Live Your Best Life – Preston Smiles




Live your best life. Preston Smiles has helped people find their voice, find success, and become a bigger version of themselves. On this episode with Preston, he talks about doing simple practices in the morning to shift and change everything.  He emphasizes that having a deep reverence and understanding that love is all there is, was, and ever will be, will give us this energy. We can direct this energy into whatever direction we want to create the best life.



arrow-iconThe energy that Hitler used is the same energy that Ghandi used.

arrow-iconThere’s only one power and how we tap into that and express it determines what comes after that. This will help you live your best life.

arrow-iconPracticing tapping into that part of us that has never been hurt, harm, or endangered is important. This opens up the space for one to create and use the energy that’s already there.

arrow-iconDon’t make it about you because it’s easy to come up with excuses. Know how to live your best life.

arrow-iconEverybody’s forever unfolding like a lotus flower which is essential to live your best life. We’re all on a journey home to the self.

arrow-iconWhen that, “why” is big enough, the “how” and the “what” and all of that stuff reveals itself. Question yourself to be able to live your best life.

arrow-iconThose of us who are in the know tend to play a little smaller than those who are not as aware that we’re all connected.

arrow-iconThe moment we turn the volume up on our love, we automatically turn the volume up on our lives. When we turn the volume up on our lives, it gets attention.

arrow-iconLove is our truth and there is no separation. Through love you can live your best life.

arrow-iconUnderneath all of the stories we have about each other is our truth and the only time we truly tapped into it as a society is when disaster hits.

arrow-iconSlow down to the speed of wisdom, this will help you live your best life.

arrow-iconIn the morning, find the routine. Find the practice that feels good for you to be able to live your best life. Don’t reach for your phone.

  • You may drink plenty of water.
  • Do stretching.
  • Spend time for gratitude.
  • Just sit in silence and meditate.

arrow-iconMake sure that you take time in the mornings to envision, declare and open yourself up. This leads you to live your best life.

arrow-iconUnderstanding that it’s not your job to make it happen. It’s your job to welcome it, to become the space for creativity, for love, for harmony, for whatever needs to come through.

arrow-iconWe spend so much time trying to become something but the work is about revealing.

arrow-iconInstead of chasing these people like Steve Jobs and Ghandi, or these results and circumstances. It’s about coming back to a reminder and remembering that we just get to become the space.

arrow-iconWe don’t have to know. We just have to know the knower and there’s something’s that are way past logic.



Live Your Best Life Because Life is Too Short To Regret


Kamala Chambers

In this episode, we’re going to be talking about living full out, live your best life, and how to be successful while you do it.


Luis Congdon

Today’s guest is Preston Smiles. I first saw him on YouTube where he had hundreds and thousands of hits on one of his videos. It seems like he was doing freestyle spoken word, then I followed him down the rabbit hole. I landed on his website. I saw that he does a lot to help people find their voice, find success, and become a bigger version of themselves. His works has impacted thousands and thousands of people around the world. We’re excited to bring him on to Thriving Launch today.

All right. We’re here with Preston Smiles and we are ready to be talking about live your best life. Preston, are you ready to Launch?


Preston Smiles

Yes sir, let’s do it.


Luis Congdon

Love the energy. You have so much energy. You’re such a vibrant person. You have a really awesome YouTube station. People are very drawn to you on Facebook. You have incredible message.

I know you just got done speaking at Thrive with some of our previous guests like Jack Canfield. You shared the stage with some of these guests and I’m curious, how is that for you? Where is all this vibrant energy and awesomeness come from?


Preston Smiles

Yes. It’s who I be. It’s like this is a kid. I use the energy differently. There was a point in my life when I was in a gang and I was fighting and getting kicked out of schools, drinking and smoking. I was living a different life but it was the same energy just pushed in a different way.

Live Your Best Life


Preston Smiles

Sometimes, when I’m feeling very extreme and I’m speaking to my coaching clients. I remind them that the same energy that Hitler used is the same energy that Ghandi used.

Preston Smiles Live Your Best Life Thriving Launch Podcast

Preston Smiles

I’ve always been quite the leader. The question is where I was leading people to. Now, I have such a deep reverence and understanding that love is all there is, was, and ever will be. That’s so heavy on my heart and it burns in my soul that it gives me energy. I literally am tapping into something outside of me that’s bigger than me and it gives me fuel.


Kamala Chambers

I think that’s such a beautiful way to put it. Sometimes I look back on some of my past of, I defiant for a while. I was drinking a lot. I was like stealing. I was doing some bad stuff and I did it full on just like I do life full on so I loved it. Instead of looking with a shame, it’s like, “No. It’s just where we’re directing our energy at life.”


Preston Smiles

Absolutely. That’s beautiful. You need to think differently to be able to live your best life.

We’ve all had sometimes. I’m so grateful though. I’m so grateful for some of the crazy stuff that I did. The ways in which I was operating because without that, I would be just guessing. Without that, I would say that I couldn’t serve people the way that I do. Because I’ve been such a brainwashed angry American and sad, and been to the depths of my soul.

Keep Practicing And Live Your Best Life


Preston Smiles

It makes it easier for me when I’m speaking with people. I know what they’re experiencing and I know that it’s not the truth of their being. I am super grateful for the crazy Preston that was operating in my teens.


Kamala Chambers

What would say to people about accessing that? Being able to direct that energy and into the direction that is going to be the best for the individual.


Preston Smiles

Everything’s a practice. Practice it to be able to live your best life.

Whatever we practice more, we get more of. Practicing tapping into what makes your heart smile, practicing scheduling play, and time to tap back into that innocence. It’s the part of all of us that has never been hurt, harm, or endangered. To me, that’s an access point. It opens up the space for one to create and use the energy that’s already there.

Practicing tapping into what makes your heart smile opens up the space for one to create use the energy that’s already there.

I find that a lot of people are lethargic and tired. They have anxiety and they’re overwhelmed. They’re not actually on a daily basis experiencing their joy that their play, their innocence, and essence of who they be. Outside of being me is focused, “Responsible adults”


Luis Congdon

Preston, you’re making me think about your messaging.

As you’re talking, this idea comes up for me where I’m thinking about who you be and this energy that you have about being authentic to who you are and how you’re bringing that out in your business, in your videos, with your branding.

How do you bring that authentic energy into what you’re doing with your business?

Live Your Best Life – Nothing Can Stop You


Preston Smiles

There’s a few ways. Nobody’s getting this right. Nobody’s getting A++. Everybody’s forever unfolding like a lotus flower. We’re all on a journey home to the self.

So, I will not stand up here and pretend like I’ve been getting this right all the time. Or even if I do get it right all the time. But, the practice that I’ve been in is not giving a F. Meaning, not making it about me. Because when I’m making it about me, it’s easy to come up with excuses. When I make it about me, it’s easy to sleep in a little longer. When I make it about me, it’s easy to not go the extra mile.

But when I make it about something bigger than myself, which comes back to the thing that we’ve all been thought a million times is start with why. When that “why” is big enough, the “how” and the “what” and all of that stuff reveals itself. For me, it’s about that. It’s about reminding myself that this is so much bigger than me.

When I think about it, one of the reasons why I do what I do. One of the reasons why I get up and put forth a 110 everyday as much as possible. It is because to me, if there is going to be a little Wayne and a Kim Kardashian. There has to be a Preston Smiles and an Alexi Panos. If there’s going to a Kylie Jenner, then there has to be a Kamala. You need a way to be able to live your best life.

Play Bigger To Live Your Best Life


Preston Smiles

I find that those of us who are in the know tend to play a little smaller. Than those who are not as aware that we’re all connected and that we live in an interdependent world. To me, it’s my job to turn the volume up. That’s why I wrote a book called Love Louder.

The moment we turn the volume up on our love, we automatically turn the volume up on our lives and when we turn the volume up on our lives, it gets attention.

It’s just like you would if you were sitting on street corner. Somebody rolled by and was playing music really loud, it gets attention. To me, that’s my job.

My job is to stand on a top of the mountain waving a white flag. My job is to remind everybody that love is our truth that there is no separation. That underneath all of the stories we have about each other. Whether it’d be gay, straight, white, black, Christian, Muslim, republican, democrat. Underneath all of that stuff is our truth. The only time we truly tapped into it as a society is when disaster hits, and I’m not waiting for disasters anymore.

Now, it’s time for me to step up every day and be a lighthouse for those who are standing in the dark.


Kamala Chambers

Beautiful. I love where you’re coming from and where your energy is at and I’d love to hear from you. How do we apply some of this stuff? How do we take it into our daily lives?


Preston Smiles

A lot of people I would say out the gate and I know this because I’ve been this.

Be Wise And Live Your Best Life


Preston Smiles

We live in a high-tech low touch society right now. A lot of times, what most entrepreneurs especially do is the moment they’re cognizant that they are alive. They reach over to that phone, and in reaching over to that phone, even if you just check one email or one text message. You now are in the day, and when you’re in the day, then you’re essentially trying to put out fires. “There’s that email I have to respond to.” We get going too fast.

Preston Smiles Live Your Best Life Thriving Launch Podcast

Preston Smiles

Do not reach for that phone. In the morning, find the routine. Find the practice that feels good for you to be able to live your best life.

For me, it’s drinking a bunch of water a throughout the entire day because most people on our planet are dehydrated. So I drink a bunch of water straight in the morning.

Stretching. I go through a stream of consciousness gratitude where I just say thank you for everything. I don’t care what it is. I’d be like, “Thank you for my fingernails, for my kinky hair, for my mother, for my dog when I was 7.” Just anything that comes out. It doesn’t matter what comes out and just go into the gratitude.

Some people journal. I don’t journal as much. What I do is I read and then I just sit in silence and meditate and take in the da. The stillness of the morning and then, I reach for my phone. Then, I go in social media and then, the day gets started. So that’s one practical tip out the gate that will shift and change everything.

Be Grateful And Live Your Best Life


Luis Congdon

After we interviewed Hal Elrod, one of the things he talks about is his miracle morning ritual. Maybe you’ve heard of it Preston?


Preston Smiles

He is a friend of mine.


Luis Congdon

He’s a great guy, fantastic guy.

If you guys are listening, make sure to listen to that interview with Hal Elro. In there, he talks about having a miracle morning. It’s some kind of routine which helps live your best life. It’s just in the morning and the first one that he starts with is silence.

That can be meditation, and prayer. However, a time of silence and within that, a little time for gratitude and I’ve been hearing that repeatedly. Why do you think so many people advocate that for the morning? Why do you think that that is so impactful first thing in the day? How that helps live your best life?


Preston Smiles

The world is moving so fast now. I remember a time when you tag something in on the internet. I was a kid when there was no internet. But you tag something in the internet and it take like maybe 2 minutes for that thing to pull up. Now, if it doesn’t pull up in 1 second, I’m like, “What’s wrong with the internet?” Something’s gotten wrong and it’s like everything is so fast this days.

Make sure that you take time in the mornings to envision and declare and open yourself up.

One of the practices and this has really changed my life is this understanding that it’s not my job to make it happen. It’s my job to welcome it, to become the space for creativity, for love, for harmony, for whatever needs to come through.

Preston Smiles Live Your Best Life Thriving Launch Podcast

Live Your Best Life And Stop Chasing People


Preston Smiles

Steve Jobs was not trying to become something. He was revealing what was already there. Ghandi was not trying to become something. He was revealing what was already there. We can go down the list.

Instead of chasing these people or these results and circumstances. It’s about coming back to a reminder and remembering that we just get to become the space.

Preston Smiles Live Your Best Life Thriving Launch Podcast


Preston Smiles

A lot of us spend a lot of time in that analytical brain. We think that science has the answers to everything and science is constantly disproving itself. Science doesn’t know what’s in the ocean. Let alone like how they manifest something.

Opening ourselves up to that is such a powerful practice.


Kamala Chambers

I love how you just brought it down to the real world and how we can apply it. This is so fantastic. I feel like we could just talk to you all day about this stuff and wrap back and forth.

We’ve been here with Preston Smiles on the Thriving Launch podcast talking about living full out and living the best life possible.

Thank you so much everyone for tuning in and keep thriving.


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