Long-Term Personal Goals


On this episode, I’m going to share my journey starting as an entrepreneur and the things I did to overcome the struggles. I’ll also tell you about where I am right now, living an incredible life.
Starting off as an entrepreneur is never easy, but the struggles you encounter help you develop as a person and as a business owner.


When you have your action plan and support, you can get to where you want to be.
Always find ways to get support.


Kamala Chambers
On this episode, you and I are going to sit down and talk about what it takes to get to where you want to be in life and reach your long-term personal goals.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to have a candid conversation with you about where I started as an entrepreneur and some of the key things I learned starting off as an entrepreneur. Believe me. It wasn’t always easy.
Luis and I, we have an incredible life now. We get to travel the world and work from anywhere we’re at. We have our own eco home that we get to hang out in the woods, and we get to talk to industry celebrities every day. It’s an incredible life that we live, and we a successful business on top of that.
But, as you know, Luis started off from some rough beginnings in his childhood, and I also had a rough go as an entrepreneur in the beginning. I spent time being homeless and trying to figure it out.
Making Tough Decisions To Attain Long Term Personal Goals
First and foremost, just to make a decision to be an entrepreneur is an insane one.
I didn’t start off saying, “I’m going to be an entrepreneur.” I just knew I wanted to work for myself. I saw the opportunity to shape my own life the way I wanted it to be, create my hours, work whenever I wanted to, and have the freedom of being able to go out there and create the work I wanted, and not have to rely on someone else to give me a paycheck.
Starting Small Before Reaching Long Term Personal Goals
I started my first business when I was 19. I was living on a small island. I was hitch hiking around to find jobs while I was hitch hiking to one job site. I would talk to the driver about, “Hey. I have this gullible trades business.” I did landscaping, window washing, carpentry, painting, and all of that stuff, and I would find clients by hitchhiking around.
That process taught me a lot about how to make connections with people and to reach out there and let people know what you’re up to.
Then, I went into selling Amazon herbs for a company where I would travel around as a rep, and do booths, do shows, and put on events as an Amazon herb rep.
Develop As A Business Owner Together With Your Business To Achieve Long Term Personal Goals
Then, I went into business as an energy healer. I went to school for that. I got hired as an instructor for that and then went into health coaching, and all these different things I did to develop as a business owner, and the business has kept changing as I grew.
That’s something we find as we get into business for ourselves.

Kamala Chambers
It’s hard when you’re starting off reaching your long-term personal goals, and you just think, “I’m going to create a business about how to have more energy every day.” But, you don’t know if it’s something you are passionate about or if it’s something that’s going to create sustainability until you get into it. You’ll find that your business is going to continue to morph and change as you do.
I was probably in my early 20’s, and it was the middle of winter, and work died down on the island I lived on. I was homeless. I had this choice. I could go traveling for about six weeks or use that money to pay rent, and I decided, “I’ll just going to let go of my house, and I’m going to go traveling, and then come back.” I came back.
Overcome Struggles To Reach Long-Term Personal Goals
It wasn’t as easy to find a new place to live as I thought I was going to be. I ended up living in a metaphysical shop. There was no work because it was the middle of winter, and I was doing landscaping, and stuff like that. I wasn’t doing a lot of hitchhiking around, finding new gigs.
What I’ve found at that time is that I wasn’t destitute even though I didn’t have a place to live, a job and money coming in. The thing is I knew it was going to change. No matter how bad it gets, you can know it’s going to change. You’re going to grow and morph into something else.
Two Things To Have To Attain Long Term Personal Goals
05:52 The two things I would recommend to get anything you want in life is having the belief of knowing that you are going to get what you want and then having the tenacity to do everything it takes to get to where you want to be.
Those two things have repeatedly brought in every single thing I want in my life including my long-term personal goals.
I feel like I always get what I want, and not in a bratty way but in a way that I just know that I’m going to create the life I want, and I’ve seen other people do the same thing.
I think every successful entrepreneur has these two things. They know what they want. They have the belief they’re going to get it, and tenacity to do whatever it takes to get there. 06:51
Reach Long-Term Personal Goals By Creating Action Plan
The big part about the tenacity is you got to work every day. You got to create your action plan.
What are you going to make happen in that day? What are you going to make happen in this week? You got to know where you’re going with your business, your mission, and your life.
When you have those action steps, you can get there. It just takes one step at a time.
Bonus Tip To Attain Long Term Personal Goals
A bonus tip is always to find ways to get support.

Kamala Chambers
I just wanted to take this moment to share some of those tips with you and a little bit about my journey of being at rock bottom, and knowing this is what it takes to get out of it.
I just encourage you to take whatever tip you got from this even if it’s just getting clear on what you want in life and then having the tenacity to go after it.
Just go out and apply this today.
Lead Towards Your Long Term Personal Goals By Having Three Things On Your To-Do List And Doing Those
If I could give you one tip, I would say put three things on your to-do list every single day that is leading you towards your long-term personal goals. And every single day, you do those three things. That to-do list could change, but just to know at the beginning of the day, these are the three things I need to do to get me closer to where I want to be.
Keep thriving everyone.