Manifesting Love – Diana Kirschner

Love In 90 Days – Dr. Diana Kirschner’s website
Love in 90 Days – Book by Dr. Diana Kirscher
Find Your Soulmate Online in Six Simple Steps (The Love Mentor’s Guide) – Book by Dr. Diana Kirscher

Dr. Diana Kirschner, a love expert and a New York Times bestseller, will help us draw love closer and find that connection.
One of the things that limit people from finding someone is the relationship killer beliefs. When you let this stand in your way, you’re going to be alone, which we never want to happen. Remember to stop limiting yourself from meeting new people and forming relationship with them.


It’s crucial to look at what your relationship killer beliefs are.
It’s not true when busy people say they don’t have time to find a relationship.
One thing people regret is not loving more.
We are blessed to have many ways to meet people.
If you let relationship killer beliefs stand in the way, you’re going to be alone.
Know how to navigate online dating sites because you can find amazing people and matches there.
Using the online dating sites is a numbers game. Go to larger online dating sites.
Mentastic activities are activities that have a lot of men in it and that women love.
Womentastic activities are those that have a lot of women in and that men enjoy.
Love is more challenging often than work.
Make eye contact and smile at every person you see.
Be the kind of love you want to see in your life and begin to open up the kind of change you want to see in your life.
Having smiling and inviting people in will help you find love.
Love is the answer to almost every problem on the planet


Luis Congdon
Hey Thriving Launchers, today, we’re going to talk about manifesting love.
If you’re searching for love or you’re already with someone you love, today’s episode is going to help you draw that love closer, and help you stay connected, and find that connection. For those of you who are looking for love, this is the episode to tune into.

Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re here with Dr. Diana Kirschner.
She has been on The Today show and multiple times on Oprah. She’s a New York Time best-seller. We’re thrilled to have her here to talk about manifesting love. She’s even offering a mentoring session for free with her team.
Without further ado, let’s introduce her.

Luis Congdon
Hey there Thriving Launchers, let’s talk about manifesting love.
If you’re too busy for love or you’ve been struggling to find love, on today’s episode, we’ve brought on Dr. Diana to talk about getting and manifesting love you want in 90 days or less.
Dr. Diana, welcome to the show. Are you ready to launch?

Diana Kirschner
I am ready to launch! Absolutely!

Luis Congdon
I love that energy.
One of the first things I want to ask you about is a lot of us think we’re too busy for love or that love is difficult and complicated. In my mind, it’s those mindsets that probably keep people stuck.
Would you agree?
How Relationship Killer Beliefs Keeps You From Manifesting Love

Diana Kirschner
Absolutely, and I call those kinds of mindsets ‘relationship killer beliefs,’ and they are just what they sound. You are delimiting yourself and cutting off this possibility of finding someone who could be amazing with you and for you.
It’s crucial to look at what your relationship killer beliefs are. Very busy active people, they almost all say, “I don’t have any time.” and that is not true.

Kamala Chambers
I think that’s a huge thing. People feel like they don’t have the time to put into to find the relationship. This is a big thing in the modern world. There are all these apps to find love.
I want to hear, what have you found to be time tested and true for finding and manifesting love?

Diana Kirschner
One of the first things we do in the love mentor coaching program that we have is we have people look at their schedule and make a detailed list of all their activities over throughout the week.
There’s A Lot Of Time For Manifesting Love

Diana Kirschner
What you find there is even though the person is working quite a bit, and very engaged in building a business or whatever they’re doing —
There’s often a lot of time that could be used to meet amazing people. There’s a time where they’re mindlessly sometimes at night, playing a game. We’ve had clients come in, and they locate time where they’re watching TV. They locate time where they’re just fooling around on Facebook.
When you make a switch over, you look at how you’re living your life and what your priorities are. Then, you can decide, “Do I want to be doing this for the rest of my life? Do I want to be alone for the rest of my life?” The answer if you’re honest with yourself, usually is “No, no, no.”
Manifesting Love As Something You Will Not Regret

Diana Kirschner
Because no one under deathbed just says, “The one thing I regret is not working more.” They don’t say that. They say, “The one thing I regret is not loving more.”
There are plenty of modalities now. We’re very blessed. We’re very blessed to have many ways to meet people. It’s insane in beautiful ways, but if you are not allowing yourself to go for it, and letting relationship killer beliefs stand in the way, you’re going to be alone.

Kamala Chambers
One of our clients is a millionaire matchmaker in Australia, and we put together some market research, and what we found for her audience is that the things that people want the most for finding love are they don’t know where to meet people.
How do you address that?

Diana Kirschner
Manifesting Love By Knowing How To Navigate Systems Of Online Dating Sites

Diana Kirschner
I do like the larger online dating sites. You have to know how to navigate them. I’m not affiliated with any of them, but I do like If you know how to navigate the system, you can find amazing people.
We had one woman meet a billionaire. I’m not kidding. Different people are meeting doctors and holistic people, writers, and authors. It’s incredible. There are amazing, beautiful, exciting matches if you know how to navigate the system and stop from being burnt out.
Manifesting Love By Lowering Your Expectations

Diana Kirschner
The thing about using the online is that it is a numbers game, and you have to know that. You want to lower your expectations initially, which sounds paradoxical. But you want to lower your expectations so you can quickly sort through a lot of people to get to the great ones. That’s one of the vital secrets.
Anyways, online, I like the larger sizes just that you got a lot of people on there.
Mentatistic Activities For Manifesting Love

Diana Kirschner
Then offline, we suggest in the love mentor coaching program fascinating kinds of activities. For women, we call it ‘mentastic activities.’
What’s a mentastic activity?
That’s an activity that you love that has lots of men in it. It may be training for a triathlon. It may be going to a meet up for artificial intelligence. It may be some special dancing class, investing, looking into investments or sports. These are mentastic activities.
Womentastic Activities For Manifesting Love

Diana Kirschner
We’ve had clients meet amazing people in those kinds of activities. Obviously, conversely for the guys, it’s womentastic activities. Those are activities that have a lot of women in and that you enjoy.

Luis Congdon
Those are all great tips.
Thriving Launchers, you guys know I met Kamala at dancing, and that is, in my opinion, a womentastic activity, and I met the fantastic, lovely Kamala.
Diana, going a little farther into the mindset stuff, I wanted to ask you about some more mindset shifts. I touched just briefly with you there on some of the things that hold us back or thoughts that hold us back.
I’m curious. What are some of the ways we can think about ourselves in this process of meeting something and manifesting love that is empowering?
Mindset Shifts For Manifesting Love

Luis Congdon
One for example, of my own life, first was the realization that I thought there wasn’t a woman out there that would appreciate the kind of guy I was. Now, I know that’s a very wrong way of thinking, and I shifted that to “There are some incredible women out there that would be very lucky and would be very special for me to connect. And they’re out there that enjoy a guy who’s fit, who’s expressive and very vulnerable with his feelings, and very sensitive.
I’m curious from you. What are some of the mindsets that can help us have that mentality that empowers us to find love?

Diana Kirschner
That’s a great question.
Manifesting Love By Making A Love Intention

Diana Kirschner
- You want to make a love intention, and that is a first person’s statement that is a super affirmation that states what it is you are up to creating in your life right now.
An example is “I have an incredible win-win relationship with a person who is just right for me. We are of service, and we built a family life that is filled with joy, happiness, and expansion.” I’m just riffing here. Each person has a different dream.
And so, you want to focus on your dream. Just like in work, you focus on where you want to go, you envision it, you get a mentor, or whatever to help you.

Envision Where You Want To Go For Manifesting Love

Diana Kirschner
Similarly, in love, you want to envision what it calls to you. What excites you? What turns you on? Is it the idea of being of service together? Like you guys are, which is incredible.
Is it the idea of having children? Is it the idea of just building a beautiful family life? And, state it in a way that is present tense such that you have it.
- Get mentoring.
In work, we always look for a mentor to help us get where we want to go. We go to somebody who’s living out to their dream job or the dream job we have, and we go to them and ask them to show us how.
Find A Mentor For Manifesting Love

Diana Kirschner
Similarly, in love, it’s great to find a mentor. In other words, go to a couple who is living the dream. Ask them to guide you, or you might say a relative or somebody who can help you. Sometimes, that can be hard.
That’s why I created the love mentor coaching program so that people could go to people who are living out the relationship dreams, and be mentored. Mentoring is very important.
If we have any little extra time, we can get to something I call the diamond self-work, but I don’t know how much time we have.

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, we’re about to round up here, and one thing I’d love to hear from you before we go is what is one tip you recommend that everybody do for manifesting love?
Making Eye Contact For Manifesting Love

Diana Kirschner
One tip that I recommend which you can do starting today is to make eye contact and smile at every person you see.

Diana Kirschner
And you never know because you could wind up networking into all sorts of possibilities including finding the love of your life.
How Important A Smile Is For Manifesting Love

Kamala Chambers
I want to say something about what you just said about smiling at people. I know it sounds simple, but if you engage and you’re present with someone, people become attracted to you.

Diana Kirschner

Kamala Chambers
I feel like I’ve never had a problem manifesting love. It’s an opposite problem, and I don’t think it’s because of my looks.
Invitation For Manifesting Love

Kamala Chambers
I don’t ever do myself up. I think what it comes down to is just having that openness, smile, and inviting people in. That invitation just with our body where we’re not close down says so much. It makes all the difference.

Luis Congdon
I love that, Kamala. Yeah, that’s true, and that’s something you’re very good at. It is to be present, smiling, acknowledging the person, and making eye contact.
I know that as a man, for me, one of the key things that make me interested in a woman or lets me know that there’s a potential for us to connect is that she’s open. She’s willing to have a conversation, she smiles, and she’s there. Anything other than that, I tend to kind of back away and go, “Maybe it’s not a good time for that person.” or whatever it might be.
Manifesting Love Can Solve Problems

Luis Congdon
Thriving Launchers, I want you guys to have love. Kamala and I, and everybody here at Thriving Launch, and our team, we all believe that love is the answer to almost every problem on the planet, and that’s why we brought on Dr. Diana today.
If there’s one takeaway that I’ve got today, it is the importance of being present for manifesting love.
Whether you’re in a relationship or you’re looking for one, your ability to smile, to eye gaze with the person, and to look them in the eye will make all the difference. That’s something I’m going to take to heart. I’m going to do a little bit more of that with Kamala and bring that into our relationship because that’s the person I’m looking for, is the person I’m with so I want to bring off what initially made that spark happen.
I don’t know what you guys got out of it Thriving Launchers, but I hope you got something, I hope you noted something. Go out there, take it to heart, and keep thriving you all.

Love In 90 Days – Dr. Diana Kirschner’s website
Love in 90 Days – Book by Dr. Diana Kirscher
Find Your Soulmate Online in Six Simple Steps (The Love Mentor’s Guide) – Book by Dr. Diana Kirscher