Live The Life You Love – Ilan And Guy Ferdman

It’s easier to pursue your passion when you take time to listen to the quiet vibration that the heart uses to direct you.
On this episode, we’re here with Ilan & Guy Ferdman, the owners of SatoriPrime, to teach you how to tap into that magical state of being where life comes easy and manifestation happens naturally.


The only work you have to do while on this earth is to unlock your own potential by giving up all limiting beliefs.
Our hearts are always sending us messages about what would fulfill us and where our passions lie.
Life always finds a way to bounce you back onto the track where you need to be.
Fear of what other people might say stops us from doing what we love.
The body is an input and output device. It’s receiving and giving energy.
Most people are disconnected from their bodies and their feelings.
We’re here as open containers to receive all the beauty and gifts of life.


Luis Congdon
How do you find what you’re passionate about? More than anything, how do you listen to that silent voice that is guiding you to the most fantastic place possible where you’re able to live the life you love? But sometimes, you’re afraid to tune into it, or maybe you do not hear it.
On today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about tuning into that silent voice, into that quietest personal piece of yourself so you can find what you’re passionate about and live the life you love.

Kamala Chambers
Today, we’re here with Ilan & Guy Ferdman. They are the SatoriPrime owners. They’re brothers, world class coaches, passionate entrepreneurs, motivational speakers, and they’re dedicated to people’s success. We’re excited to have them on the show.
Are you guys ready to launch into it?

Guy Fredman

Kamala Chambers
This is something near and dear to our hearts here at Thriving Launch. We try to inspire people and give them tools and resources to live the life you love as possible. I know that’s something near and dear to your hearts, and you guys do.
I’d love to hear what to live the life you love means. How do we shape our lives so we’re living it the best way we possibly can?
Ultimate Way To Live The Life You Love

Ilan Fredman
They’re self-expressed and fulfilled. You wake up in the morning, and you’re almost pinching yourself because you can’t believe that this is the life you live.
Having said that, I think all of us here know that 99.9% of humanity doesn’t live that way.
And so, the real question is what’s in the way of living that way?
Human Design To Live The Life You Love

Ilan Fredman
Ultimately for us, that’s the human design. We were supposed to come to this life experience and have it be that good.
Magic is the normal state.
We think of magic as coincidence, serendipity, “Oh my God. I have this incredible moment.” What if you were designed to live the life you love?
The only work that you get the opportunity to do while in this earth puppet to live the life you love is unlocking that potential for yourself, giving up all of this limiting beliefs, and conversations, and things that have been beaten into you about how life is hard and how life should be.
Tapping Into Natural State To Live The Life You Love

Ilan Fredman
The work we do is allowing people to tap into their natural state which is to live in magic. That’s a state where manifestation and life come easy and that you don’t have to constantly think about “What do I have to do today?” And you just get to this place of being where you could live the life you love, and life somehow works more magnificent than you could ever imagine.
I just want to share a quick little story with you guys because I spoke to one of our clients yesterday. Our programs aren’t cheap. He had to put down $5,000 to start working with us. He felt so compelled to work with us, the money thing was a conversation, and this is something obviously, everyone comes up against.
We had this intense conversation, kind of back and forth, then, I just let him be. I didn’t push him. I didn’t do anything. I just knew he had to experience whatever he was experiencing.
Yesterday, we got our first call after he signed up, and he told me, “I have to tell you something. Once I paid the $5,000, I went to work. Within an hour of being at work, my boss buzzed me and said, “Hey, come to my office.” I went to his office, and they were doing some reorganization at the office. “
The boss told him that because of that, and they appreciate how much he’s picked up the slack, they’re giving him a $5,000 bonus.
Say “Yes” To What Feels Good To Live The Life You Love

Ilan Fredman
You say “Yes” to something saying “I’m a yes to this because this feels right.” Once you throw out all the conversations about money, time, and all of these things we use to rationalize stuff, the universe, life, God, or whatever you want to call it, is just waiting for you to do that.
If you want to live from your higher self, it’s just a matter of you trusting and knowing that that’s the way it works.
So he didn’t stop there because he proceeded to tell me that three days later, he’s accountant got back to him with his tax returns, and paid $7,000 less than he anticipated.
In a span of about three days, he covered a good portion of the program cost. He was just amazed. We haven’t even started working yet.
So that’s what we talk about. That’s how you get to live the life you love from your highest self is when that is available to you.
Live The Life You Love In Flow

Ilan Fredman
I think science right now through neuroscience, neuroplasticity, flow states and all these things that they’re starting to find quantifiable. Mysticism and a lot of the spiritual crafts have been talking about for a long time like extracting from the internal consciousness and living in this flow to live the life you love.
Here is one of the analogies we’ve been using in our training. When you’re a part of that flow, it’s like you’re in a river. This river is moving fast, and God or God force or however it is you define the internal consciousness, control the banks of the river,
There are three different ways you can operate in that.
Three Ways You Can Operate In Flow To Live The Life You Love

Ilan Fredman
I think most of the world is in that flow and they want to control that flow. They use their logic brain, all these manipulations, and control tactics, which might feel strong words for some people.
Ultimately, they’re like “I don’t want to move with this flow. I want to go where I want to go, so I’m going to swim up the river. I’m going to try to go against the stream, go against river banks.” And then, this are the people coming home tired, passionless, relationships aren’t in an authentic place, and people don’t know who they are because they’re not adequately communicating or feeling into things.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that a lot of our society is taking medicine to avoid these experiences. Any of the people the developmental work and the spiritual work, to some essence, they’ve learned about what responsibility means distinct from fault and blame.
Those people are letting themselves flow down the river. The flow still scares them, and as they flow down the river, they’re trying to grab every rock and stick on the way down which means, they’re taking a lot of bumps and bruises at the same time.
Then, there’s a third level of people who are just completely living in that flow. They’re just letting go, having a grasp on anything isn’t that important anymore. They’re just trusting, and it just moves their life in these beautiful directions.
Our process and the work we do is taking people through every level, giving them consciousness when they’re swimming up the stream, and giving them conscious tools so they can start operating in new ways.
Then there is that flowing down the river but “I’m still scared.” Then, there’s the full let-go experience and just being able to live the life you love and the gifts it has to offer.

Kamala Chambers
I love this conversation we’re having.
When we had Bruce Lipton on the show, he talked a lot about this which I love.
Discover How To Live The Life You Love

Kamala Chambers
One thing I find that keeps us from living the life that we wake up in the morning, we can hardly believe that we’re living is that we don’t know what we want.
I was fortunate as a teenager. I was able to hitchhike all over the world, get to experience life to the fullest and discover what it is I wanted. And so, by the time I was 19, I was on a path to create the life I wanted.
I became an entrepreneur. I wanted to build my eco home. I wanted to get paid to speak all over the world, and I wanted to be a published author. I’m doing all of those things, and I wake up every morning surrounded by woods. I love my life so much, and then we get to travel everywhere. That kind of thing is my dream life that I get to live, but everybody’s dream life is different.
What do you say to people to help them discover what they are passionate about?

Ilan Fredman
That’s a great question.
I have a question for you. When you were young, and you were pulled to travel, what made that decision? Where did that inspiration stem from?
Reason Why You Want To Live The Life You Love

Kamala Chambers
I just knew that there was more. I just knew I needed to experience more than what was in the box and in the life I have been living in. And I was right. There’s a lot more out there.

Ilan Fredman
I just did a talk in front of a bunch of entrepreneurs in New York City, and I was trying to explain this to them. They’re in this world of “Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. How to? How to? How to?” And this conversation just hit them in the face, just some acting around a bit, and I could just see their faces go “Huh?!”
Ultimately, you didn’t strategize. Your brain didn’t go, “You know what? I think by the time I’m 19, I’m going to travel, etc.” You had a feeling inside your gut, inside your heart that vibrated and told you, “Hey sweetie, this is what we get to do.”
Now, the outside world, when you told your parents, friends, and all that stuff, I’m sure not everyone was met with the same excitement that you had for this. Yes?

Kamala Chambers
Well, good thing my parents were pretty hands off but yeah.

Luis Congdon
Her parents were thrilled.

Ilan Fredman
You know what I mean?

Kamala Chambers
The Voice That Tells How To Live The Life You Love

Guy Fredman
It’s always sending you a message about what it is that would fulfill you and what it is you’re passionate about so you can live the life you love.
The problem is that sound is so slight. It’s a much lower voice. It’s a feeling, and it pulls you. Even if you want to take that step forward, the next instantaneous thing that happens, you feel so good you’re like, “Oh my God. I’m going to do this thing.” And what happens next? The voice comes, the loud one. That goes, “Are you crazy? We’re going to lose everything. We have kids to feed. We have a mortgage. We have a job. Have you lost your mind?”
The Wrong Voice That Stops You To Live The Life You Love

Guy Fredman
Then, you’re like, “No, no, no. But I want to do this.” And then you go and tell your friends, your family, or whomever. And they say the same thing that’s in their head. “You’re crazy. What are going to do about this?” What happens is you go “You know what? Maybe it’s not the thing that I need to do.”
It’s much easier than most people think to pursue their passion. The problem is we’re all, or the majority of us are listening to the wrong voice. We’re listening to the loud one that’s in our head instead of trusting that quiet vibration, frequency, the heart that is just always directing us.
Life Finds A Way To Live The Life You Love

Guy Fredman
I don’t know if this was your experience also. It’s funny how life always finds a way to bounce you back onto the track you need to be whether that’s people getting sick, getting fired from their jobs, or getting divorced. Something traumatic will happen to bounce you back into that state.
So one way or another, a lot of people we end up working with will wake up at 40 – 45, made a ton of money or very successful, and then just go “What the hell am I doing this for? There’s got to be another way.”
You got lucky because you were able to find that out at 19 because you just listened to your heart. And you went on this world wide adventure, and then that led you to all these other things.
For most people, their family and teachers are strict. They live in a culture that’s strict, and it just drives them to do things because their ego says, “Hey. I need this car,” “I need this money,” or, “I need this house,” or whatever. The heart eventually wakes up and goes, “Dude, do that.”
Be Brave To Live The Life You Love

Guy Fredman
I would say Kamala was not lucky. She was courageous whereas most people buy into the fear, and I think it’s important for all of us.
If you start looking at the way the brain biologically gets into awareness at a young age way before we have a say over anything, we’re subconsciously picking up on standardization of what it means to be a human being, and we just pick up on this cues.
We’re like, “Okay. So that’s what a human being is. At least that’s what I’m told the good human being is –,” And then, of course, you measure who you’ve been in those first 7 – 8 years of your life, how you felt, what you thought, and what you did.
Don’t Live In The Standardization And Live The Life You Love

Guy Fredman
Then, you’re like, “Wait a second. That doesn’t match up to what I’m being told like a good human. I need to start moving away from that and start doing human that way I’m being told the humans do.”
When we abide with the standardization, we slowly lose this natural essence that we have when we grow for imagination, manifestation, and creativity.
We start relying heavily on the logic part of the brain and using that as a means to survive everything whereas that other style is like in the thrives.
What I heard from you is you got into that state at a much earlier place where you’re like “I’m going just to be my creative,” “I’m going to do what I’m passionate about.” There’s this whole other world of discovering what it means to be a human being and your personal truth vs. living into this standardization that most of the planet is abiding by.

Luis Congdon
Here’s a question I have for you guys because there are many different voices and there’s even that process of the world reflecting back to us a lot of “shoulds” and a lot of expectations.
What questions do you ask your clients, so they slow down enough to listen to that voice?
I know that voice sometimes appears crazy or it’s the opposite of the direction you’re already building momentum in. Sometimes, that voice is very subtle and illogical that we just don’t tune into it.
Reprogramming Self-Worth To Live The Life You Love

Ilan Fredman
I think in the simplest form when I look at what’s the greatest thing that we’re dealing with is like a disease we’re dealing. The number one disease that I see when I look at the world is the matter of self-worth.
When what you want to manifest or create something in life doesn’t come in, it is because you don’t have complete alignment.
Your brain or mind wants one thing, and it’s trying to logic and figure out how to get that thing by doing something. And then you have the second, which I believe more powerful mechanism, which is the body.
The body is an input and output device. It’s receiving and giving energy. Most of the societies are disconnected from their body and the sensory input that’s coming in there. They’re disconnected from their feelings or a deeper sense of self-worth.
A lot of our training deals with people going into discovering how to reprogram their self-worth subconsciously.
Have An Alignment To Live The Life You Love

Ilan Fredman
I don’t care if you want a million dollars if all you’re programming for the last 30 years is “I’m not worthy,” it doesn’t matter what your brain wants to create. There’s no alignment there, and then you can’t allow yourself to receive that thing and live the life you love.
We’re here as open containers to receive all the beauty, all the gifts of life, and all this connection you can have from the source, other entities, and energies that are available to you that are here to support you.
It’s about how good do you want it.
I think in the world of survival, a lot of what we’re living right now we look up and hear to how resilient you are because life is hard and challenging. It’s like you got to trudge, work, earn your keep, and go through things and all this stuff to live the life you love.
Ilan and I have had that belief for a long time. We’re immigrants from Israel. We have the “put it on our back” mentality, so we had to untrain that part of ourselves and then train our part into this feeling.
I could tell you. It’s been a stark contrast for us to see how effortless and easy life can be.
To Live The Life You Love Is Easy When You’re In Alignment

Ilan Fredman
Life can be easy and effortless when you start creating alignment through the subconscious part of yourself and recreating the self-worth part of yourself.
Then just having, “What do I want to create? And watch me how quickly it does manifest.”

Kamala Chambers
We’re coming to an end here of our time, and I’d love to hear one tip both of you have that we could go out today and apply to make some of these happen?

Guy Fredman
This is astounding to me that people don’t use it.
Do Daily Meditation To Live The Life You Love

Guy Fredman
Daily meditation makes the biggest difference when aiming to live the life you love.
Luis, you were saying about the voices and how do you pick which one. The majority of your day is spent in the conscious mind. Your brain is fired going, “We need to do this. We need to do that. Pick up this person here. Fill out that report there. Talk to my wife. Speak to my kids. Do this, do that, etc.”
We want this massive brain of ours to figure everything out and work at optimal capacity like run a marathon every single day. And yet, we’re too lazy to do any exercise with it.
Meditation is a practice that has been around for 5,000 years. If you want to tap into that quieter, softer part of you, the one that creates, allows, receives, and makes life effortless, start operating differently. That’s how you can live the life you love.
Every single one of your listeners, I’m sure can tell me a story of how one of the greatest moments in their lives, their brain had nothing to do with it. It was all because their heart just puts them in this place. They’ll tell you this whole story of “Oh my god, this person showed up and then that thing happened.” It’s like the guy I shared in the beginning.
Communicate With Your Body To Live The Life You Love

Guy Fredman
To tap into that, you have to start operating differently. You have to start communicating with the body. You have to start tapping into these sensations because it’s a whole other language that’s being told.
Once you allow freedom, surrender, and creation to happen, life just flows and becomes effortless.
We’re talking about self-worth.
The access to self-worth is to feel more.
Feel More To Live The Life You Love

Guy Fredman
If we’re programming the subconscious mind and you want to experience more of your manifestation and your self-worth, you can’t manifest until you feel that.
So if you’re unwilling to feel your emotions fully without judgment, contradiction, and all the crap we add on top of it, you have to feel more. If you’re not, you’re programming the subconscious “I’m not even worthy or feeling this thing.” That makes you ask yourself “What else am I not worthy of?”
Our training is like go into the feel. Do not be scared of those emotions. We have a tendency to block and push back down so much of our emotional experience, invalidating it, making it wrong, and not sharing it. We’re worried about how other people are going to judge us or assess us from that place. It is the access to everything.
We are emotional feeling beings. Look at every child after they’re born. Their state changes so quickly. They’re here. They’re there. They’re happy, they’re sad. They bounce back and forth, and they’re in that pure and beautiful place. I think that’s our natural state and the way back there is through feeling.

Luis Congdon
That is a beautiful way to end today’s episode because we’ve talked about the subject of how to tap into your passion and flow to live the life you love. This is a topic we’ve covered with people like Drew Manning. We’ve also interviewed Steven Kotler who talked about entering flow.
It’s been wonderful to have Ilan and Guy on today’s show, the SatoriPrime Brothers. They crushed it today and shared some incredible information on how to live the life you love.
Keep thriving. Keep doing what you love and stay in the flow.