How To Make Money On Facebook – Part Two

On this episode, I’m going to talk about how to make money on Facebook without buying ads and without doing anything crazy.
Even regular Facebook users will learn how to make money on Facebook.

Luis Congdon
Today, I want to talk to you about how to make money on Facebook.
How to make money on Facebook organically means no paid traffic, using no money or exposure. You’re not paying to get attention.
Instead, you’re just using it organically whether it’s through Facebook groups, your friends’ list s or your followers on Facebook. It is just an organic method.
I believe that when it comes to your business, you need to have multiple arms of your business. Right now, Facebook organic is something that a lot of people aren’t tapping into, but those of us who are, are Every time you log into F n
While you can scale the business and when you just want to enjoy Facebook, that can even be part of your business. And you can be paid just to be on Facebook as a typical user.
One of the first things I want to tell you around how to make money on Facebook is, when I first started my business, I was very broke. I needed free and easy methods to get my business out there, to get my services out there, to get clients, and to get hired. That’s where Facebook organic came into play for me. Unfortunately very few people know how to make money on Facebook organically.

Luis Congdon
While you can scale the business and when you just want to enjoy Facebook, that can even be part of your business. And you can be paid just to be on Facebook as a typical user.
One of the first things I want to tell you around how to make money on Facebook is, when I first started my business, I was very broke. I needed free and easy methods to get my business out there, to get my services out there, to get clients, and to get hired. That’s where Facebook organic came into play for me. Unfortunately very few people know how to make money on Facebook organically.
How To Make Money On Facebook Organically

Luis Congdon
I studied a lot of people who try to learn how to make money on Facebook organically. I started watching and noticing that some people were using Facebook to profit. And some people were making a lot of money right in front of my own eyes with just Facebook posts like regular posts and status updates.
One of the first things I want to tell you when it comes to this when you want to start making money on Facebook organically, start posting and sharing. Be active. Don’t just share once a week but share at least once a day if not twice or thrice a day. What this will do is it will start getting you more exposure.
Getting the attention of people is crucial when it comes to profiting. If nobody knows who you are and what you do or what you serve, then no one’s going to go, “I should give you money for the services you’re providing,” because they don’t know who you are.
So one of the first things you need to start doing is start posting regularly if you want to learn how to make money on Facebook.
How To Make Money On Facebook And Market Your Skills

Luis Congdon
A lot of times when I tell people this, they say “Well, I don’t get a lot of likes. I don’t get a lot of comments.” One of the reasons probably why you don’t get a lot of likes or comments is because you don’t post very often and you don’t share very often. Then people will say, “Well, I am often sharing, but I don’t still get a lot of likes and comments.” Don’t worry about that.
Think about it this way. When you log into Facebook, and you scroll through, how often do you give a like? How often do you share someone else’s status? How often do you comment?
I know that when I’m logging into Facebook, I could read ten different posts and know what’s happening in all those ten different posts but I didn’t like or comment or share or interact with those posts beyond just reading them.
So one of the first things I want you to start doing is start sharing and don’t worry about the like or the comments because you still going to get impressions.
An impression is just when someone sees it, reads it, sees something, they get an impression, and Facebook doesn’t allow us to measure that. Not if we’re not paying for it. But when we’re doing stuff for free, we don’t need to be reading the impressions. We don’t need to be doing all that. We just need to be posting often and regularly.
How To Make Money On Facebook And Post Frequently

Luis Congdon
I want you to switch it up. Don’t post everything about like what you’ve eaten or that you’re going to the movies or opinions you have about things. I want to you to still do that, but I also want you to start posting about your business.
What have you been up to? What are the successes of some of your clients? What are some of the cool things happening in your business that you want to share and brag about?
By sharing this stuff often on Facebook, people will start seeing how great you are. People will start seeing what services and business opportunities you offer.
I’ve had this experience where I posted something like, “Hey guys, I want to let you know that we create podcasts websites. For anyone who’s interested in the website that’s optimized for the podcast,” and surprisingly, nobody liked it. Nobody commented.
I was a little surprised but even more surprising is I had two people reached out that same day, and they said, “Hey Luis, I want to hire you to design my website.” That was over $4,000 generated from that one post and two different people coming in because they saw a post. They didn’t like it, didn’t comment, didn’t do anything with that, but they private messaged me.
How To Make Money On Facebook And Engage Audience

Luis Congdon
Sometimes, what happens is I’ll create a post, and I’ll say, “Hey, I was out and about today with my family, and this and that happened.” I’ll share a little story. It’s not made to make a sale, and that might get more comments or more likes.
What will happen is someone will message me and say, “Hey, I like that you’re involved with your family. It’s cool, and I’m following you. I noticed you do stuff with podcasting. I’m curious. What is that?” or “Where can I learn more?”
So by mixing it up where it’s not just all sales and all “me me me” and my business where it might be some stories, something personal, happenings, and updates that are more typical for Facebook, I’m able to garner the attention in a variety of ways of potential clients. Also, I’m able to just connect with people in a variety of different ways.

Luis Congdon
Sometimes for people, they want to know that you’re a real person behind that screen. They want to know that you have a family or that you’re into dogs or whatever it might be.
The whole point of today’s talk is I want you to start getting out there, start posting and start letting people know about your business, your offerings, and then mix it up with different things you’re up to. Start telling stories about your clients and maybe some successes that you’ve had. Maybe some struggles some of your clients are going through but start posting often. This is going to help you immensely to learn how to make money on Facebook.
How To Make Money On Facebook And Make Good Connections

Luis Congdon
When I first started, I was posting at least two to three times a day. I know it sounds like a lot and it looks like “Whoa!” You might alienate your readers, or people may not want to read you as often because you’re posting so often. So what?
If someone unfriends you or follows you because you’re posting a lot, that’s good.
That means they’re probably not going to be:
- A good friend or a good connection for you.
- They’re not going to be a good client for you.
- Maybe they need to come back later, and they’re just not ready for what you have to offer for who you are.
At least they know about you. So don’t worry about posting too much.
My biggest concern about people when they first start getting into how to make money from Facebook and doing that organically when they first get into these methods is they’re not posting enough. They’re not sharing enough vulnerable information about them. They’re not sharing about their business enough and letting people know what they have to offer. They’re not sharing enough success stories and client testimonials. If you are getting into how to make money on Facebook, start sharing your message.
So get out there and start sharing more stuff. Tune into next week’s episode where I’m going to talk even further and deeper into how to profit from Facebook, and how to use Facebook to make money so you can leverage Facebook to make money without having to buy ads, without having to create a crazy funnel or anything complicated. It’s just real simple stuff.
How To Make Money On Facebook As An Expert/Coach/Consultant

Luis Congdon
Regardless of what industry you’re in, if you’re a health coach, an expert, a consultant or somebody that offers dung for your services, you may start using Facebook.
If you’re somebody that’s serving other people, then Facebook is something I think that you should be using. You can start using the free version of the platform. You can go and pay for it as well.
Now, when you combine those, you have this well-oiled machine working for you, and it’s like an octopus. You have multiple tentacles out there for you. You’re buying ads if you want or using a podcast, or using a blog or using Facebook.
So, all the time, you’re generating leads, and even if you’re using Facebook just for fun, you’re still able to use it and have it make you money.
That’s it for today’s episode. Get out there, start posting, start sharing, and don’t worry about sharing too much.
Just get out there and start letting people know who you are, what you do, what you’re excited about, and who your clients are.
I’ll catch you on tomorrow’s episode. If not, I’ll catch you next week’s episode where we’re going to talk more about Facebook.
Make Money On Facebook