Love Your Life – Greg Anderson

The hardest part of trying things is people would try to sway you to lead your life that way they wanted, they don’t really care whether you love your life or not.
The four main areas of life:
- That’s health and fitness.
- That’s your spirituality, your meditation, your mental clarity.
- That’s your family, the people that you love that helps you love your life.
- Business. How do I always make sure I’m moving forward in there?
When you’re always trying to make all the four areas better, that’s when you love your life.
When you go to work and if money was your object, the family starts to slip. When the family slides down low enough and things get bad enough, all the momentum that you now made at work has to stop so that you can go back and fix your family. Create balance so that you can love your life.
We start to think of the family portion as a weighted balance. You put a weight on one side and the other side less. Keeping balance helps you love your life.
You guilt because you’re not spending enough time is what’s bringing the pie chart down instead of starting thinking about the quality of time that you spend with the time you have.
The pie chart starts to grow and expand when you connect with your family no matter what happens and you love your life in the true sense.
It has nothing to do with the time you spent. All has to do with the connection and the quality you spent in order to love your life.
One of the components of life and balance is just making sure that you’re sending appreciation notes everyday to two people you love whether it’s your family, a spouse, a parent, or somebody that’s estranged, an old friend. Always appreciate and love your life.
Track everything you do to be able to love your life. The magic starts to happen when you can follow your progress.
Life doesn’t have to be so dramatic, mundane, and unhappy even when you’re building and things are extremely hard.
Ask yourself these questions:
- How can I make sure that I’m having the most fun with this?
- How can I make this task more fun?
Love Your Life And Inspire Others To Do The Same

Kamala Chambers
In this inspiration segment, we’re going to be talking about how you will be love your life.

Luis Congdon
Today’s guest is Greg Anderson and we will be talking how you can love your life. He’s somebody that I really appreciate and admire. He’s serving the community and the relationship world, self-help world, and he’s crushing it in the online world. He’s one of the most successful guys that I personally have the honor to meet and connect with that is having success in all these different arenas. It’s my pleasure to welcome on Greg Anderson to the show.
All right guys. We are here with Greg Anderson. I’m so glad that you’re here. Greg, are you ready to launch?

Greg Anderson
I think I am finally ready to launch with you guys.

Luis Congdon
Finally. That’s awesome.
I’ve watched your story. It’s interesting because I actually came across your work when I was really into the relationship field and you had podcast called The Selfish Divorce. You had a book called The Selfish Divorce. It was an interesting concept to me and then following you I’ve gotten an opportunity to see that you do a merit of different things. You have this journey of like being dyslexic and not having a lot of opportunities to bring this guy now that can afford having coaches that cost a hundred thousand a year. You’re selling, and working with some of the biggest names in multiple industries.
I’d love to hear how you created this situation to love your life. How you’ve gone from somebody that was disadvantaged and then went through this divorce and had this difficult time to really finding yourself.
Love Your Life Because It’s a Real Fun

Greg Anderson
I really appreciate you putting me on the podcast today. It’s fun to be able to share this and hopefully reach somebody else that has a similar background or can relate especially when they lose hope a little bit. When there’s, “How do I get past whatever my disadvantage or whatever my issue is?” It’s one of the things that I love to speak about the most.
You mentioned it. I was in first grade when a teacher walked into my classroom while everybody else was reading and speaking. She grabbed me and said, “Greg, will you come with me?” I walked out of the classroom, walked down the long hall to the trailer outside where in reality, all the children that were handicapped including me and one of the person in class. I didn’t necessarily realize what that was but eventually, I found out after high school I was dyslexic. They just told me at that point in time that I was holding other kids back.
I’d spent pretty much 10-12 years hiding, trying to be charismatic, trying to pretend that there wasn’t anything else wrong with me. In my entire life being told that I was something that inside, I didn’t really feel like I was. I was just told, “You’re just slow.”
Getting out of high school when I went to my counselor she told me, “Greg, college doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s for everybody.” I was just going to be the construction worker, nothing wrong with that. That’s just not how I felt inside although I was told that that’s all I would pretty much ever do in life. It just didn’t feel like me at all.
I went through years of construction and work. I was feeling like that there was something else inside of me until I finally bought a program that was online or at this point of time, it was television. I was working for a company in Texas. Driving around and selling food court signs in Walmart’s, and I really hated my life.
I was divorced at 20. That was my first divorce. I had two kids, child support, couldn’t necessarily afford my car payments and I kept watching this one infomercial over and over again and it just happened to be Tony Robbin‘s.
To Love Your Life, Follow Your Passion

Luis Congdon
I knew you were going to say that.

Greg Anderson
He was the big guy with the big teeth like, “You can do this.” At that point in time, I’d never spent any money at all on the self-help or coach or anything. This was like 160 bucks, which was not easy for me to come up with. It’s kind of scrimp, scrape and put it together. It was a 30 day program and I studied that like my entire life depended on it. I know my sanity did because I just was unhappy like life was just not good.
When I got out of that, I really wondered, why did I learn so much? There was audio, video, reading, and this is the first time I started to question, was what somebody else told me true? Was I really that person or really, I just couldn’t learn? Or, was it that I just had to learn a different way? It sparked a couple of years of diving into it and figuring out I was dyslexic. Figuring out how to retrain my brain, how to think until I started just saying, and “You know what guys? I’m going to question everything you guys ever told me,” and that started this 20 year-long personal development career to bring me really where I am now.
To Love Your Life, Unlearn The Stories From The Past

Luis Congdon
That’s really powerful. A lot of us are told these stories about who we are or the expectation of what we’re supposed to do. I know most of my life, there’s been an expectation that I’d have the 9-5 job and that I was going to be a particular type of person.

Kamala Chambers
Then, I came along and started brainwashing you into something else.

Luis Congdon
Well, you’re taking all the credit here. There are so many other people but yeah, you’re a big part of that.
I resonate with what you’re saying and the incredible amount of courage it must have taken you for you to start asking these questions.
When you talked about, “I’m going to question everything that’s ever been said to me or the things that you’re telling me,” really made me think of Socrates and his story where he begins to question everything and ultimately, leads to his death. That’s a threat. We could use it as an allegory to ask these kinds of questions. It must have been scary?

Greg Anderson
Yeah, you need to be courageous to love your life. It was something where I really had no support, no family, ex, buying things, trying things, and trying new jobs. As you bounce around from job to job or try a program and pretty fast people label you as the get rich quick scheme person. Like you said, the 9-5, it paid my bills but it didn’t feel like it was me. I wasn’t creating inner value. I didn’t feel fulfilled.
So, as I kept trying things, there’s a lot of the people that it didn’t fit with them and that’s okay because they can live their life the way that wanted to. There’s a lot of a leeway trying to sway me to lead my life and the way they wanted to, not the way I wanted to.
That was probably the hardest part.
It’s Uncommon To Love Your Life

Kamala Chambers
Wow. Such a really beautiful journey that you’re spelling out for us. It’s not uncommon for us all to start with something that is a real sticking point, a real struggle, and just to see where you’ve come now. I know that your teachings really center on living the life that you love.
What is that mean to you to love your life?

Greg Anderson
I’ll flash forward. So we ended school or ended that and I started this self-development career.
I went back to computer programing, all kinds of jobs and finding myself in the midst. Then, I built this philosophy in my head up until maybe 5 years ago. I was poor when we grew up. I was on food stamps and things like that so my mind was always built around money. So, my philosophy was two dimensional. If I had a lot of money and I had a hot life, I would be happy.

Luis Congdon
Sounds like a lot of guys.

Greg Anderson
Yes, that’s really important to love your life.
So, when this ended, I still knew how to make money and I was divorced now for the second time questioning again everything. Was that true and what other components of life are there?
So, I connected with 3 or 4 other guys that were friends of mine in different areas of life as I grew on some charismatic and powerful people. We came together and said, “Look, we are self-employed men that have different problems. Let’s come together as a mastermind group and figure out what we’re missing,” and through that, it really boils down to 4 main areas of life for me.
- That’s health and fitness.
- That’s your spirituality, your meditation, your mental clarity.
- That’s your family, the people that you love.
- How do I always make sure I’m moving forward in there?
Your Ultimate Goal Should Be To Love Your Life

Greg Anderson
If I’m doing something and I have goals, and I’m fighting or I’m pushing for those 4 areas, always trying to make them better, always hitting them every day, that’s what creates a life that I love.
In the past and whenever I’ve worked with people that have 2 or maybe 3. If they’re lucky of these areas, what happens is go to work and if money was our object, the family starts to slip. When the family slides down low enough and things get bad enough, all the momentum that you now made at work has to stop so that you can go back and fix your family.
So, you end up on this big slide of this tether toddler if you will. You’re going back from health and fitness, to body, to family, and never actually raising all of those up at one time.
When you raise all these four areas of life up at one time, that’s when you start finding your soul purpose. That’s when you find love, passion, and connection.
You know that when you go to work, you still have an amazing family at home that you’re taking care of because you’re taking care of those things everyday.
It’s pretty much just a checklist of things that make possible to love your life.

Luis Congdon
As I hear you talk, I’m thinking, “Well, that sounds really nice.” Like this balance out of everything. It reminds me of when we sat with a coach and he had concentric circles and then it was split up into pie pieces. So it’s a circle with bunch of slices and each concentric circle has a number.
Make sure to keep balance to be able to love your life. One slice represents family. Another slice might represent money and so on, and fill out any slice where you’re at within that concentric circle. You might only fill in one little area of family, maybe 3 little concentric circles there but not the whole thing. Not the big complete outer circle and then you go to other areas. Eventually, what you have is this wheel that’s colored in in different pieces.
However, if you think of it as a tire, it’s an uneven tire because we’re not at 9 or a 10 in every single spot. If this wheel is going to turn, it’d be rocky and a lot of people think that’s normal. We’re always going to be working and developing different areas and we’re going to be imbalanced.
As I hear you talk, I’m hearing you say “No. We can raise all of them at the same time and keep them all going so this thing functions well.”
Today, we bring you Dale Partridge to talk about the key to success, morality, and balance.
Do Whatever It Takes To Love Your Life

Greg Anderson
As we graduate high school and getting into our early 20s and we have this version of success that we’ve typically adopted from what we’ve seen in culture and media and maybe those that we’ve looked up to. I think as we get smacked in the face by reality, as we go through relationships, and as we looked in at certain people and go, “Gosh, I don’t like that about you,” and looked at other people and go, “I really admire that person.” It really starts to form in shape what success really looks like and I don’t think that success is very relative.
The key to success is not very specific. I think that there are different channels of success but I think to have it all, if you will. This has been one of my aim on my journey of success is to have it all. Meaning to have strong relationship with my wife, my family, and my kids, to have a really have strong spiritual life that I’m a Christian guy but just to make sure that’s a priority in my life, which suggests that the key to success is a wide term. To make sure I have good reputation, and that I protect that and the day of the internet where the internet never forgets whatever you say can be construed and pushed against you. We got to be very careful to protect our names and our reputation. And then, my physical health, on top of that, my finances. Together, those kinds of things really make up my success and really help in defining the key to success.
You can tell it. I don’t talk about my business. My business is not something that I do and I think it’s fairly successful as a channel but for the most part, I don’t want to become the wealthiest guy that nobody likes. Mere being wealthy is not the key to success. I don’t want to become the guy that got too busy making a living that I forgot to make a life. There are all these puns that I can just keep going with in terms I don’t want to be the richest guy in the graveyard. That’s the life that I want to stay away from and I define the key to success on my own terms.
I might not be the wealthiest guy that you’ve ever meet but my hope is to become one of the most successful people you’ve ever meet.
Creating Balance To Love Your Life

Greg Anderson
This is certain things like in the new book that’s coming out soon, Creating the Life You Love. Hopefully, that’s the final title because I’ve been working on it for a while.

Greg Anderson
Whether it’s your family, a spouse, a parent, or somebody that’s estranged, an old friend. These are check off list of things that I’m doing on a consistent basis so that I know I can do it.
It’s funny in business where we track every dollar and cent, and any company that doesn’t know their profit and loss statements, their cash flow analysis, and their balance sheets, eventually go broke. However, when we come to our family we just assume that we’re doing what’s right. I assume that I had the right conversation with my spouse. I assume that I spent the time with the kids. I assume that I spent notes.
However, in reality once you start tracking, you’ll realize you’re doing things like 30%-60% at best instead of always tracking everything like creating that task list if you will, for life. Did I do this? Yes or no? That’s when the magic really starts to happen is when you can follow your progress. “Yes, I have been doing that.”
When you start feeling like things aren’t going your way, you go back to the list and you realize, “Wow. I’ve only been doing a quarter of the work. I need to get back to work again because this task and this checklist really work for me.”

Kamala Chambers
I love that you’ve taken something like a gratitude practice which a lot of our guests have talked about, and I love these appreciation notes, sending those out.
What a beautiful gift you’ve just given us all by sharing that. You really need to practice gratitude to love your life.

Greg Anderson
It’s been a great for my life.

Kamala Chambers
Oh, I’m sure.
To Love Your Life Practice Gratitude

Luis Congdon
One of the things too that really resonates for me with appreciation notes is back to the work that I did with Dr. John and Julie Gottman, and the marriage research that they did, as well as we had them on the show.
One of things that Dr. John and Julie Gottman found in their research is that to love your life is an investment and there’s an actual emotional bank account. If we keep investing in this emotional bank account and we’re giving appreciation, spending quality time, and investing in that relationship. Just like anything in life, there’s going to be points when things aren’t quite as good and we’re actually drawing more than we’re putting in, but because we’ve invested positivity, during these negative times that emotional bank account doesn’t go into negative.
Maybe you’re a little snippy one day or something and the person that receives that edginess from you has this emotional positive bank account towards you so that they don’t really take it so seriously. Whereas, if we’re not investing in the relationship this way, that’s when we’re in a real dangerous area in any relationship. To love your life you need to invest in your relationships.

Greg Anderson
That’s very true.

Kamala Chambers
Before we close out, I’m really curious, what is the one thing that you want to make sure that the Thriving Launchers walk away with today?

Greg Anderson
You really need to learn love your life. The one thing is that life doesn’t have to be so dramatic, mundane, and unhappy even when you’re building and things are extremely hard. One of the best tools that I was ever taught was to ask the question, “How can I make sure that I’m having the most fun with this?” Or, “How can I make this task more fun?”
So you’re at the gym and you just don’t want to be there and it’s hard, and your mindset is falling and you’re just asking the question, “What can I do to make this more fun right now?” For me, that means throwing on a couple extra weights and doing a couple extra wraps, and I do that in business, at home, and everything that’s so hard. If we get into that mind-set, it’s so dramatic and we just don’t want to be there.
If you just ask one simpler question, a better question, it makes everything more enjoyable.
I love to do everything I do even the hard things.

Luis Congdon
Really reminds me back to Anthony Robbins when he says, “The quality of life is determined by the quality of your questions.”

Greg Anderson
Yes, absolutely.

Kamala Chambers
We’ve been here with Greg Anderson on the Thriving Launch podcast talking about how to love your life. Keep thriving everyone.