How To Make Money On The Internet – Brandon Lucero

One of the main reasons why some companies like Airbnb and Uber are very successful is because they give people an alternate way for how to make money on the internet. They allow people to earn on their terms.
First, figure out where you want to develop as a business. Look for something that you could do that’s either going to solve a problem for someone or save them time.
Next, figure out who your niche is and understand everything about them.
There are different ways to attract buyers. For example, podcasting, YouTube, video, Facebook, and Instagram.
If you want to know how to make money on the internet, start with some video content or podcasting.
Create content that doesn’t try to sell your product or service.
Content is the key if you want to know how to make money on the internet. Put out content that your niche wants.
With Facebook and YouTube, it’s very easy to learn how to make money on the internet very quickly if you know who your market is.
To learn how to make money on the internet, survey people and find out what that market needs.
Facebook groups can allow you to add more value and still sell at the same time.
When launching a product, open the cart and then close it or have some scarcity where you have a price increased by a certain deadline, or you have an extra bonus they get that goes away after a certain time.
When doing Facebook live streams inside the Facebook group, every 5-10 minutes, re-pitch the program you’re offering.
The reason why Facebook groups work is that it allows you to build relationships with people. Building relationships are essential as you learn how to make money on the internet.
In addition to the Facebook group, you can run retargeting ads and offer a 20-15 minute call.
The relationship doesn’t stop after you get the sale. Spend more time with your customers so that they buy from you again.
Call people on the phone after they purchased from you. It allows you to create customers for life.
It’s never a lack of information or lack of strategy as to why you haven’t learned how to make money on the internet. It’s usually a lack of action-taking.

Kamala Chambers
In this episode, we’re going to be talking about how to make money on the internet with some special training and pro-level tips on how to boost your launches. These are some tips that I’ve never heard before. I’m excited for you guys to listen in.

Luis Congdon
Today’s guest is Brandon Lucero. He owns a company called Sold With Video. He’s a pro at how to make money on the internet. I’m excited to bring on Brandon because he understands business. He’s one of my favorite business mentors. He’s built several businesses, and one of his most recent businesses that he created did six figures in a three month period. It’s awesome to bring on Brandon Lucero.
All right. We are here with Brandon Lucero. What an honor to have you here on the show. Brandon, are you ready to launch?

Brandon Lucero
I’m ready man. It’s an honor to be here talking about how to make money on the internet.

Luis Congdon
The honor is truly mine, truly Kamala’s.
As you guys know at Thriving Launch that Brandon has been one of the mentors, one of the people that have helped both of us out. Somebody that I look up to and has had a remarkable influence.
One of the things that I want to talk to you about today Brandon is how easy it is now. Don’t get me wrong. Starting a business has no, “Get rich quick” scheme here but starting a business nowadays and doing so online can be incredibly easy.
As I’ve already told you guys, Brandon, within a few months, was able to create a six-figure business with Sunny.
Brandon, tell me a little bit about this new generation of entrepreneurs and this new wave that we’re in now. We are really excited to talk about how to make money on the internet.
How To Make Money On The Internet From Zero

Brandon Lucero
It’s interesting where we’re at a place right now where technology allows you to start a business. And learn how to make money on the internet for little money.
Like you can start a YouTube channel and turn that into a business. You can create a digital course and with your expertise and your knowledge, and turn that into a business. There are so many different ways to learn how to make money on the internet. I do believe that this new generation entrepreneur that we see right now is going to be the way that businesses run.
Give it 5-10 years, and I think a lot of corporations are going to start getting smaller and smaller. We’ll also have big companies. But, we’re going to see a significant shift in people starting to generate their revenue.
If you look at Airbnb and Uber, one of the main reasons that they’re successful is they give people an alternate way to make money. They allow people to make money on their terms.
That’s what we have right now at our fingertips.
You can create anything you want to create, and you can turn it into a business. It takes work but it doesn’t mean that it has to be hard.
How To Make Money On The Internet On Your Own Terms

Brandon Lucero
It takes work to put up a website and add some content and videos. But as long as you have the steps, it doesn’t mean it needs to be a very hard process.
As you mentioned, we were able to start a six-figure business in three months’ time, because we learned how to make money on the internet. When I say, “Start a six-figure business,” I’m not talking about like, be on pace to do a six-figure. I’m talking about already generated six figures in revenue and we did it from scratch like a three month period.
This is the world we live in, and it gets me so fired up.

Luis Congdon
Let’s kind of rewind time a little bit. Ebay, Craigslist, Myspace, all these places, and all the other social media channels have made it. So people can kind of create their platforms within this vast hosting provider. We’re in this new era now where Airbnb, Uber, and Lyft have come out. There’s a bunch of other companies.
How To Make Money On The Internet For Cheap

Luis Congdon
You guys know here at Thriving Launch, I was homeless not too long ago. At that time, I was struggling. I was trying to figure out how to make a living. One of the things that I was doing like many of us would do is I was searching Craigslist trying to find ways to earn money very quickly.
I found all sorts of things. You can deliver food. You can offer packages. If you have a car or a bicycle, you can get jobs, and you can become your company.
If I wanted to start and I wanted to start maybe using YouTube or stuff with social media or the stuff that you’re doing, what would you recommend? What would be one of the first steps that, “Hey, I come to you Brandon, and I’m relatively new with this, but I have a skill.”
I want to know how to make money on the internet. Maybe I’m a coach. I’m some expert, but I haven’t figured out how to get it out there so that I can monetize this thing on a bigger, better level.
What would you say to me?

Brandon Lucero
I think the first thing is to figure out where you would want to develop a business. It could be something that you want to create a product around or service around.
Maybe there’s a skillset that you have that could solve a problem for someone or a big thing like save people time. Perhaps you’re a mom who wants to learn how to make money on the internet. Maybe you’re a home mom who already cooked very healthy meals for your family.
You know that there are other stay-at-home moms who don’t have the time for it. Like make some extra food, you’re already doing the work for. Then start a healthy delivery service to stay-at-home moms who wanted to have their family eat healthy cooked meals, but they don’t have the time.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Add Value

Brandon Lucero
Look for something that you could do that’s either going to solve a problem for someone or save them time. Also, if you have knowledge in a particular area or experience in a certain hobby or topic. You start to look at where you can create a physical product, digital product, or a service.
Once that is determined, you figure out who your niche is. Are they women or men? Are they both? Are they between what ages? How much money do they make? Figure out everything about them.
We don’t need to use everything in our marketing. As long as you have a good idea of who your niche is and who’s going to be buying your product or service, then it’s all about attracting them.
There are so many different ways to learn how to make money on the internet.
There’s podcasting like what you guys do. There’s YouTube, video, Facebook, Instagram. I’ll speak to the one that I have expertise in, which is video. It’s the one that I think the future is going, and we can all see that the future is going there. You look at the newsfeed on Facebook. They’re pushing video. They come out and say, “They’re pushing video.”
One of the reasons why I love video is because it’s so powerful. It moves people better than any medium out there. But all you need to do is start creating content that doesn’t sell your product or service.
Most people get into it, and they go, “I need to build content that talks about why they need to buy my product.” I’m sitting here going “No. You don’t need to do that. What you need to do is put out value.” Value can be a whole bunch of different types of content videos but put out value videos that will attract your audience.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Attract More Customers

Brandon Lucero
We already know that maybe they’re stay-at-home moms or business owners between these ages and these ages. Put out content that they’re going to want, content that’s related to what you’re going to sell them down the line.
With Facebook and with YouTube right now. It’s very easy to grow an audience very quickly if you know who your market is. And an audience is essential as you learn how to make money on the internet. You just put out value videos to them, and you bring them in. Maybe you funnel them into a Facebook group or an email list or something like that.
Once you have the audience and build that know, like, and trust. It becomes very easy to turn around then, create a service or product for them, and sell it to them.

Kamala Chambers
One way I like to approach this is looking for that one problem that we solve. And one problem that we’re most excited and passionate about solving for people. Then, find the market that’s ready for that. Then, you know who your market is by knowing what problem you solve.
What do you think about that Brandon?

Brandon Lucero
I think that’s incredibly smart. I think that’s something everybody should do. It’s important if you want to know how to make money on the internet.
I always say, “Put out the content that’s going to attract them in.” There are different types of content that we can talk about a little bit or there are different ways to finding out the content.
One of the best things that we’ve done in our business is building the audience and then, just survey and ask them for what they need. Then, we can create a product, or we can create a service around that.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Brand Your Offers

Brandon Lucero
If we already have a product and a service, it tells us how to position it.
For example, my business partner Sunny Lenarduzzi and I created this program called Boss Video Branding. The program teaches people how to use video and social media to grow an audience. But we could have positioned that product multiple different ways.
We could have said, “This product’s going to teach you how to get more sales.” “This product is going to show you how to make the video,” “This product is going to teach you how to build an email list.” Because the product does all of those things and they will get those types of results with the product.
One of the best way to see how to make money on the internet is to started a Facebook group. We put out content. We got people into a Facebook group and onto an email list and then we just survey them.
It’s like, “What’s the biggest thing you want? Why do you want to use video? What are you struggling with right now?” About 70% of the people told us, “We just want to grow a following.”
So what do we do? We just position the product as the product that’s going to help you build your audience. It could have done a million different things. We could have positioned it a million different ways. But what we did was just listened to what people needed, what they wanted, what the marketplace lacked. And we just position our product as the solution, and it worked like gangbusters.
Now we do that with everything that we sell. I just survey people, and we find out. Find out what the market is missing, what the market needs, and that’s all we do.
Survey and ask people. Then, they will tell you what they want, and you can create products and services around what they want. The selling becomes very easy once you have that.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Attract More Customers

Brandon Lucero
We already know that maybe they’re stay-at-home moms or business owners between these ages and these ages. Put out content that they’re going to want, content that’s related to what you’re going to sell them down the line.
With Facebook and with YouTube right now. It’s very easy to grow an audience very quickly if you know who your market is. And an audience is essential as you learn how to make money on the internet. You just put out value videos to them, and you bring them in. Maybe you funnel them into a Facebook group or an email list or something like that.
Once you have the audience and build that know, like, and trust. It becomes very easy to turn around then, create a service or product for them, and sell it to them.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Increase Your Sales

Kamala Chambers
Yeah, absolutely.
What you’re saying are all important stuff. Every single time you create a product or a service. Or put something out there, survey and make sure people want it, know how they want it, and how they want you to speak to them about it.
Brandon, what are some advanced level tips that you have for us?

Brandon Lucero
Well, one of the things that we’ve been doing and I’ve been playing around with is using Facebook groups for your marketing.
It’s great to have a Facebook group in general just to have the community side of it.
When you launch a product, it’s a very powerful thing to have a group of people that you’ve already built a relationship with. And that you can still market to inside the group.

Brandon Lucero
For example, when we launched the program with Sunny, we started a Facebook group. We built it up to 3,000 members in a couple of weeks. We obviously got all these people on our email list as well. But, when you market to people, and you’re doing webinars, you’re doing follow up sequences, you can only email them so many times before they start to get a little mad or irritated or annoyed at you.
So, the Facebook group allows you to remind people like, “Hey, cart’s closing today” or “Hey. The webinar today” or “Here’s an extra training video we’re going do for you.”
A Facebook group allows us to add value and sell at the same time.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Launch Your Product

Brandon Lucero
When we launch a product, we do five days of content on the last five days of cart closed. Anytime we launch a product, we open the cart and then close the cart. Or, you have some scarcity in there where you have a price increase that’s going to happen by a certain deadline. Or have an extra bonus they get that goes away after a certain time or, you just can’t access the program. There are different types of scarcity that you can use.
What we do is whenever that deadline is we do five days of content. This is an addition to either the webinar or the video series that we do. It’s almost kind of like an extension of the webinar. Now you saw the webinar. You saw our offer. Let’s give you guys some more content, more value with the five days of it, and we do live streams inside the Facebook group.
We do Facebook live streams inside the Facebook group. We do like a 30-minute training, and we do questions and answers. Every five to ten minutes, we’re re-pitching the program. We just say “If you’re just tuning in right now, just a reminder that this is coming down in five days. Here’s what you get. Here’s what the offer is. Okay, let’s get back into it,” and we get back into the training.
What happens is that it allows us to get in front of people constantly. We remind them that doors are closing. Here’s the offer. Get in now without being the annoying email process, or you don’t have to worry about sending out too many emails or anything like that.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Generate More Content

Brandon Lucero
When we’ve done this in the past, about 80% of our sales come from people inside the Facebook group, and it blew me away. Eighty percent of the people that bought were inside that Facebook group. They were seeing our value, watched our webinars, and then watched the five days of content.
What we did is we pitched the product to them almost probably five to eight times by the end of cart close. But no one’s annoyed by it and they enjoy it. They’re getting content, and they’re getting reminders of the program.
That worked well for us, and that’s a tip we haven’t shared too much. So I recommend everyone does something along those lines.

Luis Congdon
Something I like about this strategy that you’re sharing is it’s unique, and that’s something that I’ve noticed about you. The way that you’re doing things is you’re doing things and ways that I don’t see other entrepreneurs doing them.
I see a lot of people doing Facebook groups. For me, the bread and butter of our business is a Facebook group, several Facebook groups in fact. I think they’re great. I think everybody should have one, and if you don’t have a group, you should be involved in other groups. Because you can still make money by being involved in other people’s groups.
The nice thing about owning your own though is you own it. You’re the boss, and you can advertise. You can do what you want because you own it.
One of the things I’m curious about is, did you come up with these methods on your own or are there people that you looked to? Of course, there are people that you looked to. Is this something that you were just sitting around and one day you got inspired because this Facebook group method is unique.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Make Money With Facebook

Brandon Lucero
I have two business partners. One is Sunny Lenarduzzi, my partner in Boss Video Branding. And my other business partner is James Wedmore, who’s another YouTube guy.
I can’t remember. James and I came up with the idea for a program we launched called Local Video Academy. I think it was probably James idea to try it out, but I’m the face of that program. So I’m the one who deployed all of the stuff that goes in it and James and I came up with the concept together.
I think originally, it was James’s idea. It was a while ago. I can’t remember exactly, but it was either James’s idea or both of ours. I can’t remember. But then we fine-tuned it with Sunny. We tried it with Sunny. Then I just did another launch couple of weeks ago and refined it again.
What I’m realizing is one of the reasons why it works is that it allows you to build the relationship with people.
When I realized this, what I started doing is playing around with more ways to build relationships with people during a launch process.
One of the things that we’ve done also in addition to the Facebook group was running retargeting ads. If you watched one of my webinars, you got an ad from me that said, “Are you on the fence about joining the program? Book a 20 or 15-minute call with me” and I also send email out, and I just look at this as a way to further establish a relationship with someone and actually help them determine whether the product would be a good fit for them or not.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Accelerate Your Results

Brandon Lucero
Normally, I would have like, “If this too much time, I don’t want to spend time to get on the phone with people.” But I started realizing when you’re selling products that are $500, $1,000 to $2,000 and 15 minutes can close a $2000 sale, why not do it?
I don’t know if this is a good conversion rate. Since this is the first time I’ve ever done it, but about 50% of the people I had a call with ended up enrolling and buying the program. For my time invested, it was obviously superb. But what happened was the people that didn’t buy appreciated my time so much that they were posting in my Facebook group, “I can’t believe Brandon did this.” “I can’t think he spent the time,” “This is the guy. He’s a good dude.” “If you’re on the fence about buying, I don’t know if it’s the right fit for my business,” which it might not have been for their business. But, they were encouraging people to buy the program.
I’m like, “This is incredible.” Fifteen minutes of my time with someone either led to a sale or them encouraging other people to buy my program. That was incredible to me.
The relationship doesn’t stop after you get the sale. I think what you need to do is spend more time with your customers so that they buy from you again.
I’ve noticed this as we launch products. The people that buy from us instantly as soon as door’s open, are always people that bought from me in the past. They don’t even need to attend a webinar. If I’m selling program and I have bullet points of what it’s going to do, they will buy instantly.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Build Long Run Relationship

Brandon Lucero
What we do to help with that relationship is we call people on the phone. So when we sell a big ticket program like our $2,000 or $1,000 program. I’ll get on the phone and we will call our customers, and let them know like, “We’re thankful for your business. Thank you so much,” asking if they have any questions. Reaffirm that they made a right decision on joining the program and all that stuff.
Usually those conversations are one to two minutes. I’ve heard this numerous times with people on the phone. They’re like, “I can’t believe you’re actually calling me. No one does this in the industry. I can tell you care” and what happens is you start to create customers for life.
I think the main hidden message here with the Facebook group and also other stuff is like, it’s all about relationship building and I think that’s going to be bigger moving forward in this industry.

Luis Congdon
I love that. So much value added here today about how to make money on the internet. You have many different insights.
As all of you guys know, starting something from ground zero can be incredibly difficult to learn how to make money on the internet. To be completely new at something and basically make something out of nothing, and one of the things that I did when I was first starting is I required anyone who joined my Facebook group to have a 10-minute call with me.
At that time, a variety of people thought I was kind of crazy because I was like “Yeah. Well, if you want to be in my group, I want to know who you are and if you’re going to be in the group, I need to meet you. We need to have just a 10-minute chat so that I know who you are.”
How To Make Money On The Internet And Increase Your Income Drastically

Luis Congdon
What ended happening is within the first few months of running that group, I offered a program, which is $500 a month to be in a group coaching program. It was a little scary for me but within a few months, I’d pitched that idea.
We made $3,000 within the first week of offering this program. Then everybody who stayed in the coaching program ended up buying something bigger afterwards. The amount of work that went into that, you can think about it in a variety of ways. There’s the work that I did up front to nurture that, which was a fair amount of work but, when I separate all that out, what ended up happening in a lot of ways is I found hyper-buyers.

Brandon Lucero

Luis Congdon
I don’t want to qualify or quantify people this way but it’s just purely business from purely business perspective. Hyper buyers are really great because these are the people that buy your products and they don’t need to know everything.
They see the email, they click and they buy. It’s really wonderful to have those people because they trust you, they like you. It’s a real honor and privilege to have people that care about what you’re up to that much and trust that much. On a business end, it’s great to have enough of those because those are the people that help your business continue to grow, continue to expand, and allow you to give on bigger and bigger levels.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Create Video Content

Brandon Lucero
Yeah, exactly.
Again, that’s another reason why I recommend even starting your foot off in the right place with just content like create value videos that bring in people.
Hyper buyers are amazing but to have them, you have to have buyers first. You have to learn how to make money on the internet first.
You did a great job of creating value in the Facebook group, bringing people on and doing that. But content can do the same thing for you, which is why I love videos so much because it’s what it does.
You can create this value adding videos, funnel people into a Facebook group where you can further that connection. This is nothing new but time and time again. Whenever we launch products and services that it’s always the one traffic that converts the highest, and that’s always going to be true.

Brandon Lucero
That’s why I love YouTube, that’s why I love Facebook video, and I love this Facebook groups. Because it allows you to go through that process and warm up that traffic, and create the relationships from the very beginning. And it’s a great way to get to how to make money on the internet.
When you can have the Facebook groups, you can survey people. When you do the surveys, you’re surveying people that already know, like, and trust you.
If you have this tribe of people that already know, like, and trust you, then you ask them what they want or what they’re struggling with. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
If you want to know how to make money on the internet, you have to understand that people trusting you is the biggest thing. Then, you’re giving them what they want, and it’s this explosion of sales start to come in. You can create any product or any service you want.
It’s a very easy process but you’re right. It takes work and it takes you going through. You actually have to go through and do the steps.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Thrive Online

Brandon Lucero
When I talk with a lot of people, they go like “Brandon, this is so hard.” I’m like, “The only reason it’s hard is that you haven’t done it yet. Once you do it, you can do it over and over again.”
For example, we did it with Sunny’s program in August-September. Then, I took a little bit of a break and then I was like, “You know what? I have the ad strategy that we use from the launch. Why don’t I sell that in a boot camp?” I then put up a couple of content videos.
I had to spend some money to learn how to make money on the internet. I ran $100 or $200 in ads just to get my content out there. And people funnel them into Facebook group, surveyed them on what they wanted. Then I created the boot camp and positioned it as what they wanted. We did $20,000 in sales, and the product wasn’t even created.
Now, I’m going through the process and I’m putting the boot camp together. Once the boot camp is done, I’m going to sell the recordings as a product. This is one of the big things to know about how to make money on the internet. It’s just a replicated process they can do over and over again and it just works every time we do it.

Kamala Chambers
Love it Brandon.
Before we run up today, is there anything that you want to make sure the thriving launchers know and walk away with about how to make money on the internet?

Brandon Lucero
I think the biggest thing is that most people try to overthink the process of starting. They know how to make money on the internet, but they get too caught in the process. They hear a content, a podcast, all these strategies, and they attend webinars. People know the steps. Most people can find the steps of what they need to do.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Stop Overthinking

Brandon Lucero
In fact, we gave you the steps right now to start a business. You know the overall strategy but the problem is that most people will have all this information and have all these steps, and they still won’t have their business.
It’s never a lack of information, lack of steps, and lack of strategy as to why you don’t have the results that you want. It’s usually a lack of action taking.
There could be a whole wide range of reasons why you’re not taking actions.
You can have whatever you want, but you have to take steps to get there, and you have to fail.

Brandon Lucero
In fact, we gave you the steps right now to start a business. You know the overall strategy but the problem is that most people will have all this information and have all these steps, and they still won’t have their business.
It’s never a lack of information, lack of steps, and lack of strategy as to why you don’t have the results that you want. It’s usually a lack of action taking.
There could be a whole wide range of reasons why you’re not taking actions.
You can have whatever you want, but you have to take steps to get there, and you have to fail.

Luis Congdon
Come on now. I want it perfect every time.

Brandon Lucero
I don’t know. There’s going to be failures as you learn how to how to make money on the internet.
Let’s just give it a number. Let’s give it five. Let’s say there are five failures. Until you made your failures before you hit that $100,000 mark. You’re going to have to go through those failures. You can sit here and sit on your butt, and worry about it, and have it take two years. Or, you can start taking action now and get through those five failures in five months. Failing is the way you learn how to make money on the internet.
How To Make Money On The Internet And Take Consistent Action

Brandon Lucero
You can do it whenever or however you want. My biggest piece of advice is don’t let fear stop you from living the life you want. To me, it’s much more fearful to have it take two years versus five months. That’s my biggest piece of advice.

Brandon Lucero
Just recognize that it’s usually never a lack of information or steps because you can find that stuff. You can buy courses, you can do whatever.
Look at yourself objectively and ask yourself, “Why am I not taking action?” Look at the real reason why, and once you fix that, anything’s possible.

Luis Congdon
That’s beautiful. That really sums who you are Brandon.
Anything is possible and don’t be afraid to fail to succeed. Fail enough times. You will get there. Keep taking action.
It’s been a real pleasure and honor to have you here on Thriving Launch. Thank you, everybody, for tuning in.
Thank you so much for coming on the show today talking about how to make money on the internet.

Brandon Lucero
Awesome. Thank you so much for having me. Love it. And hope you got what you need for how to make money on the internet.