If you want to make money online fast, there’s some thing you will want to understand.

When I first got into the online space and before my business was making six figures annually – I was sleeping in my car, on couches…and I had to find a way to profit without spending.

So, for me this is a question that for my first year in business I thought about day and night…

I’m going to teach you the shoestring budget methods I used to make money online fast. This is the stuff I used when I was done and out and in one year’s time led ThrivingLaunch to become a 6 Figure business.

Even now when we have budgets for ads and promotions, we still heavily use the methods laid out here. No business can go without these methods.

There are a lot of different methods that I used to grow my business without spending money on ads or promotion and keep keeping my budget under $100 or $200 a month is essential when I started and if you want to learn more about those methods I highly recommend you check out our FREE Profit From Facebook Course.

When you’re first starting out and have a low-budget there’s a lot of different ways to grow your business without spending money on ads or promotion.

Even for high earners these methods are crucial. If you look at any of the giants in business you’ll see they’re using these methods PLUS the paid methods.

Ok, let’s dive into your first method to grow your business online without much money needed.

Method 1: Social Media

Get your name out there in a low cost way.

Social media will help you do that.

Getting out there and in front of people is super important when nobody know you exist.

When you are a new business owner your first big hurdle is having potential clients know you exist and that you can help them.

Your next challenge is having people know like and trust you enough so that they’ll buy from you.

This is where social media comes in handy and will be your power strategy.

When you don’t have a budget and you’re trying to grow your business the hardest thing with your new business is finding clients attracting clients — once you find the audience you have to win their respect, have them like you enough, and then they’ll buy. Know > Like > Trust > BUY

Here’s how to use social media:

Join Facebook Groups where your target is at. Also join groups where you can meet influencers in and out of your niche. I’ve made a whole course on this, it’s free and I highly recommend you check it out Become a Social Media Celebrity. In the course you’ll get some solid tips on how to use fb to grow your online presence there for free BUT you’ll also want to do this inside Twitter, Linkedin and other major social media sites (but when you are starting, I recommend master one social media site first – for me fb was the way to go).

While you’re mastering Facebook, buy something like postplanner (it’s $7 a month, for the cost it’s the best one I’ve found and use). Postplanner will allow you to automate your tweets and Facebook posts. If you are posting in these two places and driving people back to your website often enough you assure that you are ‘Top of mind, top of heart’ which eventually equals dollars and buyers.

By being present on social media you ensure that you, your brand, your content and your services are there where billions of people are at everyday. If you want to make money online fast you need to have a presence on social media.

By using Facebook & Twitter I’ve been able to connect with some very high level people – then I’ve used those small chats and connections on social media to make friends with these influencers.

Using Facebook I got into Russell Brunson’s circle – and landed a seat at an event with writers from Forbes, Inc., Huff Post, Entrepreneur, and several other high end publications.

When I wanted to meet Drs. John and Julie Gottman (the most respected marriage researchers alive today) I used one Facebook to say : Hey I’d like to meet the Gottmans – do you know them? …later at an event a friend said she knew them and made the introduction.

And one last example – I used a Facebook post to land paid speaking gigs – something I had never done before…

Just one little Facebook post landed me about a handful of speaking gigs – all before I had any proven success in that area.

Don’t be afraid to use FB to ask for things and to connect with people. I’ve used it so well that I had to build a course on it to teach others how to do it.

Method 2: Blogging

Blogging is insanely awesome for business growth – but it’s tough!

Maybe you’ll like writing, but to make a pretty post that is highly useful, engaging, and fulfills the checklist of success – be prepared to put in a little work – but hey, I titled this post: “Make Money Online Fast” BUT I didn’t say ‘while you sit on the couch and do nothing.’

If you want to make money online, be prepared to put in some serious hours (at first) and then once you get it all set up and working properly – you will find great success and if you do it all right you’ll have automatic income on a regular basis.

Ok, back to blogging.

If you want make money blogging, let me just say that is a tough road. It’s not easy to break into blogging and make money BUT if you blog and teach via your blog you can build authority – and that can lead to money fairly quickly. This is what I recommend you use it for. To help you blog with success I recommend you check out Derek Halpern – it’s a great site that will teach you tons about blogging. I can’t speak highly enough of Derek’s work, in one weekend I learned almost everything I needed to learn about blogging successfully just with his free content.

Now let me give a few tips to blog with success:

  1. Blog regularly – the more content you produce the easier you’ll get found.  The more people get used to receiving awesome content from you, the more they’ll return to your website which always increases likability and likelihood they’ll turn into a customer.

2. Blog to build value – when someone first meets you online they don’t trust you. They’ve got options, they’ve got millions of other bloggers hoping to give them what they need – so the reader doesn’t need you – BUT if you build value they will realize they do need you.

3. Share your content where you can – building valuable content is only 40% of the equation, the other 60% is making sure people see it, read it, and get value from it. I’ll write more about this later so be sure to subscribe to our free newsletter. For now just know that if you are writing and creating content – you also need to let the world know it’s there and available for them.


Method 3: Podcasting

Podcasting is taking over radio and it’s an amazing way to create constant content to share online. In the world of online business many people say:

Content Is King

Content is important because it helps you get found online. With content that gets you found, you help your audience and potential buyers know who you are and you build trust with them. You build likability. If your content online helps people learn and is also somewhat entertaining – people will feel confident to pay you for time, services, and coaching.

If you want to make money online fast you need content so people can find you, learn about you, and so they can trust you enough to give their money.

If you are creating content be sure to share it on social media – this allows you to position yourself as an authority and will ensure you breakthrough the noise – and now with the simplicity of YouTube, WordPress, and all the other mediums for publishing your work – YOU MUST BREAKTHROUGH THE NOISE.

Build great content and you will get found, you will makes sales, and you will make money online fast.

I know the above line sounds cliche and vague, so keep reading – it’s my goal to make sure you get clear advice on how to make money online fast.

Some ways to build content online to make money fast online are to: podcast (my favorite), blog, vlog, info videos, pdf’s reports, webinars, major publications, and that’s just the tip of the ice-berg but that’s enough for now. If you do at least one of these seriously and create massive value with say podcasting – you will get more easily found. If you combine that with blogging – you will more visiblity and you will breakthrough the noise with more ease.

If you decide that you want to podcast I highly recommend the Podcasters Secret Weapon course, it’s the course I built to teach people from scratch how to use a podcast and building audience and it works for people who have big audiences as well.

Method 4: Give Away Your Services to Influencers & People Who Can Tell Others

When I first started my online business one of the fastest methods that help me grow was to offer my services and programs to influencers famous people and people who could spread the message quickly about what I was up to.

Very quickly I was able to attract very high-end influencers and key people to my programs and services. I offered my services to some of these high-end people at a discount or completely free so that I can get a testimonial and tap into their networks I highly recommend you do the same. Here is a video I made that highlights some of the influencers that I worked for (and some of the people that aren’t influencers but their testimonials helped me a lot – many of the people at the end are people I did small favors to help them out and help them grow their business – then I asked for a testimonial). This kind of thing spread a lot of buzz for me. At 1:10 I use the testimonials – Bas Rutten is a UFC heavyweight champion and UFC Hall of Famer who has also been in a few semi-big movies. Here is the link to that video if you want to see it – just click here (fast forward to one minute and ten seconds in).

If you give your services away for free – be sure to ask for testimonials and now that you have my copy and paste method to ask for award winning testimonials – YOU have no excuse not to be asking for testimonials. In the coming weeks I’ll actually be releasing a whole article on how to get testimonials, who and how to give your services to and when you should and shouldn’t give your services away for free (after doing over 350 free phone calls and giving my services away to free to many many people – I’ve learned a lot about how to give and not to). Be sure to subscribe to get that update.

If you’re serious about making money online you need social proof – you can’t go without it. Those words of praise will endear people to you, allow your prospects to know you’re legit and help you make sales with much much more ease.

Here’s a quick and simple method to get people to send you video testimonials. And if you’re afraid to ask for testimonials just copy and paste my method – I’ll take out the work of having to figure out what to ask.

Just write your client this:

“Hey – could you do me a quick favor?

It’ll only take you about 2 to 5 minutes but it would mean a lot to me.

Okay Saul you got to do is grab your camera phone, turn it towards you and video tape yourself talking about how I helped you and your business.

If you could talk about how I help you with podcasting and using Facebook organically to make money and any particular results that I’ve helped you actually attain that would be awesome.

Thank you I really appreciate it and if you could have it to me by say the next three days to be really great cause I’m on a time crunch and I needed soon.”

Try this out – it’s worked wonders for me. AND social proof helps immensely.

Try it out and tell me how it works

And hey – if you use it and it works – send me a testimonial – just grab your phone and send me a video testimonial ;)

Last little tip about using testimonials is ask people to post their testimonials on your favorite social media site wherever you’re at the most have these people shared on there and tag you in it. Social proof is great.

When people see that others are buying your product, that your product exists and it’s working for people – it’ll help your business grow.

In the words of Jonah Berger:

“If something is built to show, it’s built to grow.” (fyi, we have a soon-to-be released interview with Jonah, keep your eye out for it)

What Jonah means is this:

When something is public, more people see it and more people know about it. If you have a product and no one is talking about it and no one knows others are using it – it’s very hard for people to trust it or feel compelled to buy it.

If you can somehow make your product and customers + their successes more visible the better.

Anytime you can publicly show how you’ve helped a client, a friend, or an influencer – do it.

The more you can talk about results you’ve gotten for people, the more others will believe you can do it for them AND when they share how you helped them in a public way -it’s even better since you’re not the one who is bragging…they’re bragging and it’s about you!

This combines Social Media & Testimonials.

Can I get another BOOM!

Method 5: Spend Time Visualizing Your Goals As If They’ve Already Happened

It may seem odd that I put this as one of the methods to grow your business. But if you carefully study anyone who’s been extremely successful in business you’ll find that all of them do this.

Some examples of big achievers in the world of business who use visualization for success are: Tony Robbins, Hugh Jackman, Napoleon Hill (think and grow rich), and Oprah to name a few…if you haven’t read the book, “Think and Grow Rich”  I highly recommend it. (if you click on the image I linked it to the lowest cost version of the book for you).

Although some people mock and have found some holes with the teachings from the film and book, “The Secret” it’s still my stance that some of the basic teachings are incredibly powerful, life changing, and are a cornerstone of my own success principles.

If you listen to our interviews with Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton, and many of our other very successful guests you’ll find that they all believe in the power of their thoughts.

Business isn’t just a physical thing, it’s also a mindset. Create a powerful mindset and you will create the results that will help you to make money online fast.

Method 6: Networking Events

This is a method that I list lower than all the other methods because networking events are either very expensive or they tend to attract the kinds of people that probably won’t help your business out very much (at least the free events were like that for me).

Although I put this at the bottom of my suggestions for you, if your local business person I really recommend that you attend some local networking events and seminars.

I know this article is about making money online fast, but I’ve never found any online guru who was wealthy beyond their dreams who didn’t put on and host their own live events on a regular basis.

Along with this method, I highly encourage you read my article on how to collect people’s information while at networking events (it’s way more powerful than business cars, and it’s not asking for their phone number either).

Method 7: Put on Free Events

When my partner was starting her business as a coach she used free events to quickly fill up her schedule with clients.

Make flyers, build the buzz online, and if you have a little money – run a few ads.

Invite your friends, family and circle of influence – then ask them to share the event with their circle.

There is a lot more I could teach you about this and I will, but for now, these simple tips are enough to get you started with a free event.

Your goal with the free event is to get bodies in.

Then at the event, teach things of value. Also, get people excited about the possibility of working with you and the results that you can give them period

When people put on events they often times try to teach and guide people through a process appear teaching… but but what I encourage you to do if you put on a free event is get people excited about the possibilities of working with you in the results that you’re offering through your programs and services.

Someone that helped me with this immensely is Justin Devonshire – I highly recommend you follow him on Facebook – and join any of his events when you can (the online ones are pretty low cost) and he’s amazing. Check out Justin D. on Facebook. Justin writes a lot of solid posts where he really outlines the methods he uses to fill up events, sell, and influence people. He’s one of my favorite guys to learn this stuff from.

One more person to learn from is Russ Ruffino – but his stuff is all about high-ticket events and if you have a low budget or none – then just go with Justin.

Method 8: Read books, Listen to podcasts…get into the habit of getting educated.

As someone who podcasts I have built into my life cannot only create awesome content that educate people on this kind of thing, but I’ve also made it my life to spend time with other people of more who are more successful than me.

I suggest you check out the ThrivingLaunch podcast, since it’s 5 times a week and we interview the most highly successful people in the fields of business, self-help, motivation, entrepreneurship, and mindset – I know it’s show that can deeply impact and transform any listener.  By listening to content that inspires you will be influenced, your unconscious will shift, and the way you behave and do life will dramatically be altered for the better.

Put all these 8 methods together and you will have a well oiled machine to assure you are making money online.

If you really want to have a thriving business it’s going to take all of you being in it – it’ll take sacrifice, perseverance, heartbreak, sweet, tears, blood…and if you push through it you’ll make it out on top.

To your ThrivingLaunch!

Luis Congdon

The Podcasters Secret Weapon

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