Make An Impact – Gabby Bernstein


Gabby Bernstein, a New York Times best-selling author, says that when we’re aligned with what brings us joy, we are guided to our purpose.
We don’t even have to find our purpose. Our purpose finds us.


The more authentic we are, the more confident we feel and more powerful we are in the world.
The most confident people are the most authentic people.
Our purpose is something we continue to discover.
Our purpose finds us.
Our purpose stems from a place of joy.
Our financial insecurity and fear blocks abundance.
Heal your financial insecurities so you can begin to earn abundantly.
When you’re in a state of joy, you’re more energized, and that energy gives you the inspiration to start to do new things and create new opportunities.
Joy begets success.


Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re going to be talking about abundance, confidence, and how to make an impact with your purpose with who better than Gabby Bernstein.
We are here with Gabby Bernstein, a number-one New York Times best-selling author. She’s been featured on Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday, and she’s a regular on The Doctor Oz show. She’s partnered up with Deepak Chopra. This girl has got it all going on.
We’re excited to have her on the show.
It’s great to have you on the show, Gabby. Are you ready to launch into it?

Gabby Bernstein
Yes. Thank you for having me.

Kamala Chambers
One thing I am excited to talk with you about is coming into a place of greater confidence to make an impact.
I know that’s something you just emanate. It’s something that’s essential for the foundation of our relationships, our business success, and everything we do in life including how we can make an impact.
What would you say to people who are looking to gain more confidence?

Gabby Bernstein
Confidence comes from a place of self-acceptance and a willingness to be authentic.
Be Authentic And Confident To Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
When we begin to accept all of our wounds, our past, and all of our experiences as a beautiful tapestry that has been woven to get us to where we are today at this moment in time, we can then be in a place of self-acceptance.
From that place of self-acceptance, we can then allow our authenticity to come forward. The more authentic we are, the more confident we feel, and the more powerful we are in the world to make an impact because that authentic truth is all that the world wants from us.

Kamala Chambers
That’s beautiful, and self-acceptance is such a journey. It’s not something that we just wake up and say “I’ve achieved self-acceptance.” It’s something we get to practice on a daily basis.

Gabby Bernstein

Kamala Chambers
I’d love to hear from you just something you would recommend we could do on a daily basis to deepen that practice of self-acceptance.
Deepen The Practice Of Self-Acceptance To Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
I think a lot of being in the practice of self-acceptance is being willing to witness when we detour, and when we go into self-attack or self-hatred or feelings of inadequacy. We see those detours into fear very kindly, gently, and compassionately guide ourselves back to a place of self-love.
For instance, when I noticed myself go to places where I’m uncomfortable or negative or go down the road of negative thoughts and beliefs or want to fight about something, I witness it.
Then, I kindly and compassionately guide myself back to my mind, words, and soul and say, “Gabby, you’re doing the best you can. You were triggered there. This is your old stuff. We’re working on this.” and I’ll guide myself back to a place of self-love through my words.
A Practice That Can Make An Impact To Ourselves

Gabby Bernstein
It’s the same way we would talk to a child if they were beating themselves up over something or to a loved one doing the ways we would want to guide them back to feeling better. That’s an important practice that can make an impact in our lives and to ourselves.
I often say to be kind to yourself with your words because you’re the only one hearing that. Be careful what you say because you’re the only one listening, and start to change the dialogue. That’s a practice we can bring in every single day that can significantly make an impact.

Luis Congdon
I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the work of Dr. Harville Hendrix but in the self-help community, something I see throwing around a lot is self-love, self-compassion, dating yourself, and all these things about that can make an impact on yourself. I loved it.
Loving Another Can Make An Impact On How You Love Yourself

Luis Congdon
I came across Harville Hendrix‘s work. I had been living in a yogic ashram for several years. I had stayed with a Buddhist monk. I had gone deeply into search into self, and for a long time, something was missing on my spiritual path for me, and something I had denied myself, which is specifically an intimate partnership.
Something that Harville Hendrix said about his work in one of our interviews that was able to make an impact is, “You learn how to love yourself by loving another.”
I’m curious about what you think about that piece how a relationship can make an impact in your life or how you even talk about that even if it’s new and fresh.
Relationships Can Make An Impact On Our Spiritual Journal And Evolution

Gabby Bernstein
Our relationships are our greatest spiritual assignments.
Any spiritual teacher will tell you that. They will inform you that feeling with the dramas, the fears, and the ego that arises in relationships are always the perfect mirror reflection of the disowned parts of our own shadow, and what we still need to look at.
I think we should be grateful for the discomfort that shows up in our relationships because it’s merely a mirror to reflect back to us the hidden parts of us that are still unhealed.
I believe rather than showing up for these relationships with more negativity or resistance, show up for them with grace by accepting that they’re beautifully aligned divine assignments that had been planted correctly in our path. That can significantly make an impact on how we show up for our spiritual journey and our evolution. We become clearer and more miracle-minded in our lives.
Relationships As The Most Valuable Place To Learn How To Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
When we stop seeing our relationships as dramas and start seeing them as assignments, it’s a much more peaceful perception of the connections that come through us.
Relationships are probably the most valuable place to learn how you can make an impact because it’s often the place where we get the most triggered.
The more uncomfortable we are, the greater the opportunity to grow.

Luis Congdon
That’s right. One of the teachers I liked said, “Earth is one of the hardest spiritual learning grounds.”
There’s a whole universe, and the earth has gravity. It’s one of the densest places, but because of that, it has an excellent opportunity to make an impact for spiritual growth and spiritual relationship.
I want to change gears a little bit here with you because I think all of these plays into how we share our gifts, make an impact and live authentically.
Be Authentic To Make Connection And Make An Impact

Luis Congdon
One of the things I also want to say this is when you talk about living authentically, I thought about this experience I had when I went to the Landmark Forum, and it was a fantastic experience. I was there for several days.
There is this group of people. They were very different than me, and I felt very different than them. I felt like they were like odd people, and I felt a little bit different from them because I didn’t know how to connect with them and make an impact. I was shy and reserved.
I remember towards the last day; I had this experience with them where I just started to open up and share with them authentically who I was, what was going on for me, and some of my downfalls. Something happened where it was a breakthrough for me to make an impact. I was no longer weird, and they no longer weird. We are just people, and there’s this awesome connection.
Resistance To Earn For A Spiritual Work And Make An Impact

Luis Congdon
Anyways, I just wanted to say that but shifting here to one of the questions I have for you to something I love asking our guests, and I’ve struggled with for a long time in my life. It is busting this myth that it’s not spiritual and you’re not enough to make an impact to earn money for your work and get paid well.
A lot of us have this resistance to being paid well for the work we do. I’m curious to hear about that from you.

Gabby Bernstein
Yeah. This is a taboo I’ve been working head on. I created a whole training around this, which will be able to send folks to. This is something important to me because what started to happen for me was I started noticing a lot of my readers, and audience members begin to wake up when they began their spiritual path.
As any of us listening, you and I know this. They started to wake up to a higher potential and purpose, and begin to hear a whisper of “I’ve got share these messages. I got to do something with what I know.”
A lot of people wanted to start to bring these principles to make an impact on their career. Obviously, you did with the podcast. But there’s often these stories of “Who am I to do this?” or “How can I earn for a spiritual work?” or, “Who am I to establish myself as an expert?”
Bust The Myths And Be Confident That You Can Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
And so, I wanted to take those issues and break those myths head-on so people can have the confidence to make an impact.
I created a free training series that heals the belief system that you can’t confidently step into your power, and have your message. Also, it helps people own those messages so that they can get in onto the world, and earn money doing it if you feel called to.
There are a lot of people out there on a spiritual path feeling called to bring those principles into their careers, and feeling a lot of fear and uncertainty around how to that. More importantly, they are feeling lacking the confidence to accept that they are here to be teachers.
Make An Impact By Sharing Your Transformational Story

Gabby Bernstein
I want to begin today by busting that myth.
If you have a transformational story, a spiritual experience, an awakening if you call it or a transformational moment in your life, that’s a story that needs to be shared because it can make an impact. Through those stories, we heal and begin to get grounded in our authenticity.
Authenticity lies in the truth of our stories.
Stories Can Make An Impact To People And Bring Them Closer To Their Awakening

Gabby Bernstein
As we begin to use those stories as vehicles to which we share inspirational messages, make an impact, and bring people closer to their opportunity for an awakening or a cracking open, that can become our career path. This is something I’ve been called to help other like-minded some identified spiritual people begin to define their messages, own their purpose, and bring it into their career.

Kamala Chambers
This is such an important piece because our purpose or the way how we can make an impact is something we continue to discover. It’s something we get to feel that we are lighting up and our gifts are being utilized every single day.
Before you go over, I want to talk a little bit more about finding a way how we can make an impact. If you’re wandering around, feeling disconnected or lost, you don’t quite know what that purpose is yet, what would say Gabby? What would say to us to help us connect with what our real gift is in this world?

What Brings Joy Can Significantly Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
When we’re aligned with what brings us joy, we are guided very intuitively to what our purpose is because our purpose stems from a place of joy. When we’re in a place of happiness, we’re inspired, connected, and aligned with a higher desire and meaning for life.
That place of joy guides us often to hobbies or experiences or training programs that lead us to the next right action on how we can bring those inspiring gifts to the world.
Focus On What Brings You Joy To Know How You Can Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
I think if someone’s out there listening saying, “I don’t know what my purpose is.” Or “I can’t find my purpose.” I want just to tell you to relax and focus on what brings you joy. Focus on what you would do if no one paid you to do it. Focus on your effortless action and the things you do by choice.
The more you focus on what brings you joy, the more you become closely connected to the purpose-driven work that you’re here to do in the world.
Lean towards joy, and you will be led.

Kamala Chambers
Oh my gosh, I love that.
It’s something I have taught and just feel connected with. It is when our mind is clear, and filled up with the most joy, then, we know we’re on the right path, and are walking with the way we’re meant to be walking.
I know abundance plays a significant role in this because our purpose is so often wrapped up in our sense of abundance. What would you say are some of the greatest blocks people have with regards to creating more abundance
Financial Insecurities And Fears Make An Impact On Abundance

Gabby Bernstein
All walks of life have different financial fears or stories based on their upbringing and their experiences throughout life. These fears can make an impact on manifesting abundance.
I guess everyone can say regardless of what their life circumstances are that there’s some story around money that has driven them.
Some people have the story of “I never had enough, so I’ll never have enough.” Some people have the story of, “I never have to worry about it, so I’m never going to worry about it.”
Belief Systems Make An Impact On Perceptions And Experiences

Gabby Bernstein
It’s like anything else when it comes to living with the ideas of the law of attraction, which is “What I put out, I will receive and what would I believe, I will see.” The belief systems we have, make an impact on the perceptions and the experiences we live.
In my experience, I had been brought up with a lot of financial insecurity, but in my 20’s, I made a commitment that I was not going to carry that story on in my life.
I began to accept that I could earn and I proved to myself I could earn. I had a quantum shift around my experience of money. That’s a lot of what I teach in this free training. It is how to claim your different money story, and begin to change the way the belief system you carry around money.
Once you heal your financial insecurities, you can start to earn abundantly and never fear your financial circumstances again.
That is my hope. It is to help people clear that sense of doubt, uncertainty, and financial fear.

Kamala Chambers
That’s a big task, and if someone can do it, I know it’s you. Thank you so much for giving us that gift.
I want to get into a little bit more about being able to make an impact doing what we love because that is the sauce. That is the stuff when we are trying to make an impact in the world, we’re lit up, and we’re doing what we love.
What would say about that?

Gabby Bernstein
It’s such a blessing to live a life that is purpose-driven and inspiring. I think everyone can do that.
Seek Out Moments Of Joy To Elevate Your Presence And Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
If you’re in a career right now where you feel like you’re not feeling like living, enjoying, or you’re finding your purpose, find the areas of that job that bring you joy. Just even get granular about it. Look a little bit more carefully. Maybe you find joy in company meetings or in walking to the office. Maybe you find joy with one of your employees.
It’s seeking out the moments of joy in the current circumstances that you have. As you begin to focus your energy towards what’s bringing you more joy, you elevate your presence. As you raise your presence, you become a clearer channel to receive inspiring ideas to potentially leave that job or find another outlet or do something that brings you more excitement.
The Energy Gives Inspiration To Make An Impact And Create New Opportunities

Gabby Bernstein
When you’re in a state of joy, you’re more energized, and the energy gives you inspiration to just start to do new things, create new opportunities, and make an impact. It also is very attractive. The energy is what attracts to you more of what you want.
Even if you don’t feel like you’re living a purpose-driven life today or feeling connected to the career you have at the moment, you can begin to bring moments of joy into your day. Those moments of joy will add up to start to create momentum to guide you towards more of what you want.

Kamala Chambers
Many our listeners are heart-centered entrepreneurs. They’re people that are trying to break into having their own business or get more recognition online.
I know you used to run a PR firm. I’d love to hear from you a little bit about what you recommend for making publicity and marketing more enjoyable. It’s such a daunting thing it seems for most people.

Gabby Bernstein
Yeah, totally.
I used to have a PR business that was in 2001 to 2005. I learned how to market, and it was also sort of an innate ability to just comfortably sell and pitch things I believed in.
I carried that background into the career I built now as an author and a speaker. It’s one of those things where a lot of people think that self-promotion is terrifying whereas it’s fun.
Make An Impact By Finding An Outlet That Sparks Joy Within You

Gabby Bernstein
In my free training, I should give all these tips on how to own that practice and make it more fun.
But the advice I’ll give you now is most importantly about finding the outlet whether it is social media outlet or a blog or a newsletter email or an outlet that sparks joy within you and brings excitement to you every day.
For you guys, it’s this example of the podcasting. Instead of blogging or instead of writing a book or books that you’ve wanted to put out there or you have books, but mainly putting your energy and attention to a podcast. Imagine, and I’ll do to ask you, and that brings you joy.

Kamala Chambers
Oh, my God.

Gabby Bernstein
It’s fun for you. That’s why it’s had so much success.

Gabby Bernstein
Apparently, I sound like a broken record because I keep telling you to come back to what brings you excitement, but that is the key here. Find that one outlet that’s exciting for you.
Fun As The Catalyst To Being Able To Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
For instance, I love writing because I’ve written six books, but it was much easier for me to do the video because video just came naturally. It was easy for me to speak extemporaneously and just get a message out pretty quickly through a video.
Eleven and half years ago, I started video blogging instead of blogging. The videos at first were not even well produced. They were just like bare bones, but YouTube identified my bare bones, random videos of me talking to my computer, and they brought me into being like a YouTube next video blogger. I wasn’t producing anything. There was no lighting. It was just me sitting in front of my computer.
Because I was creating content that was exciting to me and using a medium that was something natural for me, it was well received and supported. I just want to point that out as a great example.
Just do what you love, and it will be supported, and make sure you’re having fun while you’re doing it because that fun is the catalyst for creating more of what you want.

Luis Congdon
What’s refreshing about what you’re saying is the messaging behind it. It is to do something you enjoy and don’t engage so much with the logical mind or maybe the people around you who are asking you “Why are you investing so much time into this?” or “It’s never going to work out.”
One of the things you said earlier was when you’re doing what you enjoy, your purpose finds you. I started podcasting not because I saw it as a business avenue. I had heard that it had potential, and I wanted to be there, but that wasn’t the driving force. It was because I like getting on calls with people like you Gabby.
Be Lit On Fire To Make An Impact

Luis Congdon
I liked hearing from them, finding out their journeys, and learning from them. I’ve always had this belief that if you want to be lit on fire, and you are kindling, all you have to do is just get next to someone else’s on fire.

Gabby Bernstein

Luis Congdon
And they’re going to light you up.

Gabby Bernstein
Nice. I love that.

Luis Congdon
Thank you.
Share The Fire, So Others Can Make An Impact Too

Luis Congdon
I started doing those interviews simply out of a desire to be lit up more and to share that fire with other people.

Gabby Bernstein

Luis Congdon
From there, someone found me who was a very well-known marketer and said, “Hey. I want to pay you to help me do what you’ve been doing. There’s a business there.” “Okay. Really? There’s a business here?” and he was like, “Yeah. There’s an entire business here Luis.”
That’s how my journey started. It’s very validating to have you say that and to validate it for my story as well.

Gabby Bernstein
I’m happy you guys are living example for everyone listening right now.

Kamala Chambers
One thing you’re a genius at is standing out and having your voice heard.
I know that could be a stretch for people getting out there and getting the recognition that they’re wanting.
What would say about gaining that recognition?

Gabby Bernstein
The first step is to lose the desire to gain recognition.
Lose The Desire To Gain Recognition When You Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
It’s fine to want to get your message out to the world. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just when we sort of cross-over, and we know the difference. You got to know the difference, but when we cross over from the place of “I have an empowering message, and it’s my mission to make sure it’s heard, and just share authentically, and with much excitement,” versus “I need to be seen and heard.” That’s one of the big issues I’ve seen come up for a lot of people.
Own Your Message To Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
Why I created this training series since I wanted to help people go from a place of manically manifesting, trying to get their voice out and get seen to a place of just being and owning the message, and enjoying the process of getting it out.
Just like what you did. It’s a perfect example. You were having fun, doing it because you love it, and then it becomes a business. That’s what works. That’s how something gets seen and heard now.
Being Able To Make An Impact Comes From A Place Of Alignment

Gabby Bernstein
Of course, there are so many beautiful ways to market yourself and get a message out through Facebook ads, or doing a podcast, or creating a newsletter. There are a million ways to get your voice out, but the energy behind it has to always come from a place of alignment.
When I say alignment, it’s alignment with service, excitement, joy, inspiration, and with what is at the highest good parole rather than, alignment with “How can I be seen and heard?”
The energy behind your work is backed with the desire to be seen. That will be felt, and it will be deflected time and time again. Mark my words, because people can feel your energy of neediness behind an email or behind a podcast. It can be felt.
Share Rather Than Sell To Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
Share rather than sell.
I don’t sell anything. I just share about how freaking awesome I think the messages I have to put out. I love the books I’ve written, the training courses I’ve created, the membership that I have, and the blog that I have. I love it. It’s my pride, my joy, and my mission work.
I don’t have to sell anything. I just talk about it. I can just share about it. There’s no need to sell anything. It’s like I trust that those who need it will come to it and will find it. If it’s not for someone, they’ll find something else.

Kamala Chambers
Before we go, is there any last gem or tip you want to leave the Thriving Launch tribe with regards to how we can make an impact?

Gabby Bernstein
The best advice I can leave everyone with is probably one of the greatest messages my late mentor and friend Dr. Wayne Dyer said, which is “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
Choices And Perceptions Affect How You Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
If there is something that’s not flowing in your life or not working properly for you, it’s because of the choices, the perceptions, and the beliefs that you chose.
You may feel like, “I didn’t choose this.”
It’s not necessarily about what we’ve experienced. It’s about how we choose to experience our experiences.
Own Your Experiences To Make An Impact

Gabby Bernstein
When we start to claim ownership of experiencing our life differently and choosing to lean towards something more peaceful and more graceful, then we begin to change our experiences of our life.
No matter where you are, and no matter how difficult your life circumstances may be, know you have the power to change the way you look at things.

Kamala Chambers
Thriving Launchers, we’ve been here with Gabby Bernstein talking about confidence, abundance, and how to make an impact.
We want to ensure you can take some of this stuff and start applying it today. What I encourage you all to do is take one thing and find a way to implement it into your life.
Everyone, keep thriving.