$12,000 in sales – BEFORE I ever even made the product all by using insider strategies on how to make money on Facebook.

First of all, If you want to know how to make money on Facebook, keep reading.

I started with an idea – sold that idea, made the money, then created and taught the class. By doing this, I saved myself time creating, building, and waiting.

I’ll show you how to make money on Facebook and…

  • Insider strategies that will save you thousands of dollars you’d toss away on ads
  • How you can pre-sell a course and sell an idea before any work is done
  • Learn to build a course after the sales happen

If you don’t know how to make money on Facebook, without using ads, you’re missing out big time. 

When I first started my business I was broke, and so I learned how to make money on Facebook without spending money on ads.

I learned how to make money on Facebook before I even have a website!

And now that my business has grown immensely, I still use these same exact methods to grow my business and make money on Facebook.

To this day, these methods help me find high-end clients, network with influencers, and help me sell an idea before I even create it.

This post is actually part of a series of posts on how to make money on Facebook – as I post those other series I will come back and link them here for you so you can follow the series of posts that teach you how to make money on Facebook without spending a penny and how to use Facebook to make money even if you don’t have a website.

How to test a product idea and how to sell that idea before you even do the work

If you’re thinking about making a product, course, and curriculum – you’d better find out if there’s a market who is willing to buy it.

Most of all, if you don’t know if people are hot to buy your offer, and you invest time and money into creating it…get ready for a world of hurt. You could spend months building something that people might not even buy.

Before you build a product or service, ask yourself:

  • Have I tested the product?
  • Do I know it’ll sell?
  • Have I asked my audience if they want it?
  • Does it solve a need my audience has?

Noteworthy, these were the questions I had when I thought about making a Profit From Facebook course.

Make Money on Facebook

To assure I built something that would sell, I tested to see if I could make money on Facebook organically – before spending any money on ads or dumping time into building out web pages.

5 ways I made money on Facebook with just an idea

Furthermore, making money on Facebook is actually a lot easier than you might think… once you implement the right strategies.

I’ve also make a lot of mistakes that I want you to avoid. As a result, I’m going to share with you how I tested an idea, pre-sold it, got paid for it, then went and built out a course (after I got paid).

#1. Make money on Facebook – Test and gauge interest

Make Money on Facebook

First of all to make money on Facebook, you first want to test and gauge interest.

To do this, I went to Facebook, I went into a group where I’ve already built some trust, fandom, and know the group is an ideal target for my idea.

To begin, I made one post about some successes I had using my make money Facebook strategies. In that post, I shared some successes that a few of my clients had using my methods. Most of all in this post, I tried to load value and share strategies that anyone reading could use to make money.

This post, in a small group, that isn’t even super active, garnered me 20+ comments, 30+ likes and some friend requests.  Most noteworthy, if you get this kind of response, you’re onto something.

You can test and gauge the market by how responsive they are to what you’re talking about.

Consequently, by doing this post I increased trust, gathered more social proof and fandom…and built up my expertise in front of 600+ plus active members.

Then, I went and made 2 more posts that added value to the group members.

Posts that add value are essential to making money online.

How do I make money on Facebook without buying ads?

Especially relevant here is that adding value to your audience is the most important piece.

These kind of posts are very special, they’re specifically engineered to create value & authority. Hence why I call these posts, “Authority & Value Posts.”

So if you do these posts properly, they’re gold! If you do them wrong you’ll lose fans.

Sadly, I learned the hard way and have been booted out of groups. But after stumbling more time than I’d like to admit, I’ve mastered the art of adding value. The key thing with this is to not be spammy.

Don’t just look for how you can make sales. Seek new and exciting ways you can add real value. 

#2. Make Money on Facebook – Build anticipation

The next thing I did is I started to build anticipation by saying –

“I am thinking about creating a course where I lay out exactly how to make money on Facebook without ads or a website. I’d like to show you how my clients have used these methods to get high-end clients, sell their ideas, sell current products they have, and grow their authority in a purely organic way on Facebook. What do you think?”

And guess what happened?

As a result, these posts sold my idea. Immediately, I got messages in my inbox where people wrote me:

“I’d love to be in your upcoming class.”

“Where do I find the sales page?”

“So where do I buy?”

Because of this one post, I made 4 sales. Here’s a screenshot of just one chat – this chat equaled $1,000 from just a few quick Facebook posts. (PLUS a client who recently told me that what I taught him about how to make money on Facebook has added an extra $10,000 dollars to his monthly income. Just a side note I wanted to add in there.)

how to make money on Facebook image of Dr. Ed and how to use messenger to make money on Facebook

Make sales without a sales page

Once those messages came in, I went into my merchant account (PayPal or Stripe will suffice for you) and made a buy link.

And I made sales without even having a sales page.

But I did take note of the most common questions, objections…and with that information I later went on to build a sales page (or in my case hand off that info to my copywriter for him to use).

If you’re using my methods to make money on Facebook, I suggest you don’t go build a sales page, a product and then try to sell it…

Consequently, I’ve seen too many people fall flat on their face by doing this (all that work and no sales…)

Here’s me directly selling inside Facebook messenger. (Noteworthy, this is nearly $1,000 in sales from one client…no sales page and the chat was about 30 minutes).

John panico blurred

Get to know your prospects, fans, and clients

Instead of automating, personally talk to each person. Really get to know your leads, potential clients and the people who are buying from you.

Especially relevant, one of my friends, Ray Higdon, who has a huge following and a solid email list along with multiple 7 figure businesses says…

Ray Higdon shares tip on how to make money on Facebook

And he’s right!

Too many people online think that they can automate everything and forget the client, the work…

Connecting with your audience is essential. AND the more you connect, the better you’ll know your audience…all equaling your ability to efficiently automate later on.

So talk to your leads. That’s what I did… and still do.

Then, once they were ready to buy – I sent them the buy link.

I went and made more posts. Showed a few people some tricks. They shared their successes. Leads came in. Sales links were sent. More money came in.

#3 Make Money on Facebook – Announce the official date of the class

Once I felt I had made enough money and enough interest was generated, I announced an official date for the class. And wa-LA! The class was taught live.

For my first class, I was 100% certain about what I wanted to teach. And at the end of each class, I left time for Q&A

For some questions, I gave in-depth answers. Other questions, I gave short answers and let the students know I’d cover it more in the next class.


By having time for Q&A I was able to crowd source exactly what I should teach next, what was most important to my students, and was able to laser target my class to the participants.

But the most important piece of the Q&A was that it allowed me to create content that was important to my students, thus taking all the guesswork out for me.

I highly recommend you try this.

#4 Make Money on Facebook – Build a membership site

THEN and only then, after the class was complete, I went and built the membership site and created the first workbook and homework assignments to accompany that class.

First of all, to build a membership site, I used Clickfunnels. And Clickfunnels was SUPER easy to build a membership site in and it’s built directly into your sales funnel website so you don’t have to worry about integration issues.

You may consider DAPP for your membership site. It works well if you want to keep everything on WordPress and you’re skilled at WordPress development.

After I set up the membership site, I went and prepared the content for the next class.

And again, I taught the class and saved time for Q&A (which I personally like doing not only for content purposes, but to make my students feel really special.)

After the class, I uploaded the recordings to a membership site, built the workbooks, added the homework and posted a few Facebook posts to the private group that accompanies the class.

I custom created the next class.

The results?

Everyone loved the class.

#5 Make Money on Facebook – Offer a money back guarantee

Offering money back guarantees make it a no brainer for people to buy.

For this course, I offered a 90 day money back guarantee and not one person asked for a refund.

By offering an extended refund policy I was able to:

1. Curb buyers hesitation, a longer return policy ensures that buyers feel greater about purchasing. Think about it, 30 days says — you get the minimum time to assure this class is for you…if time runs out you could be screwed…but with my 90 Day Return Policy you get more time and can feel more at ease to buy.

2. Show how confident I am personally about what I am teaching. You may feel hesitant to offer such a return policy BUT think about it this way — a 90 Day Return Policy is pretty awesome. With that kind of return policy I am saying — “I feel so confident that you’ll love the class that I’m assuming all the risk .”

3. Every marketer I’ve ever talked to, they’ve all told me that longer return policies actually decrease refunds. I don’t personally know if this is true, BUT I sure worked for me. Because of points 1 & 2 people will feel more confident to buy AND with a longer return policy it’s likely people will buy with increased ease around their purchase (thus decreasing buyer’s remorse) And once they buy and try they forget about the refund.

These three points should encourage you to play around with refund policies that are the usual. Last point here on refunds, I heard Anthony Robbins say that when he started he offered a 1 year refund policy for his one-on-one NLP sessions.

1 year for a refund policy — that’s bold. Makes a statement and says confidence.

Make money on Facebook right away

Selling an idea is an awesome way to make money BEFORE you go and do tons of work.

And by following everything laid in this post, you’ll save yourself tons of time, make money up front, get close to your market, and be able to use all that work to build the perfect sales page, the perfect course, and profit upfront before you do too much work.

Once you pre-sell the class, record it live, and make all the assignments – put it all into a membership site and build a rocking sales page — you can automate it and sell it many times over with confidence. Therefore, you can be sure you know the market, what students want, and thus you’ll have tons of confidence to sell it.

Finally, the confidence you’ll build through this process will prepare you to make money on Facebook again and again.

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luis-aboutAbout Luis Congdon

Luis is known as the Most Connected Man on Facebook. He is the author of Facebook: Make Money on Facebook without Buying Ads. Luis is most known for his work as the Podcasters Secret Weapon… helping people launch and grow successful podcasts. Stay connected with Luis and get a free video training on how to Profit from Facebook.



Make Money on Facebook

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