going to get a whole bunch of complement to your resources for your community.
One of those resources is called Fill Your Masterminds with Ease. I’m going to give you the brief rundown of it, and this is the most fun, the simplest, and the most profitable way I have ever found to build mastermind groups.
Mastermind Marketing – Wine, Conversations, and Cash

Jay Fiset
It used to be called ‘Wine, Conversations, and Cash,’ and it was called ‘wine, conversations, and cash’ because that’s precisely what it is, and what it boils down to is this.
When the mastermind is positioned, what I would do is I would then go through my network based on what I knew about people. Then, I would say, “I think this person might be a fit,” or “I don’t know about this person, but I’d like to find out more.” And I would invite a small group of people, usually about 12 to 14 people. I would ask them to my home for a brief masterminding, networking, have a glass of wine, all of those pieces.
Now, I’ve already told you the very first gate that I’m trying to get people to pass through. What’s the very first gate? It’s if I like them or not. Are they going to be fun? Are they somebody that has a sense of humor or do they take themselves too seriously?
Mastermind Marketing – Invite People to your House

Jay Fiset
So, what occurs is this. I literally will do these little events. People come to my house, and they bring me a bottle of wine. Then, they fill out a short prep form ahead of time regarding what they’re working on and all of those pieces. I’m clear with them saying, “Hey, there’s going to be a bunch of other movers and shakers here, and we’re going to spend some time to get to know one another and see if there’s an opportunity for any of us to serve and support one another.”
Please understand this. This is the part that people get confused about.
Mastermind Marketing – Avoid Selling People

Jay Fiset
I have no agenda about selling them. I just think that they might fit the positioning, but they might fit the positioning and us not connect personally. Or, we might connect personally, and they don’t fit the positioning once I get to know more of what they’re working on.
We come together, drink wine, and everybody has a chance to share “This is what I’m working on. This is what I’m challenged by. This is what I’m most excited about. This is where I think I need support in my life.” Everyone just has this conversation.
At the end of that, I do my very best to support people wherever they’re at because, for 25 years, I got a bunch of resources and network so I give as much of myself as I can.
The people that I resonate with and fit the positioning, I’ll just say, “Hey, we should have coffee. I’d like to talk to you about this intimate, powerful, fantastic group I’m creating that you might be a fit for.
Mastermind Marketing – Get to Know One Another

Jay Fiset
What happens is that we create community and we create value, and we get to know one another long before any conversion process occurs. Make no mistake about it. It is a crucial part of the qualifying process before we can get to conversion.
That Fill Your Mastermind with Ease is a 22-page manual that tells you everything. It gives you the prep form, the structure, the conversation, and the questions I use in that process. The least amount of income I have ever made from doing one of those is $60,000 in the next 90 days. Just from having people bring me wine to my house. That’s a fun way to do it.

Kamala Chambers
I like it. That’s very good.

Luis Congdon
I’m just going to have to request something non-alcoholic, but I’m ready.
If you want a guest to come over to your house and bring you some Kombucha or juice, I’m willing to come over

Kamala Chambers
Or bring a box of chocolates.

Jay Fiset
Can I add to that?

Luis Congdon

Jay Fiset
I have a client who’s a brilliant shaman and fantastic man, and he adapted the entire model, and he called it ‘chocolate and dreams’ because he makes these fantastic organic chocolate that is like earth-shattering.
Mastermind Marketing – Have Something That Fits Group

Jay Fiset
You can orient it around anything. I just am a little bit of a smart ass because I like a nice bold Cab Sauv. That’s the wine piece but honest to goodness, tea, kombucha, and chocolate, you can have anything that fits the positioning of your group, right?

Luis Congdon
That’s awesome.

Jay Fiset
Anything. It’s about sharing and community.

Luis Congdon
And getting spoiled a little bit, it sounds like.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, I like how you drop the exact type of wine you like to drink just so anyone who wanted to give it to you.

Jay Fiset
I’m open to bribery. Just to be clear. I’m not above bribery whatsoever.

Luis Congdon
One of the things that have been clear in this process is to grab that booklet.
One of the things that have become clear in this interview is that a mastermind is an incredible way for you to scale your business and not only that, connect and just wine and dine with the people that you would love to hang out with and do business with and improve your life with.
The other last piece is that there’s just so much to learn, and that’s why we include that special link for all our listeners.
Babe, would you like to close this out?

Kamala Chambers
Jay Fiset, it’s been great to have you here. You’ve just blasted us with fantastic information. I hope that everyone who’s listened is inspired to go out and start their mastermind and to join mastermind groups.
You’ve been a treasure to have on the show.

Jay Fiset
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate being included.