Copy of Thriving Launch Podcast - Michael HaugeWhat is a mastermind?:

Mastermind groups are different than group coaching. A mastermind group is a small group of people sharing what they know for the good of the group.

Why start a mastermind group?:

A mastermind is the fastest, simplest and most joyful way to go from one-on-one coaching to connecting with many.

Masterminds are a fantastic way to increase income, increase value and decrease the time and effort you have to put in.

A mastermind positions you as a leader. As a mastermind group leader you are the gatekeeper to the whole group.

How to start a mastermind: 
  1. Get clear about why you want to do it.
  2. Be clear about what people will get out of it.
  3. Know what makes you a qualified leader.
  4. Make sure you have facilitation experience and collaborate well.
  5. Do don’t ask how much you should charge, instead get clear on the value you’re offering.
What can you include in a mastermind?:

There is no right way when it comes to what you include in your mastermind. Your mastermind can be a mix and match of a wide variety of benefits including:

  • Monthly meetings
  • Group calls
  • Travel excursions
  • Guest speakers
  • Added coaching support
  • Adventures
  • Fancy dinners
  • Participant presentations
How to sell a mastermind?:

Never pitch a mastermind.

Instead, keep your eyes, ears and hearts open for who would be a good fit.

Go to places where you’ll meet the kind of people you want in your group.

What else you need to know?:

Don’t try to do it on your own. Mastermind groups are more complex than group coaching.

Listen, Subscribe & Review in iTunes

Click to Tweet: Starting a Mastermind Group – Interview with Jay Fiset

Success Step: Scout out the people you want to have in your mastermind group

Resource Links:

Jay’s Special Mastermind Resources

Mastermind Mentor Manual

Mastermind to Millions Live Training

Related Books: 

Book by Jay Fiset Reframe Your Blame, How to Be Personally Accountable

Book by Tobe Brockner Mastermind Group Blueprint

Book by Joe Vitale Meet and Grow Rich

Related Episodes:

Create a Million Dollar Coaching Practice – Interview with David Steele

Filling Your Speaking Gigs – Interview with Jesse Koren

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